62 research outputs found

    Dynamic Analysis on the Safety Criteria of the Conceptual Core Design in MTR-type Research Reactor

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    One of thehigh-priority research activities in BATAN is designing a new MTR-type research reactor with a new fuel. The core follows a compact core model that consists of 16 fuels and 4 control rods. The increasing heat flux at the fuel will cause the temperature of the fuel and cladding to increase so that the coolant flow rate needs tobe increased. However, the coolant flow rate in the fuel element is limited by the thermal-hydraulic stability in the core. Therefore, dynamic analysis is important in evaluating the design and operation of nuclear reactor safety. The objective of this research work is to carry out a dynamic analysis for a conceptual MTR research reactor core fuelled with the low-enrichment U9Mo-Al dispersion. The calculations were performed using WIMSD-5B, Batan-2DIFF, Batan-3DIFF, POKDYN, and MTRDYN codes. Steady-state thermal-hydraulic parameters and dynamic analysis were determined using the MTRDYN code. The calculation results show that the maximum temperatures of the coolant, cladding, and fuel meat with the uranium density of 3.96 g cm-3 are 76.01 °C, 192.02 °C, and 196.24 °C, respectively. The maximum value of fuel meat temperature for safety limit is 210 °C, which means that the maximum temperatures fulfill the design limit, and therefore the reactor operates safely at the nominal power. The dynamic analysis shows that inherent safety can protect the reactor operation when insertion of reactivity occurs in the core

    Safety Analysis of the TRIGA 2000 U3Si2-Al Fuel Core Under Reactivity Insertion Accidents

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    TheTRIGA 2000 reactor in Bandung is planned to change its fuel type from the TRIGA fuel rod type to the U3Si2-Al plate type of low enriched uranium of 19.75 % with uranium density of 2.96 gU/cc. A study on the neutronic parameters from the equilibrium core has been done. To ensure safe operation of the new fuel,  thermodynamic evaluation of the core needs to be done. The purpose of this study is to conduct a reactor safety analysis of reactivity insertion during withdrawal of the control rod and to study the effect of this reactivity insertion on the power and the maximum temperature of the fuel and the cladding. Reactivity insertion accident is the main factor of the design basis accidents in nuclear reactor design. A simulation of transient for reactivity insertion has been carried out using a coupled neutronic and thermal-hydraulic MTR-DYN code. The code was developed based on three-dimensional multigroup neutron diffusion theory. The coupled space and time-dependent problem were solved by adiabatic model. Transient analysis was performed for a reactivity insertion of 32.33 pcm/s with the assumption that all of the control rods were rapidly withdrawn. For the insertion at a low power of 100 W, the maximum power achieved was 2.74 MW while a maximum power of 2.3 MW was achieved for the power transient of 1 MW. The maximum temperature of the coolant, the cladding, and the fuel for TRIGA 2000 core does not exceed the allowable safety limit for reactivity insertions

    Pengaruh Kredibilitas Pegawai Dalam Komunikasi Interpersonal Terhadap Sikap Nasabah Pada Perusahaan

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    To communicate and create good relationship with its customers, a company's employeesmust always make an effort to understand and serve the customers so they aresatisfy and loyal. In order to get effective interpersonal communication adequate withits customers, the employees must focus on confidence, immediacy, interaction management,expressiveness, and other orientation. The main purpose of the research,using association method, is to show the employees role as the communicator sothe customers can trust them. The result shows that the employees' credibility oninterpersonal communication and customers' attitude are quite good and there issignificant correlation between them

    Perubahan Sifat Fisik Amilum Singkong (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Akibat Fermentasi Menggunakan Lactobacillus Acidophilus

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    Amilum singkong (Manihot esculenta Crantz) merupakan salah satu amilum yang berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan dalam industri farmasi. Amilum singkong alami memiliki kelemahan yaitu sifat alir dan kompaktibilitas yang buruk. Modi?kasi secara enzimatis menggunakan Lactobacillus acidophilus dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kelemahan amilum singkong alami tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi konsentrasi Lactobacillus acidophilus terhadap sifat ?sik amilum singkong. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan fermentasi amilum singkong menggunakan Lactobacillus acidophilus konsentrasi 3x108 CFU/mL, 6x108 CFU/mL dan 9x108 CFU/mL. Pengaruh variasi konsentrasi Lactobacillus acidophilus terhadap sifat fisik amilum singkong diuji melalui uji sifat fisik yaitu uji kadar air, distribusi ukuran partikel, sifat alir dan kompaktibilitas. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan ANOVA-one way dengan taraf kepercayaan 95% (p<0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi konsentrasi Lactobacillus acidophilus mempengaruhi sifat ?sik amilum singkong terfermentasi. Sifat ?sik yang dipengaruhi antara lain kadar air, distribusi ukuran partikel, sifat alir dan kompaktibilitas. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi Lactobacillus acidophilus yang digunakan maka kadar air semakin kecil, distribusi ukuran partikel menjadi sempit, amilum lebih cepat mengalir, sudut diam yang dihasilkan semakin kecil dan persentase kompaktibilitas semakin kecil. Konsentrasi Lactobacillus acidophilus 9x108 CFU/mL menghasilkan sifat fisik amilum singkong yang paling baik

    Analisis Penyebab Kesulitan Belajar Komputer Akuntansi pada Siswa Kelas XI Akuntansi Smk Nurul Falah Pekanbaru

