70 research outputs found

    Institutional tool of financial policy : contractual policy

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    Under the market conditions, the most important role in economic subject belongs to the financial aspect – therefore, effective decisions at the micro-level are predetermined by financial policy, as realization of the strategy in the tactics of finances management is not possible if there’s none. Finances of economic subject are a component of the financial system of the Russian Federation. Together with the state financial policy, which is aimed at overcoming of consequences of the global financial crisis, there is financial policy of separate economic subjects and corporate structures. For the purpose of study of financial policy, the authors deem it expedient to clarify the definition of “policy”. According to M. Weber, policy is “striving for participation in authority or influencing the distribution of authority, be it between states or within a state between groups of people”.peer-reviewe

    Features of morphological and ultrastructural organization of the cornea (literature review)

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    The human cornea – the anterior fibrous membrane of the eye, is a unique ordered optical-biological system that is avascular, saturated with nerve endings, includes tissue-specific cells, consists mainly of various types of collagen. An exceptional feature of the collagen layers of the cornea, including the collagen plates of the stroma, is transparency, which provides physiological refraction and light transmission due to the stable supporting properties of the cornea. The data on the morphological structure of the cornea, which is an important element of the optical system of the eye, are of considerable interest not only from theoretical, but also from practical positions. This is due to the fact that the identification of the first signs of deviation from normal physiological morphological and ultrastructural criteria in the cornea allows us to establish the nature of its pathological changes, which can be caused by both hereditary predisposition and local and general disorders. It has been shown that the thinning of the layers of the cornea, a decrease in the density of endotheliocytes or keratocytes signal the development of dystrophic processes in it. In addition to evaluating quantitative morphometric data, changes in qualitative ultrastructural indicators play an important role. In particular it was found that a decrease in the density of endothelial cells is accompanied by an increase in their size and a decrease in the cell nucleus. In addition, a number of degenerative pathological conditions are characterized by a decrease in the diameter of collagen fibrils and a change in the density of fibrillary packaging.This literature review presents basic information, features of morphology, ultrastructural organization and functional purpose of layers and cells of the human cornea

    Balloon Dilatation of Esophageal Strictures in Children With Bullous Epidermolysis: Description of Case Series

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    Esophageal strictures are the most common complications of bullous epidermolysis in children. Strictures cause the development of dysphagia that prevents oral alimentation and receipt of an adequate amount of nutrients that is accompanied by a violation of nutritional status, weight loss, and delayed physical development of a child. Disturbed swallowing can also cause aspiration syndrome, pneumonia, and airway obstruction. To eliminate dysphagia and reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to restore esophageal patency. The article describes the results of X-ray with assisted balloon dilatation in 19 children with bullous epidermolysis and dysphagia. It is shown that this method of esophagus recanalization allows to effectively and safely restore oral alimentation of children already in the first day after intervention with a gradual expansion of the diet

    Диагностические критерии тяжести обструктивного синдрома и способы его коррекции у больных бронхиальной астмой и хроническим бронхитом

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    The combination of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis is inevitable in old astmatic patients. The tolerance for sympatomimetic bronchodilatators and small reversebility are the grounds for elaboration of optimal schemes of bronchodilatation therapy. The including of antycholinergic agents into medical programs allow to obtain improvement of bronchial conduction and decrease the use of sympatomimetics.Сочетание бронхиальной астмы и хронического бронхита неизбежно у пожилых астматиков. Толерантность к симпатомиметикам, малая обратимость бронхиальной обструкции являются предпосылкой для разработки оптимальных схем бронхолитической терапии. Включение в лечебную программу антихолинергических препаратов позволяет добиться улучшения бронхиальной проходимости на фоне снижения потребности в симпатомиметиках

    Противовоспалительный и регенеративный эффект подавления гипоксийного сигналинга на модели хронической обструктивной болезни легких

