942 research outputs found

    Analisa Faktor Penyebab Kerusakan Jalan (Studi Kasus Ruas Jalan Lingkar Utara Kota Padang Panjang)

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    Jalan merupakan prasarana angkutan darat yang sangat penting dalam memperlancar kegiatan hubungan ekonomi dan kegiatan sosial lainnya. Namun jika terjadi kerusakan jalan akan berakibat bukan hanya terhalangnya kegiatan ekonomi dan sosial lainnya namun dapat terjadi kecelakaan bagi pemakai jalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis kerusakan jalan, faktor penyebabnya serta solusi untuk mengatasi kerusakan yang terjadi. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan dengan data primer berupa hasil survei kerusakan jalan pada ruas Jalan Lingkar Utara Kota Padang Panjang. Hasil survei jenis kerusakan jalan pada ruas jalan Lingkar Utara Kota Padang Panjang adalah retak memanjang, retak melintang, retak kulit buaya, retak pinggir, retak berkelok-kelok, retak blok, bergelombang, kegemukan, pengeluasan, lubang, tambalan, pelepasan butiran, dan sungkur. Faktor-faktor penyebab kerusakan secara umum adalah peningkatan beban volume lalu lintas, sistem drainase yang tidak baik, sifat material konstruksi perkerasan yang kurang baik, iklim, kondisi tanah yang tidak stabil, perencanaan lapis perkerasan yang sangat tipis, proses pelaksanaan pekerjaan yang kurang sesuai dengan spesifikasi. Tindakan perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan yaitu tindakan perbaikan per segmen

    Konsep Pengembangan Kontraktor Skala Kecil

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    The development of small-scale contractor's capabilities is one of the efforts to empower weaker entrepreneurs. The impact of this development is expected to create jobs and increase community participation in rural and urban infrastructure development. Expected benefits with the development of small-scale contractor capabilities are to (1) Improve capacity and support the involvement of small-scale contractors in the implementation of construction services, (2) Improve the results of the implementation of small-scale contractors, (3) Infrastructure results from small-scale contractors can be used optimally , and (4) Small scale contractors are able to compete competitively and develop

    Perkembangan Leksikal Dan Gaya Bahasa Arab

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    Sesungguhnya gaya bahasa terdapat dalam segala ragam bahasa, ragam lisan dan ragam tulis, ragam nonsastra dan ragam sastra, karena gaya bahasa adalah cara menggunakan bahasa dalam konteks tertentu oleh orang tertentu untuk maksud tertentu. Akan tetapi, secara tradisional gaya bahasa selalu dikaitkan dengan teks sastra, khususnya teks sastra tertulis. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis akan mencoba menguraikan perkembangan leksikal dan stilistika dalam bahasa Arab. Hubungan stilistika, linguistik dan kritik sastra sangatlah erat. Dalam hubungan itu stilistika dapat dianggap menjembatani kritik sastra di satu pihak dan lingusitik di lain pihak, karena stilistika mengkaji wacana sebuah tulisan dengan orientasi linguistik

    Factors Related Participation of Informal Sector Community to Join the National Health Insurance Programs

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    Community participation to join the national health insurance in Kuantan Singingi until December 2014 was 30% from all population, and 4% from them were the participant from the informal sectors. The Participant from informal sectors was still little, but the government effort to cover all population before 2019. Many factors related to community participation from informal sectors to join the national health insurance, such as knowledge, attitude, health status, income, cost, and education. This research purposed to determine factors related to community participation from informal sectors to join the national health insurance. This research was quantitative analytical with cross-sectional study design. The population of the research was the informal sector workforce and the sample size was 211 households. Data analysis with univariate, bivariate with Chi-Square test, and multivariate with Multiple Logistic Regression tests. The results showed the informal participants of NHI that did not join the national health insurance about 67.3%. The factors related with community participation from informal sectors to join the national health insurance consist of Knowledge (POR=14.887), Attitude (POR=4.626), Health Status (POR=172.823), Cost (POR=21.594), and Education (7.495). The most dominant factor related to the community participation from informal sectors to join the national health insurance is Health Status after being controlled by knowledge, attitude, cost, and education. Be recommended to the Department of Health in District order to improve knowledge about the importance of NHI programs, assure people to participate in the Membership of NHI informal sectors programs with involving cross sectors; health center, head of village, BPJS Health, and community leaders, the Health Center to cooperate with authorized institutions in conducting the data collection of the poor to be included as participants NHI assisted by the Regional Government. Keywords: Participation of the informal sector; the national health insurance; health status; knowledge; attitude; cost; educatio

