8 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini adalah pengembangan dan aplikasi yang bertujuan: 1) untuk mengembangkan model penyuluhan pengaturan kehamilan berdasarkan indikator biologis yang dapat dijadikan alternatif metode oleh pasangan usia subur (PUS) dalam keluarga berencana (KB), 2) mengetahui efektivitas penerapan model KB Alami untuk mengatur kehamilan PUS di kota Makassar, 3) memberikan pengetahuan reproduksi sehat pada wanita. Penelitian pengembangan model penyuluhan KB Alami dan instrumen penelitian menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D yang dikembangkan oleh S. Thiagarajan, Dorothy S. Semmel, dan Melvyn I. Semmel. Model pengembangan 4D terdiri atas 4 tahap utama yaitu: Define (Pembatasan), Design (Perancangan), Develop (Pengembangan) dan Disseminate (Penyebaran). Tahap pengembangan (Develop), menghasilkan model penyuluhan KB Alami yang telah direvisi berdasarkan masukan dari pakar. Dan juga instrumen untuk mendapatkan gambaran pengetahuan, sikap dan keterlaksanaan KB Alami di Kota Makasar. Selanjutnya akan dilakukan penyebaran (Disseminate). Pada tahap ini merupakan tahap penggunaan model penyuluhan KB Alami yang telah dikembangkan pada skala yang lebih luas dengan melakukan intervensi penyuluhan dan pelatihan KB Alami pada PUS dengan menekankan pada indicator biologis sebagai model KB alami yang telah dikembangkan dan dikombinasikankan dengan cara coitus interuptus dan kondom pada masa subur. Parameter yang diamati: siklus subur, adanya getah serviks, uji hormonal (LH test), tanda/perilaku pada masa subur. Dari penelitian dapat diketahui indicator biologis yang efektif dijadikan model KB Alami untuk diterapkan pada PUS. Hasil yang diharapkan berupa 1) Bahan penyuluhan dan pelatihan KB Alami (buku panduan, modul, liflet untuk intervensi pada PUS), 2) Rekomendasi mengenai alternative KB Alami untuk pengaturan kehamilan pada PUS, dan 3) Pengetahuan dan kesehatan reproduksi wanita di Kota Makassar meningkat. Kata Kunci: Model Penyuluhan, KB Alami, Pengaturan Kehamila


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    This study was conducted to determine the activity of the leaf extract Cemba (Acacia pennata) antihyperkolesterolemia against total cholesterol levels in mice (Mus musculus) male ICR strain. Cemba leaves extracted by using 96% methanol by maceration. This study is a completely randomized design (CRD) that consist of five treatments and five repetition i.e normal group, hiperkolesterol group, the group of the giving of the EDC(Ap) with doses of 100, 250, 500 mg/Kg. The extract was dissolved using Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) 0.5% and given orally in mice which had previously been given a high cholesterol feed. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using SPSS Program is 2.0 and followed by Tuckey test (α 0.05). The results showed the methanol extract of leaves cemba with the dose of 500 mg / kg hads the highest effectiveness in lowering total cholesterol levels in mice which have hypercholesterolemia with a 47.88% percentage drop. These results are significantly different from hypercholesterolemia group with -7.20 percentage. The granting of leaves extracts cemba (Acacia pennata) are able to decrease the total cholesterol levels of mice (Mus musculus) male hipercholesterolemia.Keywords: Anti-hypercholesterolemia, Total Blood Cholesterol, Methanol Extract of Cemba Leaf, Male Mice (Mus musculus) ICR strain

    Combination Condom Use and Natural Family Planning Method To Control Pregnancy Among Fertile-Aged Couples In Moslem Community

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    This quasi-experiment research concerned and to increase knowledge level fertile aged couple in Makassar Moslem’s community, the various attitudes about birth control among subjects after intervention, Husband’s engagement after intervention, the effectiveness of the combination between natural family planning; and condom use among subject and the influence of knowledge, attitudes, social norms, beliefs, to support from the couple to succeed the intervention process. All fertile aged couples in community used as population subject. Selected sample (n = 37) by purposive sampling method. The data collected by questionnaires. The effectiveness was assessed by failure and successful to pregnant or not pregnant during this research is independent variable, meanwhile the dependent variables incorporate social, cultural and individual factors. This research conducted a descriptive analysis, Shapiro Wilk method was used as a normality test, bivariate analysis with the Wilcoxon and Chi square test and multivariate analysis using logistic regression analysis (α = 5%). Natural family planning with the use of combination condom had influenced the success of Moslem woman’s pregnancy through 5 factors: knowledge (OR=7), support from partners (OR=5), social norms (OR=4), belief (OR=3), and attitude (OR=1)


