48 research outputs found

    Chinese Society as Depicted in Early Twentieth Century Chinese-Malay Literature

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    Relasi Sang Ego dan Sang Liyan dalam Tjerita Njai Dasima Soewatoe Koeban dari pada Pemboedjoek : Kajian Feminis Pascakolonial

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    This ND text tells complexity of matters on the relation betweenthe ego and the other. The relation is suspected for annexation.Elucidation of the relation shows that the ego annexes the other many times over. Identity games, role obscurity, power loss and good deeds of the ego lead the main body and mind, is used as a device and politics by the ego to destroy, disdain and civilize the other. The ND text also deconstructs or demolishes its\u27narrative building\u27 and textual strategy. It is evident when Mark Buyung as a tangent area breaks down ond destroys various discourse and the ego construction to annex the other (indigenous). Nyai Dasimo is a representation and symbol of a colony, women and colonial power so os to become a prey for the ego and the other, her legal owner

    Harmonisasi Kearifanlokalterhadap Implementasi Pendidikankarakter di Sanggar Anakalam YOGYAKARTA

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    Harmonization of local knowledge will be a lake that never subsided in the long dry season, when the values of wisdom for the realization of the ideals of the nation\u27s balance maintained by all elements in a society both physically and mentally. In addition to functioning as a filter for the values come from outside, local knowledge may give rise to a strong passion to apply them in social life. Sanggar Anak Alam Yogyakarta has harmonization in implementing character education through nature and local wisdom. The concept of learning at the Sanggar Anak Alam Yogyakarta is based on the natural environment, so that the environment is a key to the success of learning. Therefore, the value of environmental care and harmonization of local knowledge is one of the principal characters were implanted and developed in this school. The purpose of this study is to analyze how to harmonize the local knowledge that exists in the implementation of the character values in Sanggar Anak Alam Yogyakarta. The method used is a qualitative research method descriptive exploratory naturalistic. Based on the analysis of data and discussion can be concluded that the established harmonization good local knowledge of the implementation of character education in Sanggar Anak Alam Yogyakarta. This takes place both planting and caring character development environment in the Sanggar Anak Alam Yogyakarta or structured activities outside learning. Planting and character development to the values of local wisdom to do with the formation of the student mindset through the appreciation of food, health, education, arts and culture are integrated in the regular activities of the school

    A Fortnightly Atmospheric 'Tide' at Bali Caused by Oceanic Tidal Mixing in Lombok Strait

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    Strong tidal currents in and around the narrow straits of the Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia, affect ocean sea surface temperatures (SST) via non-linear tide-induced mixing. A fortnightly springneap cycle in tidal currents can induce a similar cycle in SST, which has been observed to occur in and south of Lombok Strait. Here we report on an atmospheric response to the fortnightly SST cycle which is detected in relative humidity and air temperature measurements at Bali. The fortnightly cycles in both the ocean SST and the Bali atmospheric data have a strong seasonal cycle, with peak signals occurring during boreal summer

    Analisis Pengaruh Variabel-variabel Fundamental Dan Teknikal Terhadap Harga Saham

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    Research objective is to analyze effects of fundamental variables on the share-price of the go public textile companies at the BEJ. Survey was conducted in the 25 unit of textile companies at the BEJ. Research results show that share-price of the textile companies significantly was influenced by the all independent variables simultaneously. The two dominan variables are circulated money (X6) and the last share-price (X9). Effects of the circulated money suggest the negative direction, and effect of the last share-price suggest a dominan positive direction. A determination coefficient about 0.917 suggest a good contribution of the last share-price. A linear regression model can be used in estimating fluctuation pattern of the share price