    Abstract semantics for functional constraint programming

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    technical reportA denotational semantics is given for a lazy functional language with monotonic side-effects arising from the unification of singly-bound logical variables. The semantics is based on a Scott-style information system, which elegantly captures the notion of "constraint additin" inherent in unification. A novel feature of our approach is exploitation of the representational duality of denotations defined by information systems: (i) as domain elements in the traditional sense, and (ii) as sets of propositions or constraints. Spread care is taken to express accurately the interactions of lazy evaluation (e.g. evaluation by need), and read-only accesses of logical variables defer function applications. The purpose of our semantic description is to establish language properties such as determinacy under parallel evaluation, to validate implementation strategies, and to support the design of program analysis techniques such as those based on abstract interpretation

    Medication Errors (MEs) in Several Countries: A Systematic Review

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    The increasing number of reports of Medication Errors (MEs) and the subsequent relevant damage, especially in the medical centres, have become a growing concern for patient safety in recent decades. Patient safety, particularly drug safety, is a major concern and the challenge for healthcare professionals around the world.Knowing the prevalence of MEs presented descriptively based on existing studies to approach systematic review. In first stages, journals were searched by using the online databases through Science Direct and EBSCO. The search used specific keywords such as ‘medication errors’ and ‘administration errors’. As a result, this study reports about Medication Errors in several countries, including two largest hospital of Isfahan in Iran,University Teaching Hospital in Korea, Mansoura Teaching University Hospital, two cases reported in Bolak Eldakror Hospital in Egypt and Midnapore Medical College and Hospital in India. Medication Errors can be prevented by various strategies, such as implementing the six rights of medication administrations principle (right patient, right medication, right dosage, right route of administration, right time and rightdocumentation) and as a control by using a ‘double-check’ or even ‘triple check’ procedures before giving the drug to the patient. Keywords: Medication Errors (MEs), drug administration, medication administration principle

    Coherent bubble-sum approximation for coupled-channel resonance scattering

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    For coupled-channel resonance scattering we derive a model with a closed form solution for the TT-matrix that satisfies unitarity and analyticity. The two-channel case is handled explicitly for an arbitrary number of resonances. The method focuses on the expansion of the transition matrix elements, Γ(s)\Gamma(s), in known analytical functions. The appropriate hadronic form factors and the related energy shifts can be determined from the scattering data. The differences between this method and the KK-matrix and the Breit-Wigner approximation are illustrated in the case of the S11S_{11} resonances S11(1535)S_{11}(1535) and S11(1650)S_{11}(1650).Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, code available from http://www.phyast.pitt.edu/~norbertl/bubblegum2

    Miniaturisasi Antena Mikrostrip dengan Desain Fraktal untuk Aplikasi Global Positioning System

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    Paper ini membahas mengenai desain dengan bentuk Fraktal antena mikrostip dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan ukuran antena yang lebih kecil untuk aplikasi Global Positioning System pada frekuensi 1575 MHz. Pada hasil percobaan didapatkan frekuensi kerja GPS pada 1575 MHz, return loss sebesar -18,56 dB dengan VSWR 1,27

    Tunable nonlinearity in atomic response to a bichromatic field

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    Atomic response to a probe beam can be tailored, by creating coherences between atomic levels with help of another beam. Changing parameters of the control beam will change the nature of coherences and hence the nature of atomic response as well. Such change can depend upon intensity of both probe and control beams, in a nonlinear fashion. We present a situation where this nonlinearity in dependence can be precisely controlled, as to obtain different variations as desired. We also present a detailed analysis of how this nonlinear dependency arises and show that this is an interesting effect of several Coherent Population Trap(CPT) states that exist and a competition among them to trap atomic population in them.Comment: 16 pages and 6 figure
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