155 research outputs found

    The metabolomic profile of gammairradiated human hepatoma and muscle cells reveals metabolic changes consistent with the Warburg effect

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    The two human cell lines HepG2 from hepatoma and HMCL-7304 from striated muscle were g-irradiated with doses between 0 and 4 Gy. Abundant gH2AX foci were observed at 4 Gy after 4 h of culture post-irradiation. Sham-irradiated cells showed no gH2AX foci and therefore no signs of radiation-induced double-strand DNA breaks. Flow cytometry indicated that 41.5% of HepG2 cells were in G2/M and this rose statistically significantly with increasing radiation dose reaching a plateau at ∼47%. Cell lysates from both cell lines were subjected to metabolomic analysis using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GCMS). A total of 46 metabolites could be identified by GCMS in HepG2 cell lysates and 29 in HMCL-7304 lysates, most of which occurred in HepG2 cells. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) showed a clear separation of sham, 1, 2 and 4 Gy doses. Orthogonal Projection to Latent Structures-Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA) revealed elevations in intracellular lactate, alanine, glucose, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose and 5-oxoproline, which were found by univariate statistics to be highly statistically significantly elevated at both 2 and 4 Gy compared with sham irradiated cells. These findings suggested upregulation of cytosolic aerobic glycolysis (theWarburg effect), with potential shunting of glucose through aldose reductase in the polyol pathway, and consumption of reduced Glutathione (GSH) due to g-irradiation. In HMCL-7304 myotubes, a putative Warburg effect was also observed only at 2 Gy, albeit a lesser magnitude than in HepG2 cells. It is anticipated that these novel metabolic perturbations following g-irradiation of cultured cells will lead to a fuller understanding of the mechanisms of tissue damage following ionizing radiation exposure

    The metabolomic profile of gamma-irradiated human hepatoma and muscle cells reveals metabolic changes consistent with the Warburg effect

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    The two human cell lines HepG2 from hepatoma and HMCL-7304 from striated muscle were γ-irradiated with doses between 0 and 4 Gy. Abundant γH2AX foci were observed at 4 Gy after 4 h of culture post-irradiation. Sham-irradiated cells showed no γH2AX foci and therefore no signs of radiation-induced double-strand DNA breaks. Flow cytometry indicated that 41.5% of HepG2 cells were in G2/M and this rose statistically significantly with increasing radiation dose reaching a plateau at ∼47%. Cell lysates from both cell lines were subjected to metabolomic analysis using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GCMS). A total of 46 metabolites could be identified by GCMS in HepG2 cell lysates and 29 in HMCL-7304 lysates, most of which occurred in HepG2 cells. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) showed a clear separation of sham, 1, 2 and 4 Gy doses. Orthogonal Projection to Latent Structures-Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA) revealed elevations in intracellular lactate, alanine, glucose, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose and 5-oxoproline, which were found by univariate statistics to be highly statistically significantly elevated at both 2 and 4 Gy compared with sham irradiated cells. These findings suggested upregulation of cytosolic aerobic glycolysis (the Warburg effect), with potential shunting of glucose through aldose reductase in the polyol pathway, and consumption of reduced Glutathione (GSH) due to γ-irradiation. In HMCL-7304 myotubes, a putative Warburg effect was also observed only at 2 Gy, albeit a lesser magnitude than in HepG2 cells. It is anticipated that these novel metabolic perturbations following γ-irradiation of cultured cells will lead to a fuller understanding of the mechanisms of tissue damage following ionizing radiation exposure

    Functional characterization of orbicularis oculi and extraocular muscles

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    The orbicularis oculi are the sphincter muscles of the eyelids and are involved in modulating facial expression. They differ from both limb and extraocular muscles (EOMs) in their histology and biochemistry. Weakness of the orbicularis oculi muscles is a feature of neuromuscular disorders affecting the neuromuscular junction, and weakness of facial muscles and ptosis have also been described in patients with mutations in the ryanodine receptor gene. Here, we investigate human orbicularis oculi muscles and find that they are functionally more similar to quadriceps than to EOMs in terms of excitation-contraction coupling components. In particular, they do not express the cardiac isoform of the dihydropyridine receptor, which we find to be highly expressed in EOMs where it is likely responsible for the large depolarization-induced calcium influx. We further show that human orbicularis oculi and EOMs express high levels of utrophin and low levels of dystrophin, whereas quadriceps express dystrophin and low levels of utrophin. The results of this study highlight the notion that myotubes obtained by explanting satellite cells from different muscles are not functionally identical and retain the physiological characteristics of their muscle of origin. Furthermore, our results indicate that sparing of facial and EOMs in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the result of the higher levels of utrophin expression

