29 research outputs found

    Эффективность деятельности руководителя судебно-экспертной организации: критерии оценки, условия достижения и соотношение с целями судебно-экспертной деятельности

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    The article addresses the issues of the efficiency of forensic activity and its impact on the successful performance of forensic conduct. The author offers a systematic analysis of the processes of forming efficiency indicators for forensic activity and assessment criteria for a Head’s of a forensic organization activity. The paper also describes qualitative and quantitative indicators of the efficiency of a forensic organization when assessing the efficacy of a head’s performance, including by the efficiency indicators approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for forensic institutions of the system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the probabilities of the negative efficiency of a head’s activity and its impact on expert conduct. The article determines the trends of the further research of the issues of improving the efficacy of forensic organizations’ activities by forming new criteria for assessing a forensic organization head’s performance influencing the quality of forensic conduct.Рассмотрены вопросы эффективности судебно-экспертной деятельности (СЭД) и ее влияния на результативность экспертного производства. Проведен системный анализ процессов формирования показателей эффективности СЭД и критериев оценки деятельности руководителя судебно-экспертной организации (СЭО). Описаны качественные и количественные параметры эффективности СЭД при измерении эффективности деятельности руководителя СЭО, в том числе по утвержденным Минюстом России показателям эффективности для судебно-экспертных учреждений системы Минюста России. Рассмотрены вероятности наступления отрицательной эффективности деятельности руководителя СЭО и ее влияние на экспертное производство. Определены тенденции дальнейшего изучения вопросов повышения эффективности СЭД за счет формирования новых критериев оценки деятельности руководителя СЭО, влияющие на качество экспертного производства

    К вопросу о профессиональной этике руководителя судебно-экспертного учреждения

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    The article addresses social significance of the issues of a Head’s of a forensic expert organization professional ethics, its fundamentals. The importance of law and morality synergy in regulation of social relations is emphasized. An approach to the systematization of professional and ethical norms for the Heads of forensic expert organizations is suggested as well as additional principles for the legislation on forensic expert activities regarding the Head’s ethical competence. Drawing on the research of foreign experience some basic provisions aimed at unification of moral and ethical norms were reviewed including the necessity of personnel’s ethics development, its fostering in the early stages of young experts’ training under the direct supervision of the Head of the organization.В статье рассмотрена социальная значимость вопросов профессиональной этики руководителя судебно-экспертной организации, ее основы. Подчеркивается важность взаимодействия права и морали в регулировании общественных взаимоотношений. Предложен подход к систематизации профессионально-этических норм руководителя судебно-экспертного учреждения и дополняющих принципов в законодательство о судебно-экспертной деятельности в части этической компетенции руководителя. На основе исследования зарубежного опыта рассмотрены некоторые основные положения по унификации нравственно-этических норм, в том числе фактор необходимости становления профессиональной этики персонала организации, ее развитие на начальных этапах воспитания молодых экспертных кадров под непосредственным руководством руководителя организации

    Современные профессиональные компетенции руководителя судебно-экспертной организации

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    The article addresses the impact of the Head of a forensic organization in productivity and quality of forensic activity. It shows the Head’s competencies that will enable the improvement of informational and technological support and the establishment of favorable financial policy of the institution, which will have a positive effect on the judicial process, protection of citizens’ rights and legitimate interests. The necessary qualification requirements for the position of the Head of a forensic organization are reviewed, as well as the functional chart of his activity.  Рассмотрен вклад руководителя судебно-экспертной организации в продуктивность и качество судебно-экспертной деятельности. Показаны компетенции современного руководителя, которые позволят повысить уровень информационно-технического оснащения и сформировать благоприятную финансовую политику учреждения, что в итоге положительно скажется на судопроизводстве, защите прав и законных интересов граждан. Рассмотрены необходимые квалификационные требования к должности руководителя судебно-экспертной организации, а также функциональная карта его деятельности.

    Деятельность руководителя судебно-экспертного учреждения в свете требований международных стандартов по оценке соответствия

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    The issues are considered concerning the standardization of forensic activities legal regulation enabling to create an effective transition mechanism to move to a new forensic technological level in our country. The need to implement the international regulations to the national legal system to standardise this activity is highlighted. In forensic activity, it is necessary to apply the new standards for conformity assessment of such principles as the of impartiality and confidentiality. The definitions of these principles are analysed, the conformity assessment requirements for persons involved in conducting forensic investigations are elucidated. The activity of the chief executive of a forensic organization is analysed in the conditions of application the international conformity assessment standards for the mentioned principles as well as his function in managing the institution and personnel.Рассмотрены вопросы стандартизации правового регулирования судебно-экспертной деятельности, позволяющие создать действенный механизм перехода на новый уровень судебноэкспертных технологий в нашей стране. Подчеркнута необходимость внедрения положений международных стандартов в отечественную правовую систему и экспертную практику для стандартизации этой деятельности. В судебно-экспертной деятельности необходимо применение новых стандартов по оценке соответствия таких принципов, как беспристрастность и конфиденциальность. Проанализированы понятия указанных принципов, раскрыты требования оценки соответствия лиц, связанных с производством судебных экспертиз и исследований. Рассмотрена деятельность руководителя судебно-экспертной организации в условиях применения международных стандартов по оценке соответствия данных принципов, его роль в управлении учреждением и персоналом

