14 research outputs found


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    Abstract: This Classroom Action Research (CAR) aims to increase motivation and interest in learning mathematics in class XI IPS 3 of SMA Negeri 2 Merauke by using a variety of learning media. The subjects in this study were 30 students of  class XI IPS 3, 17 male students and 13 female students. The cycleof CAR uses the Kemmis & Mc Taggart model with stages of planning, implementation, observation, and observation. Pre-cycle data shows that students' motivation and interest in learning mathematics are in the low category. The study was conducted in 2 cycles with 4 meeting for each cycles. Based on the results of student observation activities indicate that student activities have increased in learning process of cycle I and cycle II. The average percentage of student learning activity in the first cycle reached 57%, and increased in the second cycle, amount 83%. Increased percentage of student’s learning activity in cycle I and cycle II by 26%. Student learning motivation in the good category experienced an increase from pre-cycle with a percentage of 37.16%, 62.72% in the first cycle, and 90.12% in the second cycle. Student’s interest in the good category also increased from pre-cycle with a percentage of 35.34%, in the first cycle 58.55%, and in the second cycle increased to 93.55%. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that by using a variety of learning media can increase motivation and interest in learning mathematics in class XI IPS 3 of SMA Negeri 2 Merauke. With the motivation and interest in learning students towards mathematics, it is expected that students themselves will be able to more easily understand mathematics and mathematics no longer be a frightening subject for students. Keywords: variations in learning media, motivation, interests.Abstrak:  Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan minat belajar matematika siswa kelas XI IPS 3 SMA Negeri 2 Merauke dengan menggunakan variasi media pembelajaran. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas XI IPS 3 sebanyak 30 siswa, 17 siswa laki-laki dan 13 siswa perempuan. Siklus PTK menggunakan model Kemmis & Mc Taggart dengan tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan observasi. Data prasiklus menunjukkan bahwa motivasi dan minat belajar matematika siswa berada pada kategori rendah. Penelitian dilakukan sebanyak 2 siklus dengan masing-masing siklus 4 pertemuan. Berdasarkan hasil observasi aktivitas siswa menunjukkan peningkatan aktivitas siswa pada proses pembelajaran siklus I dan siklus II. Rata-rata persentase keaktifan belajar siswa pada siklus I mencapai 57%, dan meningkat pada siklus II yaitu 83%. Peningkatan presentase keaktifan belajar siswa pada siklus I dan siklus II sebesar 26%. Motivasi belajar siswa pada kategori baik mengalami peningkatan dari pra siklus dengan persentase 37,16%, pada siklus I 62,72%, dan pada siklus II meningkat mencapai 90,12%. Minat belajar siswa pada kategori baik juga mengalami peningkatan dari pra siklus dengan persentase 35,34%, pada siklus I 58,55%, dan pada siklus II meningkat mencapai 93,55%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menggunakan variasi media pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan minat belajar matematika siswa kelas XI IPS 3 SMA Negeri 2 Merauke. Dengan adanya motivasi dan minat belajar siswa terhadap matematika maka diharapkan siswa dengan sendirinya akan dapat lebih mudah memahami matematika dan matematika tidak lagi menjadi mata pelajaran yang menakutkan bagi siswa. Kata Kunci: variasi media pembelajaran, motivasi, minat


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    This study was conducted to describe the metacognition of junior high school students in solving mathematical problems based on cognitive style. This type of research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach which was carried out in class IX of SMP Negeri 2 Anggeraja. Results Based on the mathematical ability test and the Matching Familiar Figure Test (MFFT), 2 students were selected as research subjects. Data collection techniques were carried out by presenting problem-solving tasks and task-based interviews. Data analysis uses data reduction steps, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that students with reflective cognitive style fulfill the three aspects of metacognition, namely planning, monitoring, and evaluating in solving problems. From the metacognitive activity of students with reflective cognitive style, it shows that the level of metacognitive ability is at the level of reflective use. Students with impulsive cognitive style fulfill the three aspects of metacognition, namely planning, monitoring, and evaluating in solving problems. However, at the planning stage only able to reveal some strategies that can be used to solve the problem and at the evaluation stage unable to prove the truth of the answers obtained. From the metacognitive activity of students with cognitive impulses, it shows that the level of metacognition ability is at the level of awareness of us


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    This research was conducted with the aim of describing the profile of the basic mathematical abilities of grade VIII junior high school students. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative with the subject of class VIII students at one of the State Middle Schools in Merauke, totaling 33 students. The data collection instrument used basic mathematics ability test questions which totaled 20 multiple choice questions. To analyze the data obtained, the steps consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions were used using Miles and Huberman's analysis techniques. The results of the study showed that the basic math abilities of grade VIII students were moderate. With the highest basic mathematical abilities in the elements of numbers and the lowest in elements of geometr


