27 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Bauran Pemasaran Dalam Mempengaruhi Pengambilan Keputusan Konsumen Pengguna Jasa Pembiayaan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine: the condition of the marketing mix and the behavior of consumers in making purchasing decisions, the influence of marketing mix (X) either partially or simultaneously to the behavior of consumers in making purchasing decisions (Y), and to know the marketing mix elements that most influence behavior consumers in making purchasing decisions. The independent variables in this study is product (X1), price (X2), place (X3), promotion (X4), people (X5), process (X6) and phyisical evidence (X7) and the dependent variable is the behaviour of consumers in making purchasing decision (Y). This study is classified into a descriptive correlational study. Data collection techniques in this study using questionnaires, interviews, literature review and documentation. The results of this research are: (1) There is no significant positive impact product, location and promotion on consumer behavior in the decision to use the financing services of Summit Oto Finance Branch Pamekasan.(2) There is a significant positive effect the price, people, process and physical evidence on consumer behavior in the decision to use the financing services of Summit Oto Finance Branch Pamekasan. (3) Together product, price, location, promotion, people, process and physical evidence influence consumer behavior in the decision to use the financing services of Summit Oto Finance Branch Pamekasan amounted to 65.1%, while the remaining 34.9% is influenced by other factors outside 7 these factors


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    This study aims to determine the management of working capital because it is very important for cooperatives in carrying out its operations to improve the profitability of cooperatives and can also maintain the level of cooperative liquidity. This type of research is qualitative descriptive with a quantitative approach. The results of this study showed under the working capital of Indonesian officials of Universitas Brawijaya Malang derived from members and capital of their own. The profitability of cooperatives in three years was increased in this case Due to the rise of assets from the net profit after tax while the liquidity is fluctuating due to the reduced cooperative cash used to fulfill a short-term obligation that results in declining liabilities The short-term cooperative in three years was in 2016 until 2018


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    Historically, male leadership has been more dominant than female leadership. But today, women cannot always be seen as side workers, they are able to make their own choices, especially in business. The role of women sensitive to micro-enterprises in the Indonesian economy is gradually becoming the "gatekeeper" of the people's economy. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, this analysis will describe the results of the research based on the findings in the field and then given interpretation and conclusions. The initial stage is grouping the data, and then analyzing it in a qualitative descriptive manner. So that it can produce a scientific understanding and definition to get a systematic picture.There are many great women who become leaders. This research shows that women's leadership styles are more inclined to Transformational Feminism, which is more charismatic and democratic, Efforts to build emotional attachment with employees and patterns of conflict resolution in a familial way, can indirectly make it easier for women to find a win-win solution. In business development there are two strategies applied to Bedpackers Hostel Malang, namely offline and online, such as collaborating with other companies in promoting the Hostel. Meanwhile, in online development, namely through collaboration with Reddoorz, through the website, through Facebook, Instagram. The business development strategy apart from online media to maximize profits Badpackers Hostel Malang also offers various facilities such as Netflix vouchers, promos for guests who book more than three days to one month, dinner in collaboration with restaurants, laundry and online taxis so that they can make customers feel comfortable. hotel guests feel more comfortable


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    The results of this study use quantitative research. Data were collected using a questionnaire of 90 respondents and the population in this study were management students at the University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang with the research sample used was purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with the result that the effect of convenience partially had a significant effect on the electronic money payment system with a value of t arithmetic> t table and a significant value <0.05. The effect of partial benefit has a significant influence on the electronic money payment system with a value of t arithmetic> T table and a significant value <0.05. While simultaneously the effect of convenience, and expediency has a significant effect on the electronic money payment system by producing a significant probability value <0.05, simultaneously the ease and benefit variable has a significant effect on the electronic money payment system with case studies of ovo, go-pay users and funds to management students at the Malang Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University


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    The results of this study use quantitative research. Data were collected using a questionnaire of 90 respondents and the population in this study were management students at the University of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang with the research sample used was purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with the result that the effect of convenience partially had a significant effect on the electronic money payment system with a value of t arithmetic> t table and a significant value <0.05. The effect of partial benefit has a significant influence on the electronic money payment system with a value of t arithmetic> T table and a significant value <0.05. While simultaneously the effect of convenience, and expediency has a significant effect on the electronic money payment system by producing a significant probability value <0.05, simultaneously the ease and benefit variable has a significant effect on the electronic money payment system with case studies of ovo, go-pay users and funds to management students at the Malang Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University

    Implikasi Pembinaan Anggota Peternak Sapi Perah Terhadap Kuantitas Dan Kuliatas Usaha Di KUD Karangploso Kabupaten Malang