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    The aim of this study was to investigate anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects of inhibited activation of hypoxic signaling in COPD model using cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)-dependent pro-inflammatory cascade inhibition. Methods. COPD was modelled in rats by nitrogen dioxide (NO2, 30-40 mg×m–3) exposure for 90 days. Celecoxib was used as COX-2 inhibitor. The study group rats were given celecoxib (25 mg×kg–1) through an esophageal probe after 30 days of exposure. Control rats were given saline solution. The group 3 rats were intact. The rats were put out of the experience using cervical dislocation after 60 and 90 days of NO2 exposure. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) cytology was analyzed. COX-2, hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), interleukin-17 (IL-17), and surfactant protein D (SP-D) were measured in BALF using ELISA method. Histological examination of the lung tissue was also performed. Results. 90-day exposure of NO2 resulted in 7.7-fold increase in BALF neutrophil count compared to that in intact rats. Pro-inflammatory mediators (СOX-2, HIF-1α, and IL-17) significantly increased and SP-D level decreased in BALF. Administration of celecoxib was accompanied by normalization of BALF cytology profile and decrease in COX-2, HIF-1α, and IL-17 levels in BALF; this could indicate a reduction in the hypoxic signaling activity and in inflammation. The growth of SP-D concentration could be considered as a result of the alveolar epithelium restoration. This was confirmed by histological examination of the lung tissue. Conclusion. COX-2 inhibition suppressed HIF-1α-signaling and decreased the lung inflammation. The results confirm a functional and regulatory relationship between HIF-1α and COX-2 signaling cascades that could be a therapeutic target for preventing the progression of inflammation and airway remodeling in COPD.Цель. Оценка противовоспалительного и регенеративного эффекта предотвращения активации гипоксийного сигналинга на модели хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ) путем ингибирования циклооксигеназы-2 (СОХ-2)-зависимого провоспалительного каскада. Материалы и методы. При помощи экспозиций диоксидом азота (NO2, 30–40 мг / м3) в течение 90 дней у крыс создана модель ХОБЛ. В качестве ингибитора СОХ-2 применялся целекоксиб. С 30-го дня крысам 1-й группы через пищеводный зонд вводился целекоксиб (25 мг / кг); животные 2-й группы (контроль) получали 0,9%-ный NaCl. Интактные крысы составили 3-ю группу. Животные выводились из опыта после 60 и 90 дней экспозиции NO2 путем цервикальной дислокации. При этом выполнялась цитография бронхоальвеолярной лаважной жидкости (БАЛЖ), определялось содержание COX-2, гипоксия-индуцибельного фактора-1a (HIF-1a), интерлейкина (IL)-17, сурфактантного протеина D (SP-D) методом ELISA. Выполнено гистологическое исследование легочной ткани. Результаты. Показано, что после 90-дневной экспозиции NO2 в БАЛЖ контрольных особей содержание нейтрофилов в 7,7 раза превышало интактное значение. Достоверно возрастало содержание провоспалительных медиаторов СОХ-2, HIF-1α, IL-17, а уровень SP-D снижался. Применение целекоксиба сопровождалось нормализацией цитологического профиля БАЛЖ и уменьшением содержания СОХ-2, HIF-1α, IL-17, что свидетельствовало о снижении активности гипоксийного сигналинга и воспалительного процесса. Значительно возрастала концентрация SP-D, что можно рассматривать как следствие восстановления морфологической структуры бронхоальвеолярного эпителия, о чем свидетельствовали данные гистологического исследования легочной ткани. Заключение. При ингибировании СОХ-2 отмечен супрессивный эффект на HIF-1α-сигналинг и уменьшение легочного воспаления. Полученные результаты подтверждают функционально-регуляторную связь HIF-1α и СОХ-2-сигнальных каскадов, которая может быть терапевтической мишенью для предотвращения прогрессирования воспаления и ремоделирования дыхательных путей при ХОБЛ

    The first and only combination of basal and prandial insulin analogs degludec and aspart: the position of Russian endocrinologists