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    Abstrak : Proyek pembangunan pelabuhan adalah salah satu proyek yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas pelabuhan. Penelitian ini  fokus pada pekerjaan tanah yaitu proses galian dan timbunan pada pembangunan pelabuhan dimana alat berat memegang peranan penting didalam pembangunannya. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini  linear programming yang digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah alat berat yang optimum dengan biaya dan waktu yang paling minimal untuk pekerjaan tanah. Untuk membantu perhitungan, digunakanlah program komputer LINDO, untuk mendapatkan hasil dan analisis sensitivitas. Adapun data  adalah meliputi harga sewa alat, waktu kerja perhari, jumlah hari kerja, biaya bahan bakar, biaya pelumas, upah operator, uang makan operator,dan jumlah alat berat milik sendiri maupun sewa, dan data yang dihasilkan adalah total biaya keseluruhan pekerjaan. Hasil perhitungan didapatkan bahwa komposisi alat yang paling optimum adalah 4 unit Bulldozer (2 milik, 2 sewa), 8 unit Excavator (4 milik, 4 sewa), 30 unit Dump Truck (sewa), 3 unit Wheel Loader (2 milik, 1 sewa), 5 unit Split Barge (milik), dan 2 unit Vibration Roller (milik), dengan biayanya sebesar Rp. 10.395.810.000 dan waktunya sebanyak 483 hari. Dan efisiensi penggunaan alat berat terhadap waktu dan biaya adalah untuk alat berat jenis Bulldozer CAT D6G ( 0,85%),  Bulldozer Shantui(8%), Excavator Kobelco SK200 (6.67%), Excavator Kobelco SK330 (5,26%), Dump Truck (21,87%), untuk jenis alat berat Split Barge (11,11%), Wheel Loader CAT 966D (6,54%), dan Vibro Roller Sakai SV-900 (4,21%). Kata Kunci : alat berat, optimum,  analisis sentivitas. Abstract : The port development project is one of the projects aimed at improving port productivity. This research focuses on soil work that is the process of excavation and embankment on the construction where heavy equipment plays an important role in its development. The method used in this research is liniear programming which used to determinate the optimum amount of machine with the least cost and the time for land work. To support calculations, the LINDO computer program is used, to get results and sensitivity analysis. The data includes equipment rental price, working time per day, number of working days, fuel cost, lubricant cost, operator's wage, operator's money, and the amount of heavy equipment owned and rented, and the resulting data is the total cost of the whole work. The calculation result shows that the most optimum composition is 4 units of Bulldozer (2 owned, 2 rental), 8 Excavator units (4 owned, 4 rents), 30 units of Dump Trucks, 3 units of Wheel Loader (2 owned, 1 rental ), 5 units of Split Barge (owned), and 2 units of Vibration Roller (owned), with cost of Rp. 10.395.810.000 and the time is 483 days. And the efficiency of heavy equipment for time and cost is for CAT D6G Bulldozer (0.85%), Shantui Bulldozer (8%), Kobelco SK200 (6.67%), Kobelco SK330 Excavator (5.26%), Dump Truck (21.87%), for Split Barge (11.11%), Wheel Loader CAT 966D (6.54%), and Vibro Roller Sakai SV-900 (4.21%). Keywords : heavy equipment, optimum, sensitivity analysi

    Pertumbuhan Tanaman Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair Limbah Pisang Kepok

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    This study aims to study the effect of banana (Musa paradisiaca forma typica) liquid organic fertilizer on the growth of chili (Capsicum frutescens L.). Based on the results of the study, the dose of organic fertilizer increased for vegetative growth (growth of root length, stem height and number of leaves of chili) while in generative growth (average number of flowers, number of fruits, many plants, and many plants), chili plants produce facts, produces large quantities, number of plants, wet weight of plants, and wet weight of chili


