208 research outputs found

    The Development of Food and Beverage Industry Based on People Economic into Good Local Industry

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    The increase of public consumption for labeled food and beverage product within Merapi volcano is a golden opportunity. This development small business within the area has shown a good prospect. The aim of this research is 1. To analyze small business potential conducted by local people within Merapi volcano that is the most seriously affected by natural disaster can create full employment. 2. To be able to make use of strength and opportunity to overcome the weakness and threat, especially in dealing with the more and more competitive of food and beverage industry. 3. To be able to make an adaptation with the condition of Merapi volcano during before, at the time of and after eruption in which this situation changed rapidly. Keywords: small business of food and beverage, competitiv

    Pengaruh Olahraga Ringan Terhadap Memori Jangka Pendek Pada Wanita Dewasa

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    The process of remembering is very closely related to the ability to memorize, which can be influenced by physical activities, such as physical exercise. Research by Fred Gage indicates that physical exercise can improve man’s ability to memorize. This experiment investigates the effects of mild physical exercise on enhancing the short term memory on adult females. The experiment design is based on true experiment prospective method, comparative characteristic, with pre-test and post-test. The work method is modified Experimental Psychology using Nonsense Syllables test. This test involved 22 adult females and was carried out by asking the participants to memorize some new words or syllables within 3 minutes. Afterwards, they were asked to recall the new words within 2 minutes. The measured data in this test were scores indicating the number of  new words (out of 20 new words)  that could be memorized and recalled correctly. The scores were recorded in percentage, taken before and after mild physical exercise during 7 days continuously. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 13.0 with paired “t” test, a=0.05. The result of the experiment showed that the scores before and after the mild exercise were 42.05 and 52.27. The score after the mild physical exercise had significantly increased from  the score before the exercise (p<0.01). It is concluded that mild physical exercise may improve the short term memory of adult females. &nbsp

    Analisis dan Perancangan Aplikasi Pendukung Erp Sap R/3 Modul Sales And Distribution PT. United Tractors, Tbk

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    The purpose of this research is to analyse sales process having been implementing Sales and Distribution module of ERP SAP R/3 and also to design a supporting application for sales process at PT United Tractor, Tbk. The benefit of this application is to help sales person and customer in doing inquiries, quotation and sales order also material information through short message. The method of this research is data capturing, literature review, object oriented analysis and design and Rational Unified process including UML ( Unified Modeling Language) for application design. Based on the problem, we designed a web based and sms gateway application to support Sales and Distribution module ERP SAP R/3 to help customer and sales person in doing sales transaction and information inquiry


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    This study aims to see the effect of the marketing mix on consumer satisfaction, using descriptive quantitative with multivariate sampling technique. The data collected using questionnaires, surveys, documentation, and literature studies used with multiple linear regression. This study showed that simultaneously indicators of the marketing mix have a significant and positive effect on consumer satisfaction by 92.3%. The results showed that products and prices had no effect on satisfaction with significance level of 0.734 0.05, and 0.096 0.05, but places and promotion positive and significant effect on satisfaction with a significance level of 0.003 0, 05, and 0.000 0.05. From these results, it can be concluded to increase customer satisfaction. UKM must improve their marketing mix strategy

    Analisa Sistem Distribusi Air Pdam Di Desa Pemongkong Kec. Jerowaru Kab. Lombok Timur

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    In the process of the distribution of clean water to a village Pemongkong, debit frequent shortages in some villages, so this study will look at what factors cause the flow rate is very low in some villages.Generally, public needs can still be met. It can be seen from the average requirement (debit demand) daily by SKAB DPU of 9.96 L/s, while the available flow at the source from January-August 2012 more than 9.96 L/s. Then a decline debit from September-December 2012, so that people\u27s needs can not be met. Nevertheless, at the peak hours several sub-village get very low flow rates. This is because the discharge limitations provided by the source, where the maximum discharge generated by the source of 12.4 L/s, while the demand at the peak hours is 22.09 L/s.Further analyzes about head loss and preesure residu, at peak hours for maximum USAge (February 2012) there are two sub-villages that experienced head press remaining fairly low compared to other sub-villages. These sub-villages are Ujung of 20,15 m and Permas of -2,81 m. This leads to a potential barrier to the flow of these sub-villages is quite high, and water will tend to flow towards the place where the head pressure residual higher. This problem can be overcome by increasing the transmission diameter pipe from 2 ince to 3 ince. This problem can be overcome by increasing the diameter of the transmission pipeline to both the village of 2 to 3-in ince. Head hit the rest is generated after using the 3-in-diameter pipe is in the end based on manual calculations hamlet of 111.31 m, and based on simulations Epanet 2.0 at 112.45 m, while in the hamlet Permas based on manual calculations of 102.72 m and based on simulation Epanet 2.0 at 103.01 m. &nbsp

