245 research outputs found

    Valuing the Recreational Benefits From the Creation of Nature Reserves in Irish Forests

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    Data from a large-scale contingent valuation study are used to investigate the effects of forest attributes on willingness to pay for forest recreation in Ireland. In particular, the presence of a nature reserve in the forest is found to significantly increase the visitors' willingness to pay. A random utility model is used to estimate the welfare change associated with the creation of nature reserves in all the Irish forests currently without one. The yearly impact on visitors' economic welfare of new nature reserves approaches half a million pounds per annum, exclusive of non recreational values.Non-market valuation, Contingent valuation, Forest attributes analysis, Nature reserves.

    Dread and latency impacts on a VSL for cancer risk reduction

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    We propose a structural relationship between the value of preventing a statistical cancer fatality and the value of statistical life (VSL) for risks of an instantaneous road accident fatality. This relationship incorporates a context effect reflecting both the illness or ‘morbidity’ associated with cancer fatality and the ‘dread’ or horror associated with the prospect of eventual death from cancer, as well as a latency effect that captures the discounting likely to arise because the onset of the symptoms of cancer typically occurs after some delay. We use a Risk-Risk trade-off study to validate this model by directly estimating the influence of context and latency effects upon the relative size of the VSL for cancer and for road accidents, confirming that both effects are significant and estimating their size using regression analysis. We show that morbidity accounts for the majority of the context premium. We use the elicited coefficients to reconstruct VSL estimates for a range of cancers characterised by their latency and morbidity periods

    A New Approach to Environmental Valuation for New Zealand

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    New Zealand’s Resource Management Act is frequently criticised for the costs and delays it imposes on activities, but less attention is given to the consistency of values it applies to environmental effects through its decisions. The wide variety of parties who exercise decision roles under the act lack guidance on the economic value of the environment, and non-market valuation studies are too costly to be widely used and too few and varied to infer reliable generic values. Drawing on experience in estimating the public value of safety improvements, this article proposes an alternative approach that measures people’s aversion to the risk of environmental impacts of different scales and severity which could yield values sufficiently generic to be widely used, and outlines its uses both within and beyond the RMA applications

    Expression analysis of genes associated with human osteosarcoma tumors shows correlation of RUNX2 overexpression with poor response to chemotherapy

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    Background: Human osteosarcoma is the most common pediatric bone tumor. There is limited understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying osteosarcoma oncogenesis, and a lack of good diagnostic as well as prognostic clinical markers for this disease. Recent discoveries have highlighted a potential role of a number of genes including: RECQL4, DOCK5, SPP1, RUNX2, RB1, CDKN1A, P53, IBSP, LSAMP, MYC, TNFRSF1B, BMP2, HISTH2BE, FOS, CCNB1, and CDC5L. Methods: Our objective was to assess relative expression levels of these 16 genes as potential biomarkers of osteosarcoma oncogenesis and chemotherapy response in human tumors. We performed quantitative expression analysis in a panel of 22 human osteosarcoma tumors with differential response to chemotherapy, and 5 normal human osteoblasts.Results: RECQL4, SPP1, RUNX2, and IBSP were significantly overexpressed, and DOCK5, CDKN1A, RB1, P53, and LSAMP showed significant loss of expression relative to normal osteoblasts. In addition to being overexpressed in osteosarcoma tumor samples relative to normal osteoblasts, RUNX2 was the only gene of the 16 to show significant overexpression in tumors that had a poor response to chemotherapy relative to good responders. Conclusion: These data underscore the loss of tumor suppressive pathways and activation of specific oncogenic mechanisms associated with osteosarcoma oncogenesis, while drawing attention to the role of RUNX2 expression as a potential biomarker of chemotherapy failure in osteosarcoma. © 2010 Sadikovic et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    LTC4 synthase polymorphism modifies efficacy of botanical seed oil combination in asthma

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    Botanical seed oils reduce the generation of leukotrienes in patients with asthma. Our objective was to determine the efficacy of a botanical seed oil combination against airflow obstruction in asthma, and to determine the pharmacogenomic effect of the leukotriene C4 synthase (LTC4S) polymorphism A-444C. We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over clinical trial in mild to moderate asthmatics to determine the change in FEV1 after 6 weeks of therapy with borage and echium seed oils versus corn oil placebo. We also examined the effect of the variant LTC4S -444C allele on the change in lung function. We did not identify a difference in FEV1 in the study cohort as a whole (n = 28), nor in the group of A homozygotes. In the C allele carriers (n = 9), FEV1 improved by 3% after treatment with borage and echium seed oils and declined by 4% after placebo corn oil (p = 0.02). All 9 C allele carriers demonstrated an improvement in their FEV1 on active treatment compared to placebo as compared to only 7 out of 19 A allele homozygotes (p = 0.007). We observed transient differences in ex vivo leukotriene generation from circulating basophils and granulocytes. We did not observe significant differences in urinary LTE4 levels. We conclude that compared to corn oil, a combination of borage and echium seed oils improves airflow obstruction in mild to moderate asthmatics who carry the variant allele in the LTC4S gene (A-444C). Botanical oil supplementation may have therapeutic potential in asthma if used in a personalized manner. Trial registration: This trial was registered at http://www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00806442

