94 research outputs found

    Effecs of the Corporate Culture on the Employee's Work Productivity PT Pln Surakarta in Free Market

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    The main fabtor to adapt in the changing and competitive environment as well as to Improve performance was depending on enterpeise's competitive strength. Sustainbility of development operational management context on the lonf-term perspective, human resources have an important role to create and realizing business opportunity. Profesional employee that os able to achieve the task determined the high productivity . Competetive advantage of a company is its productivity.The objective of this research to anlyze effects of the corporate culture variables (integreity, professionalism, customer satisfaction, pattern, and reward to human resource) simultancously and partially, on employee's work productivity. Other analysis emphasizes on the dominant influential variables of corporate culture on employee;s work productivity.Design for this research used census technique to apllied in the PT PLN. Surakarta in free market, and select for 154 respondents and collecting data by questioners.Hypothesis examination imvolves multiple regression analysis. The result of this research indicate that integrity, professionalism, customer satisfaction, pattern, and reward to human resource simultaneously and partially have positive influrnce on employee's work productivity. This research result also shows that reward to human resource has the dominant influence on employee;s work productivity.PT PLN in free market

    Systematic literature review of convergence: A systems perspective and re-evaluation of the convergence process

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    This article examines convergence by providing a systematic literature review using scientometric method. Despite the steady growth of convergence literature, we still have an incomplete understanding of convergence concepts as well as the processes of industry convergence (IC). Our systematic review highlights several key findings. First, our review highlights six clusters of research on convergence. Second, our analysis suggests that the process of convergence does not necessarily progress in the three- to four-step supply-side process as postulated in the literature, i.e., from scientific convergence, technology convergence, market convergence, and finally to IC. Although existing literature suggests that IC occurs as a result of supply-side convergence, we expand on this proposition and put forth market-driven convergence processes. Third, we provide a typology of the convergence concepts to bring clarity and avoid indiscriminate use of the various convergence concepts. Finally, our article offers new debates on the literature of convergence, providing scholars with research directions that extend beyond the standard convergence processes. Our systematic review is relevant to scholars and managers as the study highlights a taxonomy of convergence scholarship, a typology of convergence concepts, and a re-evaluation of the IC process model to drive the research forward

    Assessing value creation in digital innovation ecosystems: A Social Media Analytics approach

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. This paper explores the creation of value through the interactions of consumer and professional stakeholders in digital innovation ecosystems. We examine this by applying the methodological approach of Social Media Analytics (SMA) which is an interdisciplinary approach that seeks to combine, extend and adapt methods for analysing social media data. By utilising the SMA framework to track user-generated contents published on social media platforms, we assess how consumer and professional stakeholders associate value to Storytel, a new entrant in the Swedish publishing industry that is offering digital subscription service for streaming audiobooks. Drawing from a dataset of 2633 user-generated contents, our findings illustrate the value-creating practices in which stakeholders in Storytel's ecosystems associate value to Storytel's digital innovation. Our findings further highlight that the value-creating practices arising from the interactions of consumer and professional stakeholders in social media give rise to the hybridisation of value, where multiple values drawn from existing value categories become merged in the studied case. This study contributes to extant literature on management of innovation and information systems by (i) shedding light on how value is created by examining value-creating practices as a result of the interactions between stakeholders and (ii) examining the resulting merging of value categories within digital innovation ecosystems and thus exploring the hybridisation of value

    Analisis Pengaruh Keunggulan Citra Merek, Keunggulan Kualitas Produk dan Harga terhadap Minat Beli Helm Ink (Survei pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Slamet Riyadi Surakarta)

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    This study aims to (1) analyze the significance of the effect of the advantages of brand image to buying interest helmet products INK; (2) analyze the significance of the influence of superior quality products to the buying interest helmet products INK; (3) analyze the significance of the effect on the price of buying interest INK helmet products, and (4) analyzing the dominant variable influence on buying interest helmet products INK. The population throughout the Faculty of Economics University of Slamet Riyadi Surakarta who have INK helmet numbered 100 students and as respondents. Test instrument using validity and reliability test. Classic assumption test using the test: Multicolinearity, Heteroskidastity, autocorrelation and normality. Data analysis techniques: multiple linear regression, t-test, F, and the coefficient of determination. The results showed no significant effect superiority of brand image to buying interest helmet products INK, no significant effect superior quality products to the buying interest helmet products INK, no significant effect of price to purchase interest helmet products INK, superior brand image dominant influence on interest buy products INK helmet

