294 research outputs found

    Neonatal Isoflurane Exposure on Apoptotic Neurodegeneration and Long-term Behavioral Functions

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    Clinical studies have reported multiple exposures to anesthesia are associated with an increased risk of later learning disabilities. The general anesthetic Isoflurane (ISO) is commonly used in pediatric anesthesia and decreases the activity of the central nervous system through activation of the GABAA receptor. Other drug classes, such as anxiolytics, anticonvulsants, and alcohol, that share this mechanism increase neuroapoptosis during the developmental brain growth spurt period. Exposure to these agents during this time also can have detrimental consequences on behavior. Two experiments were conducted to examine the acute neuroapoptotic response and long-term behavioral impact of postnatal ISO exposure using an in vivo mouse model of brain development. In Experiment 1, mouse pups were treated on a single day or across multiple days to 1.5% ISO for 3 hr on postnatal days (PND) 3, 5, or 7. Densities of neurons positively stained for activated caspase-3, an immunohistochemical stain for neuroapoptotic degeneration, were quantified. The greatest neuroapoptotic response was observed in the cortex on PND 5, the caudate on PND 5, the thalamus on PND 3, and the hippocampus on PND 3 and 5. A greater density of cells undergoing apoptosis was observed on PND 5 following a single exposure and on PND 7 following a double exposure. To examine long-term influence, Experiment 2 followed mice into adulthood after neonatal exposure to isoflurane on PND 3+5+7. Male ISO mice demonstrated increased activity levels as juveniles and slightly heightened anxiety-like behaviors in the EPM as adolescents. During adulthood, female ISO mice failed to exhibit a preference for social novelty by spending comparable time investigating a novel versus a familiar conspecific during the social approach test. Contextual-cued fear conditioning was also disrupted in female ISO mice as demonstrated by a decrease in freezing behavior. In conclusion, isoflurane heightened levels of neuroapoptosis, suggesting possible alteration of neural circuitry, and influenced behavior long-term. These findings bring attention to exaggerated cell death during development and modifications in later functioning following developmental exposure to an anesthetic agent. This study provides grounds for developing into adjunctive therapies for the prevention of these disruptions in a clinical setting

    Mercury emissions from crematoria

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    A previous preliminary pilot study indicated that concentrations of mercury in crematoria soils might be significantly higher than controls. The source of the contamination has been assumed to be dental amalgam from cremated cadavers. Amalgam fillings contain 50% mercury, which under cremation conditions is totally vaporised and emitted from the stack either as the metallic vapour or in the oxidised form. Mercury is a cumulative poison with varying biochemical effects according to concentration and species, inter alia. Although much research has centred on the affects of dental amalgam in the living, the problems arising from disposal in the dead have been largely overlooked. This study investigated mercury emissions from crematoria by means of soil and air sampling programmes. The extent of exposure to the mercury by the crematoria workers was then determined by a hair-sampling programme. The soil monitoring and analysis programme involved five crematoria and measurements were made both by using a mercury vapour meter and flameless atomic absorption techniques. Levels in each case were significantly higher than controls and gave good overall correlation with cremation output. Air measurements varied and in one case exceeded the occupational exposure standard. In all cases the levels exceeded a proposed ambient air level goal of 1 µg m-3. Hair levels in crematorium workers were significantly in excess of controls (

    Maternal fluoxetine exposure alters cortical hemodynamic and calcium response of offspring to somatosensory stimuli

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    Epidemiological studies have found an increased incidence of neurodevelopmental disorders in populations prenatally exposed to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Optical imaging provides a minimally invasive way to determine if perinatal SSRI exposure has long-term effects on cortical function. Herein we probed the functional neuroimaging effects of perinatal SSRI exposure in a fluoxetine (FLX)-exposed mouse model. While resting-state homotopic contralateral functional connectivity was unperturbed, the evoked cortical response to forepaw stimulation was altered in FLX mice. The stimulated cortex showed decreased activity for FLX versus controls, by both hemodynamic responses [oxyhemoglobin (Hb

    Interaction with Kinsmen in Northern Europe

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    Adolescents' Perceptions of their Relationships with Parents

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    Direct Filtration Versus Conventional Water Treatment in the Intermountain Region

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    The direct filtration water treatment scheme does not include sedimentation and in some cases flocculation. Compared to conventional treatment, direct filtration has lowered capital costs, reduced space requirements, decreased sludge quantities, and reduced coagulant dosages. One objective of this research was the statistical comparison of the direct filtration, Utah Valley Water Purification Plant (Orem, Utah) and the conventional Little Cottonwood Water Treatment Plant (Salt Lake City, Utah). These treatment plants are the two most compatible treatment plants having the highest correlation of source water in the local area. The Little Cottonwood plant receives approximately 65 percent of its sources water from Deer Creek Reservoir whereas the Utah Valley plant receives all of its source water from Deer Creek Reservoir. Data from August 1, 1980, through August 31, 1983, were obtained from the daily water quality and plant operation logs of the two treatment plants. Utilizing the computer, the data were clocked into season means and compared staistically in several fashions. The water quality parameter of most importance in the comparison is the finished water turbidities. The most benficial results were obtained from a two-way analysis of variance using an F-ratio as the reference for signifiicance. The F-ratio for the finished water turbidity at the degree of significance, alpha = 0.01, proved not significant. The overall statistical analysis exhibits that the Utah Valley plant produces not only acceptable finished water turbinities well below EPA\u27s maximum contaminant level of 1 TU, but one that is also comparable in quality to that of the conventional processes of the Little Cottonwood Treatment Plant. Another objective of this research was the operation of two pilot-scale direct filtration systems at the Utah Valley treatment plant. The pilot plant treated the same source water and used the same dual-filter media as the Utah Valley treatment plant. The pilot plant flow processes consisted of a rapid mix basin, a flocculation basin, and the filter column. Filters were evaluated by the filter performance index (F.P.I.), which is based on the quantity of turbidity removed, the volume of water produced during a filter run, and effluent quality. The highest F.P.I. values were achieves during the filter runs using alum as the primary coagulant and a cationic polymer as a coagulant aid. These filter runs produced a product water with finished water rubidities considerably below the EPA maximum contaminant level of 1 TU. The most successful filter runs were characterized with filter loading rates ranging from 3 to 5 gpm/ft^2, and alum and polymer dosages ranging from 2.1 to 8.1 mg/l and 0.70 to 2.2 mg/l, respectively. These filter runs treated raw water with average turbidities from 13.6 to 22.8 NTU

