10 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Cobit Dan Perancangan IT Balanced Scorecard Untuk Perbaikan Penerapan System Development

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    . System development life cycle (SDLC) procedures has an important role in the process of system development in BRI Information Systems Technology (TSI) Division. This research aims to select the COBIT IT processes that are used as evaluation focus area of SDLC implementation, assess the maturity level of SDLC implementation, provide recommendations for improvement of SDLC implementation, and design a framework IT balanced scorecard (IT BSC) about improvement of SDLC implementation. The sampling method using purposive sampling and maturity models COBIT 4.1 as an assessment tool to measure the maturity level of SDLC implementation through a survey. Survey data were analyzed with a maturity level analysis and gap analysis. The results showed that the TSI Division is at maturity level 3 (Defined Process). Gap analysis generates recommendations for improvements based on detailed control objectives (DCO) COBIT that has not reached the expected maturity level (EML). Finally recommendations for improvement of SDLC implementation presented in the form of framework IT BSC

    Factors Influencing the Purchase Intention in Online Organic Fruit and Vegetable Stores

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    The increasing number of organic agricultural production and public awareness toward healthy living provide the opportunities in trading for the products itself. Meanwhile, the development of information technology produces innovation such as electronic commerce (e-commerce), and in agribusiness, it is known as e-agribusiness. E-agribusiness allows organic groceries trade activities to be conducted online through a website. However, that is a new and rare activity in Indonesia, therefore the management of company needs to develop the strategy to enhance the customers and survive in the industry. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors influencing organic fruit and vegetable purchase intention through a website based on technology perspective and consumer behavior. WebQual and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) were used in this study. This study was conducted on website of Sayur Box, one of e-agribusiness in Indonesia. Face-to-face survey technique was used to collect the data from 113 respondents. PLS-SEM was used for data analysis. The result shows that online purchase intention is affected by attitude and perceived behavioral control. All of WebQual's instruments that used in this study affect user satisfaction toward the website except for the usefulness variable. User satisfaction toward the website has an indirect effect on online purchase intention through attitude variable

    Analisis Strategi Peningkatan Daya Saing Sayuran Organik

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    Meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap gaya hidup sehat akhir-akhir ini, mempengaruhi kecenderungan konsumen Indonesia untuk mengkonsumsi makanan sehat seperti makanan organik. Kesadaran masyarakat tentang kesehatan akan meningkatkan permintaan untuk sayuran organik. Fenomena ini mendorong persaingan antara produsen sayuran organik yang semakin tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) Menganalisis faktor kondisi yang mempengaruhi daya saing sayuran organik; 2) Menganalisis strategi peningkatan daya saing sayuran organik; 3) Menganalisis prioritas strategi peningkatan daya saing sayuran organik. Data primer diperoleh wawancara dengan responden yang dipilih dengan menggunakan conveniance sampling. Model berlian Porter dan model lima kekuatan Porter digunakan untuk melihat faktor-faktor eksternal dan faktor kondisi daya saing dari sayuran organik. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) digunakan untuk menentukan strategi terbaik. Faktor tertinggi dari hasil analisa adalah sumberdaya modal, sumber daya alam dan lingkungan, infrastruktur dan kekuatan pemasok, sedangkan nilai terendah adalah pengaruh produk pengganti. Prioritas tertinggi yang dapat dipilih sebagai strategi alternatif adalah membangun citra positif dalam industri

    Implementasi Structural Equation Model (Sem) dalam Menganalisis Kinerja Kemitraan antara Penangkar Benih dengan Petani Mitra di Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    With the rapid development of science, the relationship between variables are very complex and complicated which often experienced problems in their analysis. Structural Equation Model (SEM) is a statistical analysis method that is able to estimate the multiple relationship among variables, and patterns of relationship among the indicator of variables and measurement of error simultaneously. This paper aims to elaborate the implementation of the SEM to analyze the factors that affect the level of partnership in the agribusiness supply chain of potatoe seed. Sources of data were the results of a survey of 175 seed growers and farmers partners in Garut district of West Java Province, in 2013 . The model was designed to follow the stages of SEM and further data were processed by Lisrel 8.72 software. The results of SEM implementation showed its ability to: (i) identify the factors that affect the level of partnership by measuring the validity and reliability of the manifest variables (indicators) used as a measuring instrument, (ii) to test the hypotheses that was built in the model, (iii) be adapted to rearrange the appropriate partnership model in the future

