4 research outputs found

    International Business Diplomacy: Mining for Good Practices in Indonesia

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    "International Business Diplomacy: Mining for Good Practices in Indonesia" explores how business diplomacy can be a strategic tool in optimizing the potential of Indonesia\u27s mining sector on the international stage. Armed with abundant natural resource wealth, Indonesia faces the challenge of ensuring that its mining industry provides maximum benefits for the economy and society while maintaining harmonious relations with international trading partners. This research highlights two main cases: contract renegotiation with Freeport-McMoRan and cooperation in the nickel sector with China. These two cases illustrate how Indonesia, with a careful approach to business diplomacy, has succeeded in attracting investment, increasing industrial added value, and ensuring sustainable mining practices. However, despite this success, challenges such as environmental issues, workers\u27 rights and good governance remain priorities. In conclusion, business diplomacy, if implemented correctly, can be the key for Indonesia to achieve sustainability and justice in its mining industry in the era of globalization


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    This study discusses the opportunities and challenges of investment cooperation between Indonesiaand the Visegrad countries. The author uses the concept of economic diplomacy to explain theseproblems. Indonesia undertakes economic diplomacy efforts with the aim of continuing to increaseits investment cooperation with Visegrad countries. But in its economic diplomacy efforts there areopportunities and challenges that must be faced. The opportunities in this regard are large investmentpotential, similar goals between the two, economic diplomacy that can be carried out to the level oflocal government, and ease of investment in Indonesia. While the challenge is that there is no clearand measurable economic diplomacy blueprint, very far geographical location, and limitedcollaboration in the form of bilateral relations

    Survey Tingkat Pengetahuan Serta Kesiapan Dosen dan Mahasiswa dalam Pelaksanaan Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka

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    Abstract: The purpose of this survey is to determine the level of knowledge and readiness of lecturers and students in the implementation of the MBKM program and to find out the obstacles in the implementation of the MBKM program. This survey uses a descriptive method and the data is processed using descriptive statistics. The survey was conducted on 1307 respondents consisting of 23 lecturers and 1284 students in the UNIKOM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP). The survey results show that lecturers already have an adequate level of knowledge regarding MBKM program policies while students do not yet have adequate knowledge regarding MBKM program policies. Furthermore, the survey results show that lecturers and students are ready to implement the MBKM program because the MBKM program has an impact on increasing the competence, hardskills and softskills of graduates that are relevant to the needs of future users, although the majority of students do not feel confident that they can join the program, but students at FISIP UNIKOM have ready to join the MBKM program. Financial factors, regulations, limited information and human resource capabilities, curriculum adjustments, value conversion and academic information systems, assessments with partners and support from higher education leaders are the biggest inhibiting factors in the implementation of the MBKM program.Keywords: competence, readiness of lecturers and students, MBKM programĀ Abstrak: Tujuan dari survey ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan serta kesiapan dosen dan mahasiswa dalam pelaksanaan program MBKM serta mengetahui hambatan dalam pelaksanaan program MBKM. Survey ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan data diolah dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Survey dilakukan pada 1307 responden yang terdiri dari 23 orang dosen dan 1284 mahasiswa di lingkungan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) UNIKOM. Hasil survey memperlihatkan dosen telah memiliki tingkat pengetahuan yang memadai terkait kebijakan program MBKM sedangkan mahasiswa belum memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai terkait kebijakan program MBKM. Selanjutnya hasil survey menunjukan dosen dan mahasiswa telah siap melaksanakan program MBKM karena program MBKM berdampak terhadap peningkatan kompetensi, hardskills dan softskills lulusan yang relevan dengan kebutuhan pengguna dimasa yang akan datang, walaupun mayoritas mahasiswa belum merasa yakin dapat mengikuti program tersebut namun mahasiswa di FISIP UNIKOM telah siap untuk mengikuti program MBKM. Faktor finansial; regulasi, keterbatasan informasi dan kapabilitas sumber daya manusia; penyesuaian kurikulum, konversi nilai dan sistem informasi akademik; Penjajagan dengan Mitra serta dukungan pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi merupakan faktor-faktor penghambat terbesar dalam pelaksanaan program MBKM.Kata kunci: kompetensi, kesiapan dosen dan mahasiswa, progam MBK

    Diplomasi Budaya Indonesia Melalui Program Kelas Bahasa Dalam Upaya Memperkenalkan Indonesia Di Laos Tahun 2016-2020

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    Cultural diplomacy currently plays a very important role in establishing relations with other countries as well as strengthening bilateral and multilateral relations, this approach is considered very effective because currently the approach using softpower diplomacy is more interested than using the hardpower diplomacy approach. The Language Class which is currently held in Laos, Vientiane, to be precise at the Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane and the Wonderful Indonesia Center Building act as a medium and a forum for carrying out cultural diplomacy Indonesia towards the people of Laos so that the people of Laos got to know Indonesia more closely. The method used in this research uses qualitative methods. The data collected is from interviews and literature and is supported by literature studies, online data searches, journals, orreports and documents from relevant agencies such as PPSDK and the Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane, documentation and observations which are then analyzed using the International Relations approach. The research was carried out through interviews with relevant agencies. The results showed that the Indonesian Language Class held at the Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane and WIC played an important role in introducing Indonesia to Laos through its cultural diplomacy. This can be seen from various factors, one of which is the response of the Lao peoplethemselves, and the cooperation that is carried out and can be seen from the improvement of people-to-people contacts between Indonesia and Laos from various events that have been held.Diplomasi Budaya sekarang ini memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam menjalin hubungan dengan negara lain serta memper-erat hubungan bilateral maupun multilateral, pendeketan ini dinilai sangat efektif karena sekarang ini pendekatan menggunakan softpower diplomacy lebih banyak diminati dibanding menggunakan pendekatan hardpower diplomacy. Kelas Bahasa yang di selenggarakan di Laos, Vientiane tepatnya di KBRI Vientiane dan Gedung Wonderful Indonesia Center menjadi media dan wadah untuk melaksanakan diplomasi budaya terhadap masyarakat Laos sehingga masyarakat Laos mengenal lebih dekat mengenai Indonesia. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan adalah dari hasil wawancara dan literatur serta didukung oleh studi pustaka, penelusuran data online, jurnal, ataupun laporan dan dokumen dari instansi terkait seperti PPSDK dan KBRI Vientiane, dokumentasi dan observasi yang kemudian di analisis dengan pendekatan Ilmu Hubungan Internasional. Penelitian dilakasanakan melalui wawancara terhadap instansi terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kelas Bahasa Indonesia yang diselenggarakan di KBRI Vientiane dan WIC memiliki peranan yang penting dalam upaya memperkenalkan Indonesia di Laos melalui diplomasi budayanya. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari berbagai faktor yang salah satunya adalah respon dari masyarakat Laos itu sendiri, dan kerja sama yang terlaksana serta dapat dilihat dari peningkatan hubungan people-to-people contacts Indonesia dan Laos dari berbagai acara yang telah terselenggara