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    Insulin therapy for diabetes mellitus is the most effective way to control glycemia with the progression of the disease and the ineffectiveness of other sugar-lowering drugs. At the same time, the existing limitations of traditional insulin preparations, along with increasing attention to the individualized treatment of this disease, are pushing developers to create drugs that most closely reproduce the effect of natural human insulin. In this regard, the appearance of a combination of insulin analogs, the action profile of which practically imitates insulin secretion by a healthy pancreas, presents new possibilities in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Insulin degludec / insulin aspart (IDegAsp, Ryzodeg®, Novo Nordisk, Denmark) is the first and only soluble combination preparation containing 70% of the ultra-long-acting insulin analogue degludec and 30% of the ultra-short-acting insulin analogue aspart in one injection, which meets the need for both basal and prandial insulin. The combined drug has nothing in common with traditional mixed insulin preparations (both human and analog) and provides doctors and patients with significant advantages over the latter. The article presents the position of Russian experts-diabetologists with extensive experience in the use of IDegAsp regarding the role and place of the drug in real clinical practice. Data from real clinical practice confirm that IDegAsp is a reasonable choice for starting and intensifying insulin therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus when basal and prandial glycemic control is required. The use of the drug is most appropriate in patients who are on basal, biphasic, basal-plus/basal-bolus regimens and who do not achieve the goals of glycemic control during prior therapy. One of the leading reasons for choosing IDegAsp may also be a lower risk of developing hypoglycemia compared to insulin analogues of previous generations — biphasic insulin aspart and basal insulin glargine 100 U/ml. In addition, IDegAsp is a simple, flexible and safe insulin therapy for patients on premix therapy and basal-plus/basis-bolus regimens who require basal and prandial glycemic control. IDegAsp is a simple, flexible and safe insulin therapy. The greatest benefit of this drug use can be obtained by patients for whom adherence to a complex therapy regimen is difficult (the elderly, with cognitive impairment, after a stroke, with dementia), as well as patients who have an active lifestyle, accompanied by irregular food intake. It is important to note that since January 1, 2021, there is no need for a decision by a special medical commission to prescribe (IDegAsp) Ryzodeg®. This fact, as well as a significant price reduction at the end of 2020, opens up broader prospects for using the drug in the routine practice of a Russian endocrinologist

    Баллонная дилатация стриктур пищевода у детей с буллезным эпидермолизом: описание серии случаев

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    Esophageal strictures are the most common complications of bullous epidermolysis in children. Strictures cause the development of dysphagia that prevents oral alimentation and receipt of an adequate amount of nutrients that is accompanied by a violation of nutritional status, weight loss, and delayed physical development of a child. Disturbed swallowing can also cause aspiration syndrome, pneumonia, and airway obstruction. To eliminate dysphagia and reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to restore esophageal patency. The article describes the results of X-ray with assisted balloon dilatation in 19 children with bullous epidermolysis and dysphagia. It is shown that this method of esophagus recanalization allows to effectively and safely restore oral alimentation of children already in the first day after intervention with a gradual expansion of the diet.Стриктуры пищевода — наиболее часто встречающиеся осложнения буллезного эпидермолиза у детей. Стриктуры являются причиной развития дисфагии, препятствующей пероральному питанию и поступлению адекватного количества питательных веществ, что сопровождается нарушением нутритивного статуса, потерей веса и задержкой физического развития ребенка. Нарушенный акт глотания также может стать причиной аспирационного синдрома, пневмонии и обструкции дыхательных путей. Для устранения дисфагии и снижения риска возникновения осложнений требуется восстановление проходимости пищевода. В статье представлено описание результатов рентгенассистированной баллонной дилатации у 19 детей с буллезным эпидермолизом и дисфагией. Показано, что этот метод реканализации пищевода позволяет эффективно и безопасно возобновить пероральное кормление детей уже в первые сутки после вмешательства с постепенным расширением рациона питания

