159 research outputs found

    Studi Radioekologi Kelautan di Pesisir Pantai Selatan YOGYAKARTA: Monitoring 137cs untuk Keperluan Baseline Data dan untuk Mengantisipasi Kemungkinan Dampak Kecelakaan Nuklir di Fukushima

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    MARINE RADIOECOLOGICAL STUDY IN COASTAL BEACH OF SOUTH YOGYAKARTA : 137Cs MONITORING FOR BASELINE DATA TO ANTICIPATE AND POSSIBLE IMPACT OF FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR ACCIDENT. Planing for NPP contraction and operation in Bangka Island need a baseline data for comparison both in normal operation and in emergency condition. South coast of Yogyakarta can be used for UPZ station of environmental monitoring for NPP both normal operation or emergency condition. The marine monitoring have been conducted at 4 station around south coast of Yogyakarta. The result of marine monitoring have found the baseline data of 137Cs concentration in seawater and sediments in the south coast of Yogyakarta were below the detection limit to 0.062 mBq.l -1 and 0.63 to 0.84 Bq.kg-1 respectively. The baseline data is quite comparable with the 137Cs concentration data well in the other region Indonesian marine waters and data from ASPAMARD. The comparison with the ASPAMARD data was shown that south coast of Yogyakarta which represent Indonesian marine waters not affected by the nuclear accident in Fukushima. On the other hand, concentration profiles of 137Cs in the marine sediment column indicate no precipitation 137Cs originating from the accident in Fukushim

    Penerapan Model Inquiry Learning Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Abstrak Dan Prestasi Belajar Fisika Siswa SMA

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi masalah prestasi belajar fisika siswa kelas X9 yang rendah pada pokok bahasan fisika. Hal ini ditunjukkan 39,47% (15 dari 38) siswa yang mencapai kriteria ketuntasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penerapan model inquiry learning dengan pendekatan saintifik dapat meningkatkan keterampilan abstrak siswa dan prestasi belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian pada siklus I menunjukkan persentase rata-rata pencapaian aspek keterampilan abstrak siswa sebesar 39,29% dan ketuntasan belajar siswa 60,53%. Pada siklus II terjadi peningkatan ditunjukkan persentase rata-rata pencapaian aspek keterampilan abstrak siswa sebesar 86,43% dan ketuntasan belajar siswa 89,47%. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan model inquiry learning dengan pendekatan saintifik dapat meningkatkan keterampilan abstrak dan prestasi belajar siswa SMA

    Capability of Catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) to Accumulate Hg2+ From Water

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    Mercury is hazardous contaminant that can be accumulated by aquatic organisms such as fishes, mussels etc. Catfish is one of source of animal protein but it also can accumulate Hg2+ from water that used in aquaculture. Due to less information about capability of catfish to accumulate Hg2+, therefore we studied bioaccumulation of Hg2+ that used biokinetic approach (aqueous uptake-rate, and elimination-rate). Nuclear application technique was applied in this study by using radiotracer of 203Hg. A simple kinetic model was then constructed to predict the bioaccumulation capability of by catfish. The result of experiments were shown that the uptake rate of difference Hg2+ concentration were 79.90 to 101.22 ml.g-1.d-1. Strong correlation between uptake rates with increasing Hg2+concentration. In addition, the elimination rates were range 0.080 – 0.081 day-1. The biology half time (t1/2b) of Hg2+ in whole body catfish were 8.50 – 8.63 days. However, no clear correlation between elimination rate with increasing concentration of Hg2+. The calculation of Bio Concentration Factor (BCF) shown catfish have capability to accumulated Hg maximum 1242.69 time than its concentration in wate

