Concept of Pathyapathya w.s.r. to Mutravaha Sroto Vikaras


Mutravaha Sroto Vikaras are the diseases of urinary tract including kidney, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra. Prevalence of the disease is on increasing trend every year. In Ayurveda classical texts Mutravaha Srotogata Vikaras are mainly compiled under Mutraghata, Mutrakriksha and Mutrashmari. The risk factors for these Vikaras can be broadly categorised under dietary and non dietary factors. Non dietary factors include age, gender, ethnic background, genetic predisposition, climate, economic status etc. Nothing much can be done with the Non dietary factors. Moreover, dietary factors and lifestyle plays a very important role in initiation, progression as well as regression of the disease. This is an attempt to review the Pathyapathya (Do’s & Don’ts of diet & lifestyle) related to Mutravaha Srotas

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