    Potensi Peningkatan Produksi Padi melalui Pengembangan Padi Gogo di Jawa Barat Selatan : Studi Kasus di Lokasi Prima Tani Kabupaten Garut

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    Potensi Peningkatan Produksi Padi Melalui Pengembangan Padi Gogo Di Jawa Barat Selatan : Studi Kasus Di Lokasi Prima Tani Kabupaten Garut. West Java rice production has been decreasing, 10.820.862 t in 1993 and 9,602,302 t in 2004/2005, decrease 11,26%. One of potentions to increase rice production is trough gogo rice development. West Java have wide dry land mainly in South West Java that potential to development gogo rice. The research aimed to describe of potention to increase rice production trough development gogo rice. Research was conducted in 2006 at Jatiwangi Village, Garut District. The research conducted at farmer land by participative approach. Technology was introduced consist off new advantage variety and improvement fertilization. The data was analized descriptively. Amount of land potential for gogo rice development, account from land evaluation for gogo rice data. The result off this research, gogo rice productivity with introduction technology higher depend on farmer technology, that are 1.44 t/ha with farmer technology and 3,59 t/ha with introduction technology. In three districts area (Pakenjeng, Bungbulang, dan Cikelet) there were 15,205 hectares dry land potential that suitable for gogo rice, consist off suitability class S1, S2, S3. Area S1 and S2 class amount 2,841 ha . If land potential 2,841 ha used gogo rice plantation with introduction technology, will be increasing gogo rice production from 4,091.04 t/season to 10,199.19 t/season (increasing 6,108.15 ts/season). That increasing, will be increase income from Rp.459,466,407/season to Rp.8,108,978,229/season. VUB introduction has been triggering to gogo rice extensification, and will be influence to West Java rice production Produksi padi Jawa Barat cenderung terjadi penurunan. Pada tahun 1993 produksi 10.820.862 t dan tahun 2004/2005 menjadi 9.602.302 t. Terjadi penurunan 11,26%. Penurunan tersebut terutama disebabkan oleh konversi lahan sawah. Salah satu potensi untuk meningkatkan produksi padi Jawa Barat antara lain melalui pengembangan padi gogo. Lahan kering Jawa Barat cukup luas terutama di bagian Selatan dan potensial untuk pengembangan padi gogo. Tujuan penelitian memberikan gambaran peluang peningkatan produksi padi Jawa Barat melalui pengembangan padi gogo. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Jatiwangi, Kecamatan Pakenjeng, Kabupaten Garut tahun 2006. Introduksi teknologi dilaksanakan secara partisipatif di lahan petani meliputi penggunaan Varietas Unggul Baru (VUB) dan perbaikan pemupukan. Data diolah secara deskriptif. Luas potensi lahan pengembangan, dihitung dari data hasil evaluasi kesesuaian lahan untuk padi gogo. Hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa produktivitas padi gogo dengan teknologi introduksi lebih tinggi dibanding teknologi petani yaitu 1,44 t/ha dengan teknologi petani, dan 3,59 t/ha dengan teknologi introduksi. Di tiga kecamatan (Pakenjeng, Bungbulang, dan Cikelet) terdapat potensi lahan kering yang cocok untuk padi gogo seluas 15.205 ha meliputi kelas kesesuaian S1, S2, S3. Kelas kesesuaian S1 dan S2 seluas 2.841 ha. Jika lahan 2.841 ha di tanami padi gogo dengan teknologi introduksi, maka akan meningkatkan produksi padi gogo dari 4.091,04 t/musim menjadi 10.199,19 t/musim (tambahan produksi 6.108,15 t/musim). Peningkatan produksi tersebut akan meningkatkan pendapatan wilayah dari Rp.459.466.407/musim menjadi Rp.8.108.978.229/ musim. Dengan demikian, Introduksi VUB padi gogo dapat menambah perluasan areal tanam padi yang sangat berarti terhadap pertambahan produksi padi di Jawa Barat