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    Abstrac : This study aimed to determine what factors are the cause of accounting computer learning difficulties in class XI Accounting student of SMK Nurul Falah Pekanbaru. The study lasted from July to December 2015. The population in this study were all students of class XI Accounting SMK Nurul Falah Pekanbaru totaling 58 students. The sampling technique is purposive sampling sample selection based on consideration of the particular destination where consideration is the student who can not do the work according to the schedule at least 3 times totaling 35 students. Data collection instruments used were questionnaires were processed using semantic differential scale with variable depender: learning difficulties (Y); independent variables: internal factors (X1) and external factors (X2). From the results it can be concluded that based on the results of descriptive analysis 89.98% of the students agreed to external factors and 73.16% agree to internal factors so that external factors more influential in causing learning difficulties accounting computer in class XI student of SMK Nurul Falah Accounting Pekanbaru. The same is indicated by the results of the t test where t test result of external factors 2.907> 2.78 t internal factors

    Engagement and Graduation in Text of the Law on Electronic Information and Transaction

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    The objective of this study was to describe the pattern of Engagement and Graduation in text of UU ITE (the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11/2008 on Electronic Information and Transaction). The data were collected from the text transcript of UU ITE. This study employed the theory of Systemic Functional Linguistics with parameter of category of Appraisal. The data were analyzed, distributed and interpreted to observe the status and type of semantic and grammatical means of categories found in the context of the discourse based on the Appraisal framework. The results of the study demonstrated that (1) the pattern of the lexical means conveying positioning used in the text of UU ITE tended to be Engagement ∧ Heterogloss ∧ Intra-vocalization ∧ Open ∧ Modality. Based on the design form or structure, the lexical means conveying Engagement in UU ITE was dominantly found in Chapter VII on prohibited actions and in Chapter III on electronic information, document and signature (2) the pattern of the lexical means conveying Graduation used in the text of UU ITE tended to be Graduation ∧ Force ∧ Quantification ∧ Time. According to the design form and structure, the lexical means conveying Graduation in UU ITE was dominantly found in Chapter XI on criminal provisions.   Keywords: engagement, graduation, UU ITE, modality

    Calculation of Control Rods Reactivity Worth of RSG-GAS First Core Using Deterministic and Monte Carlo Methods

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    The control rod worth is a key parameter for the research reactor operation and utilization. Control rod worth computation is a challenge for the fully-deterministic and Monte Carlo calculations, including the few-group cross section generation, and the core analysis. The safe and reliable utilization of research reactor demands the possible accurate information of control rod worth because they are used to compensate the excess reactivity for safe reactor operation and its controlled shut down. The criticality positions of the control rods change with time due to buildup of fission products during the reactor operation. It is therefore important to determine the reactivity worth of control rods. The aim of this article is to obtain reliable control rod worth of the first core of RSG-GAS as a verification and validation result. For this purpose, deterministic and Monte Carlo models of the reactor core were developed and confirmed by the experimental results of excess reactivity, shutdown margin, and combined control rod reactivity worth using the combination of WIMSD-5B and Batan-3DIFF computer codes. WIMSD-5B is a neutron transport theory-based lattice cell modeling code that is used for the generation of group constants for different regions of the reactor core. These are provided as input to the diffusion theory based Batan-3DIFF code which performs the global core calculations for the reactor system. For the Monte Carlo model, to estimate the reactivity worth of control rods, the MCNP6 code is used. The result of this analysis showed that for the integral control rod worth a good agreement was found between experimental data and Monte Carlo simulation results but up to 5 % difference occurred between experimental results and diffusion result

    Penentuan Standar Spesifikasi Kerja di Café Berdasarkan Big Data dengan Metode LDA dan AHP

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    A good human resources management practice will produce quality and quantity output for sustainable business. The employee recruitment process is a crucial initial stage to fulfil the needs of a quality employee.  In this process, a company usually opens an advertisement for a job vacancy and selects based on job qualification requirements. This research contributes to determining job specification standards in a café or coffee shop based on Big Data analysis. Analysis has been done by Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is implemented to select the type of works and work qualifications available in the food and beverages sector. Questionnaires and interviews have been conducted to collect primary data, and three leading websites of job seeker online platforms (Jobstreet.com, Gawean.id, and Lokerindonesia.com) are used as references in data collection. Finding gives information regarding four types of works in a cafe: manager, barista, chef, and waiter; eleven points for manager specifications, twelve points for barista specifications, eleven points for chef specifications, and fifteenth points for barista waiter specifications.  Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang baik dapat menghasilkan kualitas dan kuantitas yang maksimal untuk mewujudkan bisnis yang berkelanjutan. Dengan demikian proses penerimaan karyawan menjadi penting, yang mana untuk memenuhi kebutuhan SDM yang berkualitas, sebuah perusahaan dapat membuka lowongan pekerjaan dan menentukan seleksi SDM sesuai dengan kualifikasi pekerjaan. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi pada penentuan standar spesifikasi kerja di cafe atau coffee shop berdasarkan Big Data. Analisa dilakukan dengan metode Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), dan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dalam proses pemilihan jenis pekerjaan dan kualifikasi dari perkerjaan yang tersedia di sektor food  & beverages. Kuesioner dan wawancara dilakukan untuk pengumpulan data primer dan tiga  website utama platform pencari kerja online (Jobstreet.com, Gawean.id, dan Lokerindonesia.com) digunakan sebagai referensi dan pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan masukkan terkait 4 (empat) jenis pekerjaan di cafe yakni sebagai manager, barista, chef dan waiter yang mana terdapat 11 spesifikasi manager, 12 spesifikasi barista, 11 spesifikasi chef, dan 15 spesifikasi waiter
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