11 research outputs found


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    Teknologi semakin berkembang dan internet menjadi salah satu pilihan bagi orang untuk berinteraksi satu dengan yang lain. Salah satu pemanfaatan internet yang terkenal adalah sebagai hiburan. Internet sebagai hiburan dapat dilakukan dengan bermain game online. Sejak beberapa tahun terakhir, bisnis game online sangat berkembang di kalangan masyarakat. Ketika seseorang sering bermain game online, interaksi dengan pengguna lain akan meningkat, yang kemudian menyebabkan lebih banyak pengguna bergabung dalam komunitas game. Dalam komunitas game online, pengguna dapat melakukan peran khusus, berinteraksi sosial dan bertukar informasi. Orang-orang yang berinteraksi dapat menciptakan dunia virtual mereka sendiri. Dibalik suksesnya perkembangan industri game online, ternyata ada banyak fenomena yang terjadi di masyarakat, game online tidak hanya menjadi sebuah hiburan, namun game online memberikan dampak negatif bagi masyarakat. Banyak remaja yang menghabiskan waktunya di game center untuk bermain game. Di Indonesia, seorang remaja rela meminjam uang 84 juta hanya untuk berbelanja item tertentu pada permainan game online. Seorang pemain game asal Australia menghabiskan 246 juta untuk membeli sebuah pulau virtual pada game online Project Entropia. Penelitian terdahulu belum cukup untuk menjawab fenomena di kalangan pemain game. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui motivasi yang mendorong seseorang mengeluarkan sejumlah dana untuk membeli virtual item. Berdasarkan fenomena yang terjadi dapat dilihat betapa pentingnya mengetahui lebih dalam pengaruh tipologi pemain terhadap sikap yang dibangun sebagai alasan orang bermain game online MMORPG dan niat untuk melakukan pembelian virtual item. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain riset kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah pemain game Ragnarok Online yang sudah memiliki pengalaman bermain dalam minimal dua tahun dan sudah melakukan pembelian virtual item

    Analysis of Covid-19 Cash Direct Aid (BLT) Acceptance Using K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government imposed Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) to reduce or slow down the spread of COVID-19. This causes people to be unable to work as usual, and not even a few people have lost their jobs. This prompted the government to launch the Covid-19 direct cash assistance (BLT) program. One of the areas affected by the PSBB is Batu Ampar Village, which distributing BLT is considered less effective by residents because there are BLTs that are not well-targeted. The cause of the ineffectiveness of the distribution of aid was assessed because the data was out of sync; it was difficult to verify and validate the new data due to the size of the area and the constantly changing number of underprivileged residents. To overcome these problems, a model is needed to predict the recipients of this Covid-19 BLT. This study uses the K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) algorithm and RapidMiner tools to make predictions and validate using Cross-Validation. The data used are 711 lines with 474 training data and 237 testing data resulting in an accuracy of 89.68% for training data and 88.61% for testing data

    Audit Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Untuk Integritas Data Menggunakan Framework Cobit 5 Pada PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Divre IV TNK

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    PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Divre IV Tanjungkarang merupakan salah satu badan usaha milik negara yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa transportasi yang telah memanfaatkan teknologi informasi yaitu penggunaan system Trainplan. Namun dalam penerepan sistem Trainplan terdapat beberapa kendala yaitu salah satunya integritas data yang terjadi kurang baik sehingga dalam mendukung meraih tujuan perusahaan kurang maksimal.Untuk memastikan keakuratan, aksesibilitasi dan kualitas tinggi dari sebuah data, maka harus dilakukan audit sistem informasi. Audit sistem informasi dilakukan untuk meningkatkan integritas data pada PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Divre IV Tanjungkarang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner, wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi secara langsung. Hasil pengumpulan data digunakan untuk mengetahui kelemahan-kelemahan sistem pada PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Divre IV Tanjungkarang. Audit sistem informasi ini menggunakan framework COBIT 5. Domain yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Evaluate Direct and Monitor (EDM), Align Plan and Organise (APO), Build Acquire and Implement (BAI), Deliver Service and Support (DSS), dan Monitor Evaluate and Assure (MEA) yang bertujuan mengetahui sejauh mana PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Divre IV Tanjungkarang telah menerapkan integritas data dan informasi.Kata kunci: COBIT 5, Audit Sistem Informasi, Tata Kelola, Trainplan, Integritas Dat


