27 research outputs found

    Should we Distinguish Between Static and Dynamic Long Run Equilibrium in Error Correction Models?

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    This paper shows that there is no theoretical foundation to distinguish between static and dynamic long run equilibrium in error correction models with deterministically cointegrated variables, and so, that the so-called dynamic homogeneity restriction aimed at guaranteeing that the two solutions coincide, also lacks a theoretical justification. Examples in which dynamic homogeneity cannot hold are also discussed.

    Design of a Radiant Heat Capturing Device for Steel Mills

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    This paper approaches the energy transition towards decarbonization and lower primary energy use in the steel and glass industries through the exploitation of radiant waste heat. In contrast with exhaust gases heat recovery, radiant waste heat has typically not been used. This energy waste is found in energy intensive processes in which high temperatures are reached. For instance, in the steel making process, the cast steel is red hot and emits a considerable amount of radiant energy. In this paper the conceptual design of a radiant heat capturing device is presented. This device enables the recovery of currently unused energy while solving the radiative emission-related problems. The achieved design gets to an optimized solution regarding view factors and optical properties of the involved surfaces. In this research work, those factors are optimized to maximize the amount of heat recovered by the presented device. Simulation tools are used to test different designs and define the most appropriate solution for a given case.This work has been performed under BEROA-GO project (Waste Heat Collection from Solids for Efficient and Competitive Use), granted by the Basque Government (Spain), exp. KK-2017/00060

    Cáparra : revista de innovación y experiencias educativas de los Centros de Profesores y Recursos de la Provincia de Cáceres

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    Se describe una experiencia cuyos objetivos principales eran, por un lado, aproximarse a fenómenos de la Guerra Civil Española a través de los carteles de propaganda bélica utilizados por ambos bandos contendientes y, por otro, conseguir que los alumnos comprendiesen la importancia de la ideología en la Guerra Civil y el papel de la propaganda en la movilización de las masas civiles y combatientes que soportaron el esfuerzo bélico.ExtremaduraConsejería de Educación. Dirección General de Política Educativa; Calle Delgado Valencia, 6; 06800 Mérida (Badajoz); Tel. +34924006714; Fax +34924006716; [email protected]

    PPP no Longo Prazo - Uma Abordagem de Cointegracao: O Caso Portugues de 1891 a 1992

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    Este estudo analisa o caso português da PPP face ao Reino Unido e aos Estados Unidos da América, recorrendo a séries longas. Realizaram-se testes de raízes unitárias para a taxa de câmbio real e procedeu-se à determinação de um modelo dinâmico do tipo MCE, recorrendo à cointegração. Os resultados, emboram dependam do índice de preços utilizado, são no sentido de se verificar uma versão irrestrita da PPP mais facilmente para o Reino Unido do que para os E.U.A..N/

    Estimação de uma função de consumo para Portugal: uma aplicação do método generalizado dos momentos modificado

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    Este estudo utiliza a contrapartida discreta do modelo de gerações sobrepostas de Blanchard (1985) para derivar uma função consumo prospectiva, sob a hipótse de expectativas racionais. A função consumo é depois generalizada de forma a ter em consideração a possibilidade de existirem agentes com restrições de liquidez e que por isso são impedidos de escolher o seu consumo de forma óptima...

    Luso-Canadian Exchanges in Translation Studies: Translating Linguistic Variation

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    “Translation scholars no doubt can learn much from scholars of ethnic minorities, women, minor literatures and popular literatures. Much of the most exciting work in the field is already being produced by scholars from the “smaller” countries – Belgium, the Netherlands, Israel, Czechoslovakia, and French-speaking Canada” (Gentzler 2001: 197). Several Canadian scholars have been very influential in Translation Studies. The main aim of this collaborative paper on Luso-Canadian exchanges in TS is to make a very brief presentation of how some of the most “exciting” work by Canadian scholars has been received, adopted, adapted and developed in research work and teaching by Portuguese TS scholars. Selected examples of theoretical and methodological proposals by Canadian researchers in TS will be discussed, a few studies by Portuguese scholars will be mentioned, and the operative application of these studies to translation practice and teaching will be illustrated by the presentation and analysis of short excerpts of English narrative source texts, followed by their target texts in Portuguese, as produced and commented upon by former students of the Department of English, Faculty of Letters University of Lisbon.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologi

    Raman spectroscopy for the study of reduction mechanisms and optimization of conductivity in graphene oxide thin films

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    Highly reduced few-layer graphene oxide films with conductivities of up to 500 S cm-1 are obtained. The thin films with an optimized compromise between sheet resistance (3.1 kΩ sq-1) and transparency (around 80% to 90%) are suitable for touch screens and transparent electrodes in OLEDs. We discuss the effects of low temperature annealing and chemical reduction on the properties of the films and present an optimized reduction process that allows the original 2D/G Raman intensity ratio of few-layer graphene to be recovered. The Raman spectrum of graphene oxide is found to be only related to oxygen-free graphene-like regions with Raman bands at 1130 and 3155 cm -1 that probably involve C-H vibrations of rings and edges, while a band at 1700 cm-1 is assigned to irregular rings such as Stone Wales defects. All the bands involve resonant Raman processes and disappear in highly reduced samples. Clear correlations of the D band width with the sp2 content in thin films and resistivity have been observed, indicating that this is a good Raman parameter for evaluating the quality of the samples. The structural defects produced by the release of embedded water and some of the oxygen functional groups during annealing are detrimental for intra-grain conductivity but greatly enhance inter-grain connectivity. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.X.D.B. acknowledges a FPI scholarship from Spanish MINECO. This work has been funded by MINECO (MAT2012-37276-C03-01 and CONSOLIDER CSD2009-00050) and by Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (PHAMA S2009/MAT-1756).Peer Reviewe

    Design of a radiative heat recuperator for steel processes

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the recovery of the waste heat of steel and glass processes. This work proposes a numerical study of a waste heat exchanger system for steel production processes. The radiative energy is transferred to a commercial oil, which can be used to produce electricity. The behavior of the recuperator is analysed using a 3D numerical model, considering the constrains of a real production plant. The influence of the radiation properties of the materials on the temperature and heat transfer rate are also examined. The results show that the absorptivity of the tubes influences significantly the absorbed waste heat. Furthermore, heterogeneous mass flow distribution should be applied to optimize the total heat transfer rate

    Design of a radiative heat recuperator for steel processes

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    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the recovery of the waste heat of steel and glass processes. This work proposes a numerical study of a waste heat exchanger system for steel production processes. The radiative energy is transferred to a commercial oil, which can be used to produce electricity. The behavior of the recuperator is analysed using a 3D numerical model, considering the constrains of a real production plant. The influence of the radiation properties of the materials on the temperature and heat transfer rate are also examined. The results show that the absorptivity of the tubes influences significantly the absorbed waste heat. Furthermore, heterogeneous mass flow distribution should be applied to optimize the total heat transfer rate