11 research outputs found

    Penilaian Teknologi Untuk Menentukan Posisi Industri Pesaing

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    Sumiati Export International Corporation is one of handicraft companies supplied by five small industry of its trainee. Since the company will be privet in a short time, the head office manager wanted one of small industries take over its management. Therefore the company needs to determine one of small industry which is the best. The management intends to make an assessment of technology to five small industries of its trainee internally and externally as the basic of decision making. This research will be held by making an assessment to all of handicraft suppliers by using technometric model approach. In this approach assessment conducted by determining degree of technology component sophistication, valuing state-of-the-art, determining contribution of technology component, making the map of relation between the components, and valuing intensity of contribution components. The questioners spreading to five small industries analyzed by pairwise comparison Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) then concluded by the calculation of TCC (Technology Contribution Coefficient). The company made internal assessment by using DEA (data envelopment analysis) model then compare the result of TCC white DEA quantitatively. TCC result showed that the values of the industry in a row are Maharani by 52.23%, Bestari by 52.23%, Priyo by 41.51%, Rizky 32.66%, and Teguh by 31.93%. The greatest contribution for Maharani came from organware while the rest companies came from humanware. In the future, all of small industries expected to develop technology known by technoware. The Result of internal assessment of Sumiati Export International Corporation by DEA model showed that Maharani in the first position and Rizky in the last position. Technometric model with combination of pairwise comparison AHP aids big companies to make technology assessment to small industries

    Assessment of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Fatigue of Workers in Creative Industry of Carving Wood in PK Novi Cilegon, Banten

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    Every company tries to improve it profit continuously. Improving profit does not guarantee that health of workers will also improve. Moreover, in the activities of some industries are only profit oriented, and the health condition of workers are not considered in every work activity. It happened similarly to creative industry of carving wood, where until now ‘tatal’ has become a serious problem in finishing the activity of carving wood. Some efforts are needed to minimize the inhalation of tatal dust by workers directly. The direct impact to workers are excess of muscle movements and unnatural body movement resulting musculoskeletal disorders and work fatigue. The objectives of this research are to assess musculoskeletal disorder and general worker complaints that are complemented by three assessment of aspects, that is, weakening of activity, decrease of motivation, and physical exhaustion in order to give recommendation to improvement of worker productivity and company profit. The design of this research is cross-sectional. It is a research method to study the correlation dynamics of risk factors and effects through observation approach or data collection at one time (point time approach). It means that each subject is observed only once, and the measurement is made on the subject variable status at the time of examination. Result showed that average score of musculoskeletal disorder is 58.75 ± 6.75, general fatigue is 79.5 ± 1.3, where weakening activity is 28.75 ± 4.25, decrease of motivation is 24.75 ± 4.75, and physical exhaustion is 26.00 ± 4.00. Recommendation: need of working condition improvement such as design of dust collector so that worker is healthy and performance more optimal. This improvement would impact to decrease musculoskeletal disorders and worker fatigue, and decrease the insurance cost. Keywords: Musculoskeletal disorders, fatigues, motivation, physical exhaustio

    Implementasi Sistem Jaminan Halal Melalui Bimbingan Teknis Penerapan Has-23000 Di Industri Gipang Tiga Bunda Cilegon Banten

