6 research outputs found

    Pemetaan dan Pengelolaan Status Kesuburan Tanah di Dataran Wai Apu, Pulau Buru

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    Research was aim to make map of soil fertility status and its management on farmland in Plain of Wai Apu,Buru Island have been conducted at 25.400 ha area, in year 2000. Evaluate of soil fertility status conducted in eachsoil-mapping unit and delineated with landscape mapping approach. Result of research that soil fertility status in Plainof Wai Apu is very low, low, middle and high, with wide respectively 17.145, 5.182, 1.549 and 1.542 ha. Limitingfactor to soil fertility is lowering of cation exchange capacities (CEC), C-Organic, K2O, P2O5 and base saturation.Alternative of land management suggested is improving C-organic and CEC which at the same time also can improvesoil nutrient content by giving organic materials like manure, straw compost (rich of K), chicken waste and guano(rich of P), accompanied with giving of inorganic manure like N, P, and K pursuant to soil chemical analysis. At areawith landform undulating to hilly needed conservation act, while mangrove forest, river border forest and sago whichis damage to be rehabilitated, while which still natural to be defended.Key words : mapping, soil fertility, Buru islandPemetaan status tanah dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui faktor pembatas kesuburan tanah pada suatu areasehingga dapat dilakukan pengelolaan tanah berdasarkan faktor pembatas yang ditemukan. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk memetakan status kesuburan tanah dan alternatif pengelolaannya pada tanah-tanah pertanian di Dataran WaiApu, Pulau Buru telah dilakukan pada areal seluas 25.400 ha. Evaluasi status kesuburan tanah dilakukan pada tahun2000, terhadap setiap satuan unit tanah yang didelineasi berdasarkan pendekatan landscape mapping. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa status kesuburan tanah di Dataran Wai Apu adalah sangat rendah, rendah, sedang dan tinggidengan luasan berturut-turut 17.145, 5.182, 1.549 dan 1.542 ha. Faktor pembatas kesuburan tanah yang ditemukanadalah rendahnya nilai kapasitas tukar kation (KTK), C-organik, K2O, P2O5 dan kejenuhan basa. Alternatifpengelolaan tanah yang disarankan adalah meningkatkan C-organik dan KTK yang sekaligus juga dapat meningkatkankandungan hara dalam tanah, dengan cara memberikan bahan organik seperti pupuk kandang, kompos jerami(kaya K), kotoran ayam dan guano (kaya P), yang disertai dengan pemberian pupuk anorganik N, P, dan Kberdasarkan analisis kimia tanah. Pada areal dengan bentuk wilayah berombak sampai berbukit diperlukan tindakanpengawetan tanah dengan menanggulangi erosi, sedangkan daerah hutan mangrove, sagu dan hutan sempadan sungaiyang rusak dianjurkan untuk direhabilitasi sedangkan yang masih utuh untuk dipertahankan

    Kajian Pengelolaan Hara Spesifik Lokasi Padi Sawah Irigasi di Kabupaten Buru

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    Assessment on Site-Specific Nutrient Management of Irrigated Rice in Buru Region. Recommended dose of package fertilize which is widely applied by administrative boundaries or district is less appropriate with principles of site-specific nutrient management (SSNM). Fertilizer recommendations should be based on soil fertility status (SFS) and plant responses to fertilization in a specific yield target. Analysis spatial data are available online with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be used in a rapid, inexpensive and relatively accurate to help map SFS and fertilizer recommendations. The purpose of this study was to determine the dose and N, P and K fertilizer recommendation maps for paddy on each SFS mapping unit in Waeapo Plains, Buru. Omission plot trials were conducted at 12 locations. Mapping fertilizer recommendations were made by spatial analysis using software Krigging Interpolator of ArcView GIS. The results showed that the target of sustainable rice yield ranged from 6.40 to 6.75 t paddy/ha. The need for fertilizer N, P and K on lowest SFS is 120.20 kg N/ha, 13.03 kg P/ha and 58.12 kg K/ha. While at low SFS is 136.53 kg N/ha, 13.46 kg P/ha and 58.97 kg K/ha. The areas were divided into five fertilizer recommendations based on SFS and target sustainable yield rice namely SR-I 14,830.02 ha area; SR-II covering 4,722.42 ha; R-I covering 3,763.67 ha, R-II covering 1,022.11 ha and R-III with an area 1510.60 ha. Analysis of satellite imagery with GIS can be used to map the SFS and site-specific fertilizer recommendations in a rapid, inexpensive and accurate

    Analisis Efisiensi Teknis USAhatani Padi Sawah Irigasi di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat

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    The Analyzes of Technical Efficiency on Rice Farming in West Seram District. The study has been done on technical irrigated land in the district of West Seram (SBB), Maluku Province. This study aims to analyze the factors affecting rice production and the level of technical efficiency and the factors affecting technical efficiency on irrigated land. Method of Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is used to estimate the parameters of the stochastic frontier production function in the form of Cobb-Douglash and linear regression with OLS method to estimate the determinants of technical efficiency. The results showed that there are three independent variables that significantly positive affect the output are Urea, NPK pelangi, and labor. Average level of technical efficiency 0.869 (range 0.684 to 0.967), by applying appropriate skills and cultivation techniques in the most efficient farmers average farmer will be able to save the cost of 10.16%. Factors area and transplanting system has positive significant effect on the level of technical efficiency of rice farming

    Land Suitability and Proposed Land Utilization of Selaru Island, West Southeast Moluccas Regency for Development Food Crops

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    The study was conducted in Selaru Island, West Southeast Moluccas Regency in an area of   32,217 ha. The research objective was to determine the land suitability and proposed land utilization of Selaru Island for development of food crops. The results showed that Selaru Island has a rather suitable (S2) and marginally suitable (S3) for six crops (upland rice, corn, peanuts, mungbeans, sweet potato, and caladium) covering an area of   19,330 ha and not suitable permanent (N2) for the six crops covering an area of   3,905 ha, while the area of   8,982 ha partly classified accordingly (S3) to plant upland rice and calladium and partially classified as not suitable (N1 and N2) for corn, peanuts, mungbeans, and sweet potatoes. The main limiting factor to the primary land use for food crops in Selaru Island, West Southeast Moluccas Regency among others are the temperatures (the average annual temperature is high), rooting medium (soil solum is shallow), nutrient retention (soil pH is rather alkaline to alkaline), erosion hazard level is moderate, and terrain (wave, rocks on the surface of the soil, and rock outcrop).The proposed land utilization of Selaru Island for food crops based on land suitability classes are (1) food crops of upland-1 with the main commodities of corn, mungbeans, uwi/kumbili and caladium an area of   5,299 ha, (2) food crops of upland-2 with the main commodities of upland rice, uwi/kumbili and caladium an area of   8,982 ha, and (3) food crops of upland-3 with the main commodities peanuts and mungbean an area of   14,031 ha. Development of food crops in Selaru Island need to consider the priority scale factor, the level of compliance, and social culture of the local community


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    ln order to study the possible application of the Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM) for estimating anchovy (Encrasicholina spp.) biomass at Bacan. Maluku, we collected a large series of plankton samples