33 research outputs found

    Value at Risk as a Measurement of Market Risk in Emerging Sharia Market: A Comparative Study Between Indexes in Indonesian Stock Exchange

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    As far it goes, risk measurement relies on standard deviation. It calculates how the current event diverse from its usual occurrences. This calculation method provides measurement that emphasizes how far the event happened based on its usual occurrence. Another measurement, however, called Value at Risk, comprise of several iteration to observe how likely the same event occurs that identified provide a better formulae to measure market risk. Thus, this research conducts the measurement of market risk based on Value at Risk with Monte Carlo Simulation. The research result there is no significantly different of market risk between indexes in which are Sharia and Non Sharia in Indonesian Stock Exchange. As also, this research result emphasizes that a decision to invest in Sharia and Non Sharia Capital Market depends on basic philosophy of investment, which is in this case, to conduct a comprehensive life of individual religion. In conclusion, this research predict possibility of market risk based on its daily trading stock market price, and calculate how likely it occurs in a thousand iteration. Based on the result that varies between several events of risk and return, as there is no difference between Sharia and Non Sharia, therefore the investment pattern will solely goes to preference of each individual based on their investment behaviour.   Keywords: Investment, Market Risk, Monte Carlo Simulation, Sharia, Value at ris

    Prevalence of Non-tuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) in Surakarta, Indonesia: Higher Than Expected

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    The incidence and prevalence of infection due to non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) species are increasing worldwide and rapidly becoming a major public health problem. Despite increasing knowledge about NTM, there are still many challenges in diagnostic tools and treatment for this infection. Indonesia is ranked number two for tuberculosis infections; however, there is a lack of data about NTM infection. The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of the detection of NTM from sputum specimens of pulmonary tuberculosis suspects in a lung hospital center in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. This study was a retrospective study which analyzed the laboratory data obtained from a lung hospital (Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat / BBKPM), in Surakarta, Indonesia. Samples were collected from patients with tuberculosis and cases with a presumptive diagnosis of tuberculosis from January 2013 to December 2017. All sputum samples were stained for microscopic analysis and were also incubated for the detection of mycobacterial growth in Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) medium and in LJ medium with the addition of para-nitrobenzoic acid (LJ-PNB) to identify Mycobacteriumtuberculosis (MTB) or NTM strain. Biochemistry test, Niacin test, was used to confirm NTM strain. For five year periods, there were 9,284 patients samples were cultured to detect MTB infection. For all the sputum samples, 1,974 samples (21.3%) were cultured positive; out of the positive samples 1,636 (85%) were MTB strains and 334 (15%) were NTM strains. The data revealed that NTM infection cases were more likely to have been diagnosed aged older than 35 years (72%). This study showed that there was a high number of NTM infection detected in patients with presumptive diagnosis of tuberculosis. Therefore, another approach should be conducted to provide effective therapy for infection due to NTM. Identification of NTM in species level will be importantto provide empirical therapy for this infection

    The Increase of nontuberculous mycobacteria Infection: Emphasis on Epidemiology, Risk Factors and Diagnostic Tools

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    Nontuberculous mycobacterium (NTM) is the species of mycobacteria other than Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In recent years, there is a significant increase in infection due to NTM species and disease caused by NTM infection increasingly becomes a health problem in countries with high prevalence or with a low prevalence oftuberculosis. NTM can cause various disease manifestations, but mainly it causes chronic pulmonary infections. Despite the rise of NTM infection, there is still limited information about NTM. This paper aims to elucidate the epidemiology of NTM, the risk factors of NTM infection, and the diagnostic methods used for the detection ofNTM. Factors that have been identified for NTM infection including age, the presence of pulmonary diseases, immune-compromised conditions, and frequent exposure to NTM from the environment. Various techniques have been used to identify NTM from samples. The development of diagnostic tools such as the used of the massspectrometry assay and molecular techniques have enabled the detection of NTM worldwide and enable to identify into species level. However, in developing countries diagnosis of NTM is still challenging because of the limited diagnostic tools. In high prevalence tuberculosis countries, there is a growing concern that NTM has been diagnosed as tuberculosis. In addition, the possibility of co-infection of MTB and NTM in tuberculosis patients has also not been properly examined. These factors lead to misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment for NTM infection. The knowledge about the species distribution of NTM, the risk factors, and the diagnostic methods is important to prevent the infection and provide accurate treatment of NTM infection

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (Lks) Berorientasi Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa pada Materi Sistem Pencernaan Kelas VIII SMP

