10 research outputs found

    Pharmaceutical study of Pairojaka Bhasma

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    Bhasma is unique Ayurvedic metallic or mineral preparation, its use as therapeutics in Ayurveda has enormous clinical importance. Pairojaka is a gem and ornamental stone, included in Uparatna group of drugs. Pairojaka Bhasma having its clinical indication as Sthavara, Jangama and Kritrima Visha Nashana. The objective of the study was to prepare Pairojaka Bhasma as per textual reference with the help of 8 Puta. Prepared Bhasma was subjected to ancient as well as modern physio-chemical analysis. In this study an attempt has been made to standardize the process of the preparation of the Pairojaka Bhasma

    A Review Study on Girisindhura

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    Rasa Shastra - Indian Alchemy is the branches related to mineral medicine. Rasa Shastra covers the field of inorganic, herbo-mineral and metallic preparations. Girisindhura is one of the mineral mentioned under Sadharana Rasa, chemically it is mercuric oxide. Red or Orange coloured dry mercuric powder obtained naturally on selected mountain peaks, they are also prepared artificially. Naturally obtained is considered as Girisindhura and artifically prepared as Nagasindhura. Both the Sindhuras are Bedhi, Dehalohakara and used for Rasa Bandhana. Though there are confusions as to what Girisindhura is, here an attempt is made to review the drug from different Rasa texts

    Role and rationale of Kaala in the field of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics - A Conceptual Approach

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    Samskara is defined as a process of bringing about a desired modification or establishing a change of property in a drug or group of drugs. In the process of Aushadhi Nirmana, varied number of procedures (Samskaras) are adopted to inculcate the desired dosage form and efficacy to the medicine. Among all Samskaras, Kaala plays a vital role in Ayurvedic pharmaceutics. Kaala is a constant factor which follows incoherently in every step of Aushadhi Nirmana. Active principles of plants vary in every season and at different quarters of the day. After the collection of drugs for a pharmaceutical preparation, Kaala plays its role during Paka of various formulations. The definition of pharmaceutics does not end with mere production of a dosage form but also includes its safety and efficacy. Kaala has the potential to influence both these factors. Thus, our Acharyas have provided meticulous information on Ayurvedic pharmaceutics giving prime importance to a minute, yet very significant aspect called “Kaala”

    Concept of Pathyapathya w.s.r. to Mutravaha Sroto Vikaras

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    Mutravaha Sroto Vikaras are the diseases of urinary tract including kidney, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra. Prevalence of the disease is on increasing trend every year. In Ayurveda classical texts Mutravaha Srotogata Vikaras are mainly compiled under Mutraghata, Mutrakriksha and Mutrashmari. The risk factors for these Vikaras can be broadly categorised under dietary and non dietary factors. Non dietary factors include age, gender, ethnic background, genetic predisposition, climate, economic status etc. Nothing much can be done with the Non dietary factors. Moreover, dietary factors and lifestyle plays a very important role in initiation, progression as well as regression of the disease. This is an attempt to review the Pathyapathya (Do’s & Don’ts of diet & lifestyle) related to Mutravaha Srotas

    Pharmaceutico analytical study of Mukha Kanthikara Lepa and development of its new dosage form into Cream and Gel

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    The need for cosmetics is seen from very ancient days; peoples were using variety of cosmetic products both for curative purpose as well as enhancing beauty. Mukhakantikara Lepa is a polyherbal formulation mentioned in Sharandhara Samhita in the form of Churna, which is extensively used to enhance skin complexion. In present time, the difficulty of portability, application, removal and shelf life of the Churna is a great challenge to Lepa form though being effective. Here arises a need for newer dosage form. Creams and gels are semisolid preparations which may be defined as topical products intended for application on skin or accessible mucous membrane to provide localised and sometimes systemic effects at the site of application. This dosage forms are more stable, easy to handle, easy to apply and remove. Hence, modification of Mukhakatikara Lepa into Cream and Gel can be a better idea to overcome the shortcoming of Lepa form

    Pharmaceutical analytical study and their nutritive evaluation of Samsarjanopayogi Pathya Kalpas and their modified form

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    In present era demand for quick, more convenient, healthy and quality instant food preparations are increasing and there is a leading edge to pharmaceutically modify them in accordance to the patient compliance, portability, and to provide best quality and hygiene by utilizing the presently available sophisticated modern technology. Hence, the study has been specially planned to modify the Peyadi Pathya Kalpas into instant form and assess their physico chemical properties and to evaluate their nutritive values. Flaking technique was used for raw ingredients of Peyadi Pathya preparations. Fresh form of Manda, Peya and Vilepi were prepared using Shashtika Shali and white rice (Tandula) respectively. In same way Yusha was prepared using Mudga and Kulattha separately. The cooking time required for raw grains were 35±1.42, 12±0.41, 35±1.17 and 45±0.73 minutes respectively. The flaked ingredients cooking time was 6±1.35, 3±1.13, 3±1.40, 4±1.20 minutes respectively. The percentage of Carbohydrate observed in raw samples i.e. Shashtika Shali 75.2%, white rice 78.52% respectively and percentage of carbohydrate content in flaked samples were 77.43%, 79.49%. The protein content of raw samples of Mudga and Kulattha are 22.93% and 21.91% respectively and flaked samples were 22.93%, 20.91% respectively, so the flaking technique was used to convert the raw ingredients into flakes which were helpful to reduce the cooking time, energy consumption and less compromising with the nutritive values as concerned