    Upstream stimulatory factors are involved in the P1 promoter directed transcription of the AbetaH-J-J locus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alternative splicing of the locus AβH-J-J generates functionally distinct proteins: the enzyme aspartyl (asparaginyl) β-hydroxylase (AAH), truncated homologs of AAH with a role in calcium homeostasis humbug and junctate and a structural protein of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes junctin. AAH and humbug are over expressed in a broad range of malignant neoplasms. We have previously reported that this locus contains two promoters, P1 and P2. While AAH and humbug are expressed in most tissues under the regulation of the P1 promoter, AAH, junctin and junctate are predominantly expressed in excitable tissues under the control of the P2 promoter. We previously demonstrated that Sp transcription factors positively regulate the P1 promoter.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the present study, we extended the functional characterization of the P1 promoter of the AβH-J-J locus. We demonstrated by quantitative Real-time RT-PCR that mRNAs from the P1 promoter are actively transcribed in all the human cell lines analysed. To investigate the transcription mechanism we transiently transfected HeLa cells with sequentially deleted reporter constructs containing different regions of the -661/+81 P1 nucleotide sequence. Our results showed that (i) this promoter fragment is a powerful activator of the reporter gene in HeLa cell line, (ii) the region spanning 512 bp upstream of the transcription start site exhibits maximal level of transcriptional activity, (iii) progressive deletions from -512 gradually reduce reporter expression.</p> <p>The region responsible for maximal transcription contains an E-box site; we characterized the molecular interactions between USF1/2 with this E-box element by electrophoretic mobility shift assay and supershift analysis. In addition, our USF1 and USF2 chromatin immunoprecipitation results demonstrate that these transcription factors bind the P1 promoter <it>in vivo</it>.</p> <p>A functional role of USF1/USF2 in upregulating P1-directed transcription was demonstrated by analysis of the effects of (i) <it>in vitro </it>mutagenesis of the P1/E-box binding site, (ii) RNA interference targeting USF1 transcripts.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results suggest that USF factors positively regulate the core of P1 promoter, and, together with our previously data, we can conclude that both Sp and USF DNA interaction and transcription activity are involved in the P1 promoter dependent expression of AAH and humbug.</p

    Role of the JP45-Calsequestrin Complex on Calcium Entry in Slow Twitch Skeletal Muscles

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    We exploited a variety of mouse models to assess the roles of JP45-CASQ1 (CASQ, calsequestrin) and JP45-CASQ2 on calcium entry in slow twitch muscles. In flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) fibers isolated from JP45-CASQ1-CASQ2 triple KO mice, calcium transients induced by tetanic stimulation rely on calcium entry via La3+- and nifedipine-sensitive calcium channels. The comparison of excitation-coupled calcium entry (ECCE) between FDB fibers from WT, JP45KO, CASQ1KO, CASQ2KO, JP45-CASQ1 double KO, JP45-CASQ2 double KO, and JP45-CASQ1-CASQ2 triple KO shows that ECCE enhancement requires ablation of both CASQs and JP45. Calcium entry activated by ablation of both JP45-CASQ1 and JP45-CASQ2 complexes supports tetanic force development in slow twitch soleus muscles. In addition, we show that CASQs interact with JP45 at Ca2+ concentrations similar to those present in the lumen of the sarcoplasmic reticulum at rest, whereas Ca2+ concentrations similar to those present in the SR lumen after depolarization-induced calcium release cause the dissociation of JP45 from CASQs. Our results show that the complex JP45-CASQs is a negative regulator of ECCE and that tetanic force development in slow twitch muscles is supported by the dynamic interaction between JP45 and CASQs

    Alterations of Excitation–Contraction Coupling and Excitation Coupled Ca2+ Entry in Human Myotubes Carrying CAV3 Mutations Linked to Rippling Muscle Disease

