43 research outputs found

    Uji Resolusi Spasial Pada Perangkat Lunak Computed Radiography Menggunakan Pengolahan Citra Digital

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    This research conducted the spatial resolution of images in computed radiography using digital imagery. Spatial resolution testing aims to calculate the value of spatial resolution of computed radiography. The spatial resolution of images is useful to show the images of an object that is very useful for the smallest uphold the radiography diagnosis. The method used stars from doing expose on TOR CDR phantom with tube voltage variations, 70 kV, 72 kV, 74 kV, 76 kV, 78 kV, 80 kV, and 82 kV, read on computed radiography, the images is transferred to the computer software and then make a matlab program to calculate the spatial resolution of the image then performed to analysis. The results obtained images on the 70 kV has an average value of spatial resolution of 0,095 mm/pixel. This value is within the specified tolerance limit AAPM number 93 of 2006 which is less than 0,2 or 0,1 mm/pixel. Of spatial resolution values are not influence by tube voltage variation

    Analisis Pengaruh Atribut Produk Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah (Studi Pada Tabungan Britama Bri Kantor Cabang Pattimura Semarang)

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    Competition in today's business world is getting tougher. this affects particularly kapadaBRI in 2012. BRI bank customers BritAma savings each month fluctuated. AlthoughBritAma already provide product attributes that can compete with other banks, but stillcan not reach the target. This study aims to research how much influence of the qualityproduct, features product, and design product by BritAma to customer loyalty BRIPattimura Semarang.The population in this study are BritAma customer of BRI Pattimura Semarang. Thesample in this study were randomly conducted using non probability sampling techniqueand accidental sampling method. The analysis used in this study is multiple liniearregression analysis, by using the stage of tes validity, test reliability, and classicalassumption tes. And then the hypothesis is evidenced by t test, F test, and coefficient ofdetermination (R²).The result of multiple liniear regression analysis that has been done shows that allindependent variables, the quality product, fitur product, and desaign product have a positiveinfluence on the dependent variable, customer loyalty. The independent variable is the mostinfluential of the dependent variable is the variable fitur product (0,433), followed by qualityproduct (0,306), and then desaign product (0,274). And the coefficient of determination(adjusted R²) is 0,503. This means that 50,3% customer loyalty is affected by variable qualityproduct, fitur product, and desaign product. While the ramaining 49,7% is influenced byother variables that are not addressed in this study


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    Latar Belakang. Estrogen mengatur homeostasis tulang dan disekresikan oleh gonad dan ekstragonad. Selain itu,androgen diubah menjadiestrogen oleh enzim aromatase P450 yang dihasilkan oleh sitokrom P450 aromatase. Ini diproduksi oleh gen sitokrom CYP19.Vitamin D berperan dalam mengatur homeostasis kalsium dan ekspresi gen aromatase langsung. Deksametason bertindak sebagai anti inflamasi, menghentikan peradangan dan meningkatkan kecepatan penyem6uhan. Kerusakan parah tulang alveolar di periodontitis agresif dapat te~adi di usia muda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji ekspresi gen CYP19daiam kultur sel osteoblas periodontitis agresif tulang alveolar pasien dengan stimulasi vitamin D dan atau deksametason. Metode. Fragmen tulang alveolar dari pasien periodontitis agresif dikultur dalam dimodifikasi F-12 medium dilengkapi dengan serum janin sapi (FBS) 20%, antibiotik (penisilin streptomisin) 5%, dan fungizone 2%. Sel-sel osteoblas yang tumbuh dalam kultur dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok. Kelompok 1: kultur diperlakukan non, kelompok 2: diperlakukan dengan vitamin D 10-6 moVL,kelompok 3: diperlakukan dengan deksametason 10.7mol/L, dan kelompok 4: diperlakukan dengan kombinasi vitamin D den deksametason pada dosis yang sarna. Setelah 24 jam perlakuan dihentikan, semua kelompok kultur yang diamati dengan teknik imunositokimia dan menghitung persentase CYP19 ekspresi gen dan sel oeteoblas dalam kultur. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa persentase rata-rata CYP19 ekspresi gen untuk kelompok 1, 2, 3, dan 4 adalah 44.18, 38.66,35.26 dan 31.13%, masing-masing ,dan perbedaan yang signifikan antara perlakuan dengan