    Prosper Pengembangan Cendana Di Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Cendana (Santalum album L.) merupakan spesies asli Indonesia yang sebaran geografisnya terutama di kepulauan Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Pemasaran kayu cendana tidak sulit, bahkan sampai pada saat ini jumlah produk masih jauh dari jumlah yang dibutuhkan sehingga masih luas peluangnya untuk dikembangkan. Hutan cendana di NTT dapat diwujudkan serta dapat ditingkatkan kualitas dan kuantitasnya dengan memperhatikan beberapa aspek (1) sejak awal problematika pembangunan hutan sudah diantisipasi, (2) dilakukan upaya konservasi genetik in-situ dan ex-situ, (3) dilakukan studi variasi benih dan kegiatan pemuliaan pohon untuk menghasilkan bibit unggul, (5) pengadaan SDM profesiona! dengan pelatihan-pelatihan pada berbagai tingkat petugas. Pada hakekatnya bekal ilmu kita sudah cukup (dari pengalaman penelitian untuk mewujudkan tegakan cendana yang Iayak. Namun pada Kenyataannya hamparan cendana yang luas belum kita jumpai,karena berbagai kendala yakni (1) tidak ada motor penggeraknya sehingga tidak serius, (2) sedikitnya lahan yang tidak bermasalah, (3) segan karena umumya panjang, (4) ancaman api (kebakaran), (5) ancaman temak dan satwa lainnya, (6) ancaman perladangan berpindah, (7) sumber benih belum tersedia, (8) SDM belum siap, (9) peralatan masih kurang efisien, dan (10) dana tidak kontinyu dan tidak tepatwaktu atau bahkan belum tersedia. Dalam mengembangkan kembali cendana di NTT, perlu diperhatikan beberapa permasalahan khusus setempat, yakni (1) musim hujan sangat singkat sehingga penanaman harus dilakukan awal musim hujan dengan menggunakan bibit yang tepat, (2) persiapan penanaman dilakukan dengan baik meliputi ukuran lobang, perimbangan pupuk dasar dan mulsa, (3) pemagaran, (4) pembuatan jalur kebakaran, (5) diadakan jalur isolasi, (6) lokasi tidak ber masalah, (7) pelatihan untuk membentuk SDM dan (8) sosialisasi terhadap masyarakat luas terutama masyarakat NTT. Sumber benih sebaiknya dari Kebun Benih atau diambil dari pohon-pohon yang fenotipe superior. Diperlukan pula uji provenans di berbagai lokasi tempat pohon cendana akan dikembangkan

    Pengaruh Perceived Value terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Smartphone Android dengan Word Of Mouth Positif sebagai Variabel Moderasi

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    The object of this study is to determine the significance effect of perceived value on android smartphone buying decisions; Positive word of mouth influences on android smartphone buying decisions; Positive word of mouth influences on the moderation of perceived value to the android smartphone buying decisions. The population of this study was the Economics Faculty students, University Slamet Riyadi Surakarta using android smartphone, by employing 100 respondents using accidental sampling technique. The technique of collecting data used questionnaires instrument through the stages of testing of validity and reliability first. Test requirements regression used classical assumption. Data were analyzed using double linear regression analysis and absolute difference. The results showed that perceived value is not significant influence on android smartphone buying decisions made by students of the Economics Faculty, University of Slamet Riyadi Surakarta; Positive word of mouth significantly influences android smartphone buying decisions made by made by students of the Economics Faculty, University of Slamet Riyadi Surakarta. Positive word of mouth is not moderate the perceived value of the android smartphone buying decisions made by students of the Economics Faculty, University of Slamet Riyadi Surakarta

    The evidence of high performance work systems in professional service firms

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    The study draws on the high-performance work systems (HPWS) to explore the different types of HPWS implemented in professional service firms, specifically in Australian law firms. Although there has already been considerable empirical effort toward understanding the relationship between HPWS and organisational performance outcomes, there is no agreement on what constitutes HPWS and more importantly, there is limited evidence exploring how HPWS are implemented in practice. Based on interviews with 21 Managing Partners and Partners of Australian law firms to gain an in-depth understanding of HPWS practices implemented by the firms, we found evidence of nine (9) HPWS practices of recruitment and retention, creating positive organisational culture, training and development, organisational sharing and learning, developing an effective organisational structure, performance management, rewards, job mobility, and succession planning. The research findings offer contributions to theory and practice on the implementation of HPWS in professional service firms

