66 research outputs found

    Point source models for the gravitational lens B1608+656: Indeterminacy in the prediction of the Hubble constant

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    We apply elliptical isothermal mass models to reproduce the point source properties, i.e. image positions, flux density ratios and time delay ratios, of the quadruple lens B1608+656. A wide set of suitable solutions is found, showing that models that only fit the properties of point sources are under-constrained and can lead to a large uncertainty in the prediction of Ho. We present two examples of models predicting Ho=100 km/(s Mpc) (chi^2=4) and Ho=69 km/(s Mpc) (chi^2=24).Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. To appear in "Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals", Boston University, MA, July 1999, eds. T.G. Brainerd and C.S. Kochane

    Modeling Galaxy Lenses

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    In order to use a gravitational lens to measure the Hubble constant accurately, it is necessary to derive a reliable model of the lens surface potential. If the analysis is restricted to the locations and magnifications of point images, the derived Hubble constant depends upon the class of mass models used to fit the data. However, when there is extended emission from an Einstein ring, it may be possible to derive a potential from the observed surface brightness in a model-independent manner. This procedure is illustrated with reference to B1608+656. The multi-band images are de-reddened, de-convolved and de-contaminated so that the luminous matter and the surface brightness contours in the Einstein ring are both faithfully mapped. This intensity distribution can then be used to reconstruct the potential. Progress in implementing this program is reported. The observed incidence of multiple-imaged galaxies on the Hubble Deep Fields is an order of magnitude smaller than naively predicted on the basis of radio lens surveys, like CLASS, but consistent with the rate computed using surface photometry of candidate lens galaxies assuming standard mass to light ratios. In order to resolve this paradox, it is suggested that most galaxy lenses are located in compact groups.Comment: Latex 10 pages 4 figures. To appear in ``Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Goals'' Editors: Tereasa G. Brainerd and Christopher S. Kochane


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    Nilai estetis yang terkandung pada tata busana dan tata rias tari bedaya secara visual terkait dengan karakter yang terdapat pada tari bedaya. Artinya penari bedaya yang edial semestinya dipilih kecuali dengan prnilaian kualitas kepenariannya, dan masih diperlukan persyaratan yang berkaitan dengan keserasian dan ketepatan seorang penari mengenakan dodol ageng dan rias paes ageng. Hal ini penting karena tidak semua penari yang baik dan sesuai penari bedaya bisa mengenakan busana dodot ageng dan rias paes ageng,karena ada persyaratan ketentuan fisik yang dapat memenuhi persyaratan keserasian dalam berbusana dodot ageng dan rias paes ageng. Nilai estetis yang terkandungdalam tata busana dan tata rias tari bedaya gaya Yogyakarta mempunyai kaitan erat dengan makna yang terkandung dalam tari bedaya dengan segala unsur yang terdapat di dalamnya. Sehingga apabila terjadi perubahan secara evolutif pada tata busana dan rias tari bedaya maka berarti ada kaitannya dengan makna yang terkandung pada tariannya

    Śivagrha (Prambanan Temple) as an Archetype of Hindu Theology in Nusantara (An Endeavor to Discover Hindu Theological Knowledge through Ancient Temple Heritage)

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    Many scholars believe that the Hindu community in Nusantara worship Trimūrti (Brahmā, Visnu, and Śiva) equally. This opinion is shared among the experts. However, it is not prevalent within Hinduism. Hence, it contradicts the concept of Ista Devata (the glorification of one Devata among the others). This qualitative study examines Prambanan Temple as an Archetype of Hindu Theology in Nusantara. This study focusses on the structure of the Prambanan temple complex, which related to the concept of Hindu Nusantara Theology, the depiction of Hindu Nusantara Theology, and the special meaning of Prambanan Temple. Data analysis was carried out using an Ethnographic Content Analysis (ECA). This study concludes that Prambanan Temple is convincing as an Archetype of Hindu Theology, in two typologies. The typology of Nirguna Brahman lies in the concept where Prambanan is a place to worship Parabrahman, The Absolute, The Supreme God. Meanwhile, the typology of Saguna Brahman lies in the concept where Prambanan is a Śivagrha, The House of Lord Śiva, a place to worship Śiva as the Highest Gods. This typology of Saguna Brahman is the base of Śivaistik Theology. Prambanan temple construction uses the Vāstupurusamandala pattern, which made it as the grandest temple in Nusantara. Even though Śivagrha is popular as a temple complex to worship Tri Murti as equals, the fact which lies in temple structures as well as in the manuscript (prasasti) proves that it has a Śivaistik Concept, where Śiva is worshiped as the highest Devata (Parabrahman)

