13 research outputs found

    Erratum to: Annual climate impact and primary energy use of Swedish transport infrastructure

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    In the original version of this paper, some figures and units in Table 5 (in the main text) and Table A1, A2, A6, and A7 (in the Appendix) were found to be incorrect. The corrected tables are presented below. These changes only concern the presentation of data. They do not concern any of the calculations made; hence, they do not affect any of the results or conclusions in the paper. (the original paper was published in volume 19(2)) &nbsp

    Annual climate impact and primary energy use of Swedish transport infrastructure

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    By 2045, Sweden is to have zero net emissions of greenhouse gases. To reach this goal, stakeholders involved in planning and construction of Swedish transport infrastructure aim to half their climate impact by 2030. Planning for emission reduction measures require network level studies showing environmental impacts of the infrastructure network. Previous studies do not allow assessment of current hotspots in the infrastructure network, which limits their relevance for decision-support in this question. The aim of this paper is to assess the current annual climate impact and primary energy use of Swedish transport infrastructure by using a methodological approach based on life cycle assessment. The scope includes new construction and management (operation, maintenance, and reinvestment) of existing roads, railways, airports, ports, and fairway channels. The annual climate impact was estimated to 2.8 million tonnes carbon dioxide equivalents and the annual primary energy use was estimated to 27 terawatt hours. Mainly road and rail infrastructure contributed to these impacts. Environmental hotspots of the infrastructure network were management of the infrastructure stock (particularly reinvestment of road and rail infrastructure) and material production (particularly production of asphalt, steel, and concrete). If climate targets are to be met, these areas are particularly important to address. Additional research on impacts of small construction measures, the size of biogenic carbon emissions (in standing biomass as well as soil carbon), and the use and impacts of asphalt for road construction and management would further increase the understanding of impacts related to Swedish transport infrastructure at the network level. (Note: an Erratum has been published to this paper in volume 20(2)

    Environmental assessment of incinerator residue utilisation

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     In Sweden, utilisation of incinerator residues outside disposal areas is restricted by environmental concerns, as such residues commonly contain greater amounts of potentially toxic trace elements than the natural materials they replace. On the other hand, utilisation can also provide environmental benefits by decreasing the need for landfill and reducing raw material extraction. This thesis provides increased knowledge and proposes better approaches for environmental assessment of incinerator residue utilisation, particularly bottom ash from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI).A life cycle assessment (LCA) based approach was outlined for environmental assessment of incinerator residue utilisation, in which leaching of trace elements as well as other emissions to air and water and the use of resources were regarded as constituting the potential environmental impact from the system studied. Case studies were performed for i) road construction with or without MSWI bottom ash, ii) three management scenarios for MSWI bottom ash and iii) three management scenarios for wood ash. Different types of potential environmental impact predominated in the activities of the system and the scenarios differed in use of resources and energy. Utilising MSWI bottom ash in road construction and recycling of wood ash on forest land saved more natural resources and energy than when these materials were managed according to the other scenarios investigated, including dumping in landfill. There is a potential for trace element leaching regardless of how the ash is managed.Trace element leaching, particularly of copper (Cu), was identified as being relatively important for environmental assessment of MSWI bottom ash utilisation. CuO is suggested as the most important type of Cu-containing mineral in weathered MSWI bottom ash, whereas in the leachate Cu is mainly present in complexes with dissolved organic matter (DOM). The hydrophilic components of the DOM were more important for Cu binding than previously understood. Differences were also observed between MSWI bottom ash DOM and the natural DOM for which the geochemical speciation models SHM and NICA-Donnan are calibrated. Revised parameter values for speciation modelling are therefore suggested. Additions of salt or natural DOM in the influent did not change the leachate concentration of Cu. Thus, although Cl and natural DOM might be present in the influent in the field due to road salting or infiltration of soil water, this is of minor importance for the potential environmental impact from MSWI bottom ash.This thesis allows estimates of long-term leaching and toxicity to be improved and demonstrates the need for broadening the system boundaries in order to highlight the trade-offs between different types of impact. For decisions on whether incinerator residues should be utilised or landfilled, the use of a life cycle perspective in combination with more detailed assessments is recommended.QC 2010091