    Respons Gulma terhadap Lama Fermentasi Cairan Pulp Kakao sebagai Bioherbisida

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    Cairan fermentasi pulp kakao merupakan limbah yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan. Kandungan asam organik yang terdapat pada cairan fermentasi membuat limbah tersebut berpotensi sebagai bioherbisida pascatumbuh. Berdasarkan hasil uji awal limbah ini dapat meracuni dengan munculnya klorosis pada gulma. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh lama fermentasi cairan buah kakao terhadap tingkat keracunan pada gulma; (2) pengaruh beberapa jenis gulma terhadap tingkat keracunan; dan (3) pengaruh interaksi antara lama fermentasi dan jenis gulma terhadap tingkat keracunan gulma. Aplikasi pulp kakao dilakukan secara pascatumbuh, perlakuan disusun secara faktorial (10 x 7). Faktor pertama adalah lama fermentasi pulp kakao (F) yaitu 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 minggu dan kontrol (tanpa diaplikasi)) sebagai pembanding. Faktor kedua adalah 7 jenis gulma (G) yaitu Mimosa invisa; Borreria latifolia; Richardia brasiliensis; Asystasia gangetica; Setaria plicata; Axonopus compressus; Cyperus kyllingia. Percobaan dilakukan dengan Rancangan Petak Berjalur (Strip Plot Design). Data dianalisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT pada α 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Carian pulp kakao yang difermentasi selama 4 sampai 5 minggu dapat meracuni gulma paling tinggi. (2) Cairan fermentasi pulp kakao yang diaplikasikan secara langsung ke gulma sangat efektif dalam meracuni gulma M. pudica, B. latifolia, R. brasiliencis, A. gangetica, dan A. compressus, sedangkan Setaria plicata dan Cyperus kyllingia tahan terhadap aplikasi cairan pulp kakao yang di fermentasi; (3) Ada pengaruh interaksi antara lama fermentasi dan jenis gulma dalam mempengaruhi persentase keracunan


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    Abstract. Quantum Teaching is a concept that describes the new ways to facilitate the learning process. This concept has been widely used in a class to improve the student achievement. Type of this research is a developmental research by using 4-D model, it consists 4 steps namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. The subject of a research is an equation of straight line for grade VIII A of SMP Negeri 1 Maesan. The data collection methods used in this research are validation, observation, questionnaire, and test. The result of the research are Sillaby, Teaching Plan, Teacher Book, Student Book, Work Sheet, and achievement test. All the learning materials obtained from this research satisfy the effectiveness criteria and the student achievement is 85.18% of student get score bigger than 60. Key Words : Developmental Research, Characters, Quantum Teaching, 4-D model

    Konstruksi Identitas Dalam Sastra Terjemahan Eropa Era 1900-1930 Dan Reaksinya Dalam Sastra Indonesia

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    Sastra Indonesia masa 1900-1930 tidak terlepas dari reaksi atas sastra terjemahan Eropa. Reaksi itu diasumsikan sebagai wujud perlawanan kultural atas konstruksi identitas keindonesiaan atau masyarakat terjajah. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi strategi dari konstruksiidentitas dalam sastra terjemahan Eropa dan reaksinya dalam sastra Indonesia. Teks yang digunakan adalah Robinson Crusoe karya Daniel Defoe, Salah Asoehan (1928) karya Abdul Moeis, dan Nona Tjoe Joe (1922) karya Tio Ie Soei. Dengan menggunakan sudut pandang pascakolonial, strategi dan reaksi terhadap konstruksi identitas itu diwujudkan dalam beberapa hal. Pertama, Robinson Crusoe menawarkan identitas manusia super, terlepas dari lingkungan dan membawa kebudayaannya sebagai kekuatan, menguasai dan mengkontrol lingkungan dan mempertunjukan nafsu kolonial. Kedua, Salah Asoehan (1928) menolak konstruksi identitas tersebut dengan menghadirkan manusia yang tidak dapat melepaskan diri dari lingkungan, adat, tradisi, dan asal usulnya. Sementara itu, Nona Tjoe Joe (1922) merepresentasikan identitas yang ambigu, terpecah, dan berada di antara dua pilihan: Barat dan Timur