    Carpenters Gap 1: A 47,000 year old record of indigenous adaption and innovation

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    Here we present the first detailed analysis of the archaeological finds from Carpenters Gap 1 rockshelter, one of the oldest radiocarbon dated sites in Australia and one of the few sites in the Sahul region to preserve both plant and animal remains down to the lowest Pleistocene aged deposits. Occupation at the site began between 51,000 and 45,000 cal BP and continued into the Last Glacial Maximum, and throughout the Holocene. While CG1 has featured in several studies, the full complement of 100 radiocarbon dates is presented here for the first time in stratigraphic context, and a Bayesian model is used to evaluate the age sequence. We present analyses of the stone artefact and faunal assemblages from Square A2, the oldest and deepest square excavated. These data depict a remarkable record of adaptation in technology, mobility, and diet breadth spanning 47,000 years. We discuss the dating and settlement record from CG1 and other northern Australian sites within the context of the new dates for occupation of Madjedbebe in Arnhem Land at 65,000 years (±5700), and implications for colonisation and dispersal within Sahul.We thank the Bunuba Aboriginal Corporation for their assistance in this work. Radiocarbon dates obtained in 2013 and 2014 and micromorphological research by Vannieuwenhuyse were funded by the Australian Research Council grant LP100200415 ‘Lifeways of the first Australians’ with contributions from the Kimberley Foundation Australia and the Department of Sustainability, Water, Populations and Communities, awarded to O'Connor and Balme, as well as support from the Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage as well as support from the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage (CE170100015)

    Work Function Analysis of Vegetarian Entree Production

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    Data on actual labor time can be utilized as an effective management tool. With labor cost representing about 50 percent of direct cost in food service, it is essential to examine how labor time is being utilized. A continuous time study was conducted to determine the total labor time for the production of eight vegetarian entrees. The two work areas observed were the ingredient assembly area and the cooks\u27 production area. This labor time was recorded by Work Functions to find the dis- tribution of labor time. Data from the observations were compiled using an Apple II computer system. Reports were generated to show: a) observed frequency of each Work Function, b) time expended in seconds for each Work Function, c) percentage distribution of labor time expended per Work Function, d) total time for each employee involved in the entree production, and e) percentage of total time for each employee involved in the entree production. The total labor time ranged from 39.97 to 19.33 seconds per serving. Entrees with the highest labor time required a large amount of hand labor. The largest percentage of labor time was spent in the category of direct time with a range of 96.75 to 94.47 percent. Indirect labor time was less than 5 percent of total labor time and delay time was less than 5 percent of the total labor time. A second objective was to compare the cooks\u27 labor time with data from Research Project I which was collected in 1970 using a similar methodology. Since the completion of Research Project I, an ingredient assembly area, and computer generated standardized production formulas are being utilized in the food service system. The comparison between data from Research Project I and II was made to determine delegation of routine tasks from cooks\u27 area to ingredient room personnel. These comparisons indicated reduction in cooks\u27 labor time. The percentage distribution of labor time increased in direct labor time while indirect labor time decreased. A one-way analysis of variance indicated there was a significant difference in mean labor time between the eight vegetarian entrees for direct labor time, and total labor time

    Examining the reversibility of long-term behavioral disruptions in progeny of maternal SSRI exposure

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    Serotonergic dysregulation is implicated in numerous psychiatric disorders. Serotonin plays widespread trophic roles during neurodevelopment; thus perturbations to this system during development may increase risk for neurodevelopmental disorders. Epidemiological studies have examined association between selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment during pregnancy and increased autism spectrum disorder (ASD) risk in offspring. It is unclear from these studies whether ASD susceptibility is purely related to maternal psychiatric diagnosis, or if treatment poses additional risk. We sought to determine whether maternal SSRI treatment alone or in combination with genetically vulnerable background was sufficient to induce offspring behavior disruptions relevant to ASD. We exposed C57BL/6J or Celf6(+/-) mouse dams to fluoxetine (FLX) during different periods of gestation and lactation and characterized offspring on tasks assessing social communicative interaction and repetitive behavior patterns including sensory sensitivities. We demonstrate robust reductions in pup ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) and alterations in social hierarchy behaviors, as well as perseverative behaviors and tactile hypersensitivity. Celf6 mutant mice demonstrate social communicative deficits and perseverative behaviors, without further interaction with FLX. FLX re-exposure in adulthood ameliorates the tactile hypersensitivity yet exacerbates the dominance phenotype. This suggests acute deficiencies in serotonin levels likely underlie the abnormal responses to sensory stimuli, while the social alterations are instead due to altered development of social circuits. These findings indicate maternal FLX treatment, independent of maternal stress, can induce behavioral disruptions in mammalian offspring, thus contributing to our understanding of the developmental role of the serotonin system and the possible risks to offspring of SSRI treatment during pregnancy
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