    Environmental assessment of incinerator residue utilisation

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     In Sweden, utilisation of incinerator residues outside disposal areas is restricted by environmental concerns, as such residues commonly contain greater amounts of potentially toxic trace elements than the natural materials they replace. On the other hand, utilisation can also provide environmental benefits by decreasing the need for landfill and reducing raw material extraction. This thesis provides increased knowledge and proposes better approaches for environmental assessment of incinerator residue utilisation, particularly bottom ash from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI).A life cycle assessment (LCA) based approach was outlined for environmental assessment of incinerator residue utilisation, in which leaching of trace elements as well as other emissions to air and water and the use of resources were regarded as constituting the potential environmental impact from the system studied. Case studies were performed for i) road construction with or without MSWI bottom ash, ii) three management scenarios for MSWI bottom ash and iii) three management scenarios for wood ash. Different types of potential environmental impact predominated in the activities of the system and the scenarios differed in use of resources and energy. Utilising MSWI bottom ash in road construction and recycling of wood ash on forest land saved more natural resources and energy than when these materials were managed according to the other scenarios investigated, including dumping in landfill. There is a potential for trace element leaching regardless of how the ash is managed.Trace element leaching, particularly of copper (Cu), was identified as being relatively important for environmental assessment of MSWI bottom ash utilisation. CuO is suggested as the most important type of Cu-containing mineral in weathered MSWI bottom ash, whereas in the leachate Cu is mainly present in complexes with dissolved organic matter (DOM). The hydrophilic components of the DOM were more important for Cu binding than previously understood. Differences were also observed between MSWI bottom ash DOM and the natural DOM for which the geochemical speciation models SHM and NICA-Donnan are calibrated. Revised parameter values for speciation modelling are therefore suggested. Additions of salt or natural DOM in the influent did not change the leachate concentration of Cu. Thus, although Cl and natural DOM might be present in the influent in the field due to road salting or infiltration of soil water, this is of minor importance for the potential environmental impact from MSWI bottom ash.This thesis allows estimates of long-term leaching and toxicity to be improved and demonstrates the need for broadening the system boundaries in order to highlight the trade-offs between different types of impact. For decisions on whether incinerator residues should be utilised or landfilled, the use of a life cycle perspective in combination with more detailed assessments is recommended.QC 2010091

    Klimatneutral transportinfrastruktur : Underlagsrapport till Inriktningsunderlag för 2026-2037

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    Denna underlagsrapport svarar på den del av uppdragstexten inom inriktningsplaneringen som gäller Trafikverkets arbete med infrastrukturens klimatpåverkan, bland annat hur utsläpp och kostnader påverkas i scenarier med låg respektive hög ambition för minskad klimatpåverkan. Sedan 2022 är Trafikverkets långsiktiga mål är att nå klimatneutral transportinfrastruktur senast 2040. Det långsiktiga målet har delmål på vägen till det långsiktiga målet. För att nå målen ställer Trafikverket klimatkrav i upphandlingar av konsulttjänster, entreprenader och material i syfte att minska koldioxidavtrycket från infrastrukturhållningen. Omställningen mot klimatneutral infrastruktur kommer att innebära en ökad kostnad för Trafikverket, men den är liten i förhållande till den totala planeringsramen (i storleksordningen omkring 2 procent). Detta är kostnader som i praktiken i hög grad inte går att välja bort i och med att EU:s klimatramverk är bindande

    Including maintenance in life cycle assessment of road and rail infrastructure—a literature review

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    Purpose LCA is increasingly used in infrastructure policy and planning. This study maps approaches used in comparativeLCA of road and rail infrastructure to (1) determine the length of the analysis period, (2) estimate the maintenance frequency,and (3) include the efects of climate change on infrastructure performance. A LCA may need to fulfl diferent requirementsin diferent decision-contexts. The relevance of the approaches for decision-making in policy and procurement is thereforediscussed. Methods Ninety-two comparative LCAs of road and rail infrastructure published in peer-reviewed journals January 2016–July 2020 were reviewed. Papers were found through a systematic process of searching electronic databases, applying inclusion criteria, and conducting backward and forward snowballing. Results and discussion The analysis period was commonly determined based on infrastructure service life. The maintenancefrequency was estimated based on current practice, laboratory tests, modelling, or scenarios. The efects of climate changewere considered in two papers by comparing results in a control case and in a changed climate. In policy and procurement,current practice approaches are not adapted to innovative solutions or to climate change. Modelling and laboratory tests couldimprove calculations of the maintenance phase but might have some limitations related to innovative solutions. Scenarioscould be readily applied in a policy context; however, in procurement, consistent and generic scenarios should be used. Conclusions Results suggest what approaches could be used to account for maintenance in infrastructure LCA dependingon the decision-context. The LCA community is suggested to research other approaches than current practice to account forlong analysis periods, climate change, and innovative solutions. Additionally, literature not covered here could be reviewedfor additional approaches and perspectives. Examples include stand-alone LCAs, method development papers, papers onthe individual approaches and decision-contexts, certifcation systems, standards, and guidelines.QC 20221012</p

    Cirkulärt byggande – hinder och möjligheter : Redovisning av regeringsuppdrag

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    I regleringsbrevet för budgetåret 2022 fick Trafikverket i uppdrag att analysera hinder och möjligheter för cirkulärt byggande med syfte minska klimatpåverkan inom verksamheten. Redovisningen visar att det finns pågående arbeten och att flera beståndsdelar finns på plats som bidrar till ett cirkulärt byggande. Resurseffektiva och giftfria kretslopp utgör en central komponent i strävan mot en cirkulär ekonomi. Det konstaterades att även om stora mängder material redan återanvänds och återvinns finns en förbättringspotential vilken kan utnyttjas för att minska verksamhetens klimatpåverkan. Bland de möjligheter som identifierades nämndes bland annat fortsatt utveckling av upphandling som styrmedel, tillgängliggörande av digital miljödata, tydliggörande av ansvarsförhållanden samt undanröjande av logistiska hinder och kunskapsbrister