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    Swamedikasi merupakan upaya pengobatan secara mandiri yang dilakukan masyarakat untuk mengobati dirinya sendiri. Namun bila tidak dilakukan dengan tepat justru menimbulkan masalah baru yaitu adanya resistensi bakteri dan ketergantungan. Kesalahan prediksi juga mengakibatkan munculnya penyakit baru karena efek samping obat antara lain seperti gangguan sistem pencernaan, reaksi hipersensitif, serta memungkinkan terjadi keracunan. Pelaksanaan swamedikasi, diprediksi akan menimbulkan kesalahan penggunaan obat (medication error) yang disebabkan keterbatasan pengetahuan masyarakat akan obat dan penggunaanya. Untuk itu, pada penelitian terdahulu dibangun sebuah sistem informasi obat buatan yang berisi tentang data-data dan pengetahuan tentang obat buatan yang dapat diakses masyarakat secara bebas dan mudah. Namun pada penerapannya, belum diketahui apakah sistem informasi tersebut dapat meningkatkan rasionalitas dan keterampilan dalam melakukan swamedikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah sistem informasi obat buatan yang telah dibangun dapat meningkatkan rasionalitas dan keterampilan masyarakat. Pendekatan dilakukan dengan melakukan quasi eksperimen terhadap 150 responden, yaitu memberikan treatment dengan menyebar kuesioner sebelum dan sesudah sistem informasi obat buatan digunakan. Dari kesenjangan tersebut, dilakukan pendekatan kualitatif kepada empat informan, untuk menggali lebih dalam apakah terjadi perubahan perilaku pengguna sistem informasi untuk kebutuhan swamedikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Sistem Informasi Obat Buatan yang diimplementasikan dapat meningkatkan rasionalitas dan keterampilan masyarakat dalam melakukan swamedikasi berdasarkan perbandingan nilai sebelum treatment sebesar 3,95 menjadi 8,77 pada skala 0 – 9,00. Hal ini terjadi karena sistem memuat informasi lengkap seputar gejala, penyakit, dan obat-obatan.Kata Kunci: perilaku pengguna sistem informasi, swamedikasi, quasi eksperimen

    Audit Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Framework Cobit 5 (Studi Kasus: Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Laut Lampung)

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    Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Laut Lampung (BBPBL) adalah Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) di bidang pengembangan budidaya laut yang berada di bawah dan bertanggungjawab kepada Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Budidaya. Balai Besar Pengembangan Budidaya Laut Lampung merupakan telah menggunakan sistem e-SKP (elektronik Sasaran Kinerja Pegawai). Saat ini kegiatan tata kelola keamanan informasi belum dilakukan secara maksimal. Untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya kendala seperti sumber daya manusia yang kurang memahami aplikasi e-SKP sehingga berpotensi terjadinya error pada aplikasi, maka dilakukan metode pengelolaan teknologi informasi menggunakan kerangka kerja COBIT. Proses yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah EDM03, APO13, APO12, BAI06, DSS01, DSS02, DSS03, DSS05, MEA01, MEA02. Analisis data menggunakan Maturity Level dan Analisis Kesenjangan untuk menentukan tingkat kematangan. Dari hasil nilai aktual dan nilai ekspektasi yang ditentukan, penulis mendapatkan gap dari analisis kesenjangan di atas.Kata kunci : Tata Kelola Keamanan Informasi, Maturity Level, Analisis Kesenjangan, e-SKP, COBIT

