9 research outputs found

    Legal Protection on Intellectual Property Rights in the Development of Creative Economy in Mamuju Regency

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    Protection of legal intellectual property rights is the main pillar for businesses, especially those engaged in the creative economy business. The role of law can provide guarantees and legal certainty in creating a good economic climate and increasing people\u27s income derived from the results of the work of creativity, ideas and creativity. The creative economy becomes a strategic issue as a government effort in developing the regional economy, creating a climate of creation and innovation and leading to improving people\u27s welfare. The development of creative economic ventures in Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi Province must be supported by a set of regional regulations, specifically those that regulate the protection of intellectual property rights of creative economy entrepreneurs. So that business people get protection, justice, benefit and legal certainty related to the work of copyright and innovation products owned. This study aims to examine the regional regulations of Mamuju Regency about the economy, especially the protection of intellectual property rights for creative economic business actors and identify the potential of the creative economy. Data is collected through literature studies to trace data through regional regulation documents. The processed data from descriptive analysis is used as a basis for consideration and review of economic law. The results of this study are in the form of sources of economic law material and manuscripts of academic considerations, where the local government and the public can find out the legal position in the protection of intellectual property rights of creative economy entrepreneurs in Mamuju Regency


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    Kawasan Percandian Muarajambi merupakan cagar budaya nasional dengan luas 3.981 hektar yang mencakup 7 desa di 2 kecamatan. Keberagaman daya tarik wisata yang berada didalamnya berupa bangunan candi, perkebunan duku dan durian, pemukiman kuno, danau, sungai, kanal kuno, perkebunan dan bersentuhan langsung dengan pemukiman masyarakat.Tingginya pertumbuhan kunjungan wisatawan setiap tahun dan beragamnya daya tarikmenjadikan kawasan ini memiliki potensi kemenarikan menjadi destinasi wisata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan faktor tingginya kunjungan, tingkat kemenarikan, peran masyarakat, dan peran pengelolaterhadap destinasi wisata. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan melakukan wawancara, angket, dan skoring untuk memperoleh data primer, studi literatur dan dokumentasi untuk memperoleh data skunder. Teknik yang digunakan yaitu pengharkatan, perhitungan kemenariakan dan persentase. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari sampel wilayah meliputi semua daya tarik yang telah dikunjungi wisatawan dan sampel manusia yang terdiri dari wisatawan, penduduk sekitar dan pemerintah terkait. Sampel wisatawan dipilih sebanyak 100 responden dan sampel penduduk sebanyak 70 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah accidental samplingpada wisatawan dan Random Sampling penduduk.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, aksesibilitas dan daya tarik wisata merupakan faktor yang menyebabkan tingginya kunjungan wisata. Keberagaman daya tarik, kemenarikan dan keragaman aktifitas wisata memperoleh penilaian kemenarikan tertinggi oleh wisatawan. Upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah yaitu perencanaan mengembangkan pariwisata dengan tetap menjaga kelestarian bangunan candi, menyelenggarakan event wisata rutin, promosi dan pemugaran candi. Sapta pesona telah diterapkan penduduk sekitar karena secara umum merupakan kebiasaan sehari-hari dan telah terdapat kelompok penggerak pariwisata yaitu Padmasana Foudation. ---------- Muarajambi Temple Compounds is a national cultural heritage with total surface area of 3,981 hectares which includes 7 (seven) villages and 2 (two) districts. The diversity of tourist attractions in there is temples, duku and durian plantation, ancient settlement, lake, ancient canal, plantation and direct contact with people settlement. High growth of tourist arrivals every year and the diversity of tourist attractions making this area to have attraction potential become a tourism destination. The aim of this research is to determine the factors of high visits, attraction level, role of society, and role of manager for tourism destination. Methods that used in this research is descriptive methods by interview, questionnaire, and scoring to obtain primary data, literature study and documentation to obtain secondary data. Techniques that used is valuation, attraction calculation and percentation. Sample in this research consists of sample area including all of tourist attractions that has been visited by tourists and sample population that consists of tourists, people around area and related government. Tourists selected sample of 100 respondents and sample population of 70 respondents.The sampling technique used was accidental sampling for tourists and random sampling for the society.Result of this research shows that accessibility and tourist attractions is factor that leads to high tourism visits. Diversity of tourist attractions, attraction and various tourism activities gain highest attraction valuation by tourists. The efforts that have been done by government is tourism development planning by keeping the preservation of temples, organize tourism event routinely, promote and restore temples. Sapta pesona has applied by the society around the temples because generally it was a daily habits and there is a tourism activator group which is Padmasana Foundation

    Perancangan Robot Pensortir Benda dengan Pengenalan Pola Warna Menggunakan Kamera