    Environmental assessment of incinerator residue utilisation

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    Incineration ashes may be treated either as a waste to be dumped in landfill, or as a resource that is suit able for re-use. In order to choose the best management scenario, knowledge is needed on the potential environmental impact that may be expected, including not only local, but also regional and global impact. In this study. A life cycle assessment (LCA) based approach Was Outlined for environmental assessment of incinerator residue utilisation, in which leaching of trace elements as well as other emissions to air and water and the use of resources were regarded as constituting the potential environmental impact from the system studied. Case Studies were performed for two selected ash types, bottom ash from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) and wood fly ash. The MSWI bottom ash was assumed to be suitable for road construction or as drainage material in landfill, whereas the wood fly ash Was assumed to be suitable for road construction or as a nutrient resource to be recycled oil forest land after biofuel harvesting. Different types of potential environmental impact predominated in the activities of the system and the use of natural resources and the trace element leaching were identified as being relatively important for the scenarios compared. The scenarios differed in use of resources and energy, whereas there is a potential for trace element leaching regardless of how the material is managed. Utilising MSWI bottom ash in road construction and recycling of wood ash on forest land saved more natural resources and energy than when these materials were managed according to the other scenarios investigated, including dumping in landfill.QC 20100525</p

    Bygg- och fastighetssektorns miljöpåverkan

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    Syftet med den här studien är att identifiera vilka miljökvalitetsmål som berör bygg- och fastighetssektorn  ta fram en metod för miljöutredning för bygg- och fastighetssektorn, med utgångspunkt från samtliga miljökvalitetsmål och där det är möjligt att se varifrån i bygg- och  fastighetssektorn miljöpåverkan kommer  beskriva bygg- och fastighetssektorns miljöpåverkan i kvantitativa termer enligt den framtagna metoden. För att analysera sektorns miljöpåverkan är ett första viktigt steg att definiera sektorn och den miljöpåverkan man vill ta med i analysen. I den här studien har utgångspunkten varit ett livscykelperspektiv så att miljöpåverkan som uppstår uppströms (t.ex. från produktion av byggnadsmaterial) och nedströms (t.ex. från avfallshantering) ingår. Vidare kommer vi att i den här studien redovisa resultat både från ”bygg och fastighetssektorn exklusive uppvärmning” och ”bygg- och fastighetssektorn inklusive uppvärmning”. Vi har i detta projekt utvecklat en metod som kan användas för att bedöma bygg- och fastighetssektorns miljöpåverkan. Metoden bygger i stor utsträckning på data från Miljöräkenskaperna vid SCB som uppdateras årligen, vilket innebär att metoden kan användas igen för att följa upp utvecklingen på området. Metoden kan också användas för att identifiera vilka miljöproblem och vilka emissioner som är av stor betydelse när det gäller bygg- och fastighetssektorn, samt för att identifiera var i sektorn dessa uppkommer. Baserat på denna analys kan man sedan välja indikatorer som är lämpliga för att följa utvecklingen kontinuerligt. Metoden kan naturligtvis utvecklas på olika sätt med mer och bättre data. En väsentlig slutsats är dock att metoden är möjlig att använda redan idag. Resultaten bekräftar tidigare studier att bygg- och fastighetssektorn står för en betydande del av Sveriges totala miljöpåverkan. Resultaten här indikerar att för den yttre miljön är det energianvändning, användning av 8 Bygg-och fastighetssektorns miljöpåverkan farliga kemiska produkter, avfallsgenerering, samt emissioner av växthusgaser och ämnen som bidrar till försämrad luftkvalitet och humantoxiska effekter som är väsentliga, däribland kväveoxider och partiklar. Vad gäller innemiljö framstår buller, radon samt fukt och mögel som viktiga områden. Resultaten beror på vilka systemgränser som används för att definiera bygg- och fastighetssektorn. Resultaten visade att uppvärmningen står för en stor del av energianvändningen. Även för utsläppen av växthusgaser är uppvärmningen av betydelse men mindre än för energianvändningen eftersom både el och fjärrvärmeproduktion idag i Sverige har relativt sett begränsade utsläpp av koldioxid. Mobila källor, såsom transporter står också för en stor del av utsläppen till luft. Inköp av varor från stenvaru- och cementindustrin påverkar utsläppen av koldioxid och partiklar, medan rederier och varor från mineralutvinnings- och metallindustrin bidrar mest till kväveoxidutsläppen respektive avfallsgenereringen från sektorn. Det finns en del dataluckor i miljöräkenskaperna som påverkar möjligheterna att använda dem för en heltäckande miljömålsuppföljning. Framför allt bedöms kompletterande information när det gäller hushållning av naturresurser och användning och utsläpp av giftiga ämnen vara önskvärd. Det finns även hälsoproblem kopplade till bygg- och fastighetssektorn som inte kommer fram i denna typ av input-outputberäkningar men som är av stor relevans för sektorn. Till dessa hör exempelvis problem orsakade av radon, buller samt fukt och mögel, för vilka det därför behövs kompletterande datakällor.