    Показатели гомеостаза у больных саркоидозом органов дыхания

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    In 69 patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis the following homeostatic indices were studied before and after treatment: parameters of immunological tests, peroxide lipid oxidation, enzyme antioxidant defence, hormonal profile. The considerable disorders of all chains in systemic immunity were revealed: attenuation of T-lymphocytes with their subpopulation discrepancy, decreasing levels of IgA, M, G and increasing level of fibronectin. Significant changes in bronchopulmonary lavage fluid were found: decrease of alveolar macrophages, increase in lymphocytes, neutrophils, fibronectin and secretory IgA. The intensification of peroxide lipid oxidation was accompained by reduced antioxidant defense and pronounced hormonal disbalans was also marked. The criteria for differential diagnosis of pulmonary sarcoidosis and tuberculosis were elaborated.Исследованы особенности гомеостаза у 69 больных саркоидозом органов дыхания: динамика показателей системного иммунитета и местной защиты легких, антиоксидантной обеспеченности организма и гормонального гомеостаза до и после лечения. Установлено, что у больных саркоидозом значительно нарушены все звенья системного иммунитета (снижение колличества Т -лимфоцитов с нарушениями на уровне отдельных субпопуляций, снижение уровней IgA, M, G и увеличение фибронектина (ФН). Обнаружено уменьшение содержания альвеолярных макрофагов, повышение колличества лимфоцитов и нейтрофилов, а также ФН и секреторного IgA в бронхоальвеолярной жидкости. Со стороны процессов свободно-радикального окисления липидов отмечается повышение интенсивности перекисных процессов на фоне снижения антиоксидантной обеспеченности организма. Выявлен выраженный дисбаланс гормонального гомеостаза. Разработаны критерии дифференциальной диагностики саркоидоза и туберкулеза органов дыхания

    Standards of specialized diabetes care. Edited by Dedov I.I., Shestakova M.V., Mayorov A.Yu. 9th edition

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    Dear Colleagues! We are glad to present the 9th Edition (revised) of Standards of Diabetes Care. These evidence-based guidelines were designed to standardize and facilitate diabetes care in all regions of the Russian Federation. The Standards are updated on the regular basis to incorporate new data and relevant recommendations from national and international clinical societies, including World Health Organization Guidelines (WHO, 2011, 2013), International Diabetes Federation (IDF, 2011, 2012, 2013), American Diabetes Association (ADA, 2018, 2019), American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE, 2019), International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD, 2014, 2018) and Russian Association of Endocrinologists (RAE, 2011, 2012, 2015). Current edition of the “Standards” also integrates results of completed randomized clinical trials (ADVANCE, ACCORD, VADT, UKPDS, SAVOR, TECOS, LEADER, EXAMINE, ELIXA, SUSTAIN, DEVOTE, EMPA-REG OUTCOME, CANVAS, DECLARE, CARMELINA, REWIND, etc.), as well as findings from the national studies of diabetes mellitus (DM), conducted in close partnership with a number of Russian hospitals. Latest data indicates that prevalence of DM in the world increased during the last decade more than two-fold, reaching some 463 million patients by the end of 2019. According to the current estimation by the International Diabetes Federation, 578 million patients will be suffering from diabetes mellitus by by 2030 and 700 million by 2045. Like many other countries, Russian Federation experiences a sharp rise in the prevalence of DM. According to Russian Federal Diabetes Register, there are at least 4 584 575 patients with DM in this country by the end of 2018 (3,1% of population) with 92% (4 238 503) – Type 2 DM, 6% (256 202) – Type 1 DM and 2% (89 870) – other types of DM, including 8 006 women with gestational DM. However, these results underestimates real quantity of patients, because they consider only registered cases. Results of Russian epidemiological study (NATION) con- firmed that only 54% of Type 2 DM are diagnosed. So real number of patients with DM in Russia is 9 million patients (about 6% of population). This is a great long-term problem, because a lot of patients are not diagnosed, so they don’t receive any treatment ant have high risk of vascular complications. Severe consequences of the global pandemics of DM include its vascular complications: nephropathy, retinopathy, coronary, cerebral, coronary and peripheral vascular disease. These conditions are responsible for the majority of cases of diabetes-related disability and death. In сurrent edition of the “Standards”: New goals of glycemic control for the elderly, based on the presence of functional dependence, as well as for pregnant women, children and adolescents, are given. Added a snippet that describes the continuous glucose monitoring. Only low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level is used as a target for lipid metabolism. Proposes more stringent target levels of blood pressure. It also features updated guidelines on stratification of treatment in newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes: the excess of the initial level of HbA1c over the target level was used as a criterion. In the recommendations for the personalization of the choice of antidiabetic agents, it is taken into account that in certain clinical situations (the presence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors, chronic heart failure, chronic kidney disease, obesity, the risk of hypoglycemia) certain classes of hypoglycemic agents (or individual drugs) have proven advantages. Recommendations for psychosocial support are added. The position of metabolic surgery as a method of treatment of DM with morbid obesity is updated. Recommendations for diagnostic and treatment of hypogonadism syndrome in men with DM are added. For the first time, evidence levels of confidence and credibility levels of recommendations for diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative and preventive interventions based on a systematic review of the literature are given in accordance with the recommendations of the Center for Healthcare Quality Assessment and Control of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. This text represents a consensus by the absolute majority of national experts, achieved through a number of fruitful discus- sions held at national meetings and forums. These guidelines are intended for endocrinologists, primary care physicians and other medical professionals involved in the treatment of DM. On behalf of the Working Grou

