10 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Perawat Sehat dalam Memberikan Pelayanan Keperawatan Bermutu

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    This study aims to develop guidelines and provide an overview to optimize the health of nursing staff in public hospitals in Jakarta. This research method uses a pilot project starting from data collection, problem analysis, problem priority setting, preparation of a plan of action, implementation and evaluation. Research respondents were 54 room heads and 479 nursing staff. Problem analysis was performed using a fishbone diagram. The results of the analysis show that there is a problem in the form of not optimal adoption of healthy nurse behavior due to the absence of a guide for healthy nurses, the SPO has not been compiled and there are still nurses who do not know about the behavior of healthy nurses. In conclusion, the solution to the problem is to draft a guide for healthy nurses in the hospital. Keywords: Health Optimization, Guidelines for Healthy Nurses, Nursing Staf

    Peningkatan Kompetensi Perawa sesuai Level Perawat Klinis (PK)

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    This study aims to improve the competence of nurses according to the PK level by implementing a reminder system for conducting training. The method used is a program innovation report using the ADDIE approach (Assessment Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The results of the research on the initial assessment showed that 98% of nurses still needed training according to Level PK, 82% of room heads who had Continuing Professional Development (CPD) planning, 94% of room heads who still required training to make Continuing Professional Development (CPD). The results of the study after testing the innovation format showed that 88% of respondents said the Nurse Training Data format according to the PK level was easy to use, 88% said the training data format according to the PK Level was constructive in collecting initial data on nurse training and 100% of respondents said they would be happy to fill it out if This format is carried out in hospitals. Then, an innovation was made to make a prototype mapping format for nurse training and a nurse training reminder system according to the PK level. In conclusion, the format mapping and training reminder system for nurses according to the PK level can be recommended after conducting trials on one of the nursing units. Keywords: Competence, Nurse Training According to PK Leve

    Pengembangan Panduan Kompetensi Interprofessional Collaboration Practice di Ruang Rawat Inap

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    This study aims to identify collaborative practices in inpatient rooms and design improvement proposals according to applicable policies and standards. The method used is a pilot project using the Kurt Lewin stage of change approach. Data was collected through secondary data analysis, interviews, observations and surveys using questionnaires. There were 264 survey respondents consisting of primary nurses and associate nurses. Problem analysis was carried out using a fishbone, preparation of a plan of action, implementation, and evaluation of the structure and discussion based on the literature review. The results showed barriers to interprofessional communication in the inpatient room. The most common barriers between doctors and nurses are patient planning, implementation collaboration, and discharge planning. In conclusion, drafting the IPCP competency guidelines for nurses can support nurses in interprofessional collaboration practice in inpatient rooms.  Keywords:       Interprofessional Collaboration, Interprofessional Communication, Collaboration Practice

    Kesesuaian Kompetensi dan Area Kerja Perawat Rawat Jalan

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    This study aims to identify the implementation of the clinical authority of nurses in outpatient units based on the level of competence of nurses. The research method used is a case study (identification of problems, problem analysis and problem priority setting, preparation of Plan of Action (POA), implementation and evaluation). The results showed that the performance of clinical authority by nurses according to the level of the career path they had, namely nurses with PK I level of clinical authority were sometimes carried out (66.7%), PK II Medical Surgery (50%) and PK III Medical (57.1%) levels of authority. Clinically, it is rarely performed, at the level of PK III, the clinical authority is often performed (60%), at the PK III level, the clinical authority is emergency (100%), the PK III level is Neuroscience. Clinicians often do it (50%) and the PK III, Nephrology level of clinical authority, is always done (75%). In conclusion, there are still many particular actions according to the level of competence that is rare and cannot even be carried out because there are no such actions in outpatient installations. Keywords: Work Area, Clinical Authority, Competenc

    Metode Speak Up untuk Meningkatkan Interprofesional Collaboration Practice

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    This study aims to identify problems and develop nurse improvement strategies to speak up in IPCP. The method used in this research is an improvement program based on innovation development with a pilot project approach. The results showed that the characteristics of the respondents in the survey of nurse satisfaction in IPCP conducted during problem identification were that there were more female nurses (91%) than male nurses (9.3%), the age of the most respondents was between 21-30 years. (44%), and age 31 -40 years (33%) or productive age. The education level of most respondents is D3 (83%), the second is Nurses (23%). Respondent's competency level for PK I (25%), PK II (32%), PK III (45%), and PK IV (4%). Most of the respondents who participated in this survey were Associate Nurse (PA) at 91% and Primary Nurse (PP) at 14%. In conclusion, the speak-up method can improve nursing services, the image of the nursing profession, and the achievement of patient safety.   Keywords: Patient Safety, Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, Speak U