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    Abstrak: Kesuksesan suatu proyek konstruksi yaitu dengan mengevaluasi kinerja kontraktor. Dimana proyek konstruksi melibatkan banyak pihak. Pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam proses konstruksi tersebut secara tidak langsung membentuk rantai pasok yang kompleks. Untuk itu diperlukan analisis yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor rantai pasok dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja kontraktor. Faktor-faktor rantai pasok yang dianalisis yaitu aliran informasi, aliran material dan aliran finansial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan penyebaran kuisioner kepada responden yaitu staf  perusahaan kontraktor, kemudian data kuisioner tersebut dianalisa dengan uji validitas, reliabilitas dan normalitas, uji multikolinieritas, analisis konfirmatori dan analisis model persamaan struktural dengan bantuan program SPSS v.20 dan AMOS v.21. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 24 indikator rantai pasok yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja kontraktor di Provinsi Banten dan DKI Jakarta. Aliran informasi dan material berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap kinerja kontraktor, dimana aliran informasi berpengaruh lebih kuat (0,725) terhadap kinerja kontraktor dibandingkan aliran material (0,471). Sedangkan aliran finansial tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja kontraktor. Kata Kunci : Rantai Pasok, Kinerja Kontraktor, SEM, AMOS Abstract: The success of a construction project is to evaluate the performance of the contractor. Where the construction project involving multiple parties. The parties involved in the construction process indirectly forming a complex supply chain. It required the analysis that aims to identify the factors of supply chain and its influence on the performance of the contractor. Factors analyzed the supply chain is the flow of information, the flow of material and the flow of financial. This research used a survey by distributed questionnaires to the respondents who work in the contractor company, then the questionnaire data were analyzed by validity, reliability and normality, multicollinearity test, confirmatory analysis and structural equation modeling analysis with SPSS software v.20 and AMOS software V.21. The results of this research showed there are 24 indicators of supply chain were effected to the performance of contractors in Province Banten and DKI Jakarta. The flow of information and material positive significant effect on the performance of the contractor, where information flow is stronger effect (0.725) on the performance of contractors than the material flow (0.471). While the financial flow does not significantly influence the performance of the contractor. Keywords : Supply Chain, Performance Contractors, SEM, AMOSAbstrak: Kesuksesan suatu proyek konstruksi yaitu dengan mengevaluasi kinerja kontraktor. Dimana proyek konstruksi melibatkan banyak pihak. Pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam proses konstruksi tersebut secara tidak langsung membentuk rantai pasok yang kompleks. Untuk itu diperlukan analisis yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor rantai pasok dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja kontraktor. Faktor-faktor rantai pasok yang dianalisis yaitu aliran informasi, aliran material dan aliran finansial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan penyebaran kuisioner kepada responden yaitu staf  perusahaan kontraktor, kemudian data kuisioner tersebut dianalisa dengan uji validitas, reliabilitas dan normalitas, uji multikolinieritas, analisis konfirmatori dan analisis model persamaan struktural dengan bantuan program SPSS v.20 dan AMOS v.21. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 24 indikator rantai pasok yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja kontraktor di Provinsi Banten dan DKI Jakarta. Aliran informasi dan material berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap kinerja kontraktor, dimana aliran informasi berpengaruh lebih kuat (0,725) terhadap kinerja kontraktor dibandingkan aliran material (0,471). Sedangkan aliran finansial tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja kontraktor. Kata Kunci : Rantai Pasok, Kinerja Kontraktor, SEM, AMOS Abstract: The success of a construction project is to evaluate the performance of the contractor. Where the construction project involving multiple parties. The parties involved in the construction process indirectly forming a complex supply chain. It required the analysis that aims to identify the factors of supply chain and its influence on the performance of the contractor. Factors analyzed the supply chain is the flow of information, the flow of material and the flow of financial. This research used a survey by distributed questionnaires to the respondents who work in the contractor company, then the questionnaire data were analyzed by validity, reliability and normality, multicollinearity test, confirmatory analysis and structural equation modeling analysis with SPSS software v.20 and AMOS software V.21. The results of this research showed there are 24 indicators of supply chain were effected to the performance of contractors in Province Banten and DKI Jakarta. The flow of information and material positive significant effect on the performance of the contractor, where information flow is stronger effect (0.725) on the performance of contractors than the material flow (0.471). While the financial flow does not significantly influence the performance of the contractor. Keywords : Supply Chain, Performance Contractors, SEM, AMO

    Uncovering the Information Literacy and Communication Skills of Biology Students in The State University of Makassar

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    Today's world necessitates information literacy and communication abilities. Mastery of information literacy and communication skills has a long-term impact on students' careers, hence information literacy and communication skills should be taught from the beginning of the lecture, while students are still in first year. This study aimed to assess information literacy skills and communication skills of students in Biology department, State University of  Makassar. The population of this study was all first year students (six classes), in the academic year of 2018/2019, who took the General Biology Course. Three classes (N = 112) became samples of this research. The research instruments were rubric of information literacy skills and communication skills. Two observers were employed to examine students skill occurring in four meetings course. The study found that Biology student information literacy skills are generally in progress level. Meanwhile, the majority of the students’ communication skills are in able tier level (level 2). The results of mapping information literacy and student communication skills can be used as input for educators in designing learning


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    Abstract: Swietenia mahagoni seed has been traditionally used as a wound healing agent. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro healing properties of Swietenia mahagoni seed extract. A supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) extract of Swietenia mahagoni seeds was tested regarding its ability to stimulate the growth of human skin fibroblasts (HSF 1184) in vitro using the colorimetric methylthiazol tetrazolium (MTT) assay and scratch assay in a selected range of extract concentrations. The results show that the Swietenia mahagoni seed extract at a concentration of 0.01 mg/mL was able to stimulate the growth of human skin fibroblasts. The scratch assay showed that all of the extracts led to a significantly higher percentage of wound closure compared to the control. The wound healing capabilities of Swietenia mahagoni seed extract may be due to its fibroblast stimulation activity, which may promote repair of the wounded dermis. Thus, it may serve as a good herbal component to incorporate into products designed to promote wound healing