19 research outputs found


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    This text deals with the search of fundamentals to the south-south research about the key-problems of the emerging configurations of a new and multipolar world order. Highlights two main questions: if the neoliberal orthodox in its various forms is to be effectively challenged and if the predatory policies resulting from it should be reverted. It starts ofthe perspective that is necessary an alternative paradigm of development, clearly enounced, which reinforces the national identity in Latin America, India and the rest of the world in development. Such paradigm should favour the construction of mix and inclusives cultures able to create the sense of solidarity among great masses located in extensive areas with the objective to unblock, free and mobilize resistance against the predatory neoliberalism in the 21st centuryKeywords: Neoliberalismo, resistance, national identityEM BUSCA DE UMA TEORIA PARA AJUDAR A RESISTÊNCIA AO NEOLIBERALISMO PREDATÓRIO NO SÉCULO XXIResumo: O texto trata da busca de fundamentos para a pesquisa sul-sul sobre os problemas- chave das configurações emergentes de uma nova e multipolar ordem mundial. Destaca duas questões centrais : se o neoliberal ortodoxo em suas formas variadas é para ser efetivamente desafiado e se as políticas predatórias daí resultantes devem ser revertidas. Parte da perspectiva de que é necessário um paradigma alternativo de desenvolvimento, claramente enunciado, que reforce aidentidade nacional na América Latina, Índia e o resto do mundo em desenvolvimento. Tal paradigma deve favorecer a construção de culturas mistas e inclusivas capazes de criar senso de solidariedade entre grandes massas situadas em extensas áreas com vista a desbloquear, libertar e mobilizar resistência contra o neoliberalismo predatório no século XXIPalavras-chave: Neoliberalismo, resistência, identidade naciona

    Biogenic nanozirconium in hydrogel beads for fluoride removal: equilibrium, thermodynamic and kinetic studies

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    248-253In the present research work, removal of fluoride from aqueous solution using fenugreek leaf mediated Zr nanoparticle entrapped in calcium alginate beads has been attempted. The adsorption study for removal of fluoride from aqueous solution of defined concentrations has been carried out in batch mode followed by its estimation using ion-chromatography. Synthesized Zr nanoparticles are subjected to various analyses e.g. SEM, TEM, SAED EDAX and FTIR, revealing zirconium an integral component. The adsorption capacity of Zr entrapped calcium alginate beads for fluoride is found to be 90.90 mg/g. The Langmuir isotherm model best fits on equilibrium data since it provides higher R2 value than Freundlich model similarly, pseudo-second order kinetic model could better explain adsorption kinetic in comparison to pseudo first order model by presenting better correlation coefficient. The overall study suggests that Zr nanoparticles entrapped in alginate beads could be a better candidate for removal of fluoride from aqueous solution

    Elementos para a construção de uma cooperação Brasil-Índia: inovação tecnológica e comércio internacional

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    A aceleração do processo de mudança na produção de ciência e tecnologia, com a difusão de inovações radicais, tem sugerido a um grupo significativo de autores que estamos numa fase de passagem para uma era de informação e conhecimento, evidente, sobretudo, nos países que comandam e dão o ritmo da economia mundial (Lundvall, 2001, Cassiolato, 1999, Albagli, 1999, OCDE, 1992). Este complexo processo tem suscitado múltiplas interpretações, enfeixadas no termo globalização, que, malgrado a compreensão polissêmica, tem algumas características fortes já estabelecidas: em primeiro lugar, que se trata de uma nova fase de internacionalização do capital, iniciada nos anos 80 e resultante de políticas de liberalização e de desregulamentação do comércio mundial, das relações de trabalho e das finanças, sob a hegemonia do capital financeiro. Sob esse regime, tendem a crescer o desemprego mundial e a precarização do trabalho, bem como aumentam as desigualdades entre países, no nível da renda e das condições de existência (Chesnais, 2004). Em segundo lugar, embora o setor produtivo não mais conduza o processo, têm papel destacado as grandes corporações multinacionais, quer pelo ritmo acelerado de oligopolização e de concorrência, quer pela capilaridade e presença mundial, dominando praticamente as complexas relações que envolvem a ciência e a tecnologia

    Biogenic nanozirconium in hydrogel beads for fluoride removal: equilibrium, thermodynamic and kinetic studies

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    In the present research work, removal of fluoride from aqueous solution using fenugreek leaf mediated Zr nanoparticle entrapped in calcium alginate beads has been attempted. The adsorption study for removal of fluoride from aqueous solution of defined concentrations has been carried out in batch mode followed by its estimation using ion-chromatography. Synthesized Zr nanoparticles are subjected to various analyses e.g. SEM, TEM, SAED EDAX and FTIR, revealing zirconium an integral component. The adsorption capacity of Zr entrapped calcium alginate beads for fluoride is found to be 90.90 mg/g. The Langmuir isotherm model best fits on equilibrium data since it provides higher R2 value than Freundlich model similarly, pseudo-second order kinetic model could better explain adsorption kinetic in comparison to pseudo first order model by presenting better correlation coefficient. The overall study suggests that Zr nanoparticles entrapped in alginate beads could be a better candidate for removal of fluoride from aqueous solution

    Impact of COVID-19 Nationwide Lockdowns and Unlock Phases in India on River Water Quality of Upper Part of the Ganga River