    Pemanfaatan Silica Fume Limbah Sandblasting Untuk Meningkatkan Kuat Tekan Batako Pejal Dengan Taguchi Quality Engineering (Studi Kasus: PT X Pasuruan)

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    Batako merupakan bahan bangunan alternatif yang tersusun dari komposisi semen, air, dan agregat pengisi yang terdiri dari kerikil dan pasir. Terdapat bahan limbah yang memiliki kesamaan karakteristik dengan bahan baku batako, yaitu pasir silica fume limbah sandblasting yang mempunyai karakteristik kimia mengikat lebih kuat dari semen apabila bercampur dengan semen dan air. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengembangan produk batako dengan bahan tambah silica fume yang memiliki kualitas bersaing dengan batako pada umumnya. Dalam pembuatan batako berbahan alternatif digunakan desain eksperimen metode Taguchi yang merupakan metode perbaikan kualitas dengan melakukan percobaan baru serta penekanan biaya seminimal mungkin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi karakteristik kualitas kuat tekan pada batako yaitu rasio faktor air semen (f.a.s) dan agregat, faktor air-semen (f.a.s), rasio agregat kasar (kerikil) dan agregat halus (pasir), rasio silica fume dan semen. Berdasarkan ANOVA menunjukkan keempat faktor tersebut memiliki pengaruh signifikan yaitu rasio air semen (f.a.s) dan agregat (F hitung sebesar 37,88), faktor air-semen (f.a.s) (F hitung sebesar 4,62), rasio agregat kasar (kerikil) dan agregat halus (pasir) (F hitung sebesar 29,58), rasio silica fume dan semen (F hitung sebesar 32,07). Sehingga pembuatan batako dapat mempergunakan bahan tambah silica fume limbah sandblasting dengan komposisi (setiap 40kg adonan); 6,16 kg semen, 2,64 kg silica fume, 7,2 kg air, 6 kg kerikil, dan 18 kg pasir. Eksperimen konfirmasi menghasilkan kuat tekan batako optimal sebesar 10,72 Mpa

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Sensor Parkir pada Mobil Menggunakan Sensor Ultrasonik

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    A car driver often had trouble to park his car a narrow location, caused by a narrow parking area on the wane.Also, cars had often crashed the electric pillar or scratched the car on the wall while retreat. The problem was the driverdidn\u27t know condition behind vehicle because of limited of view. The research aimed to make a system that can easily helpdriver in parking his car, by using of ultrasonic parking sensor. The method used in sensor scheme parks is ultrasonicisensor to detect and measure car and balk distance by utilising of 851 family microcontroller as the main system. Theresult indicates that ultrasonic censor effective deep measurement was on distance of 2 cm – 30 m. It is that enoughultrasonic censor is effective to be implemented on censor parks


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    Kulit semangka dan kulit pepaya mengandung senyawa aktif flavonoid yang bermanfaat untuk melembapkan kulit. Tujuan penelitian ialah mengevaluasi fisik dan menguji efektivitas kelembapan menggunakan metode Sorption-Desorption Test (SDT). Penelitian ini dilakukan uji organoleptik, uji homogenitas, uji pH, uji daya sebar, uji daya lekat, uji stabilitas fisik mekanik, dan efektivitas kelembapan. Hasil variasi konsentrasi ekstrak kulit semangka dan ekstrak kulit pepaya, yaitu 0,5:2% (F1); 1:1,5% (F2); dan 1,5:1% (F3) memiliki hasil uji organoleptik berwarna coklat muda. Hasil homogenitas menunjukkan homogen. Hasil uji pH, yaitu 7,4 (F0); 5,8 (F1); 6,0 (F2); 5,9 (F3). Hasil uji daya sebar 6,0 (F0); 5,1 (F1); 5,1 (F2); 5,1 (F3). Hasil uji daya lekat, yaitu 2,49 (F0); 1,62 (F1); 1,36 (F2); 1,24 (F3). Hasil uji stabilitas fisik mekanik menunjukkan tidak terjadi pemisahan fase. Hasil efektivitas kelembapan, yaitu 396,5087 (F1); 397,0430 (F2); 397,0429 (F3); 396,8912 (kontrol negatif); 396,9653 (kontrol positif). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan sediaan krim memiliki evaluasi fisik yang baik dan efektivitas kelembapan terbaik pada F2 karena memiliki nilai AUC yang paling besar. &nbsp
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