9 research outputs found

    Dompunese and Bimanese Common Idiom “Kalembo Ade”: Morphological, Syntactical, and Semantic Analysis

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    This study aims to semantically, morphologically, and syntactically analyze Dompunese and Bimanese common idiom “Kalembo ade”. To obtain accurate data, this qualitative research used in-depth interview to some indigenous people of Dompu and Bima who actively speak Bima language. The significant findings of this research is that the phrase kalembo ade and its lexical English translation enlarge heart have the same morphological rules which both are composed of prefix + adjective and noun. Syntactically, the phrase kalembo ade has the same syntactical rule with its lexical English translation enlarge heart. The two phrases are occupied by Verb Phrase (VP) which the transitive verbs enlarge and kalembo function as predicate (P), and the words ade and heart are occupied by Noun Phrase (NP) whose function as a Direct Object (DO). Another important finding in this study is that in everyday communication, Kalembo Ade has various meanings and functions based on the context uttered such as sorry in expression of apology, be patient in expression of sympathy or condolence, and be advised in asking one’s understandings. Similar studies which investigate morphological, syntactical, and semantic rules of other phrases are highly recommended for future studies


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    This study was to analyze the importance of component utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in learning. This study was acknowledged by the results of a survey to the secondary school education teachers in the Subject Teachers' Association (MGMP) for Citizenship Education field in Cimahi as many as 42 schools and 146 teachers through the Google Form application and 104 teachers responded according to the Krejcie and Morgan tables. The method used in this research was descriptive survey. Based on the survey results, the main findings in this survey were not very encouraging, because most teachers in the learning process were not always even inclined. They sometimes never used technological media, social networks, use current issues, and assigned learning material widely and in depth. Further research on teachers must be able to master technological assiatance in to make the Citizenship Education was more crucial and urgent for students. On the other hand, students must be able to utilize social media in the daily lives. The school should also provide internet access for the continuation of the learning process. Thus, the government must be able to provide internet access for schools in remote areas, so that technology-based learning is no longer a barrier for teachers and student

    Exploring EFL Students Difficulties and Strategies in Learning TOEFL ITP of Structure and Written Expression

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    Nowadays the TOEFL test is very important. The TOEFL test is not only to measure English proficiency, but also for the sake of scholarship requirements, and as a requirement to graduate from college. This study explores the difficulties of EFL students in learning the TOEFL ITP of Structure and Written Expression (SWE) and how EFL students overcome difficulties in learning the TOEFL ITP of SWE. This study uses a narrative inquiry design. The data used in this study is qualitative data obtained from information provided by students through questionnaires and interviews. The results of the study show that there are several difficulties for students in learning TOEFL ITP, namely sentences with multiple clauses, sentences with inverted subjects and verbs, problems with prepositions, problems with the form of the verb, sentences with one clause, problems with subject/verb agreement. The way students overcome difficulties in the TOEFL ITP of SWE is to re-learn what has been taught by the tutor, reopen the module, learn from several other references besides the reference given by the tutor, learn from youtube, re-learn with classmates who have mastered the material. , do the practice questions independently. The findings in this research are expected to give an empirical contribution to TOEFL teachers to pay attention to students' difficulties in learning TOEFL ITP, especially SWE


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    This study described errors of the dubbers in the infotaiment issues in the INSERT program presented by Trans TV channel, focusing on diction and sentence variations used by the host.  Problem addressed in this study was to what extents accuracy and accuratness in the words and sentences used by the host met criteria of good and correct Bahasa Indonesia. This study used content analysis with qualitative approach. Data were derived from document analysis obtained from the records of the INSERT program from 1-8 December 2016.  This study concluded that some language errors occured in the selection of words, phrases and sentences, implying meanings in the news was bias, misinterpreted even misled for the audiences. Instead of giving negative impact as an issue or rumor, the news was perceived as propaganda or black campaign


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    The purposes of this study are to describe the meaning of nggahi funds and makka,  a tradition to welcome honored guests in Dompu and to identify meanings in the nggahi and makka in the recent social values.  The tradition was derived from the indigenous local cultures that currently was retained as one of the folklore so that the researchers approached using the ethnographic study. Three informants were interviewed, tradition ceremony to welcome guests was observed records were analyzed, and introspection was conducted.   Analyses were done based on the verbatim transcripts of the traditions.  The study revealed that four symbols apply in the nggahi fund traditions and two in makka having connotative and denotative meaning.  Guests are greatly appreciated and served in high honors.  Values as the Islamic teaching denote are embedded in the social interations in the nggahi and makka

    Penerapan Teknologi Budidaya Ikan dalam Ember (Budikdamber) untuk Pemenuhan Gizi dalam Mencegah Stunting di Desa Mau Bokul Kabupaten Sumba Timur

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    Nusa Tenggara Timur merupakan salah satu provinsi penyumbang angka stunting tertinggi di Indonesia dengan persentase sebesar 35,3%, termasuk di Kabupaten Sumba Timur, tepatnya Desa Mau Bokul. Penerapan teknologi Budikdamber merupakan salah satu cara untuk mencegah terjadinya kejadian stunting melalui pemenuhan gizi rumah tangga. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan melalui edukasi, penyuluhan serta pendampingan pada masyarakat untuk memperoleh pengetahuan guna untuk memenuhi gizi di Desa Mau Bokul. Penerapan teknologi budidaya ikan dalam ember (Budikdamber) dapat membantu masyarakat Desa Mau Bokul, Kecamatan Pandawai, Kabupaten Sumba Timur untuk pemenuhan gizi dalam mencegah terjadinya stuntin