    Pengaruh Stres dalam Pekerjaan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan: Studi Kasus di Perusahaan Agribisnis PT Nic

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    This study was aimed at finding out the existence of stress in work towards employees' performance, and knowing the indicators of each shaper element of that influencing the employees' performance of plant department of agribusiness industry at PT. NIC. The method of this study is case study involving 155 respondents. Using the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), it is known that the influence of stress in work towards employees' performance is significantly negative. It means that the advance of stress in work can take the employees' performance down. The advance of stress in work was stimulated by stressor, in this case are job pressure and lack of support. The relationship between stressor and stress in work is positively significant. Lack of support is the most influence indicator of stressor variable instead of job pressure. This study concludes that stress in work significantly influence the employees' performance. Generally, stress in work at plant department of PT. NIC is in low category (41.9%) and the performance is in high/good category (60.6%). It means that the existence of stress in work at this time have positive characteristics because it has played the role as motivator to work

    Evaluasi Tata Kelola Sistem Informasi Business Intelligence Pada Perusahaan Minuman Ringan

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    . Implementation of Business Intelligence (BI) can fulfil complete information needs, qualified, and suitable for each business unit levels to improve the quality of management decision making. This study aimed to evaluate the governance of BI on one of soft drinks company in Indonesia (PMRI). The evaluation consist of investigation resources information system with descriptive qualitative method, analysis level of maturity by using maturity models COBIT framework 4.1 and analysis of system quality, information quality and service quality which the variabel adapted from DeLone and McClane Model and analysed with Importance Performance Analyst (IPA) analysis. Based on the results of investigation resources information system already support the implementation of BI but it needs to improve. Based on the result of overall measurement maturity process is already followed the correct rules with COBIT framework and level Maturity is between level: 2 - Repeatable and level: 4 - Managed. Furthermore, based on IPA analysis, low-performance quality system and become priorities for the improvement of PMRI is reliability, accessibility and efficiency, and for the low performance in the quality of information is attribute accuracy and timeliness, and for the low performance in the quality of service is an attribute of reliability and responsiveness. Improvements focus on enhancement of BI performance, planning and management

    Analisis Segmen Pasar dan Perilaku Nasabah terhadap Bank Syariah di Wilayah DKI Jakarta

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    The purpose of this research is for identifying market segment and customer behavior toward Islamic Banking and its marketing implications in all regions of DKI Jakarta. The research was conducted on August – October 2008 in East, West, North, South and Central of Jakarta. The survey was conducted by doing face to face interview and questionaires distribution to 120 proportional responden. The analytical tools applied are analysis of cluster, factor & descriptive and using SPSS version 11.5 as the statistic's tool. The result of this research for segmentation aspect showed the characteristics and size of each market segment of Islamic banks. The market segment consists of syariah loyalist, floating mass and conventional loyalist. From this research, floating mass segment has been showed that this segment is the most potential segment among others in DKI Jakarta regions due to it has the largest target market compared to syariah loyalist and conventional loyalist segments. However responden with Islam as their religion are still priority target market for Islamic banks since floating mass responden have been collected from Islamic's responden dominantly with employees and entrepreneurs as the occupations. Further, market segment will be analyzed in relation with customers' category, region of geography, religion and occupation. In customer behavior side, customers preferences and information resources toward Islamic banks will be the important factors which could influence customers behavior when choosing Islamic banks. The four factors influence customers in choosing Islamic banks are building physical's appearance, ATM network, variety of products and profit rate. Both results of market segmentation and consumer behavior toward Islamic Banking are important factors for Islamic Banking in formulating marketing strategy