    Gravitational Lens B1608+656. I. V-, I-, and H‐Band Hubble Space Telescope Imaging

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    We present a multiwavelength analysis of high-resolution observations of the quadruple lens B1608+656 from the Hubble Space Telescope archive, acquired with WFPC2 through filters F606W (V band) and F814W (I band) and with NIC1 in filter F160W (H band). In the three bands, the observations show extended emission from the four images of the source in a ringlike configuration that surrounds the two resolved, ensing galaxies. B1608+656 was discovered as a double-lobed radio source and later identified as a poststarburst galaxy in the optical. Based on photometry and optical spectroscopy we estimate that the stellar population of the source has an age of ~500 Myr. This provides a model for the spectrum of the source that extends over spectral regions where no observations are available and is used to generate Tiny Tim point-spread functions (PSFs) for the filters. Deconvolutions performed with the Lucy-Richardson method are presented, and the limitations of these restorations are discussed. V-I and I-H color maps show evidence of extinction by dust associated with one of the lensing galaxies, a late-type galaxy presumably disrupted after its close encounter with the other lens, an elliptical galaxy. The extinction affects the two lens galaxies and two of the four multiple images. The diagnostic of wavelength-dependent effects in the images shows that corrections for contamination with light from the lenses, extinction, and PSF convolution need to be applied before using the extended structure in the images as a constraint on lens models. We will present the restoration of the images in a subsequent paper


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    Indonesia sedang masuk pada fase yang dimana kelompok-kelompok intoleransi dan radikal sedang secara bergotong royong melumat kesatuan dan persatuan bangsa Indonesia. Proses-proses kotor yang dilakukan segelintir orang dan kelompok pada masa pemilihan tahun 2019 berdampak hingga saat ini. Politik identitas dan ras semakin giiat dikumandangkan oleh para elite. Untuk itu lah pemerintah dalam hal ini dengan cepat memulaikan pola kehidupan beragama yang disebut sebagai moderasi beragama. Namun tentu hal itu belum serta merta menjadi jalan untuk membendung perpecahan yang sedang terjadi. Setidaknya menurut penulis nilai luhur bangsa Indonesia adalah hospitality atau keramahan yang sudah ada sejak dahulu. Maka dalam hal ini penulis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif menggali kedalam sumber bacaan bukuu atau jurnal yang membahasn konsep dan teori nilai-nilai hospitalitas dalam konteks kekristenan sebagai salah satu jalan untuk hidup bersama dalam bumi yang sama dan dari sumber yang sama. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa hospitalitas bukan hanya sekadar menyediakan kebutuhan bagi sesama, tetapi juga mencakup menciptakan waktu dan ruang dalam diri dan kehidupan gereja secara bersama. Dalam pertemuan dengan kehidupan yang sangat multi ragam dan majemu

    Pandangan Paulus Tentang Makna Roti dan Anggur Di Dalam Perjamuan Kudus Berdasarkan 1 Korintus 11: 21-23