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    Computer vision merupakan kombinasi dari pengolahan citra dan pengenalan pola. Dalam penelitian ini, aplikasi komputer vision digunakan untuk mengenali warna benda yang kemudian diterapkan pada robot line follower untuk mengambil dan membawa benda ke tempat yang ditentukan sesuai dengan warnanya. Sensor yang digunakan adalah kamera CMUcam4. Pengujian dilakukan dengan memberi bola warna merah dan biru masing – masing sebanyak delapan kali dan kombinasi antara warna merah atau biru secara acak sebanyak sepuluh kali. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan nilai presentase keberhasilan robot dalam mengenali warna biru sebesar 75 % dan warna merah 87,5 %. Secara keseluruhan, sistem robot dalam mengenali warna benda memiliki nilai presentase keberhasilan sebesar 80


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    Keterampilan berpikir ilmiah merupakan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi yang menjadi prioritas untuk dimiliki peserta didik dalam menghadapi era kompetisi global untuk mengatasi berbagai problematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji keterampilan berpikir ilmiah peserta didik meliputi aspek berpikir logis, analisis, sistematis, induktif dan deduktif dalam memecahkan masalah yang mencakup mendefinisikan, menngidentifikasi, merumuskan solusi alternatif dan menentukan solusi terbaik dalam pemecahan masalah pemanasan global. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang dituangkan dalam bentuk deskripsi. Subjek penelitian yaitu peserta didik Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri di Kota Bandung dengan jumlah 196 orang tersebar di 9 sekolah yang terdiri dari 6 sekolah adiwiyata dan 3 sekolah non adiwiyata. Data diperoleh melalui angket, observasi, studi literatur dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan persentase, uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa keterampilan berpikir ilmiah peserta didik aspek analisis dan logis termasuk kriteria baik sedangkan sistematis, induktif dan deduktif termasuk kriteria cukup. Pengembangan isu pemanasan global belum terlaksana dengan baik. Terdapat perbedaan keterampilan berpikir ilmiah dalam pemecahan masalah pemanasan global antara sekolah adiwiyata dan non adiwiyata (berbeda signifikan). Peneliti merekomendasikan sokalah dan guru mengintegrasikan permasalahan pemanasan global pada pembelajaran, melatih peserta didik dalam mengkaji berbagai fenomena pemanasan global melalui soal higher order thinking dan pemecahan masalah agar memiliki keterampilan berpikir ilmiah. Kata Kunci: Keterampilan berpikir ilmiah, pemanasan global, peserta didik. Scientific thinking skills are higher-order thinking skills that must be had by students in facing the era of global competition to overcome various problems. This study aims to examine students' scientific thinking skills covering aspects of logical thinking, analysis, systematic, inductive and deductive in solving problems that include defining, identifying, formulating alternatif solutions and determining the best solutions in solving global warming problems. This research uses a quantitative approach as outlined in the form of a description. The subjects of the study were high school students, Bandung City, with a total of 196 people spread across nine schools consisting of 6 Adiwiyata schools and three Non-Adiwiyata schools. Data obtained through questionnaires, observation, literature study, and study of documentation. Data analysis techniques using percentage, normality test, homogeneity test, and Mann-Whitney test. The results showed that the students' scientific thinking skills in the analysis and logical aspects were good criteria. Whereas systematic, inductive, and deductive were sufficient criteria. The development of the issue of global warming has not been implemented well. There are differences in scientific thinking skills in solving global problems between Adiwiyata and Non Adiwiyata schools (significantly different). The researchers recommend that schools and teachers integrate the problem of global warming with learning, train students in studying various global warming phenomena through higher order thinking problems and problem-solving to have scientific thinking skills. Keywords: Scientific thinking skills, global warming, students

    Land Use Potential on Water Balance Based on SWAT Method in Saddang Watershed in Bendung Benteng Irrigation System

