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    Microorganisms create biofilms, which are surface adherent community structures. These biofilms are essential to the infection process mediated by microbes. Antibiotic resistance is another thing that biofilm spreads, which is a big worry these days. Diverse bacteria use diverse mechanisms to create biofilms, and these mechanisms often depend on the environment in which they grow as well as strain-specific characteristics. Many chemical compounds are discovered to be useful in investigating the biofilm management method. The usefulness of nanoparticles in preventing biofilm-mediated disease is the subject of the current review. Using nanoscale particles to fight microbial biofilm is one possible way to treat these persistent diseases. Recently, antibacterial agents have been delivered employing innovative nanotechnology-based antimicrobial activity in order to destroy planktonic bacteria and their biofilm structures. In the sphere of medicine, this technique is now considered developing. Antimicrobial-loaded nanoparticles alone or in combination with other materials could increase the bacterial activity of nanomaterials to prevent the formation of biofilms. These particles are reactive substances that readily penetrate the matrix, serving as a barrier to numerous antibodies. One type of nanoparticle, called AgNPs, exhibited antibacterial action by rupturing the integrity of the bacterial cell membrane, which resulted in the release of cellular content and eventual death. Additionally, polymeric-based formulations like hydrogel, polymeric microspheres, nanospheres, and smart olimer, as well as lipid-based nanoparticles like liposomes and solid lipid nanoparticles, have been used in the biofilm treatment. Additionally, research is ongoing with various metals like copper, zinc, and their oxides. Here, we talked about the safety issues and the promise of metal oxide nanoparticles. The pathogens are effectively killed by NPs without endangering other cells or having any negative effects on living cells

    Lipid profile abnormalities & 10 yr risk of CVD assessment among adult in North East India: A cross-sectional study

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    Background & objectives: In India, lifestyle changes have contributed to increase in the number of people suffering from lipid profile abnormalities, which is a major risk factor for coronary artery diseases. The present study was aimed to estimate the prevalence of lipid profile abnormalities and 10 yr risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among the adult population in west Tripura district and to study the association of lipid profile abnormalities and increased CVD risk with sociodemography, body mass index (BMI), hypertension, random blood sugar (RBS) and haemoglobin level. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted amongst 445 adults of 20 to 60 yr of age from a randomly selected block in west Tripura district. The 10 yr risk of CVD was estimated using the Framingham Risk Assessment Tool. Results: The study revealed that overall 83.4 per cent adult population had lipid profile abnormalities, with 22.2, 42 and 70.3 per cent of participants having hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia and low high-density lipoprotein level, respectively. Gender (P=0.02) and BMI (P<0.001) were the significant determinants of dyslipidaemia. Only 3.8 per cent of participants had intermediate or high risk of CVD, with all of them being males. Gender, age, occupation and RBS were significantly associated with increased CVD risk. Interpretation & conclusions: The study revealed a high burden of lipid profile abnormalities in the study population, with males having more risk of CVD. Hence, periodic screening of lipid profile abnormalities and risk of CVD should be incorporated at the primary care level to combat the CVD epidemic in India

    State of the climate in 2010

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    Several large-scale climate patterns influenced climate conditions and weather patterns across the globe during 2010. The transition from a warm El Nino phase at the beginning of the year to a cool La Nina phase by July contributed to many notable events, ranging from record wetness across much of Australia to historically low Eastern Pacific basin and near-record high North Atlantic basin hurricane activity. The remaining five main hurricane basins experienced below-to well-below-normal tropical cyclone activity. The negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation was a major driver of Northern Hemisphere temperature patterns during 2009/10 winter and again in late 2010. It contributed to record snowfall and unusually low temperatures over much of northern Eurasia and parts of the United States, while bringing above-normal temperatures to the high northern latitudes. The February Arctic Oscillation Index value was the most negative since records began in 1950. The 2010 average global land and ocean surface temperature was among the two warmest years on record. The Arctic continued to warm at about twice the rate of lower latitudes. The eastern and tropical Pacific Ocean cooled about 1 C from 2009 to 2010, reflecting the transition from the 2009/10 El Nino to the 2010/11 La Nina. Ocean heat fluxes contributed to warm sea surface temperature anomalies in the North Atlantic and the tropical Indian and western Pacific Oceans. Global integrals of upper ocean heat content for the past several years have reached values consistently higher than for all prior times in the record, demonstrating the dominant role of the ocean in the Earth's energy budget. Deep and abyssal waters of Antarctic origin have also trended warmer on average since the early 1990s. Lower tropospheric temperatures typically lag ENSO surface fluctuations by two to four months, thus the 2010 temperature was dominated by the warm phase El Nino conditions that occurred during the latter half of 2009 and early 2010 and was second warmest on record. The stratosphere continued to be anomalously cool. Annual global precipitation over land areas was about five percent above normal. Precipitation over the ocean was drier than normal after a wet year in 2009. Overall, saltier (higher evaporation) regions of the ocean surface continue to be anomalously salty, and fresher (higher precipitation) regions continue to be anomalously fresh. This salinity pattern, which has held since at least 2004, suggests an increase in the hydrological cycle. Sea ice conditions in the Arctic were significantly different than those in the Antarctic during the year. The annual minimum ice extent in the Arctic reached in September was the third lowest on record since 1979. In the Antarctic, zonally averaged sea ice extent reached an all-time record maximum from mid-June through late August and again from mid-November through early December. Corresponding record positive Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode Indices influenced the Antarctic sea ice extents. Greenland glaciers lost more mass than any other year in the decade-long record. The Greenland Ice Sheet lost a record amount of mass, as the melt rate was the highest since at least 1958, and the area and duration of the melting was greater than any year since at least 1978. High summer air temperatures and a longer melt season also caused a continued increase in the rate of ice mass loss from small glaciers and ice caps in the Canadian Arctic. Coastal sites in Alaska show continuous permafrost warming and sites in Alaska, Canada, and Russia indicate more significant warming in relatively cold permafrost than in warm permafrost in the same geographical area. With regional differences, permafrost temperatures are now up to 2 C warmer than they were 20 to 30 years ago. Preliminary data indicate there is a high probability that 2010 will be the 20th consecutive year that alpine glaciers have lost mass. Atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations continued to rise and ozone depleting substances continued to decrease. Carbon dioxide increased by 2.60 ppm in 2010, a rate above both the 2009 and the 1980-2010 average rates. The global ocean carbon dioxide uptake for the 2009 transition period from La Nina to El Nino conditions, the most recent period for which analyzed data are available, is estimated to be similar to the long-term average. The 2010 Antarctic ozone hole was among the lowest 20% compared with other years since 1990, a result of warmer-than-average temperatures in the Antarctic stratosphere during austral winter between mid-July and early September