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    The aim of this research was to increase critical thinking skill on the subject digestion system grade VIII junior high school. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Biology Department of the University of Riau PMIPA FKIP and SMPN 23 Pekanbaru in March to September 2016. The research is a research development by using ADDIE model of integration to the stage of development. There are 5 LKS developed. Instruments of data collection in this study is the validation sheet LKS, and questionnaire responses of learners. After LKS developed, validated by 4 validator then the tests I in the 4th semester 20 students of biology education FKIP UR, and a second trial on 20 students of Class VIII SMPN 23 Pekanbaru. The tests showed the average score feasibility aspects of the content of 5 LKS developed very valid category is 4.21, the average score 4.34 categories designing aspect is very valid, and the mean score of the pedagogic aspect is 4.69 very valid category. The mean overall score of the fifth aspect is 4.41 LKS very valid category. I trial results showed the average score 4.21 with very good category. II trial results showed a mean score of 4.57 in very good categories. The results of the analysis of the answers to the second trial showed a mean value of 87 in good categories. LKS oriented discovery learning model can increase the understanding and knowledge about the digestion system and can increase critical thinking skill of student

    Pengaruh Komik Makanan Jajanan Sehat dan Bergizi untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Anak Sekolah Dasar

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    Many School age children consume less nutritious snacks food; that is why it is necessary to communicate, inform, and educate the children as early as possible. The research purpose is to know the impact of healthy and nutritious snack comic" on increasing the school age childrens knowledge and the attitude. This research use experimental design. To know the impact of comics, 282 school age children are observed. Three comics are made; 1. The sanitation of snack foods, 2. The diversity of snack foods, 3. The safety of snack foods. The pre-test and post-test students knowledge and attitude data were analyzed by paired difference t-test using SPSS. Most of the students have knowledge and attitude on the sanitation of snacks and safety of snacks at the level of good, the knowledge on diversity of snacks at level of medium. It can be concluded that there is a highly signifi cant effect of healthy and nutritious snack comic" on increasing the school age childrens knowledge and the attitude but there is no effect on the students attitude towards diversity and safety of snacks.Key words: comics, nutrition, health, food safety, school age childre

    Kerentanan Sosial-ekologi Masyarakat Di Laguna Segara Anakan

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    This research is aimed to analyze socio-ecological vulnerability of the community in Segara Anakan against the impact of changes in ecological condition. This analisis on vulnerability is linked to social ecological resilience, which in this context covers mechanism for the people to live together as a community, and to learn from changes and unpredictable schocks. The analysis is based on the social ecological system approach, with data collected through interviews with 241 respondents drawn purposively from citizens of four villages in the District of Kampung Laut in April-May 2010. The result shows that in the case of Segara Anakan Lagoon, a number of problems which are social-economical in nature has resulted in low resilience or high vulnerability. Such problems covers land use conflict, economic competition, deforestation and land convertion. These problems are triggered by changes in ecosystem characteristics, from those of maritime toward the terrestrial one, and which results in changes in the community livelihood pattern. Villagers who were more into fishery transform to agricultural and industrial communities. In line with such changes and transformation, a number of prominent factors emerged to cause high vulnerability in Segara Anakan, namely poor educational performance and lack of socio-economic infrastructure. Furthermore, the result suggests that improving the resilience in Segara Anakan should be focused on advancement of ecomic environment facilitated by infrastructures that add no further burden to the environment

    Analisis Pekerjaan Pegawai Bagian Teknis Balai Laboratorium Kesehatan Semarang Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan = Job Analysis of Technical Officers at Office of Health Laboratory for Developing ...

