4 research outputs found


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    Abstract: The success of a lesson can be measured by the achievement of student learning outcomes. Based on the preliminary test, it was found that 22 students (73.3%) were still under the KKM or who scored below 70. To improve learning outcomes, in this study the Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) cooperative model was used. This type of research is classified as Classroom Action Research (PTK) with the implementation stages referring to the Kemmis and Taggart models. This research was planned in two cycles, including planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects of this study were students of class VIIB Bangsalsari Junior High School 2019/2020, totaling 30 students. The test and observation method was used for data collection techniques, while the data analysis technique used comparative descriptive analysis (comparison) by comparing the results of pre-cycle, cycle 1 and cycle 2 and was calculated using a simple statistical formula. The results showed that the students' average score in the pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle II was 57.03; 71.97; and 85.57. Completeness of learning outcomes increased from 26.67% (8 of 30 children); 66.67% (20 of 30 children) and 90.00% (27 of 30 children). It can be concluded that the learning outcomes of class VIIB students of SMPN 3 Bangsalsari for the 2019/2020 academic year through the TSTS cooperative model can improve. Kata Kunci: Learning Outcome, cooperative Model, Two Stay Two Stra

    Unscented Kalman Filter and H-Infinity for Travel Company Stock Price Estimation

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    The travel and hotel industry is one of the industries experiencing rapid growth. As the population grows, the need for travel and accommodation services gets higher. This is one of the factors contributing a rapid increase in such service industry. Competition in the economy and business world is getting tougher from year to year both within a country and abroad. Considering that Indonesia is a country comprised of many islands with a variety of natural beauty, it has the very potential for tourist resort attraction. This kind of thing leads to the growth of the Hotel and Travel industry to support tourism development. With such rapid service industry development, supported by promising business opportunities, investors for such sector are encouraged. The right way to reduce risk for investors interested is to develop a system for estimating the stock prices. Therefore, in this study, the stock price estimation method applied for travel companies adopted Advanced Kalman Filter, a comparison of H-Infinify and Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) as a chart for investors to take into consideration in their investment decision making. The simulation results showed that the UKF method had higher accuracy than the H-Infinify method with an error by the UKF of 3.2% and that by the H-Infinify of 9.6%


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    Arkeoloog menemukan runtuhan dinding neolitik di Yeriko, Tepi Barat, yang diperkirakan dibangun 7.000 tahun S.M. Sejauh ini, dinding itu dianggap sebagai bangunan pertama. Jika nenek moyang manusia modern mulai hadir 200.000 tahun lalu, maka kita hanya dapat membayangkan bahwa hingga 7.000 tahun S.M. nenek moyang kita mungkin tinggal di gua-gua atau pepohonan yang dirangkai. “Arsitek” pertama, barangkali, adalah Imhotep yang merancang Piramida Bertingkat di Saqqara (makam Raja Zoser) 2.639 tahun S.M. Dalam kurun 9.000 tahun, arsitek dan arsitektur telah melibatkan perkembangan dan pemakaian bahan bangunan yang lebih beragam. Batu (stone) masih tetap dipakai. Bahan-bahan alami organik seperti jerami (straw) juga masih banyak dipakai. Baja (steel) mewakili bahan bangunan modern yang berkembang pesat sejak revolusi industri. Saat ini, 2013, kita menyaksikan perkembangan amat pesat bahan-bahan bangunan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Ini sejalan dengan perkembangan pesat di dunia kalkulasi digital yang mendorong ditemukannya zat-zat baru. Bahan berteknologi nano, bahan “anti-gravitasi”, dinding hologram, selubung bangunan penuai energi, hanyalah sedikit contoh dari bahan-bahan yang akan mewarnai arsitektur di masa depan. Seminar SCAN#4 bertema “STONE, STEEL and STRAW” yang menjadi salah satu tema dari 10 tema yang telah disiapkan dari SCAN#1 hingga SCAN#10 (tahun 2020). Kali ini kita berkumpul untuk memumpunkan perhatian kita pada bahan bangunan dan membahasnya sesuai dengan latar belakang kita masing-masing, mulai dari sisi budaya, psikologi, rekayasa hingga ekonomi. Kita dapat belajar dari masa lalu dan menggagas masa depan demi keberlanjutan budaya, arsitektur dan lingkungan (Sustainable Culture, Architecture and Nature). Namun, jika pada tahun 0 Masehi bumi baru dihuni sekitar 250 juta manusia dan saat ini telah menjadi 7.000 juta (7 milyar) manusia maka kita, arsitek, perlu waspada bahwa bumi yang tak bertambah luas ini sedang menghadapi kesulitan besar. Semoga, di seminar SCAN#4 ini kita dapat melihat gagasan-gagasan baru tentang bahan-bahan bangunan di masa depan yang mendukung Sustainable Culture, Architecture and Nature demi bumi yang nyaman dan sejahtera bagi seluruh makhluk penghuninya