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    Abstract This article discusses a new concept of complete guidance of the national science olympiad in the field of mathematics. This guidance is carried out periodically with the aim of providing new experiences for students in preparation for the 2020 national science olympiad. Assistance for national science olympiad guidance is carried out in three main steps. First, the results of observations made to discuss students and schools in the implementation of national science olympiad guidance at school. In this observation, an explanation was obtained about the school where the community service had not contributed to the national science olympiad five years ago. Second is the socialization stage. At this stage of socialization is the initial part made. The socialization consisted of the socialization of the national science olympiad guidebook and online technical guidance socialization with Edmodo application platform. Socialization is carried out in accordance with predetermined planning. The third is the evaluation stage. The evaluation stage is the final stage of the national science olympiad guidance. This final phase is fully supported in the implementation of integrated guidance. Evaluation of the National Science Olympiad book and evaluation of the use of Edmodo application in online guidance. The evaluation book consists of revised material that is suitable for junior high school level learning material and high-level evaluation material. Online tutoring evaluation is done by activating student guidance in online tutoring.   Abstrak Artikel ini membahas tentang suatu konsep baru bimbingan terpadu olimpiade sains nasional dalam bidang matematika. Bimbingan ini dilakukan secara berkala dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman baru untuk siswa dalam persiapan olimiade sains nasional tahun 2020. Pelaksanaan bimbingan terpadu olimpiade sains nasional dilakukan dalam tiga tahapan utama. Pertama, adalah tahapan observasi yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui permasalahan siswa dan sekolah dalam pelaksanaan bimbingan olimpiade sains nasional disekolah. Pada observasi ini diperoleh penjelasan bahwa sekolah yang menjadi tempat pengabdian belum berkontribusi dalam olimpiade sains nasional pada lima tahun belakangan. Kedua adalah tahapan sosialisasi. Pada tahapan sosialisasi ini merupakan pengenalan awal prosedur bimbingan terpadu. Sosialisasi terdiri dari sosialisasi buku panduan olimpiade sains nasional dan sosialisasi teknis bimbingan online dengan platform aplikasi Edmodo. Sosialisasi dilakukan secara bertahap sesuai dengan perencanaan yang telah ditentukan. Ketiga adalah tahapan evaluasi. Tahapan evaluasi merupakan tahapan akhir dari bimbingan terpadu olimpiade sains nasional. Tahapan akhir ini mengevaluasi secara keseluruhan dalam pelaksanan bimbingan terpadu. Evaluasi buku olimpiade sains nasional dan evluasi penggunaan aplikasi Edmodo dalam bimbingan online. Evaluasi buku terdiri dari pemisahan materi yang sesuai dengan materi pembelajaran tingkat sekolah menengah pertama dan mengevaluasi seluruh kesalahan dalam penulisan-penulisan. Evaluasi bimbingan online dilakukan dengan mengaktifkan secara terjadwal aktifitas siswa dalam bimbingan online


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain one group pretest-posttest design. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan Software Geogebra pada proses pembelajaran terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa kelas VIII. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII B SMP Negeri 2 Merauke yang berjumlah 25 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan menggunakan cluster random sampling. Materi pelajaran yang diberikan adalah materi pelajaran pada semester ganjil yaitu persamaan garis lurus. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Merauke sesudah penggunaan software geogebra lebih baik dari sebelum penggunaan software geogebra. Pengaruh tersebut ditunjukkan dari perolehan rata-rata nilai pretest lebih tinggi dari rata-rata nilai posttest, dengan peningkatan prestasi belajar matematika siswa berada pada kategori “sedang” yaitu 0,534. Dengan demikian, terdapat pengaruh kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika siswa kelas VIII B SMP Negeri 2 Merauke setelah dilakukan pembelajaran menggunakan software geogebr


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    This research is a classroom action research that aims to increase interest and achievement in learning mathematics through the application of an approach Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). This research has been conducted in two cycles with each cycle there are 4 meetings. The subjects in the study consisted of 20 students, namely 9 male students and 11 female students in grade VII SMP in Merauke. Data collection techniques used are test techniques for achievement data and non-test techniques for interest data. The results obtained are that students' interest in learning mathematics in the first cycle is 65% or 13 students are in the good or very good category and in the second cycle the student's interest is increased to 85% or 17 students are in the good or very good category. Student achievement in the first cycle who scored above or equal to 65 is 55% or 11 students who completed and in the second cycle student achievement increased by 80% or 16 students have reached the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM). Based on these results it can be said that the learning model of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) can increase the interest and learning achievement of class VI