    Rancangan Arsitektur Sistem Berbasis Pengetahuan Obat Buatan untuk Kebutuhan Swamedikasi

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    Arsitektur sistem berbasis pengetahuan obat buatan ini dirancang berdasarkan hasil analisis akan kebutuhan informasi tentang obat buatan bagi para pelaku swamedikasi. Arsitektur sistem dalam penelitian ini dirancang dengan menggunakan blok diagram untuk menggambarkan arsitektur sistem secara umum dan untuk menggambarkan detail rancangan digunakan metode perancangan berorientasi objek dengan tools Unified Modeling Language (UML). Proses perancangan sistem dimulai dengan mengembangkan arsitektur sistem yang terdiri atas diagram blok yang memuat komponen-komponen dari sistem. Desain detail sistem dibuat dengan merancang model kegiatan sistem dengan Use Case Diagram, rancangan aktivitas untuk menggambarkan aliran kerja digunakan Activity Diagram, dan Class Diagram digunakan untuk merancang struktur sistem dari segi pendifenisian kelas-kelas yang akan dibuat untuk membangun sistem

    Challenges and Trends of Financial Technology (Fintech): A Systematic Literature Review

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    Digital transformation creates challenges in all industries and business sectors. The development of digital transformation has also clearly triggered the emergence of fintech (financial technology) initiatives, which are recognized as some of the most important innovations in the financial industry. These initiatives are developing rapidly, driven in part by the sharing economy, regulations, and information technology. However, research in the field of fintech remains in its infancy. Fintech offers several services, such as funding, payment (including electronic wallets), e-aggregators, e-trading, and e-insurance, and cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. This provides an opportunity to more closely examine fintech’s research challenges and trends. This study aims to (1) determine the state of the art of financial technology research; (2) identify gaps in the financial technology research field; and (3) identify challenges and trends for future research potential. The novel proposal in this study includes theoretical contributions regarding financial technology. Using the systematic literature review approach of Kitchenham, in addition to thematic analysis, meta-analysis and observation to validate the quality of literature and analysis, the results of this study provide a theoretical basis fintech research from an information systems perspective, including the formulation of fintech technology concepts and their development


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    Internet technology has been growing and become one of the options for people to interact with others. Now days, one of the most famous usage of the internet was as an entertainment. Online game was a sample. For this reason, therefore the online business games also growth among the public. As someone frequently play the online games, interaction with other users could increase, which would lead for more users to join the game�s community. In this community, users might perform specific roles (role-playing), social interaction and exchange of information. People who did interaction can create their own virtual world. This was a new phenomenon in the human life among gamers. Meanwhile, previous studies have not been sufficient to explain the question why did people tend to play the games, entry to the virtual world, and brought it to the real life. The aims of this study was to find out the motivation that drives someone to play the game. This study also find out the effects of experiences and user interaction as motivation to play online games. Furthermore, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG) was chosen as an object. The method of research proposed was qualitative study. The result of research could show that it was very important to know the deeper effect on the attitudes of players typologies constructed when people play the game. This typology could explained the motivation of people for playing games

    The Integrated Information System Implementation Strategy in Korlantas Polri Based on the Zachman Framework Approach