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    Abstrak:Tujuan dari penulisan ini menggali arti dari Roti dan Anggur dalam Perjamuan Kudus menurut pandangan Paulus melalui Study Eksegetis 1 Korintus 11:23-26, dan Implikasinya terhadap pengajaran gereja masa kini. Metode yang di pakai  dalam artikel ini adalah mengunakan metode kualitatif yang bersumber dari buku-buku, dengan langkah-langkah hermeneutik eksegetis. Dalam hal ini, penulis mencoba melalui pembahasan yang mendeskripsikan hal-hal mengenai makna.. roti dan anggur dalam Perjamuan.. Kudus dan mengenai keterlibatannya bagi gereja masa kini. Mengenai “Makna roti dan anggur dalam Perjamuan Kudus” yang penulis gali melalui 1 Korintus 11:23-26, merupakan sarana dalam melaksanakan perjamuan kudus. Roti yang telah diberikan saat perjamuan kudus melambangkan tubuh Kristus yang telah diserahkan atau dikorbankan di bukit golgota, sebagai bukti penebusan bagi umat manusia yang percaya kepada Dia. Begitu juga dengan cawan yang berisikan anggur merupakan sebuah perjanjian yang baru yang telah di lambangkan dengan darah Kristus. Untuk itu memakan dan meminum roti dan anggur sangat ditekankan untuk mengingat kembali akan penebusan Kristus bagi umat manusia.Kata kunci: Paulus, makna roti dan anggur Abstract:The purpose of writing is to explore the meaning of the Bread and Wine in the Lord's Supper according to Paul's view through the Exegetical Study of 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, and its implications for church teaching today. The method used in this writing uses qualitative methods sourced from books, with exegetical hermeneutic steps. In this case, the author tries to go through a discussion that describes things about the meaning of the bread and wine in the Holy Communion.. and about their involvement in the church today. Regarding the "meaning of the bread and wine in the Lord's Supper" which the author explores through 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, it is a means in carrying out Holy Communion. The bread that was given at the Lord's Supper symbolizes the body of Christ that was given up or sacrificed on Mount Golgotha, as evidence of redemption for mankind who believe in Him. Likewise, the cup filled with wine is a new covenant which has been symbolized by the blood of Christ. For this reason, eating and drinking bread and wine is highly emphasized to remember Christ's redemption for mankind. Keywords: Paul, meaning of bread and win

    Evangelization and Causes of Religion Conversion from Hindu to Christian at Badung District Bali

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    This research focuses on the effort of evangelization and religious conversion factors from Hinduism to Christianity in Badung, Bali. Bali as a unique island and famous all over the world has long been used as a target of missionary. In the early stages, the process of spreading Christianity is very slow. Even, Dutch East Indies government closed the door to evangelization and prohibited its activities in Bali. This study uses a cross field of knowledge and find that there are many causes behind the religion conversion in the area of study. Findings of this research shows that the reason for religious conversion is the social upheavals because of dissatisfaction on system and religion, individual crises, eco- nomic and socio-cultural factors, the influence of mysticism, spiritual thirst and the promise of salvation, family breakdown and urbanization, wedding and birth order in the family, education and professional evangelistic activity and lack understand- ing of Hinduism

    The Gravitational Lens B1608+656: I. V, I, and H-band HST Imaging

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    We present a multi-wavelength analysis of high-resolution observations of the quadruple lens B1608+656 from the HST archive, acquired with WFPC2 through filters F606W (V-band) and F814W (I-band), and with NIC1 in filter F160W (H-band). In the three bands, the observations show extended emission from the four images of the source in a ring-like configuration that surrounds the two, resolved, lensing galaxies. B1608+656 was discovered as a double-lobed radio source, and later identified as a post-starburst galaxy in the optical. Based on photometry and optical spectroscopy we estimate that the stellar population of the source has an age of \sim 500 Myr. This provides a model for the spectrum of the source that extends over spectral regions where no observations are available, and is used to generate Tiny Tim PSFs for the filters. Deconvolutions performed with the Lucy-Richardson method are presented, and the limitations of these restorations is discussed. V-I and I-H color maps show evidence of extinction by dust associated with one of the lensing galaxies, a late type galaxy presumably disrupted after its close encounter with the other lens, an elliptical galaxy. The extinction affects the two lens galaxies and two of the four multiple images. The diagnostic of wavelength-dependent effects in the images shows that corrections for contamination with light from the lenses, extinction, and PSF convolution need to be applied before using the extended structure in the images as a constraint on lens models. We will present the restoration of the images in a subsequent paper.Comment: 29 pages. Submitted to Ap