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    Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah mengetahui peningkatan kemandirian belajar mahasiswa melaui implementasi blended learning. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Musamus yang mengambil mata kuliah persamaan diferensial sebanyak 32 mahasiswa. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini menggunakan siklus penelitian Tindakan kelas Kemmis & Mc Taggart yang dilakukan sebanyak 2 siklus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa dokumentasi dan observasi. Berdasarkan analisis data yang diperoleh, implementasi blended learning mampu meningkatkan kemandirian mahasiswa terbukti dari hasil yang diperoleh terjadi peningkatan jumlah mahasiswa yang memiliki kemandirian belajar. Data kemandirian belajar pra siklus menunjukkan bahwa sebesar 21,35% mahasiswa memiliki aspek kemandirian belajar, setelah implementasi blended learning didapat hasil pada siklus 1 meningkat menjadi 49,38% mahasiswa, dan mengkat lagi pada siklus 2 menjadi 78,75% mahasiswa.  Dengan implementasi blended learning juga mampu meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa yang ditunjukan dari data prestasi mahasiswa. Pada siklus 1, jumlah mahasiswa yang lulus sebesar 46,88%, dan meningkat pada implementasi siklus 2 menjadi 71,88%


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    In implementing the teaching and learning process the teacher must use learning media that is attractive, innovative and in accordance with the material being taught. Learning media made by teachers must also develop, especially to keep pace with technological developments. As well as in the development of technology teachers must also be able to DARING learning, especially in circumstances that do not allow face-to-face learning, for example, such as during the current Covid-19 pandemic. The problem faced by teachers at SMA N I Tanah Miring is that many teachers still encounter problems in making technology-based learning media and conducting online learning. So that in the implementation of this service, there will be training for teachers at SMA N I Tanah Miring in making audio-visual learning media (voice ppt and learning videos), as well as creating and implementing DARING learning using google classroom. Learning media in the form of voice ppt and learning videos that have been made previously will be included in the google classroom so that it can make it easier for teachers in delivering lesson material. The method in implementing this service includes stage I (observation / survey) the obstacles faced by the teacher in conducting learning at this time, stage II (training / socialization) implementation of training activities to make audio-visual media and conducting DARING learning, stage III (Evaluation) after being carried out training then an evaluation will be carried out to see the success of the training and the sustainability of the training being carried ou

    Rainfall Forecast of Merauke Using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model

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    Climate is an important element for human life, one of them is to agriculture sector. Global climate change leads to increased frequency and extreme climatic intensity such as storms, floods, and droughts. Rainfall is climate factor that causes the failure of harvest in Merauke. Therefore, rainfall forecast information is very useful in anticipating the occurrence of extreme events that can lead to crop failure. The purpose of this research is to model rainfall using autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model. The ARIMA model can be used to predict future events using a set of past data, including predicting rainfall. This research was conducted by collecting secondary data from Agency of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) from 2005 until 2017, then the data was analyzed using R.3.4.2. software. The analysis result showed that ARIMA model (2.0,2) as the right model to predict rainfall in Merauke. The result of forecasting based on ARIMA model (2.0,2) for one period ahead is 179 mm of average rainfall, 46 mm of minimum rainfall, and 295 mm of maximum rainfall. Thus it can be concluded that the intensity of rainfall in Merauke has decreased and there was a seasonal shift from the previous period


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan membedakan level metakognisi siswa dalam memecahkan masalah matematika ditinjau dari kemampuan matematika siswa.  Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes kemampuan matematika (TKM), tes pemecahan masalah (TPM), dan pedoman wawancara. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Merauke yang dipilih berdasarkan kemampuan matematika siswa yakni kemampuan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Dari ketiga kategori kemampuan tersebut, dipilih masing-masing 2 siswa yang mewakili masing-masing setiap kategori, yaitu siswa JM dan AE mewakili kemampuan tinggi, siswa CA dan EM mewakili kemampuan sedang, siswa AP dan ID mewakili kemampuan rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) siswa dengan kemampuan matematika tinggi digolongkan pada tingkat metakognisi “strategic use”, dalam memecahkan masalah matematika; 2) Siswa dengan kemampuan matematika sedang digolongkan pada tingkat metakognisi “aware use”, dalam memecahkan masalah matematika; 3) Siswa dengan kemampuan matematika rendah digolongkan pada tingkat metakognisi “tacit use”,  dalam memecahkan masalah matematika.This study aims to differentiate the level of students' metacognition in solving mathematical problems in terms of students' mathematical abilities. This research type is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The instruments used in this study were the math ability test (TKM), problem solving test (TPM), and interview guidelines. The subjects of this study were class VIII students of SMP Negeri 3 Merauke who were selected based on students' mathematical abilities, namely high, medium, and low abilities. From the three ability categories, 2 students were selected to represent each category, namely JM and AE students representing high abilities, CA and EM students representing medium abilities, AP and ID students representing low abilities. The results showed that: 1) students with high mathematical abilities were classified at the "strategic use" level of metacognition, in solving mathematical problems; 2) Students with moderate mathematical abilities are classified at the metacognition level of "aware use", in solving mathematical problems; 3) Students with low mathematical ability are classified at the level of metacognition "tacit use", in solving mathematical problems