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    Traffic Police Corps (Korlantas Polri) is the executor of the main duties of the Indonesian National Police in the areas of security, safety, order and smooth traffic. Korlantas has some information that can be accessed by the public, namely information on congestion, accidents, traffic flow status, vital objects, road conditions, data and visual images from CCTV, public service conditions, and traffic infrastructure. However, these data are stand alone and not integrated with their respective applications and systems. The purpose of this study is to analyze the strategy for implementing an integrated information system at Korlantas Polri and what steps can be taken to integrate the existing system. This study uses the Zachman Framework which is adapted to Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) and qualitative data collection methods by interviewing stakeholders who are involved in managing information systems at Korlantas Polri. The results obtained are the need for a data warehouse by implementing an AI based integrated database system, Geospatial Information System, Business Intelligence and DSS, as well as Smart Visualization to visualize existing data. Then standardize the need for equipment and support for improving the ability of personnel in the IT field.  Traffic Police Corps (Korlantas Polri) is the executor of the main duties of the Indonesian National Police in the areas of security, safety, order and smooth traffic. Korlantas has some information that can be accessed by the public, namely information on congestion, accidents, traffic flow status, vital objects, road conditions, data and visual images from CCTV, public service conditions, and traffic infrastructure. However, these data are stand alone and not integrated with their respective applications and systems. The purpose of this study is to analyze the strategy for implementing an integrated information system at Korlantas Polri and what steps can be taken to integrate the existing system. This study uses the Zachman Framework which is adapted to Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP) and qualitative data collection methods by interviewing stakeholders who are involved in managing information systems at Korlantas Polri. The results obtained are the need for a data warehouse by implementing an AI based integrated database system, Geospatial Information System, Business Intelligence and DSS, as well as Smart Visualization to visualize existing data. Then standardize the need for equipment and support for improving the ability of personnel in the IT field

    Sentiment Analysis of Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Service Quality on Playstore Data: A Case of Indodax

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    Indodax is one of the cryptocurrency trading platforms in Indonesia that has the highest sentiment for the quality they provide, good quality on a platform is an important factor in obtaining user satisfaction and will have an impact on the long-term success of a company. The importance of user satisfaction on cryptocurrency online trading platforms is a significant factor in increasing user loyalty in today's competition. This research was conducted to analyze the quality of existing cryptocurrency trading platform services so that they can be input for cryptocurrency trading service providers to improve the quality of their services, this information can also be considered by prospective platform users in choosing a trading platform that has the best quality of service to minimize losses that may be caused by the platform. In this study, sentiment analysis was used for indodax play store platform users and then processed using the lexicon classification method to produce sentiment analysis for each significant factor of service quality. From the results of the classification carried out in this study, the results of the analysis show that most users are satisfied and give positive sentiments related to security, namely 87.63%, positive sentiments related to the interface design 88.46%, positive sentiments related to service & convenience by 83%, but some users also gave a slightly positive sentiment related to administrative costs, namely 39%, and their negative sentiment was mostly related to the error & failure system, which received more than 80% sentiment. While the recall value is 38.07%, the precision is 56.69% and the f1-score is 45.55%. The results of this study can be concluded that there are still many important points that must be improved in quality by the indodax platform service providers so that they can be more attractive and used by everyone.  Indodax is one of the cryptocurrency trading platforms in Indonesia that has the highest sentiment for the quality they provide, good quality on a platform is an important factor in obtaining user satisfaction and will have an impact on the long-term success of a company. The importance of user satisfaction on cryptocurrency online trading platforms is a significant factor in increasing user loyalty in today's competition. This research was conducted to analyze the quality of existing cryptocurrency trading platform services so that they can be input for cryptocurrency trading service providers to improve the quality of their services, this information can also be considered by prospective platform users in choosing a trading platform that has the best quality of service to minimize losses that may be caused by the platform. In this study, sentiment analysis was used for indodax play store platform users and then processed using the lexicon classification method to produce sentiment analysis for each significant factor of service quality. From the results of the classification carried out in this study, the results of the analysis show that most users are satisfied and give positive sentiments related to security, namely 87.63%, positive sentiments related to the interface design 88.46%, positive sentiments related to service & convenience by 83%, but some users also gave a slightly positive sentiment related to administrative costs, namely 39%, and their negative sentiment was mostly related to the error & failure system, which received more than 80% sentiment. While the recall value is 38.07%, the precision is 56.69% and the f1-score is 45.55%. The results of this study can be concluded that there are still many important points that must be improved in quality by the indodax platform service providers so that they can be more attractive and used by everyone