    Kandungan Kolesterol Kepiting Bakau (Scylla Serrata) Jantan Dan Betina Pada Lokasi Yang Berbeda

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    Mud crab (Scylla serrata) have potency commercial market in this country and the other country. That thing because mud crab (Scylla serrata) flesh has a delicious taste and high nutrition. People haven't knowed about cholesterol content in both male or female mud crab (Scylla serrata), whereas the knowledge about cholesterol content is important to consider nutrition intake to keep in good health. This research aim to determine cholesterol content in Scylla serrata by observing male and female crab in Pemalang and Demak. This research used descriptive method and sampling used purposive random sampling method. Determination of sampling position used purposive sampling method. This research has done in October 30th – November 25th 2011. This research used 30 male and 30 female with mean body weigh 60 - 100 g. Analysis of cholesterol content used method by Lieberman–Burchad. Result from this research indicates that S. serrata from Pemalang has cholesterol content more large than S. serrata from Demak, while the male crab from both place has higher cholesterol content than female crab (66,67 mg/100g and 61,67 mg/100g in male crab, and 64,67 mg/100g and 58,33 mg/100g in female crab)


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    A conveyor idler belt is to serve as buffer in a transportation system of coal from the land to a ship the carrier of coal. The idler was loaded by 700 tons per hour. From the simulation, the bearing on the slant has a maximum value of von mises stress is 258.05 MPa by the crushed bituminous coals load, 340.09 MPa by the crushed anthracite coal, 528.26 MPa by crushed bituminous coals impact loads, 692.28 MPa by the crushed anthracite coal impact loads. The bearing age for crushed bituminous coals transportation is 278.81 days for 21 hours per day of service hour and 117.44 million round revolution; 139.6 days for the crushed anthracite coal and 58.81 million round revolution; however the pads located on the bottom right of transfer chute has a very short life of 22.62 days and 9.53 million round revolution for the crushed anthracite coal transportation and 47.24 days for crushed bituminous coal transportation and 19.9 million round revolution. The crack type of bearing was macro crack, pear skin, discoloratioan, wear, smearing, and corrosion. Periodic maintenance was necessary keeping the bearing longer in service life

    Ekosistem Lamun Sebagai Bioindikator Lingkungan Di P. Lembeh, Bitung, Sulawesi Utara

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    Seagrass ecosystem has a function of spawning, nursery, and feeding ground. Besides, it could be used as a bio-indicator of environmental health. This study of seagrass ecosystem was done in 17- 22 May 2014 in Lembeh Island and Tanjung Merah, Bitung. The purpose of the study is to obtain existing condition of seagrass ecosystem and its role as environment bio-indicator. Purposive sampling method was used representing all study sites. Structure analysis of seagrass communities describes the existing condition, while scoring / weighting method estimate current condition of the seagrass. Results that show there are seven species of seagrass. In the stations opposite to Bitung mainland, 75% of the seagrass are Enhalus acoroides (10-50% covers). Importance value index of the seagrass species were Enhalus acoroides (231–300 %), Thalassia hemprichii ( 102–198 %) and Halophila ovalis (110 %) respectively. Based on the weighting method and environmental standard quality, seagrass ecosystem in Lembeh island opposite to Bitung mainland was in damage and unhealthy condition, while seagrass ecosystem opposite to the open sea was in a good and healthy condition. This was due to the domestic waste that is trapped in seagrass ecosystem in the study site. It is necessary to improve awareness to maintain quality of environmental