    Informal training in Chinese small- and medium-sized enterprises

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    YesEntrepreneurship in small- and medium-sized enterprises are significant contributors to economic development. The purpose of this research is to examine the extent and motives for the use of informal training in Chinese SMEs. Using case studies, we found that informal training is widely used and generally accepted in Chinese SMEs. We also uncovered three separate categories on the motives for SMEs in adopting informal training based on the financial and time constraints they face, the perceived outcomes of training activities in terms of organisational performance, employee turnover, and the development of guanxi and positive team cohesion, as well as the attitudinal aspects of both managers and employees that influence their intentions in adopting a specific training approach. Our study contributes to the literature of HRM in Asia, and has important implications for the government and institutions in emerging countries to support entrepreneurship and SMEs


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    Tilapia is a farmed commodity of freshwater fish that can be processed into refined products, e.g. the tilapia fillets. The arising problem in the utilization of tilapia into processed products is its residual waste. The purpose of study is to obtain fish oil from tilapia by-products by wet rendering extraction; to characterize fish oil; to determine the optimum temperature and period of wet rendering extraction; and to determine the fatty acid composition of fish oil. Extraction temperatures were varied i.e. 25, 50, 70, and 90 °C. Extraction periods observed were 15, 25, 35, and 45 min. Quality parameters to evaluate the performance of fish oil were free fatty acid, acid value, peroxide, p-anisidine, total oxidation, and fatty acid composition analysis. The optimum temperature and period of wet rendering extraction were 70 °C for 35 minutes, with the highest yield of 6.44%. Fish oil yield which was obtained using Bligh and Dyer method was 8.12%. Fish oil extracted from wet rendering method contained 1.15% of EPA and 1.03% of DHA. Keywords: by-product of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), extraction, fish oil, temperature, time

    Sistem Monitoring dan Otomasi Pengontrolan Kelembaban Media Tanam (Soil Moisture) pada Tanaman Hidroponik Berbasis Web

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    A web based system design for soil moisture monitoring and automation was conducted on this research. Soil moisture level controlling is highly needed to optimalize plant cultivation result. The system contains of two main parts, a remote terminal unit (RTU) and control terminal unit (CTU). RTU has an ATSAM3X8E microcontroller and a microprocessor used for acquiring and sending soil moisture level to database using internet connection. Using internet as telemetry connection is really efficient and gives many advantages such as measurement could be done in distance and also has realtime result. YL-69 sensor used for soil moisture level measurement gives resistance as the output value. This sensor has a module with a 10K ohm voltage devider resistor. The output sensor value converted into digital value using microcontroler analog to digital converter (ADC). This result then being compared with setpoint value to decide whether the water pump turning on or off. The output sensor value also sent and then saved in online database system through internet connection. A reference was used for determining sensor characterization with the linier formulation y = -0.0245x + 99.9560. The result between sent and received data has no error, so there were no lost or gain data. The response from the sensor tested at setpoint value in 30, 40 and 50 giving errors 3.3%, 6.5% and 10.7% for each value. The system reponse tests showed that in a low setpoint value the system gave a very close value with the setpoint, but as the increasement of the setpoint value, the system got error increasement either

    Wireless Sensor System untuk Pengukuran Daya Listrik Panel Surya

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    In this research, wireless sensor system is used to electrical power of solar cell measurement with wirelessly through of WiFi as data transmision. This system is required to monitoring and measuring electrical power of solar cell with long distance. This system also very helpful personil to do measurement because could be solving a problem in personnel limitations and instrument limitations. So, wireless sensor system become a solution in measurement. The system is made from voltage sensor circuit and current sensor circuit. Sensors are connected to ADC ATSAM3X8E microcontroller. Microcontroller reads voltage and current values by converting the analog scale to digital for sent to computer. Then, the data was saved in database and was sent to central station. Data has sent wirelessly by WiFi which is could be shown via web browser on computer. The result of calibration voltage sensors has correlation 0.9885 to standard gauge and average error 0.013 volts. The result of calibration current sensor has correlation 0.9881 to standard gauge and average error 0.012 ampere. The result of comparison beetween data which is sent from the field and received data has 0% error. So, it could be say that there is no placement data error
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