20 research outputs found

    Influence of Vermicomposted Coal Fly Ash on Morphological and Cytological Attributes of Ricinus communis L.

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    In view of the environmental problems generated by the large-scale production of fly ash, increasing attention is now being paid to the recycling of fly ash as a good source of nutrients. To reduce the cost of fly ash disposal and best utilization, it aimed to convert the fly ash into valuable vermicompost. Stated throughout the experiment, we opted for a soil sample and fly ash and pressed with different concentrations (control, 20%, 50%, 80% and 100%). Subsequently, all the mixtures were vermicomposted for 60 days by adding 100 Earthworms (Eisenia foetida) in each pile. The X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy measured the composition of the metal in fly ash as well as the nutritional content in the soil. This is followed by examining the morphological characteristics and cytogenetic study of Ricinus communis L. The present study indicated that E. foetida mitigates the toxicity of fly ash and is hence used as valuable vermicompost

    Kajian Hutan Kemasyarakatan sebagai Sumber Pendapatan : Kasus di Kab. Gunung Kidul

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    Hutan kemasyarakatan (HKm) merupakan hutan negara yang pemanfaatannya ditujukan untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar hutan. Keterlibatan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan hutan agar kelestarian hutan tetap terjaga dan kesejahteraan masyarakat tercapai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kegiatan-kegiatan pada HKm yang menjadi sumber pendapatan bagi masyarakat sekitar hutan di Kabupaten Gunungkidul, DI Yogyakarta. Dua kelompok tani hutan (KTH) kemasyarakatan sebagai contoh penelitian, dan sebanyak 40 KK anggotakelompok tani sebagai responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan studi literatur, analisa data dilakukan secara kuantitatif dan deskriptif kualitatif. Analisis kuantitatif terdiri atas analisis pendapatan rumah tangga, analisis imbangan penerimaan dan biaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kegiatan HKm dapat meningkatkan pendapatan KTH antara 20–50%. Kegiatan yang dapat dijadikan sumber pendapatan terdiri dari kegiatan kelembagaan dan pengelolaan HKm secara tumpangsari. Kegiatan tumpangsari dengan memperhatikan komposisi antara tanaman pokok dengan tanaman sela berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pendapatan. Tingkat pendapatan KTH Tani Manunggal lebih besar dari KTH Sedyo lestari, hal ini karena adanya perbedaan antara komposisi tanaman pokok dan tanaman sela, luasan HKm, dan jumlah anggota KTH kemasyarakatan

    Analysis of Livelihoods in Peat Land: the Case of Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency

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    Peatland is unique, marginal and fragile ecosystem, therefore its utilization should be based on careful research and planning, and requires support from stakeholders. The utilization of peatland by community is generally in the forms of yards, fields, and gardens. The study aims to examine community activities on peatland to be source of livelihood and income. Research was conducted in Bram Itam Raya and Mekar Jaya villages, Tanjung Jabung Barat District. Data were analyzed by using thematic, economic social dimension analysis, and SWOT analysis. The results show the activities that can be source of livelihood and income in peatland are plantation, agriculture, and other forest products while income from non-land are entrepreneurship, services and livestock.People's livelihoods generally are plantation farmers (60.35%), with main commodities pinang, coffee, and palm oil, with average income greater than UMP namely up to Rp4,467,282.61per month. It illustrates that incomefrom peatland can fulfill their needs properly. There is limited knowledge of farmer in cultivating land, selection of plant species that can be adapted to biophysical conditions and how to cope with pests and diseases. To overcome limitation of community knowledge, it is necessary to provide alternative activities and sources of livelihood with agroforestry techniques

    Design and Synthesis of Heteroleptic Iridium(III) Phosphors for Efficient Organic Light-Emitting Devices

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    The phosphorescent emitters are essential to realize energy-efficient display and lighting panels. The solution processability is of particular interest for large-scale and low-cost production. Here, we present a series of the heteroleptic iridium (Ir) complexes, Ir­(ppy)<sub>2</sub>L1, Ir­(ppy)<sub>2</sub>L2, and Ir­(ppy)<sub>2</sub>L3, using the new ancillary ligands, including 1-(2-chlorophenyl)-5-hydroxy-3-methyl-1<i>H</i>-pyrazole-4-carbaldehyde (L1), 5-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-(p-tolyl)-1<i>H</i>-pyrazole-4-carbaldehyde (L2), and 5-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-phenyl-1<i>H</i>-pyrazole-4-carbaldehyde (L3). Their photophysical and electrochemical properties were systematically characterized, followed by comparing with those predicted by density functional theory simulations using hybrid functionals. Among the three phosphors synthesized, Ir­(ppy)<sub>2</sub>L1 exhibits the highest photoluminescence quantum yield (Φ<sub>PL</sub> = 89%), with an exciton lifetime of 0.34 μs. By using 4,4′-bis­(carbazole-9-yl)­biphenyl as the host material, we demonstrate high current efficiencies of 64 and 40 cd A<sup>–1</sup> at 100 cd m<sup>–2</sup> in its vacuum-evaporated and solution-processed organic light-emitting devices, respectively, revealing the promise for large-area light sources