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    Rippling muscle disease is caused by mutations in the gene encoding caveolin-3 (CAV3), the muscle-specific isoform of the scaffolding protein caveolin, a protein involved in the formation of caveolae. In healthy muscle, caveolin-3 is responsible for the formation of caveolae, which are highly organized sarcolemmal clusters influencing early muscle differentiation, signalling and Ca2+ homeostasis. In the present study we examined Ca2+ homeostasis and excitation–contraction (E-C) coupling in cultured myotubes derived from two patients with Rippling muscle disease with severe reduction in caveolin-3 expression; one patient harboured the heterozygous c.84C>A mutation while the other patient harbored a homozygous splice-site mutation (c.102+ 2T>C) affecting the splice donor site of intron 1 of the CAV3 gene. Our results show that cells from control and rippling muscle disease patients had similar resting [Ca2+]i and 4-chloro-m-cresol-induced Ca2+ release but reduced KCl-induced Ca2+ influx. Detailed analysis of the voltage-dependence of Ca2+ transients revealed a significant shift of Ca2+ release activation to higher depolarization levels in CAV3 mutated cells. High resolution immunofluorescence analysis by Total Internal Fluorescence microscopy supports the hypothesis that loss of caveolin-3 leads to microscopic disarrays in the colocalization of the voltage-sensing dihydropyridine receptor and the ryanodine receptor, thereby reducing the efficiency of excitation–contraction coupling. Hum Mutat 32:309–317, 2011. © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Quantitative proteomic analysis of skeletal muscles from wild type and transgenic mice carrying recessive Ryr1 mutations linked to congenital myopathies

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    Skeletal muscle is a highly structured and differentiated tissue responsible for voluntary movement and metabolic regulation. Muscles however, are heterogeneous and depending on their location, speed of contraction, fatiguability and function, can be broadly subdivided into fast and slow twitch as well as subspecialized muscles, with each group expressing common as well as specific proteins. Congenital myopathies are a group of non-inflammatory non-dystrophic muscle diseases caused by mutations in a number of genes, leading to a weak muscle phenotype. In most cases specific muscles types are affected, with preferential involvement of fast twitch muscles as well as extraocular and facial muscles. Here we performed relative and absolute quantitative proteomic analysis of EDL, soleus and extraocular muscles from wild type and transgenic mice carrying compound heterozygous mutations in Ryr1 identified in a patient with a severe congenital myopathy. Our quantitative proteomic study shows that recessive Ryr1 mutations not only decrease the content of RyR1 protein in muscle, but also impact the content of many other proteins; in addition, we provide important insight into the pathological mechanism of congenital myopathies linked to mutations in other genes encoding components of the excitation contraction coupling molecular complex

    B-lymphocytes from Malignant Hyperthermia-susceptible Patients Have an Increased Sensitivity to Skeletal Muscle Ryanodine Receptor Activators

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    Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a pharmacogenetic disease triggered by volatile anesthetics and succinylcholine in genetically predisposed individuals. The underlying feature of MH is a hypersensitivity of the calcium release machinery of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and in many cases this is a result of point mutations in the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor calcium release channel (RYR1). RYR1 is mainly expressed in skeletal muscle, but a recent report demonstrated the existence of this isoform in human B-lymphocytes. As B-cells can produce a number of cytokines, including endogenous pyrogens, we investigated whether some of the symptoms seen during MH could be related to the involvement of the immune system. Our results show that (i) Epstein-Barr virus-immortalized B-cells from MH-susceptible individuals carrying the V2168M RYR1 gene mutation were more sensitive to the RYR activator 4-chloro-m-cresol and (ii) their peripheral blood leukocytes produce more interleukin (IL)-1beta after treatment with the RYR activators caffeine and 4-chloro-m-cresol, compared with cells from healthy controls. Our result demonstrate that RYR1-mediated calcium signaling is involved in release of IL-1beta from B-lymphocytes and suggest that some of the symptoms seen during an MH episode may be due to IL-1beta production

    Improvement of muscle strength in a mouse model for congenital myopathy treated with HDAC and DNA methyltransferase inhibitors

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    To date there are no therapies for patients with congenital myopathies, muscle disorders causing poor quality of life of affected individuals. In approximately 30% of the cases, patients with congenital myopathies carry either dominant or recessive mutations in the ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR1) gene; recessive RYR1 mutations are accompanied by reduction of RyR1 expression and content in skeletal muscles and are associated with fiber hypotrophy and muscle weakness. Importantly, muscles of patients with recessive RYR1 mutations exhibit increased content of class II histone deacetylases and of DNA genomic methylation. We recently created a mouse model knocked-in for the p.Q1970fsX16+ p.A4329D RyR1 mutations, which are isogenic to those carried by a severely affected child suffering from a recessive form of RyR1-related multi-mini core disease. The phenotype of the RyR1 mutant mice recapitulates many aspects of the clinical picture of patients carrying recessive RYR1 mutations. We treated the compound heterozygous mice with a combination of two drugs targeting DNA methylases and class II histone deacetylases. Here, we show that treatment of the mutant mice with drugs targeting epigenetic enzymes improves muscle strength, RyR1 protein content, and muscle ultrastructure. This study provides proof of concept for the pharmacological treatment of patients with congenital myopathies linked to recessive RYR1 mutations
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