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    Saddang Watershed (DAS) as a large watershed in Sulawesi, rich in natural resource potential in the form of land, topography, slope, geology, soil, vegetation, climatology; rainfall, temperature, humidity, and sunshine. In maintaining and utilizing (watershed management) availability and water requirements for; humans, plants and animals. The availability and demand of water in watershed management requires the role of land in regulating agroclimatology and hydrology conditions. The water balance approach method used is SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) method of soil and water assessment tools, to determine the condition of availability and demand of water in an effort to maintain water flow conditions at all times (number and distribution) of Bendung Benteng irrigation system, which is capable of supply water for paddy field irrigation in two regencies of South Sulawesi's paddy granaries namely Pinrang Regency and Sidrap Regency. According to the Schmidth-Fergusson climate classification, the type of climate in Saddang watershed area belongs to type C climate = slightly wet area with tropical rainforest vegetation, the average amount of rainfall ranges from 2.155 mm/year. This indicates that there is large level of rainfall every year and land use with a forest area of 676,39 or 26,41% of the watershed area, thus Saddang watershed is able to save tremendous amount of water supply. Based on the results of the water balance analysis using SWAT method, the amount of water available in the average watershed ; 3.133 mm year-1, the amount of water being flowed ; 1.040,9 mm, and stored as ground water ; 29,60 mm, as well as direct runoff ; 366,9 mm and flow coefficient of 0,45. Hence, there is 45% of the flow loss as surface stream and there is 55% of the flow stored in the watershed, and the model application is categorized as good both in conducting simulations and validating the flow discharge on Saddang River. Watershed processing classified as having good watershed conditions, because one indicator of a watershed's water performance can be seen from the river discharge fluctuation. River discharge fluctuations can be seen from the river regression coefficient (KRS), which is a number that shows ratio between maximum discharge (Qmax) and minimum discharge (Qmin). The highest discharge (Qmax) was 30.805 m³/sec while the lowest discharge (Qmin) was 994 m³/sec. The regression coefficient value (KRS) of Saddang River watershed was 26.650 m³/sec. Based on the results of the 2017 data analysis, the condition of Saddang watershed provides surplus value of 1.911.986 (m3 year-1), out of the total water availability of 2.155.273 (m3 year-1) minus the total irrigation water requirement of 243.286,50 m3 year-1, with the pattern of planting paddy-paddy-secondary crops (palawija). Therefore, Saddang watershed has the ability to store large amounts of water throughout the yea

    Tinjauan Hukum Pendaftaran Hak Merek terhadap Produk Pangan Lokal dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Kreatif di Kabupaten Mamuju

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    Perkembangan ekonomi kreatif di Kabupaten Mamuju memerlukan adanya kepastian hukum bagi pelaku usaha sebagai upaya perlindungan terhadap hak kekayaan intelektual khususnya dalam hal pendaftaran merek. Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik, pada tahun 2018 terjadi pertumbuhan ekonomi sebesar 6,22 persen. Salah satu faktor pertumbuhan ekonomi tersebut, yakni penyelenggaraan program pemerintah daerah dalam hal pendampingan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah melalui optimalisasi badan usaha milik desa dalam meningkatkan potensi pengolahan produk dari olahan pangan lokal seperti jagung, kopi, kakao, ubi, dan labu. Namun jika ditinjau pada aspek hukum, kesadaran pelaku usaha kreatif di Kabupaten Mamuju dalam melakukan pendaftaran hak merek masih sangat rendah. Berdasarkan data pemohon pendaftaran kekayaan intelektual di Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Sulawesi Barat pada tahun 2019 hanya berjumlah 7 pendaftar saja. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh dua  factor yaitu, pertama, terkait dengan rendahnya pemahaman hukum masyarakat terkait hak kekayaan intelektual. Kedua, pertumbuhan ekonomi kreatif di Kabupaten Mamuju tidak diiringi dengan pembentukan perangkat peraturan daerah dalam upaya perlindungan dan kepastian hukum bagi pelaku usaha ekonomi kreatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tinjauan hukum pendaftaran hak merek terhadap produk olahan pangan lokal dalam meningkatkan ekonomi kreatif di Kabupaten Mamuju yang mana temuan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan informasi dalam upaya peningkatan pemahaman hukum masyarakat agar mendaftarkan merek dagang dan diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber bahan hukum dalam mendorong upaya pembentukan peraturan daerah tentang ekonomi kreatif di Kabupaten Mamuju


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    ABSTRACT Horticultural commodities are potential commodities that have high economic value and have the potential to be continuously developed in Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province. One type of horticultural plant potential to be developed is chili. This study aims to look at the effect of the growth of chili plants that are applied slowly available fertilizer from active charcoal as a micro nutrient carrier, see the production of chili plants that are applied slow release from active charcoal as a carrier of micro nutrients. This research will be carried out in the form of 2 factors factorial design the type of activated charcoal and dosage with Randomized Block Design (RAK). The factors include: factor 1 is the type of activated charcoal, including: coconut shell (TK) and bamboo (B), factor 2 is the dose, including: D0 = Control, D1 = 2 kg / ha, D2 = 4 kg / ha and D3 = 6 kg / ha. Then there are 8 treatment combinations (DUPLO) that are repeated 3 times so that there are 48 treatments. Based on the results of research that has been carried out it can be concluded that the provision of slow release active charcoal at a dose of 6 kg / ha in general gives the best effect on the growth and production of chilli plants, Coconut Shell Active Charcoal (TK) has high growth and production with a treatment of 6 doses kg / ha (D3) compared to Bamboo Active Charcoal (B).   &nbsp