10 research outputs found

    Hadith regarding the law of Tabarruk against Habaib: Living hadith study of Gedongsari Prambon Nganjuk Islamic boarding school

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    The occurrence of pros and cons regarding the law of Tabarruk practice against Habaib requires hadith research on the direction of Tabarruk. Because to know the law requires an in-depth study of the meaning of the hadith text itself. This study aims to provide readers with an understanding of the importance of understanding the text of the Prophet’s Hadith. In addition, they also know the methods used by classical and contemporary scholars in practicing Hadith. This research is field research with a qualitative approach. Gedongsari Islamic Boarding School, the administrators and the students, are the main objects of this research. The primary source for the research theories is the book al-Jami’ ash-Shahih by al-Bukhari. Several works such as al-Mutashaddidun by Ali Jumah Muhammad, Mafahim Yajibu ‘an Tushahhah by Sayyid Muhammad Alawi, al-Mulakhas fi Syarh Kitab at-Tauhid by Fauzan Salih, and Fath al-Majid Syarh Kitab at-Tauhid by Abd Rahman Hasan Alu Syaikh are considered as the minor sources. The Hadith about Tabarruk is a category of valid Hadith that can be used as evidence. Al-Qur’an and hadiths with the same theme also corroborate the Hadith. In practice, the practice of the Tabarruk tradition that has been attached and rooted in the Gedongsari Islamic Boarding School is not all based on hadith encouragement. However, several factors influence these habits. It cannot be separated from this habit from the dogma that the kiais and teachers have taught

    Lecturer-student collaboration in higher education as a solution for fostering student’s creative personality

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    Objective: This study aims to elaborate on the role of lecturer-student collaboration in developing student creativity. Methods: This research is mix-method research. Data were obtained from 30 students and eight lecturers at three state universities in Malang, East Java. Data was collected through a creative personality scale and interviews. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques, while interview data were analyzed by thematic analysis. Findings: The analysis results show that lecturer-student collaboration activities have implications for the high level of student creativity. Conclusion: The results of this study have implications that lecturer activities have an essential role in developing student creativity. The limitation of this research lies in the data collection process, which is only done online. Further research is expected to use the method of observation and in-depth interviews to be able to reveal the data more comprehensively

    Eksekusi mati terhadap orang murtad dalam perspektif hadis nabi dan deklarasi universal Hak Asasi Manusia: studi komparasi

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    Hukuman mati terhadap orang murtad yang terdapat dalam hadis Nabi kerap menjadi bahan perdebatan dikalangan umat Islam. Di satu sisi ada yang setuju dengan hukuman tersebut dengan alasan Islam benar-benar memberikan kebebasan kepada semua orang untuk memilih Islam atau agama lain, jika ia telah memilih Islam, ia harus menjadi Muslim selama-lamanya. Pendapat ini ditentang oleh pendapat yang kontra dengan alasan hubungan antar manusia didasarkan pada prinsip saling menghormati, bukan saling meniadakan. Selain diatur dalam hadis Nabi, Hukuman mati dan murtad juga telah diatur dalam Deklarasi Universal Hak Asasi Manusia (DUHAM), namun beberapa pasal dalam deklarasi tersebut juga masih diperdebatkan, sehingga pada tahun 1990 negara-negara yang tergabung dalam Organisasi Konferensi Islam (OKI) mengeluarkan Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam. Berangkat dari wacana tersebut di atas, penulis tertarik untuk membandingkan eksekusi mati terhadap orang murtad dalam pandangan hadis Nabi dan DUHAM yang telah disepakati pada tanggal 10 Desember 1948. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian pustaka (library research), yaitu penelitian yang sumber datanya diambil dari benda-benda tertulis seperti buku, jurnal ilmiyah atau dokumen tertulis lainnya sebagai sumber utama. Metode penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif, komparatif, content analysis. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa hadis yang mengintruksikan eksekusi mati orang murtad hanya dispesifikkan terhadap orang murtad yang benar-benar memusuhi, memerangi, serta berusaha menyebar fitnah yang dapat mengancam stabilitas keamanan umat Islam. Sedangkan DUHAM sejak awal tidak memberlakukan hukuman mati terhadap pelaku murtad. DUHAM memberikan hak kebebasan dalam beragama, termasuk kebebasan berganti agama. Selain itu, dalam HAM juga menyatakan bahwa eksekusi mati dianggap sebagai hukuman yang paling kejam dan tidak manusiawi karena hukum tersebut menyangkut hidup matinya seseorang

    Qur'anic Strategy Realizing Couple Harmony in Surah Al-Ahzab Verse 28

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    Research on the Qur'anic strategy in realizing couple harmony needs to be conducted to describe the understanding of the Qur'an in the early days of development with the facts that occur today. The purpose of this study is to present an understanding of the Qur'an that is in accordance with the current context. Knowing the tafsir method offered by Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi about the importance of caring for and maintaining couple relationships. The method used in this study is based on a literature method. This study found that harmony is the main goal of marriage. To realize harmony, several alternatives and solutions are needed for husband-and-wife couples. Surah al-Ahzab verse 28 tells about the challenge of the Prophet Muhammad in dealing with internal family problems. The success of Prophet Muhammad in solving these problems can be used as an alternative to solving the problems faced by every couple

    KH. Faqih Maskumambang's Thought Regarding the Prohibition of the Use of Kentongan as a Marker of Prayer Time: A Prophetic Hadith Perspective

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    Research on the analysis of KH. Faqih Maskumambang's thoughts on the prohibition of using the Kentongan as a prayer time marker from the perspective of the prophet's hadith needs to be conducted. The aim is to describe the understanding of hadith in the classical and contemporary eras. Kentongan is a tool commonly used by some people as a sign of prayer. The use of this tool is a part of the characteristics of Islam in the archipelago. Along with the development of knowledge, traditions have drawn the attention of many circles. The main reason for criticism and refutation is because the use of these tools is considered an act of bid'ah and resembles non-Muslim worship. Even the founding figure of the NU and KH. Hasyim Asy'ari was among those who opposed traditions. In this study, the author used a descriptive-qualitative method with a contextual approach. The primary source used the book Sharh Hazzu al-Ru'us fi Radd al-Jasus 'an Tahrim al-Naqus by KH. Faqih Maskumambang. The result of this study is that, according to KH. Faqih Maskumambang, the hadith used as the basis for the prohibition of the use of the horn is not valid. In fact, another Hadith refutes Hadith, which is more valid. In explaining this, Kyai Faqih took explanations from the Qur'an and Hadith, which have similar topics of discussion. He also takes the opinions of scholars and the methods of fiqh and logic as reinforcements