    Standards of specialized diabetes care. Edited by Dedov I.I., Shestakova M.V., Mayorov A.Yu. 10th edition

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    Dear Colleagues!We are glad to present the 10th Edition (revised) of the Standards of Specialized Diabetes Care. These evidence-based guidelines were designed to standardize and facilitate diabetes care in all regions of the Russian Federation.The Standards are updated on the regular basis to incorporate new data and relevant recommendations from national and international clinical societies, including World Health Organization Guidelines (WHO, 2011, 2013), International Diabetes Federation (IDF, 2011, 2012, 2013), European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD 2018, 2019), American Diabetes Association (ADA, 2018, 2019, 2021), American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE, 2020, 2021), International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD, 2018) and Russian Association of Endocrinologists (RAE, 2019). Current edition of the “Standards” also integrates results of completed randomized clinical trials (ADVANCE, ACCORD, VADT, UKPDS, SAVOR, TECOS, LEADER, EXAMINE, ELIXA, SUSTAIN, DEVOTE, EMPA-REG OUTCOME, CANVAS, DECLARE, CARMELINA, REWIND, CREDENCE, CAROLINA, DAPA-CKD, DAPA-HF, EMPEROR-Reduced trial, VERIFY, VERTIS CV, PIONEER, etc.), as well as findings from the national studies of diabetes mellitus (DM), conducted in close partnership with a number of Russian hospitals.Latest data indicates that prevalence of DM in the world increased during the last decade more than two-fold, reaching some 537 million patients by the end of 2021. According to the current estimation by the International Diabetes Federation, 643 million patients will be suffering from DM by 2030 and 784 million by 2045.Like many other countries, Russian Federation experiences a sharp rise in the prevalence of DM. According to Russian Federal Diabetes Register, there are at least 4 871 863 patients with DM in this country on 01.01.2021 (3,34% of population) with 92,3% (4 498 826)–Type 2 DM, 5,6% (271 468)–Type 1 DM and 2,1% (101 569)–other types of DM, including 9 729 women with gestational DM. However, these results underestimates real quantity of patients, because they consider only registered cases. Results of Russian epidemiological study (NATION) confirmed that only 54% of Type 2 DM are diagnosed. So real number of patients with DM in Russia is 10 million patients (about 7% of population). This is a great long-term problem, because a lot of patients are not diagnosed, so they don’t receive any treatment and have high risk of vascular complications.Severe consequences of the global pandemic of DM include its vascular complications: nephropathy, retinopathy, coronary, cerebral and peripheral vascular disease. These conditions are responsible for the majority of cases of diabetes-related disability and death.In сurrent edition of the “Standards”:New goals of glycemic control for continuous glucose monitoring (time in range, below range and above range, glucose variability) are given.It also features updated guidelines on stratification of treatment in newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetes.In the recommendations for the personalization of the choice of antidiabetic agents, it is taken into account that in certain clinical situations (the presence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors, chronic heart failure, chronic kidney disease, obesity, the risk of hypoglycemia) certain classes of hypoglycemic agents (or individual drugs) have proven advantages.Indications for the use of antidiabetic agents in chronic kidney disease are expanded.Information about insulin pump therapy is added.Recommendations on vaccination are added.An algorithm for replacing some insulin preparations with others is given.This text represents a consensus by the absolute majority of national experts, achieved through a number of fruitful discussions held at national meetings and forums. These guidelines are intended for endocrinologists, primary care physicians, pediatricians and other medical professionals involved in the treatment of DM.Compared with previous edition of the Standards of Specialized Diabetes Care edited by Dedov I.I., Shestakova M.V., ­Mayorov A.Yu., 10th edition, Moscow, 2021 (signed for printing on 10.09.2021) a number of changes have been made.On behalf of the Working Grou