    Insilico Molecular Docking - A tool to understand the action of Rasaushadhis

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    Rasashastra, a branch of Ayurveda consists of many metallo-mineral preparations which are explained as highly efficacious in smaller doses and even in shorter duration. We know the functions of Rasaushadhis (herbo-mineral preparations), but we are lacking the knowledge of their Pharmacodynamics which may benefit us in understanding the exact site where, how and which active principle work and at what rate a drug will interact with its target biomolecule. The advent of new Sciences like Bioinformatics has made drug discovery faster and economical. Bioinformatics research focuses on biology at a molecular level by identifying the effect of drugs at the level of individual genes, DNA, RNA and proteins. It utilizes existing information to model disease pathways and identifies precise targets of the drug. The unclearly answered questions can be clarified by understanding and adopting the concept of ‘Insilico Molecular Docking’, means a computational study of binding of Ligand to specific Receptor. The action between the receptor and ligand is by selectivity and affinity; Lock and Key concept. It encompasses all theoretical methods and computational techniques to model and the behavior of molecules and by scoring function we can come to know the best suitable receptor for particular ligand. The working methodology includes preparation of Ligand, Receptor, Docking and inspection by X-Ray Crystallography, NMR techniques. The process of standardization is needed in Rasashastra but, there are some difficulties. One can overcome this by understanding the mode of action of Rasaushadhis -Rasabhasmas through molecular Docking which helps in drug discovery and development, optimisation of action and inhibition of harmful effects

    Review on Ikshu and its Vikaras

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    After Brazil, India is the world's second-largest producer of sugarcane, which is widely available at a low price throughout the country. In Usna Pradesha (hot places), like Maharashtra, Nepal, South India, and Gujarat, Ikshu (sugarcane) is abundantly farmed. Ayurvedic science has explained Ahara Varga Dravyas and Aoushadha Varga Dravyas to get a better understanding of nutritional and medicinal values. Dietary regimens are mentioned in Ayurveda for leading a happy life and healing ailments. Brihatrayees explained Ikshu Varga as part of the Ahara Varga, and it has a very specialised role in therapeutics and pharmaceutical preparations. Madhura Rasa, Brimhana, and Vrushya characteristics exist in Ikshu. This provides a strong basis for Ikshu Vikaras to be used as an ingredient, binding agent, and Anupana in different formulations. Ikshu is also known as the king of grasses (Truna Raja), as it is sweet (Madhu Trina), and also a plant filled with juice (Maharasa, Bhoori Rasa). In daily routine these could be included under diet regimen because of their nutritional values and even they could prove to be beneficial in cases of diabetics, malnutrition, burning maturation etc. Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) has been widely known as raw material for white sugar production. Sugarcane juice is nourishing, it is a natural diuretic and cold in nature, so sugarcane juice is one of the best natural coolant drink

    Review on Vaidyaka Paribhasha Pradipa- A Comprehensive Treatise of Indian Pharmaceuticals by Govind Sen

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    Vaidyaka Paribhasha Pradipa was written by Govind Sen, son of Krishna Vallabh Sen. Vidyotini Hindi Tika was written by Indradev Tripathi. The book Vaidyaka Paribhasha Pradipa consists of almost all references collected from various Samhitas regarding the fundamental principles and different Ayurvedic herbal pharmaceutical preparations and descriptions on Panchakarma. The whole content of the book is divided into 4 Khandas. Prathama khanda deals with Mana paribhasha, Dravya samgrahana vidhi, and shelf life of different Kalpana etc. Dwitiya khanda deals with Panchavidha kashaya kalpana and its Upakalpana and dose. Tritiya khanda deals with Sneha kalpana, Sandhana kalpana and Paribhasha of different Gana. Chaturtha khanda deals with Panchakarma procedures and Sneha murchana. The present book review mainly focuses to highlight the framework of Vaidyaka Paribhasha Pradipa, provides information about the author, details of 4 Khandas, a special contribution to the field of pharmaceutical science by the author. Thus, Vaidyaka Paribhasha Pradipa, the compilation book on Bhaishajya Kalpana is a very essential and mandatory book for those who aspire to gain basic, clear, and thorough knowledge in Ayurvedic pharmaceuticals. It is one of the indispensable reference books. The present book is designed to help the young practitioners who prepare medicines and graduates and post-graduate scholars get a clear idea of medicine preparation

    Role of the Agnikarma in the Management of Frozen Shoulder

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    Shoulder joint discomfort and stiffness are indicators of frozen shoulder, which is also referred to as adhesive capsulitis. Symptoms and signs usually begin gradually subsiding before getting more severe. Frozen shoulder is a condition that is more prevalent in women than in men, particularly those between the ages of 40 and 60. Furthermore, individuals with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing frozen shoulder. Inflammation is the most common cause of frozen shoulder, which is characterized by swelling, pain, and irritation of the tissues surrounding the joint. The underlying cause of this ailment is not yet definitively understood. It is estimated that 2 to 5 percent of the general population will experience frozen shoulder at some point in their lives, with 8.2 percent of males and 10.1 percent of working-age women affected by it. This condition can affect one or both shoulders, and typically resolves on its own within one to two years. Depending on the severity of the disease, a combination of NSAIDs, steroids, physiotherapy, and surgical intervention may be recommended by modern medicine. Ayurveda has suggested Agnikarma as a potential treatment for frozen shoulder, as it was believed to be an effective therapy for Avbahuka. Frozen shoulder and Avbahuka may present with similar symptoms and indicators. Agnikarma, a distinct technique described in Ayurvedic texts, is used to treat Avbahuka that is caused by Dhatukshayajanya vata prakopa. Therefore, the aim of this research was to examine the therapeutic effects of Agnikarma in cases of frozen shoulder in Avabahuka