34 research outputs found

    The Application of Nuclear Medicine

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    Currently, the practice of nuclear medicine in modern countries comprises a large number of procedures. It is applied to study function of organs/body systems, to visualize, to characterize, and to quantify the functional state of lesions and for targeted radionuclide therapy. This overview presents all kinds of application in nuclear medicine services. Instrumentation and radioactive/radiolabeled substances are the basic components for application. Biotechnology contributes to the development and production of biomolecules used in radiopharmaceuticals. As a diagnostic modality, imaging depicts radioactivity distribution as a function of time. Hybrid imaging provides more precise localization and definition of le-sions as well as molecular imaging cross validation. Counting tests study invivoorgan functions externally or assess analytes in the biologic samples. Radiopharmaceutical therapy can be applied directly into the lesion or targeted systemically. Nanotechnology facilitates targeting and opens the development of bimodal techniques. In addition, neutron application contributes to the advancement of nuclear medicine services, such as neutron activation analysis, neutron teletherapy and neutron capture therapy


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    ABSTRACT Research on bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) a and its derivatives had been conducted to determine the coordination state and the aggregation process in acetone-water and methanol-water. The results showed that there were mainly two absorption peaks in BChl a and its derivatives, namely: Oxand Oythat were very sensitive to coordination state and aggregation process. The coordination state of pigment could be determined base" on Ox absorption peak that wasinfluencedby solvents.In addition,the donornumber(DN)and taft parameters({3and TT*)from each sovents could also be used to determine the coordination state. One or two of axial coordination toward center metal of BChl a and its derivatives have to be filled by donor electron as a foreign nucleophile. Mg-BChl was exist as fivecoordinate complexes in acetone but as six-coordinate complexes in methanol. Five-coordinate complexes of Zn- BChl was occurred either in acetone or methanol. Cu-BChl was exist as four-coordinate complexes in acetone but altered to five-coordinate complexes in methanol. The agregation process was influenced by the existence of water added in pigment solution. The order of Mg-BChl a and its derivatives abilities to form new aggregate in acetonewater and methanol-water, in regard of water-addition percentage was as follow: Cu-BChl > Zn-BChl > Mg-BChl. Methanol was the solvent that could form aggregate of Mg-BChl and its derivatives at lower water-addition percentage compared to acetone

    Effects of air pressure changes on gamma linear attenuation coefficient in the air

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    The measurements of gamma linear attenuation coefficient in the air at variance air pressure has been done. The measurements were performed to determine the effects of air pressure changes on gamma linear attenuation coefficient in the air. The measurements were used Co-60 as the gamma radiation source and LND 72 Geiger-Muller as the radiation detector in a room with 18oC room temperature and 68% air humidity. The linear attenuation coefficient value was calculated according to Lambert-Beer law. From the measurement, we obtained the attenuated gamma intensity in the air at air pressure variation. The unattenuated gamma intensity was determined by making a linear fit function of the attenuated gamma intensity data. From the calculation, It was found that the value of gamma linear attenuation coefficient in the air increases with the increasing of air pressure


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    In this research, the face painting recognition of Papua and Papua New Guinea was identified using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). This CNN method is one of the deep learning that is very well known and widely used in face recognition. The best training process model is obtained using the CNN architecture, namely ResNet-50, VGG-16, and VGG-19. The results obtained from the training model obtained an accuracy of 80.57% for the ResNet-50 model, 100% for the VGG-16 model, and 99.57% for the VGG-19 model. After the training process, predictions were continued using architectural models with test data. The prediction results obtained show that the accuracy of the ResNet-50 model is 0.70, the VGG-16 model is 0.82, and the VGG-19 model is 0.83. It means that the CNN architectural model that has the best performance in making predictions in identifying the recognition of Papua and Papua New Guinea's face painting is the VGG-19 model because the accuracy value obtained is 0.83

    Kajian Metode Analisa Data Goal Seek (Microsoft Excel) Untuk Penyelesaian Persamaan Schrödinger Dalam Menentukan Kuantisasi Energi Dibawah Pengaruh Potensial Lennard-Jones

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    Penyelesaian persamaan Schrödinger dengan berbagai model potensial merupakan konsep dasar yang harus dipahami dengan baik oleh mahasiswa ketika belajar mekanika kuantum. Hal ini sangat penting dilakukan dengan tujuan memberikan gambaran perilaku zarah dibawah pengaruh potensial tersebut dimana solusi pemecahannya berupa fungsi gelombang yang memuat informasi penting tentang perilaku gelombang yang ditunjukkan dengan energi terikatnya. Seperti penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya, pada penelitian ini kasus yang ingin diteliti adalah model potensial Lennard-Jones dengan menggunakan metode analisa goal seek yang tersedia pada Microsoft excel. Persamaannya dijabarkan dengan metode Euler terlebih dahulu dan syarat batas ditentukan agar ketelitian hasil diperoleh. Agar perhitungan goal seek dapat dilakukan maka harus diubah dari besaran fisis menjadi besaran yang tidak berdimensi dimana parameter tersebut adalah v yang didefinisikan sebagai dan nilai yang akan menunjukkan kuantisasi energi. Parameter v ini menunjukkan keklasikan suatu sistem. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah bahwa dengan memasukkan parameter kontrol nilai v tertentu, telah diperoleh beberapa keadaan energi dengan batas zkiri dan zkanan tertentu. Ketika masukan parameter v yang diberikan semakin besar keadaan energinya pun lebih rapat (ditunjukkan energy state yang diperoleh semakin banyak) dibandingkan bila masukan v-nya lebih kecil. Penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk menyederhanakan kasus potensial yang lebih rumit, dimana solusinya dapat diperoleh dengan mudah dan konsep kuantisasi energi akibat model potensial L-J dapat dipahami secara utuh