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    Keberhasilan suatu usaha ternak sapi tidak terlepas dari peranan sumber daya manusia sebagai tenaga kerja karena tanpa dukungan tenaga kerja semua akan menjadi sia-sia. Menurut Wisadirana (2004), dinamika pembagian kerja antara laki-laki dan perempuan merupakan bagian yang menyatu dengan cara berproduksi tertentu. Menurut teori sosiologi pembagian kerja secara seksual adalah hal yang wajar, bersumber pola perbedaan struktur genetik dari laki-laki dan perempuan.  Permasalahan hipotesis diatas berdasarkan landasan teori dan permasalahan yang ada maka dirumuskan hipotesis sebagai berikut : 1) Diduga terdapat pengaruh Pembinaan Anggota Sapi Perah Terhadap Kuantitas Usaha Sapi Perah Pada Kud Karangploso Kabupaten Malang, 2) Diduga terdapat pengaruh Pembinaan Anggota Sapi Perah Terhadap Kualitas Usaha Sapi Perah Pada Kud Karangploso Kabupaten Malang Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis Regresi Linier Berganda yaitu digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan variabel X1 sampai X9 terhadap Y1 dan Y2  dimana data yang diperoleh melalui hasil perhitungan hasil jawaban kuesiner terhadap 80 respponden melalui tabulasi,distribusi frekuensi dan visualisasi data berbentuk tabel-tabel, dengan cara memberikan penjelasan dan penjabaran dalam bentuk nilai atau jumlah mulai dari yang terkecil hingga terbesar dalam bentuk persentase (%) yang berdasarkan hasil perhitungan distribusi frekuensi data yang dilakukan. Selanjutnya dilakukan penjabaran untuk mesing-masing nilai yang, dan mendeskripsikan data menjadi suatu pernyataan yang logis dan ilmiah, sehingga akan didapatkan informasi yang dinilai cukup mendukung dalam melanjutnya, menganalisis dan menguji data untuk tahap-tahap berikutnya.Keberhasilan suatu usaha ternak sapi tidak terlepas dari peranan sumber daya manusia sebagai tenaga kerja karena tanpa dukungan tenaga kerja semua akan menjadi sia-sia. Menurut Wisadirana (2004), dinamika pembagian kerja antara laki-laki dan perempuan merupakan bagian yang menyatu dengan cara berproduksi tertentu. Menurut teori sosiologi pembagian kerja secara seksual adalah hal yang wajar, bersumber pola perbedaan struktur genetik dari laki-laki dan perempuan.  Permasalahan hipotesis diatas berdasarkan landasan teori dan permasalahan yang ada maka dirumuskan hipotesis sebagai berikut : 1) Diduga terdapat pengaruh Pembinaan Anggota Sapi Perah Terhadap Kuantitas Usaha Sapi Perah Pada Kud Karangploso Kabupaten Malang, 2) Diduga terdapat pengaruh Pembinaan Anggota Sapi Perah Terhadap Kualitas Usaha Sapi Perah Pada Kud Karangploso Kabupaten Malang Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis Regresi Linier Berganda yaitu digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan variabel X1 sampai X9 terhadap Y1 dan Y2  dimana data yang diperoleh melalui hasil perhitungan hasil jawaban kuesiner terhadap 80 respponden melalui tabulasi,distribusi frekuensi dan visualisasi data berbentuk tabel-tabel, dengan cara memberikan penjelasan dan penjabaran dalam bentuk nilai atau jumlah mulai dari yang terkecil hingga terbesar dalam bentuk persentase (%) yang berdasarkan hasil perhitungan distribusi frekuensi data yang dilakukan. Selanjutnya dilakukan penjabaran untuk mesing-masing nilai yang, dan mendeskripsikan data menjadi suatu pernyataan yang logis dan ilmiah, sehingga akan didapatkan informasi yang dinilai cukup mendukung dalam melanjutnya, menganalisis dan menguji data untuk tahap-tahap berikutnya


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    Purpose: This study aims to identify and analyze the financial performance of the cosmetics industry from 2018 to 2022 using the Economic Value Added (EVA) method. This method was chosen because it accurately reflects the actual profit achieved by a company, as it accounts for the cost of capital. Additionally, the EVA method is highly practical for application. The chosen research method is descriptive quantitative, with data analysis using the Economic Value Added (EVA) financial performance calculation method, which consists of five stages of analysis: (1) Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT); (2) Invested Capital; (3) Weighted Average Cost Of Capital (WACC); (4) Capital Charges; and (5) Economic Value Added (EVA). Results: Only three companies demonstrated good performance, namely PT. Kino Indonesia Tbk, PT. Victoria Care Indonesia Tbk, and PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk. During the period from 2018 to 2020, PT. Kino Indonesia Tbk, PT. Victoria Care Indonesia Tbk, and PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk managed to achieve operating profits higher than tax expenses and operating profits exceeding capital costs, thus meeting the expected rate of return by investors

    Similarity Pengaruh Komitmen Dan Kepuasan Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Melalui Kepercayaan Dalam Menggunakan Produk Jasa Titip Toko Online

