2 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Endoxan-Asta (Cyclophosphamide) pada Pertumbuhan Embryo Ayam

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    Ringkasan. Telah diteliti pengaruh Endoxan-Asta (cyclophosphamide) terhadap pertumbuhan embryo ayam dengan jalan menyuntikkannya ke dalam kantung yolk pada umur 4 dan 5 hari inkubasi. Didapatkan, bahwa dosis teratogenic adalah 0.04 mg per telur. Malformasi yang ditimbulkannya adalah: gelembung meliputi mata, kelopak mata yang tidak tumbuh dengan sempurna, mata yang tidak tumbuh samasekali, paruh dengan sisi lateral yang bercelah, paruh bawah atau paruh atas yang pendek, paruh menyilang, micromelia, syndactyli, ectrodactyli, ectopia viscerum, exencephali dan "cleft palate". Selain itu Endoxan-Asta berpengaruh menghambat pertumbuhan pada umumnya. Abstract. The influence of Endoxan-Asta (Cyclophosphamide) on the development of chick embryos has been investigated by injecting the substance into the yolk sac of 4 and 5 days incubated eggs. It was found that 0.04 mg Endoxan-Asta per egg is a teratogenic dose. Malformations obtained during the investigation were: bulb over the eye, eyelids not well developed, undeveloped eyes, cleft on the lateral sides of upper beak, short upper or lower beak, crossed beak, micromelia, syndactyly, ectrodactyly, ectopia viscerum, exencephaly and cleft palate. Besides that, Endoxan-Asta caused stunted growth.

    Pengaruh Endoxan-Asta terhadap Pertumbuhan Embrio Ayam yang Disuntikkan pada Macam-macam Umur Pengeraman

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    Abstract. The influence of Endoxan-Asta (cyclophosphamide) on the development of chicken embryos has been investigated by injecting the substance into the yolk sac of 2-,3-, 4-, 5-,6-, and 7-day old embryos. The 4- and 5-day old embryos were found to be the most affected by injecting 0,04 mg Endoxan per egg. The younger the embryo when Endoxan is administered, its influence of the development of long bones of the leg is shifted for the tarso-metatarsus to the tibio-tarsus (towards the bones which are situated more proximally). In all experiments done, ectopia viscerum is the most obvious malformation. It has been proven clearly, that Endoxan caused stunted growth