    Impact of botanical oils on polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism and leukotriene generation in mild asthmatics

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    Background: Dietary supplementation with botanical oils that contain n-6 and n-3 eighteen carbon chain (18C)-PUFA such as γ linolenic acid (GLA, 18:3n-6), stearidonic acid (SDA, 18:4n-3) and α linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3) have been shown to impact PUFA metabolism, alter inflammatory processes including arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism and improve inflammatory disorders. Methods: The diet of mild asthmatics patients was supplemented for three weeks with varying doses of two botanical seed oils (borage oil [Borago officinalis, BO] and echium seed oil [Echium plantagineum; EO]) that contain SDA, ALA and GLA. A three week wash out period followed. The impact of these dietary manipulations was evaluated for several biochemical endpoints, including in vivo PUFA metabolism and ex vivo leukotriene generation from stimulated leukocytes. Results: Supplementation with several EO/BO combinations increased circulating 20–22 carbon (20–22C) PUFAs, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), and dihommo-gammalinolenic acid (DGLA), which have been shown to inhibit AA metabolism and inflammation without impacting circulating AA levels. BO/EO combinations also inhibited ex vivo leukotriene generation with some combinations attenuating cysteinyl leukotriene generation in stimulated basophils by >50% and in stimulated neutrophils by >35%. Conclusions: This study shows that dietary supplementation with BO/EO alters 20–22C PUFA levels and attenuates leukotriene production in a manner consistent with a reduction in inflammation

    Measurement of Magnetic Exchange in Asymmetric Lanthanide Dimetallics: Toward a Transferable Theoretical Framework

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    Magnetic exchange interactions within the asymmetric dimetallic compounds [hqH2][Ln2(hq)4(NO3)3]∙MeOH, (Ln = Er(III) and Yb(III), hqH = 8-hydroxyquinoline) have been directly probed with EPR spectroscopy and accurately modelled by spin Hamiltonian techniques. Exploitation of site selectivity via doping experiments in Y(III) and Lu(III) matrices yields simple EPR spectra corresponding to isolated Kramers doublets, allowing determination of the local magnetic properties of the individual sites within the dimetallic compounds. CASSCF-SO calculations, INS and far-IR measurements are all employed to further support the identification and modelling of the local electronic structure for each site. EPR spectra of the pure dimetallic compounds are highly featured and correspond to transitions within the lowest-lying exchange-coupled manifold, permitting determination of the highly anisotropic magnetic exchange between the lanthanide ions. We find a unique orientation for the exchange interaction, corresponding to a common elongated oxygen bridge for both isostructural analogs. This suggests a microscopic physical connection to the magnetic superexchange. These results are of fundamental importance for building and validating model microscopic Hamiltonians to understand the origins of magnetic interactions between lanthanides and how they may be controlled with chemistr

    The impact of FADS genetic variants on ω6 polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism in African Americans

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Arachidonic acid (AA) is a long-chain omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) synthesized from the precursor dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA) that plays a vital role in immunity and inflammation. Variants in the Fatty Acid Desaturase (<it>FADS</it>) family of genes on chromosome 11q have been shown to play a role in PUFA metabolism in populations of European and Asian ancestry; no work has been done in populations of African ancestry to date.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we report that African Americans have significantly higher circulating levels of plasma AA (p = 1.35 × 10<sup>-48</sup>) and lower DGLA levels (p = 9.80 × 10<sup>-11</sup>) than European Americans. Tests for association in N = 329 individuals across 80 nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Fatty Acid Desaturase (<it>FADS</it>) locus revealed significant association with AA, DGLA and the AA/DGLA ratio, a measure of enzymatic efficiency, in both racial groups (peak signal p = 2.85 × 10<sup>-16 </sup>in African Americans, 2.68 × 10<sup>-23 </sup>in European Americans). Ancestry-related differences were observed at an upstream marker previously associated with AA levels (rs174537), wherein, 79-82% of African Americans carry two copies of the G allele compared to only 42-45% of European Americans. Importantly, the allelic effect of the G allele, which is associated with <it>enhanced </it>conversion of DGLA to AA, on enzymatic efficiency was similar in both groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that the impact of <it>FADS </it>genetic variants on PUFA metabolism, specifically AA levels, is likely more pronounced in African Americans due to the larger proportion of individuals carrying the genotype associated with increased FADS1 enzymatic conversion of DGLA to AA.</p