    Polyamide-Scorpion Cyclam Lexitropsins Selectively Bind AT-Rich DNA Independently of the Nature of the Coordinated Metal

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    Cyclam was attached to 1-, 2- and 3-pyrrole lexitropsins for the first time through a synthetically facile copper-catalyzed “click” reaction. The corresponding copper and zinc complexes were synthesized and characterized. The ligand and its complexes bound AT-rich DNA selectively over GC-rich DNA, and the thermodynamic profile of the binding was evaluated by isothermal titration calorimetry. The metal, encapsulated in a scorpion azamacrocyclic complex, did not affect the binding, which was dominated by the organic tail

    Exposure effects of consumer-generated advertising on audience attitudes, recall and behavioural intentions

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    Over the past decade, the networked information environment has increased consumers’ autonomy and brought radical change to the advertising industry. Now individual consumers can reach millions of others around the world and advise them on well-known brands through home-produced video-ads, which was not as accessible in a previous era dominated by one-way marketing. The overall objective of this thesis was to examine the attitudinal, behavioural and recall effects of consumer-generated advertising (CGA) on viewing audiences. This was achieved by implementing an exploratory sequential mixed method design. During an initial qualitative phase with focus groups, seven determinants of CGA effectiveness were identified: recognition of consumer-generated advertising; advertising quality; product involvement; perceived expertise of ad creators; motivations of ad creators; scepticism towards CGA; and consumer’s creativity. The Salience-Involvement model of CGA effects was then developed and tested in two subsequent empirical studies. Study One used a 2 x 2, between-subjects experimental design in which levels of advertising Source Salience (consumer-generated vs. company-generated) and Product Involvement (low vs. high involvement) were manipulated. Results reveal a largely negative impact of salient CGA when the consumer source was not disclosed. However, under high involvement conditions, amateur CGA was more entertaining and more likely to be electronically shared with others. Meanwhile, under low involvement, brands from consumer-generated ads showed higher levels of recall. Study Two investigated how the outcomes of professional and amateur CGA change after source disclosure using a 3 x 2 x 2, between-subjects design. In this experiment, levels of Source Awareness (consumer-generated ads vs. company ads vs. no source indicated) were manipulated in addition to Source Salience and Product Involvement. Findings show that Source Awareness produces an interactive effect with Source Salience and Product Involvement, which is significant only on the Cognitive component of Attitude towards the ad and the Attractiveness component of Credibility. Thus, disclosure of consumer source is likely to enhance ad evaluations when the CGA is professionally produced and involvement is low. Meanwhile, attribution of amateur CGA to consumer source is likely to have a negative impact. Conversely, attribution of an amateur ad to company source has a favourable attitudinal effect under high involvement. In summary, this research demonstrates that in the context of CGA, the communicator-receiver similarity does not necessarily guarantee a positive response. Most importantly, the CGA’s outcome is moderated by Source Salience. Since Source Salience specifically characterises the consumer source in this context, it could potentially add another dimension to the traditional conceptualisation of the information source

    On Professional Ethics as Applied to the Head of a Forensic Expert Organization

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    The article addresses social significance of the issues of a Head’s of a forensic expert organization professional ethics, its fundamentals. The importance of law and morality synergy in regulation of social relations is emphasized. An approach to the systematization of professional and ethical norms for the Heads of forensic expert organizations is suggested as well as additional principles for the legislation on forensic expert activities regarding the Head’s ethical competence. Drawing on the research of foreign experience some basic provisions aimed at unification of moral and ethical norms were reviewed including the necessity of personnel’s ethics development, its fostering in the early stages of young experts’ training under the direct supervision of the Head of the organization

    Quality policy: the Role of the Head of a Forensic Organization in the Implementation of the Quality Management System

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    Contemporary approaches to the quality management in a forensic organization as well as the problems of the quality assurance system organization are analyzed. The main aspects requiring close monitoring from the Head of a forensic organization when making the policy of standardization and quality management system are considered. The conceptual approaches to quality issues enunciated in the international series of standards ISO/IEC 9000-2015 and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 together with the scope for their applicability to the forensic organizations are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the problems arising when designing and implementing quality management systems, their causes are revealed and some recommendations are given including those based on the foreign experience on enhancing management efficiency