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    The purpose of this research is to know and analyze: the influence of commitment to consumer confidence, the influence of satisfaction on trust, the influence of commitments that affect consumer loyalty, the influence of consumer satisfaction on loyalty, the influence of confidence in consumer loyalty, influence of consumer commitment to consumer loyalty through consumer confidence, and influence consumer satisfaction on loyalty through consumer confidence. The research population is a student in Malang City with sample of 91 respondents with judgmental sampling technique. The data used by the primary data collected through questionnaires, for the analysis of the data used is path analyisis. The results showed that consumer commitment was influential towards consumer confidence, satisfaction was influential in trust, a commitment to influence loyalty, customer satisfaction was influential towards loyalty, trust in loyalty, an influential commitment to loyalty through trust and satisfaction impacting loyalty through trust

    Tantangan Pemberdayaan Perekonomian Kecil Melalui Usaha Kelompok Ibu Rumah Tangga (IRT)

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    ABSTRAK Kegiatan Ibu Rumah Tangga (IRT) setelah selesai mengurus keperluan rumah tangganya, ibu-ibu tersebut tidak melakukan kegiatan lainnya. Dengan demikian pemasukan ekonomi hanya berasal dari suami. Upaya pemberdayaan perekonomian kecil yaitu usaha rumah tangga oleh Ibu-Ibu di Kelurahan Bunulrejo melalui kegiatan usaha jajanan kering sangat memberikan kesempatan untuk menambah pemasukan keluarga. Hasil dari program kemitraan ini sudah memberikan peningkatan keterampilan untuk memproduksi jajanan yaitu kacang bawang, sale pisang molen, dan stik keju. Tantangan yang dihadapi dalam pemberdayaan ini yaitu upaya meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan jiwa wirausaha, upaya memperluas jaringan pasar dan modal, upaya menjaga kualitas produk dan daya saing di pasar. Upaya yang ditempuh yaitu dengan menyusun modul pembukuan sederhana, modul pemasaran, pendampingan standar kualitas produk dan pendampingan pemasaran secara online dan offline. Kata-kata kunci : daya saing, ekonomi kecil, Ibu Rumah Tangga (IRT), pemasaran. ABSTRACT Housewarming activities (IRT) after completing the care of household needs, the mothers are not doing other activities. Thus the income of the economy comes only from the husband. Efforts to empower the small economy of households by mothers in Bunulrejo Subdistrict through dry snack business activities provide opportunities to increase family income. The results of this partnership program have given skill enhancements to produce snacks such as peanuts, banana molen sale, and cheese sticks. The challenges faced in this empowerment are efforts to increase self-confidence and entrepreneurial spirit, efforts to expand market and capital network, efforts to maintain product quality and market competitiveness. Efforts are taken by preparing a simple accounting module, marketing module, product quality standard and marketing assistance online and offline. Key words : competitiveness, small economy, Housewife (IRT), marketin

    Similarity Implikasi Pembinaan Anggota Peternak Sapi Perah Terhadap Kuantitas Dan Kuliatas Usaha Di KUD Karangploso Kabupaten Malang

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    Keberhasilan suatu usaha ternak sapi tidak terlepas dari peranan sumber daya manusia sebagai tenaga kerja karena tanpa dukungan tenaga kerja semua akan menjadi sia-sia. Menurut Wisadirana (2004), dinamika pembagian kerja antara laki-laki dan perempuan merupakan bagian yang menyatu dengan cara berproduksi tertentu. Menurut teori sosiologi pembagian kerja secara seksual adalah hal yang wajar, bersumber pola perbedaan struktur genetik dari laki-laki dan perempuan. Permasalahan hipotesis diatas berdasarkan landasan teori dan permasalahan yang ada maka dirumuskan hipotesis sebagai berikut : 1) Diduga terdapat pengaruh Pembinaan Anggota Sapi Perah Terhadap Kuantitas Usaha Sapi Perah Pada Kud Karangploso Kabupaten Malang, 2) Diduga terdapat pengaruh Pembinaan Anggota Sapi Perah Terhadap Kualitas Usaha Sapi Perah Pada Kud Karangploso Kabupaten Malang Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis Regresi Linier Berganda yaitu digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan variabel X1 sampai X9 terhadap Y1 dan Y2 dimana data yang diperoleh melalui hasil perhitungan hasil jawaban kuesiner terhadap 80 respponden melalui tabulasi,distribusi frekuensi dan visualisasi data berbentuk tabel-tabel, dengan cara memberikan penjelasan dan penjabaran dalam bentuk nilai atau jumlah mulai dari yang terkecil hingga terbesar dalam bentuk persentase (%) yang berdasarkan hasil perhitungan distribusi frekuensi data yang dilakukan. Selanjutnya dilakukan penjabaran untuk mesing-masing nilai yang, dan mendeskripsikan data menjadi suatu pernyataan yang logis dan ilmiah, sehingga akan didapatkan informasi yang dinilai cukup mendukung dalam melanjutnya, menganalisis dan menguji data untuk tahap-tahap berikutnya