    Simple Forward Finite Difference for Computing Reproduction Number of COVID-19 in Indonesia During the New Normal

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    The research purpose shown in this article is describing the time dependent reproduction number of coronavirus called by COVID-19 in the new normal period  for 3 types areas, i.e. small, medium and global areas by considering the number of people in these areas.  It is known that in early June 2020, Indonesia has claimed to open activities during the pandemic with the new normal system. Though the number of COVID-19 cases is still increasing in almost infected areas, normal activities are coming back with healty care protocols where public areas are opened as usual with certain restrictions. In order to have observations of spreading impact of COVID-19, the basic reproduction number (Ro)  i.e. the reproduction number (Ro) is the ratio between 2 parameters of SIR model where SIR stands for Susceptible individuals, Infected individuals, and Recovered individuals respectively. The reproduction numbers  are computed as discrete values depending on time. The used research method is  finite difference scheme for computing rate of change parameters in SIR models based on the COVID-19 cases in Indonesia (global area), Jakarta (medium area) and Salatiga (small area) by considering the number of people in these areas respectively. The simple forward finite difference is employed to the SIR model to have time dependent of parameters. The second approach is using the governing linear system to obtain the values of parameter daily. These parameters are computed for each day such that the values of Ro are obtained as function of time. The research result shows that 3 types areas give the same profiles of parameters that the rate of changes of reproduction numbers are decreasing with respect to time. This concludes that the reproduction numbers are most likely decreasing

    Perancangan Pengukuran Akurasi Jarak Menggunakan Phantom Silicone Pada Kontrol Kualitas Ultrasonografi dengan Teknik Komputasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan uji kualitas USG dengan melakukan komputasi perhitungan jarak pada citra USG dan melakukan analisis pengukuran jarak menggunakan phantom silicone. Perancangan dan implementasi penelitian menggunakan metode pengolahan citra digital untuk melakukan komputasi dan melakukan pengukuran. Nilai citra dilakukan variasi frekuensi dan depth (kedalaman). Variasi depth (kedalaman) rata rata  jarak real pada phantom adalah objek 1 sebesar 1 cm dari permukaan, objek 2 sebesar 2 cm dari permukaan, objek 3 sebesar 3 cm dari permukaan dan setelah dilakukan perhitungan menggunakan komputasi didapatkan hasil jarak sebenarnya objek dari permukaan. Pada  frekuensi 3.5 MHz, kedalaman  visualisasi maksimum pada objek 1 tersebut didapatkan nilai jarak rata rata komputasi  sebesar  1.0039 cm dengan nilai deviasi 0.0814 sehingga nilai kesalahan jarak real sebesar 0.39%. Nilai kedalaman visualisasi objek 2 didapatkan hasil jarak rata rata komputasi sebesar 1.4897 cm dengan nilai deviasi sebesar 0.0099 sehingga nilai kesalahan jarak real sebesar 25.51%. Nilai visualisasi  kedalaman Objek 3 yang memiliki jarak rata-rata komputasi sebesar 3.3336 cm dengan nilai deviasi 0.1191 sehingga nilai kesalahan jarak real sebesar 11.12%. Pada frekuensi tetap 4.5 MHz, kedalaman  visualisasi maksimum pada objek 1 tersebut didapatkan nilai jarak rata rata komputasi  sebesar  0.9931 cm dengan nilai deviasi 0.05 sehingga nilai kesalahan jarak real sebesar 0.69%. Nilai kedalaman visualisasi objek 2 didapatkan hasil jarak rata rata komputasi sebesar 1.6584 cm dengan nilai deviasi sebesar 0.0573 sehingga nilai kesalahan jarak real sebesar 17.08%. Nilai visualisasi  kedalaman Objek 3 yang memiliki jarak rata-rata komputasi sebesar 3.4943 cm dengan nilai deviasi 0.0741 sehingga nilai kesalahan jarak real sebesar 16.47%. Dari semua hasil komponen uji menunjukkan perhitungan jarak pada citra pesawat USG bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak computer


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    Papua is the largest island in Indonesia; several animals are included in the endemic group. These animals are only found in certain areas and not in other areas. To study the endemic animals of Papua, children can explore them through books that display pictures of endemic animals in Papua. Children often experience difficulties learning from books taught by teachers and parents caused by children who are less enthusiastic about participating in learning. Another problem is that learning about Papua's endemic animals through books is impractical and inefficient because thick books provide a heavy burden for children to carry. Hence, children are reluctant to study them. With educational games, media is a medium that can be used by children so that it is easy to give lessons about the endemic animals of Papua. This educational game increases efficiency and effectiveness in terms of the learning process at home and school. Learning this educational game can be done anywhere at any time so that children can learn about Papua's endemic animals innovatively and efficiently. The method used in making this educational game introducing Papua's endemic animals uses the Agile Development method. Based on testing the educational game application using the black box method, it was found that this educational game was following what was expected because there were no errors found in the menu on the system, so it worked properly