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    Penerapan manual System Jaminan Halal (SJH) pada IKM produk Gipang perlu dievaluasi dan diberikan bimbingan teknis terkait kesesuaian dengan ketentuan HAS-23000. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pemahaman konsep halal produk yang sesuai dengan kriteria maupun kebijakan halal LPPOM MUI. Bimbingan teknis implementasi manual SJH dapat menjadikan proses produksi Gipang tiga bunda lebih konsisten dalam menjaga kehalalaln produk. Rancangan tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan ini berupa: a) melakukan evaluasi system pengelolaan USAha berbasis HAS-23000 yang dituangkan dalam 11 kriteria manual SJH, b) peningkatan safety dan halal produk sesuai dengan kriteria HAS-23000. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa a) IKM belum menerapkan SJH secara konsisten, b) Kelemahan penerapan SJH terletak pada minimnya sosialisasi kebijakan halal, lemahnya koordinasi Tim manajemen Halal internal, tidak adanya program edukasi dan pelatihan, tidak adanya prosedur tertulis untuk aktivitas kritis, tidak adanya prosedur untuk penanganan produk yang tidak memenuhi kriteria, tidak adanya kaji ulang manajemen. Rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan kepada IKM khususnya industri Gipang yakni perlu diberikan pendampingan berkelanjutan serta diberikan contoh secara bertahap implementasi SJH agar dapat terukur tahapan capaian sistem yang ada

    Evaluating Quality of Work Life as Base of Working Condition Improvement Based on Participatory Ergonomic: Case Study on Workers in Small Industry of Gamelan XYZ at Bali, Indonesia

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    Small Industry of XYZ Gamelan in Bali Province is a heritage industry. Currently, the existence of small industry of Gamelan has become serious cause of attention for the local government; this makes the gamelan industry one of the interesting tourist objects in Bali. The demand of quality of life improvement of worker is a will of allworkers, but nevertheless, some cultures, local tradition, and the value of community life are becoming constraint to changing the local character. The objective of this research is to evaluate four domain qualities of life as base of initial information of working condition improvement based on user need (participatory ergonomic). The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling with accidental sampling design, that is, choosing sample based on immediacy of subject to population. A questionnaire was given to subjects based on inclusion criteria randomly. Data collection was done by parameter of quality of life questionnaire developed by WHO, that is, WHOQOL100, which contains 26 questions in total. It was a self-report questionnaire, wheresubjects are requested to respond as conditions in 4 latest weeks. Data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Result showed that the quality of life of workers in small industry on XYZ Gamelan at Bali Province on physical health domain has a score of 54, meaning good;psychological score of 44, meaning less social; relationship domain had a score of 75, meaning good; and environment domain 44, meaning less good. Since physical health and environmental domain had lowest scores, thus improvement that considering human as the main indicator is a must. Improvement could be conducted by redesigning work facility, work load adjustment, and worker performance, and evaluating worker and company productivity. Keywords: quality of life, participatory ergonomic, physic, psychologic, social relationship, environmen

    Evaluating Quality of Work Life as Base of Working Condition Improvement Based on Participatory Ergonomic: Case Study on Workers in Small Industry of Gamelan XYZ at Bali, Indonesia

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    Small Industry of XYZ Gamelan in Bali Province is a heritage industry. Currently, the existence of small industry of Gamelan has become serious cause of attention for the local government; this makes the gamelan industry one of the interesting tourist objects in Bali. The demand of quality of life improvement of worker is a will of allworkers, but nevertheless, some cultures, local tradition, and the value of community life are becoming constraint to changing the local character. The objective of this research is to evaluate four domain qualities of life as base of initial information of working condition improvement based on user need (participatory ergonomic). The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling with accidental sampling design, that is, choosing sample based on immediacy of subject to population. A questionnaire was given to subjects based on inclusion criteria randomly. Data collection was done by parameter of quality of life questionnaire developed by WHO, that is, WHOQOL100, which contains 26 questions in total. It was a self-report questionnaire, wheresubjects are requested to respond as conditions in 4 latest weeks. Data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Result showed that the quality of life of workers in small industry on XYZ Gamelan at Bali Province on physical health domain has a score of 54, meaning good;psychological score of 44, meaning less social; relationship domain had a score of 75, meaning good; and environment domain 44, meaning less good. Since physical health and environmental domain had lowest scores, thus improvement that considering human as the main indicator is a must. Improvement could be conducted by redesigning work facility, work load adjustment, and worker performance, and evaluating worker and company productivity. Keywords: quality of life, participatory ergonomic, physic, psychologic, social relationship, environmen