647 research outputs found


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    In this study, aggregate, provincial level impact for various farm types are estimated for Saskatchewan based on an input-output table constructed for the province. The input-output table is rectangular with the agriculture sector including 12 farm subsectors, treated exogenously. Results indicate that in 1978 agriculture contributed 13.8 percent of the provincial gross domestic product directly, and another 18.2 percent indirectly. Among the farm types, the grain farms generated the highest output multipliers while cow-calf, dairy and irrigation generated the lowest. The income and value added pseudo-multipliers were almost a complete reversal of the output multipliers. Although irrigation generated low pseudo-multipliers, the dairy and cow calf sectors generated higher pseudo-multipliers.Community/Rural/Urban Development,

    Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Multi-Winglets

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    An extensive experimental study is conducted to examine the potentiality of Multi-Winglets (similar to bird tip feathers) for the reduction of Induced Drag, improved CL without increase in span of aircraft wing. The model composed of a rectangular wing built from NACA 0015 airfoil constituted of three winglets, which are small wings without sweep & twist. The test conducted in subsonic wind tunnel at flow speed 20m/s and placing the wing at angle of attack ranging from -5 to +15 deg. And also the wing with no winglet (bare wing) and with single winglet also tested in the same condition as in the case of three winglets (multi-winglet). Wind tunnel balances provided lift measurements and tuft flow visualization obtained wingtip vortex information. The results show that multi-winglet system reduced induced drag by 27.9% and improved CL by 26.5% compare to bare wing

    Effect of pump fluctuations on line shapes in coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering

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    The theory of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is extended to include the effect of pump fluctuations. The intensities and spectra of lines in resonant CARS are calculated to all orders in fields assuming a phase-diffusion model for waves at the two pump frequencies. The bandwidth of the two lasers enters in a much more complicated way than following a simple scaling of T1 or T2. Various resonances in CARS spectra due to dynamic splitting of the energy levels are discussed for a range of detunings, field intensities, and bandwidths. In contrast to the usual spectra in strong fields, the Rabi sidebands appear as dispersion-shaped structures. The laser linewidth is shown to change dramatically the CARS line shape. The case of no saturation is also treated, thus allowing for the inclusion of more general line shapes and fluctuations of the pump waves and the nonlinear susceptibility tensor χ(3). Gaussian statistics of the pump field are shown to lead to enhancement factors in CARS intensity, similar to those appearing in the context of multiphoton absorption processes

    Single phase transformerless inverter for grid connected photovoltaic system with reduced leakage current

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    Introduction. Transformerless inverters are of vital importance in the field of grid connected solar photovoltaic systems offering higher efficiency than the conventional one. i.e., using transformer. General grid connected inverters are constituting of transformers requires more area besides the loss in them.  Problem. Eliminating transformers can cause leakage current due to the variation of common mode voltage which in turn due to parasitic capacitance effect. Research literature in transformerless inverters has addressed the problems of common mode leakage current issues by offering the study of different inverter topologies like H4, H5, H6 and HERIC etc. utilizing variety of modulation strategies like unipolar, bipolar pulse width modulations. Goal. The paper significantly presents a new transformerless inverter topology, analyzes common mode voltage and leakage current behavior of the system. The simulation is carried out for comparing the leakage current profiles with other transformerless inverter topologies in literature. Novelty. This paper gives an impression of the efficient transformerless inverter for grid connected photovoltaic system. Results. The various inverter topologies full bridge with different pulse width modulation techniques are analyzed and to determine the common mode voltages and leakage currents.Вступ. Безтрансформаторні інвертори мають життєво важливе значення в області сонячних фотоелектричних систем, підключених до мережі, та забезпечують більш високу ефективність, ніж звичайні, завдяки трансформатору. Підключені до загальної мережі інвертори, які складаються з трансформаторів, потребують більшої площі через втрати у них. Проблема. Усунення трансформаторів може спричинити струм витоку через зміну синфазної напруги через вплив паразитної ємності. Дослідницька література з безтрансформаторних інверторів присвячена проблемам синфазних струмів витоку, пропонуючи дослідження різних топологій інверторів, таких як H4, H5, H6, HERIC та ін., з використанням різних стратегій модуляції, таких як уніполярна, біполярна широтно-імпульсна. Мета. У статті докладно подано нову топологію безтрансформаторного інвертора, проаналізовано поведінку синфазної напруги та струму витоку в системі. Моделювання проводиться для порівняння профілів струму витоку з іншими топологіями безтрансформаторних інверторів, описаних у літературі. Новизна. Ця стаття містить ефективний безтрансформаторний інвертор для фотоелектричної системи, підключеної до мережі. Результати. Проаналізовано різні топології інверторів з повним мостом та різними методами широтно-імпульсної модуляції, а також визначено синфазну напругу та струми витоку