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    Background: Office of Health Laboratory Jawa Tengah Province in Semarang has 76 employees, which consists of 42 (56%) technical officers (health controller, analyst, pharmacy controller, and health personnel) and 34 (46%) nontechnical or administrative officers. According to Local Regulation of Central Java Province No. 1/2000. as a functional institutions under Office of Ministry of Health Central Java Province, job analysis (job description and job specification) should be developed according to identify education and training program to promote the technical officers skills. Methods: This research was descriptive case study in 2003. The objectives of this study were described characteristics of technical officers based on educational background, knowledge and proficiency of technical skills in performing job. Interview and observation was conducted to explore job description and job specification of 10 health controller, 5 analyst, 1 pharmacy controller and 2 health personnels. Cross The validation of the data was conducted by interviewed head manager, head of administrative affairs and 3 head of clivison (Chemical, Microbilogy and Pathology). Results: Health controllers coordinate all laboratory observation both technical and administrative activities in 3 division. Analyst examines all laboratory tests in 3 divisions. The pharmacy responsible to the validity of laboratory test result in chemical division. Health personnel\u27s help analyst to perform laboratory test in pathology and chemical division. Job relations in this office were vertical and horizontal approach, Technical officers could be injured by hazardous chemical and pesticide. Not all of working condition matches to the stipulation. Job description and specification is flexible due to the situation of the organization. Conclusions: It is recommended to socialized job descriptions and job specifications towards all technical officers, continuing education especially SMAK/SMF/SPK, conducting technical training and improving job safety and standard of job quality. This research should be completed research of training need assessment and technical officer\u27s job burden analysis. Keywords: job analysis, job description, job specification, health laboratory. Latar balakang: Balai Laboratorium Kesehatan Semarang adalah UPT Dinkes Provinsi Jawa Tengah 2002 mengalami perubahan struktur organisasi, tugas pokok dan fungsi sesuai Peraturan Daerah No.1 tahun 2000. Jumlah tenaga sebanyak 76 orang, 42 orang (56%) adalah tenaga teknis dan 34 orang (44%) tenaga non teknis (administrasi). Tenaga teknis di BLK Semarang terdiri dari 4 jenis yaitu Pengawas Kesehatan, Pelaksana Analis, Pengawas Farmasi dan Pelaksana Kesehatan. Selama ini belum pemah dilakukan analisis pekerjaan yang menghasilkan deskripsi dan spesifikasi pekerjaan tenaga teknis. Dengan adanya analisis pekerjaan diharapkan seliap pegawai mendapatkan tugas pokok dan fungsi sesuai pendidikan dan ketrampilan yang dimiliki clan dapat direncanakan pendidikan dan pelatihan mereka. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Pengtimpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi dengan check list dan studi dokumen/data sekunder. Responden penelitian adalah 10 orang tenaga Pengawas Kesehatan, 5 orang tenaga Pelaksana Analis, 1 orang tenaga Pengawas Farmasi dan 2 orang tenaga Pelaksana Kesehatan. Sebagai responden triangulasi adalah Kepala Balai Laboratorium Kesehatan, Kepala Sub Bag TU dan 3 orang Kepala Seksi (Kimia, Mikrobiologi dan Patologi). Hasll: Pengawas Kesehatan bertugas mengkoordinasikan semua kegiatan pemeriksaan laboratorium di bidang teknis dan administrasi pada Seksi Patologi, Mikrobiologi dan Kimia. Pelaksana Analis bertugas melakukan kegiatan pemeriksaan laboratorium pada ketiga seksi dan bertanggung jawab alas hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium. Pengawas Farmasi bertugas mengkoordinasikan semua kegiatan pemeriksaan laboratorium di Seksi Kimia. Pelaksana Kesehatan bertugas membantu Pelaksana Analis dalam melakukan pemeriksaan laboratorium yang berada di Seksi Patologi dan Kimia. Hubungan kerja bersifat vertikal dan horizontal. Risiko kerja yang mungkin terjadi yaitu keracunan bahan kimia dan pestisida. Sebagian kondisi lingkungan kerja masih belum memenuhi persyaratan. Deskripsi dan spesifikasi pekerjaan empat tenaga teknis yang telah disusun bersifat fleksibel. Saran: Deskripsi pekerjaan yang sudah disusun agar disosialisasikan kepada tenaga teknis untuk pedoman dalam menjalankan tugas, perlu peningkatan pendidikan SMAK/SMF/ SPK ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi, segera dilakukan pelatihan tenaga teknis yang belum dijalankan, perlu tindak lanjut untuk menangani standar keamanan kerja dan standar penyelengggaraan pemantapan mutu. Masih diperlukan penelitian tentang training need assessment tenaga teknis dan analisis beban kerja tenaga leknis. Kata kunci: analisis pekerjaan, deskripsi pekerjaan. spesifikasi pekerjaan, laboratorium kesehatan

    Self medication with antibiotics in Yogyakarta City Indonesia: a cross sectional population-based survey

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    Extent: 8p.Background: Self medication with antibiotics has become an important factor driving antibiotic resistance. This study investigated the period prevalence, patterns of use, and socio-demographic factors associated with self medication with antibiotics in Yogyakarta City Indonesia. This cross-sectional population-based survey used a pre-tested questionnaire which was self-administered to randomly selected respondents (over 18 years old) in Yogyakarta City Indonesia in 2010 (N = 625). Descriptive statistics, chi-square and logistic regression were applied. Results: A total of 559 questionnaires were analyzed (response rate = 90%). The period prevalence of self medication with antibiotics during the month prior to the study was 7.3%. Amoxicillin was the most popular (77%) antibiotic for self medication besides ampicilline, fradiomisin-gramisidin, tetracycline, and ciprofloxacin to treat the following symptoms: the common-cold including cough and sore throat, headache, and other minor symptoms; with the length of use was mostly less than five days. Doctors or pharmacists were the most common source of information about antibiotics for self medication (52%). Antibiotics were usually purchased without prescription in pharmacies (64%) and the cost of the purchases was commonly less than US $1 (30%). Previous experience was reported to be the main reason for using non-prescribed antibiotics (54%). There were no socio-demographic variables significantly associated with the actual practice of using non-prescribed antibiotics. However, gender, health insurance, and marital status were significantly associated with the intent to self medicate with antibiotics (P < 0.05). Being male (Odds Ratio = 1.7 (1.2 - 2.6)) and having no health insurance (Odds Ratio = 1.5 (1.0 -2.3)) is associated with the intent to self medicate with antibiotics. Conclusions: This study is the first population-based study of self-medication with antibiotics among the Indonesian population. Usage of non-prescribed antibiotics as well as intent of doing so is common across socio-demographic categories. Given the findings, factors influencing people's intentions to self medicate with antibiotics are required to be investigated to better understand such behavior. Impact of health insurance coverage on self medication with antibiotics should also be further investigated.Aris Widayati, Sri Suryawati, Charlotte de Crespigny and Janet E Hille