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    The river water quality index (RWQI) of the upper Ganga canal has been computed to assess the effect of lockdown and unlock phases lead down by COVID-19 in India. Geospatial distribution of RWQI from January 2019 to December 2021 in the study area revealed significant impacts of lockdown on water quality. However, unlock phases (post lockdown) have deteriorated water quality since August 2020 and reached to actual conditions of the river by August 2021. To evaluate the lockdown as a management strategy to clean the river, other factors were reviewed including rainfall data, migration, and other activities. The results revealed that all the monitoring stations have improved water quality index ranging from 3 to 45 between March to June 2020. The River Ganga at Haridwar showed a two-fold improvement in the water quality index making it the highest positive impact of the lockdown, and at Rishikesh, the water quality index showed the least changes. The average decrease in RWQI has been observed to be 13 units in the year 2020 as compared to 2019 between March to June. In October 2020, RWQI has been observed to be higher as compared to the years 2019 and 2021. This is possibly due to a shift in rainfall patterns and other factors such as evapotranspiration, precipitation, and atmospheric temperature involved in river water quality control. Up to 60% reduction in average total coliforms and fecal coliforms has been observed due to the nationwide lockdown and a shift in human behavior towards cleaner and sustainable approaches

    Disintegration of sludge using ozone-hydrodynamic cavitation

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    In our study we applied hydrodynamic cavitation and ozonation both separately and combined, to determine the synergistic effect of these two technologies for sludge disintegration. A 2 mm orifice was used as a cavitation device. Ozone was injected after cavitation at a concentration of 35 mg/L at a flow of 3 Lpm. The sludge was subjected to treatment for 90 minutes in all three cases. In a final step, combined ozone and cavitation was applied to disintegrate the sludge for 10 hours. It was found that the combination of ozonation and cavitation exhibited higher sludge disintegration capacity than the individual technologies applied alone. About 31% of VSS was reduced by the combined system, whereas 19% was reduced by ozone and only 4% was reduced by cavitation alone after 90 minutes of treatment. Soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) was increased by approximately 1600 mg/L in the combined system, which was much higher than the individual effect observed with either ozone or cavitation alone. About 75% of this SCOD was found to be biodegradable. In the combined system, soluble TOC increased by approximately 1.5 times the amount released by ozone alone, indicating higher release of organic matter from biomass. Only cavitation did not show any significant release of soluble total organic carbon (TOC) compared to the other treatments. In combined application, soluble biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) increased to 420 mg/L, which was significantly higher than the increase of BOD due to the application of ozone alone which was 260 mg/L. Based on the SCOD, it was found that a maximum of 50% of the sludge could be solubilised in 10 hours of combined treatment. It was also found that with ozone-cavitation, approximately 26% of the total sludge phosphorus was released to the solution after 10 hours, although most of the release occured within the first 2 hours. Within the operating conditions applied, cavitation itself was not sufficient for the disintegration of sludge, although better disintegration was found in combined application at higher inlet pressure. In the case of ozonation alone, higher disintegration was obtained at longer ozonation time.Applied Science, Faculty ofCivil Engineering, Department ofGraduat


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    Biosynthesis is an eloquent, safe, biocompatible, eco-friendly, and recyclable way of preparing selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs). Selenium occurs in multiple oxidation states, for example, +6, +4, 0, or −2. Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element with a very narrow margin between the lowest acceptable levels of intake and toxicity. Selenium is an essential trace element required for all living organisms. Despite its essentiality, selenium is a potentially toxic element to natural ecosystems due to its bioaccumulation potential that is why it is biologically available in the environment. Selenium is a trace element commonly found in materials of the earth’s crust, and it is essential for humans, animals, and plants. Oxyanions of selenium, that is selenite and selenate, are biologically available. Selenium in the form of selenate ion (SeO42−) is more toxic to most organisms than selenite (SeO32−). Contrarily, elemental selenium (Se0) is inOsoluble and less toxic in comparison to other forms of selenium. Nanoselenium (Se0) in the range of 100–500 nm has similar bioavailability to other forms of selenium into plants, animals, humans, and microorganisms. Biologically synthesized SeNP has many biological applications in the field of medical and pharmaceutical research to combat threats to human health. Biogenic SeNPs have anticancer (cytotoxic) activity, antioxidant activity, and antimicrobial activity. Researches are going on with special interest of SeNPs. Conjugation of antibiotics with SeNPs enhances their anticancer efficacy. SeNPs have also applications in nanobiosensors and environmental remediation

    Narrow gap welding of low alloy and austenitic stainless steels using different Inconel alloys: comparison of microstructure and properties

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    In the present investigation, SA508 low alloy steel and 304LN austenitic stainless steel were joined by hot wire narrow gap gas tungsten arc welding. Inconel 82 and 52 were used as filler alloys. Evaluation of microstructure, micro-hardness, and tensile strength through in situ test in scanning electron microscope were attempted for the welded assemblies. Low alloy steel consisted of a heat affected zone adjacent to interface. Athin layer of martensite and Type-I boundary were revealed near the fusion boundary between low alloy steel and weld metal. Micro-hardness distribution showed a peak near the fusion boundary between low alloy steel and filler alloy owing to the presence of lath martensite, Type- I boundary, and complex alloy carbides. The micro-hardness was further dropped within the filler alloy. During the in situ tensile test, deformation was confined within the filler alloy, as it was the weakest link across the fusion boundary. It was revealed that the joint produced with Inconel 82 filler alloy has a better mechanical strength than the assembly fabricated with Inconel 52 filler alloy. Inferior quality of the latter was attributed to the relatively coarser grain structure and the presence of larger alloy carbides within filler alloy when compared with the former. Improved strength of the weld with Inconel 82 filler alloy was further endorsed by the lower slip distance for dislocation movement and higher strain hardening rate in comparison to the weld fabricated with Inconel 52 filler alloy