    Determinan Kepuasan Perawat Pada Praktik Interprofesional Kolaborasi di Rumah Sakit

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    Praktik kolaborasi memiliki pengaruh yang besar untuk kepuasan pasien dan kepuasan profesi pemberi asuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi determinan kepuasan perawat pada Interprofesional Colaborative Practice (IPCP). Metode penelitian menggunakan studi cross sectional yang dilakukan dari bulan Maret sampai Desember 2021. Kuesioner yang digunakan hasil modifikasi, dan telah dilakukan uji validitas dan reabilitas. Kuesioner Profesional Factor, Organizational factor dan Interactional Factor nilai uji validitas 0.427-0.722 dan uji reabilitas 0.905 dengan butir kuesioner 17 item. Untuk nilai uji validitas kuesioner kepuasan perawat dalam interkolaborasi 0.590 – 0.913 dan uji reliabilitas 0.980 dengan butir kuesioner 31 item. Kuesioner disebarkan kepada 242 perawat yang bersedia mnjadi responden dan memenuhi criteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi dan bermakna dengan kepuasan perawat dalam IPCP adalah Faktor Profesional (p=0.001), Faktor Organisasional (p=0.048). Simpulan, Faktor Profesionalpaling berpengaruh pada kepuasan perawat dalam melaksanakan inter kolaborasi dengan profesi lain, Faktor Profesional memegang peran yang sangat besar dalam mengerakkan perawat untuk menguasai kompetensinya agar tujuan asuhan dan pelayanan terhadap pasien dapat dicapai secara efisien dan efektif

    Faktor Penentu Perawat sehat di Rumah Sakit

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    Healthy behavior carried out by nurses often does not produce good results due to several factors. The risks that arise due to not behaving healthy nurses can reduce the health condition of nurses and the quality of service. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that can influence the behavior of healthy nurses. The research method used a cross-sectional design to 356 nurses at the General Hospital in Jakarta. The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between age 35 years (p = 0.038) and education D3 Nursing/Midwifery (p = 0.034) with healthy nurse behavior. In multivariate analysis, the most influential variables on the behavior of healthy nurses were physical activity (p<0.05; OR = 4.760, 95%CI), spiritual (p=0.211; OR = 1.456, 95%CI) and stress management (p< 0.05; OR = 4.549, 95%CI). Recommendations to improve the behavior of healthy nurses by making healthy nurse programs on a regular basis

    Faktor Penentu Perawat sehat di Rumah Sakit

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    Healthy behavior carried out by nurses often does not produce good results due to several factors. The risks that arise due to not behaving healthy nurses can reduce the health condition of nurses and the quality of service. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that can influence the behavior of healthy nurses. The research method used a cross-sectional design to 356 nurses at the General Hospital in Jakarta. The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between age 35 years (p = 0.038) and education D3 Nursing/Midwifery (p = 0.034) with healthy nurse behavior. In multivariate analysis, the most influential variables on the behavior of healthy nurses were physical activity (p&lt;0.05; OR = 4.760, 95%CI), spiritual (p=0.211; OR = 1.456, 95%CI) and stress management (p&lt; 0.05; OR = 4.549, 95%CI). Recommendations to improve the behavior of healthy nurses by making healthy nurse programs on a regular basis

    Determinan Kepuasan Perawat Pada Praktik Interprofesional Kolaborasi di Rumah Sakit

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    Praktik kolaborasi memiliki pengaruh yang besar untuk kepuasan pasien dan kepuasan profesi pemberi asuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi determinan kepuasan perawat pada Interprofesional Colaborative Practice (IPCP). Metode penelitian menggunakan studi cross sectional yang dilakukan dari bulan Maret sampai Desember 2021. Kuesioner yang digunakan hasil modifikasi, dan telah dilakukan uji validitas dan reabilitas. Kuesioner Profesional Factor, Organizational factor dan Interactional Factor nilai uji validitas 0.427-0.722 dan uji reabilitas 0.905 dengan butir kuesioner 17 item. Untuk nilai uji validitas kuesioner kepuasan perawat dalam interkolaborasi 0.590 – 0.913 dan uji reliabilitas 0.980 dengan butir kuesioner 31 item. Kuesioner disebarkan kepada 242 perawat yang bersedia mnjadi responden dan memenuhi criteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi dan bermakna dengan kepuasan perawat dalam IPCP adalah Faktor Profesional (p=0.001), Faktor Organisasional (p=0.048). Simpulan, Faktor Profesionalpaling berpengaruh pada kepuasan perawat dalam melaksanakan inter kolaborasi dengan profesi lain, Faktor Profesional memegang peran yang sangat besar dalam mengerakkan perawat untuk menguasai kompetensinya agar tujuan asuhan dan pelayanan terhadap pasien dapat dicapai secara efisien dan efektif