    Distribution of 137Cs Radionuclide in Industrial Wastes Effluents of Gresik, East Java, Indonesia

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    The distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides 137Cs was measured from industrial waste effluent of Gresik to Gresik Sea in east Java, Indonesia. The activity of 37Cs detected at all stations was much lower than in northeast Japan both before and after NPP Fukushima accident. This indicated that in Gresik industrials waste did not consist of 137Cs. The lowest activity 137Cs occurred at the station nearest to the industrial waste effluent that contained some particle ions that were able to scavenge 137Cs and then precipate this radionuclide. Furthermore, the greatest 137Cs occured at the station that has high current speeds that stirred up sediment to release 137Cs in seawater as a secondary source. The lowest salinity did not effect on the activity of 137Cs even though the lowest salinity and activity 137Cs occured at the same station.Received: 04 October 2014; Revised: 09 March 2015; Accepted 23 March 201

    Mewujudkan Kebijakan Pertanian yang Pro-Petani

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    As an agrarian country, Indonesia needs to develop its agricultural products. Related to this, the Indonesian farmers have signifcant roles on the development of agriculture in Indonesia. Nonetheless, previous agricultural policies have failed to obtain the goals. Another consequence befell to the farmers that have been marginalized. To respond the problems, a new agricultural policy needs to be created. This article show important considerations to establish the new pro-farmer agricultural policy in Indonesi

    Study of Distribution Coefficient of 90Sr on Citumbuk Bentonite and Sukaramai Kaolinite

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    The study of distribution coefficient of strontium on bentonite and kaolinite samples, collected from Citumbuk, Bogor and Sukaramai, Padang, has been investigated under batch experiments. The sorption ratio was determined as a function of time, ionic strength and Sr concentration in the solution. The strontium wasextensively absorbed in the samples, with Kd values of 13,700 and 1,600 mL/g for bentonite and kaolinite samples respectively. The other results showed that ionic strength of the solution and initial concentration of Sr have given an effect to 90Sr sorption onto samples

    Behavior of 137Cs Activity in the Sayung Waters, Demak, Indonesia

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    The behavior of anthropogenic radionuclide 137Cs in the water and sediment has been examined with regard to particle size, organic sediment, and other physical conditions in the Sayung estuarine waters of Demak. Previously, this estuary was used as shrimp culture brackish water ponds that were affected by serious erosion and intrusion. Furthermore, this regency rapidly industrialized over the last three decades. The activities of 137Cs in the six stations in water and sediment were in the 0.0116-0.4509 mBq/L and 0.3747-1.2442 Bq/kg ranges with mean activities of 0.2278 mBq/L and 0.8594 Bq/kg, respectively, depending on the prevailing physicochemical regime at the sampling station. The highest activities of aqueous 137Cs occurred in station 2 but the highest in sediment occurred in station 6 located closed to the main land of Sayung. Fast current effectively diluted 137Cs as a conservative radionuclide in seawater, thus the activity of 137Cs in seawater decreased when the current speed increased. This effect was caused in part by industrial pollutants that adsorbed 137Cs and precipitated onto the surface sediment. Organic matters and clay materials in sediment were not significantly effective at binding 137Cs in Sayung waters in the industrial coastal area, but the correlation increased in open areas separated by a breakwater (second group stations) and the location further from the beach or in open sea. This indicates that industrial pollutants are more effective at binding 137Cs than organic matters and clay materials. Fine grain size sediment is also more ineffective at binding 137Cs; it may be caused by the sediment's high total organic matter content.Received: 25 April 2016; Revised: 27 October 2016; Accepted: 8 November 201
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