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    Objective: Nateglinide is a commonly used oral hypoglycemic, biopharmaceutical classification system Class II drug, which shows relatively poor water solubility and variable bioavailability. The objective of the present investigation was to develop the binary and ternary solid dispersions of nateglinide for improved solubility and dissolution. Methods: Nateglinide solid dispersions were prepared by a common solvent evaporation method. Polymers like soluplus, kolliphor P188, sylloid 244FP, gelucire 48/16, affinisol (HPMCAS), HPβCD, βCD were used in different combinations. The physicochemical characterization of the optimized ternary dispersion was studied by using FT-IR, DSC, and PXRD. Solubility and dissolution behavior of all dispersions were studied. Result: From all prepared ternary solid dispersions, nateglinide dissolution was significantly faster than pure nateglinide. With ternary solid dispersion of NTG, soluplus and kolliphor P188 there was a big improvement in solubility and dissolution. This combination enhanced the solubility of NTG by 23 folds. Another ternary dispersion of NTG with soluplus and gelucire 48/16 enhanced solubility by 25 fold. Conclusion: Ternary solid dispersion found superior over binary dispersions. For the ternary dispersions, showing the best solubility, tablets were prepared. Dissolution and drug release from the formulated tablet was as good as a marketed product

    Pengembangan Pelatihan Fisioterapi Contrast Bath dengan Media Video pada Mahasiswa Ilmu Keolahragaan

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    This study aims to develop a contrast bath with physiotherapy training video media. The results of this development study is expected to make students of Sport Science, State University of Malang more enthusiastic and eager in learning Physiotherapy Sports and Health. The research was conducted at State University of Malang using research and development design by Borg and Gall. The results of this study is a video with the title "Development of Training Physiotherapy Bath Contrast Media Video in Student Sport Science, State University of Malang" to be used by students of Sport Science, State University of Malang. The evaluation of the tryout using a small group of 15 students obtained 84.9% students stated very good, and tryout to a large group of 30 students obtained 88.7% students stated very good to the product. In conclusion, the development of contrast bath physiotherapy training with video media can be used

    Study of protein synthesis in rat liver mitochondria: use of cycloheximide

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    1. Effects of short-term and long-term administration of cycloheximide on rat liver mitochondrial protein synthesis have been examined and were found to be different. 2. Long-term administration of cycloheximide resulted in inhibition of total cellular protein synthesis including that of mitochondria while, at short-term intervals, 8–10% of mitochondrial protein synthesis was cycloheximide-resistant. 3. The inhibitory effect was also reflected in terms of protein synthesizing ability of mitochondria in vitro, the inhibition becoming apparent at 40 min and showing progressive increase with time. 4. The observed inhibition of mitochondrial protein synthesis by cycloheximide was not due to either inhibition of energy metabolism or alteration of amino-acid pool. 5. Cycloheximide did not enter mitochondria or sonic preparation under conditions in vitro. On the other hand, after administration of [3H]cycloheximide, significant quantities of the label were found to be associated with mitochondria and mitoribosomes. 6. These results indicated that cycloheximide reached the site of action in mitochondria under conditions in vivo but was unable to do so in vitro. 7. The results are discussed to elucidate the possible mechanisms involved in the inhibition of truly mitochondrial protein synthesis by cycloheximide

    Synthesis, characterization and DNA cleavage activity of nickel(II) adducts with aromatic heterocyclic bases

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    Mixed ligand complexes of nickel(II) with 2,4-dihydroxyaceto-phenone oxime (DAPO) and 2,4-dihydroxybenzophenone oxime (DBPO) as primary ligands, and pyridine (Py) and imidazole (Im) as secondary ligands were synthesized and characterized by molar conductivity, magnetic moments measurements, as well as by electronic, IR, and 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Electrochemical studies were performed by cyclic voltammetry. The active signals are assignable to the NiIII/II and NiII/I redox couples. The binding interactions between the metal complexes and calf thymus DNA were investigated by absorption and thermal denaturation. The cleavage activity of the complexes was determined using double-stranded pBR322 circular plasmid DNA by gel electrophoresis. All complexes showed increased nuclease activity in the presence of the oxidant H2O2. The nuclease activities of mixed ligand complexes were compared with those of the parent copper(II) complexes