304 research outputs found


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    The concept of community development can be viewed as a process because the involved  activities moves from one stage to another or from a specific situation to the next one. The relevant study in it is the study of Islamic Community Development which is in line with the role of Higher Education College. That is to functioning Tri Darma consisting of education, research and community services. Such view certaintly becomes real hope if it can implemented seriously. Another factor is that the specialization of knowledge as the basis of intellectual and expertise specially the study of community development have an important and strategic place in the globalization era in terms of political, economic, social and cultural rights


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    Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh informasi bahwa gending-gending Jawa Gaya Surakarta banyak yang dibentuk dari ‘sekar’ (tembang). Pembahasan dalam tulisan ini difokuskan pada hubungan yang terdapat pada sekar macapat Durma dan gendhing kemanak Anglirmendhung dengan cara membandingkan alur melodi lagu vokal pada lagu sekar macapat Durma dengan gendhing kemanak Anglirmendhung. Studi ini berupaya untuk mendeskripsikan dan mencari korelasi antara gendhing kemanak Anglirmendhung dengan sekar macapat Durma. Adapun untuk membedah permasalahan tersebut, konsep garap digunakan pada studi ini karena apa yang terjadi dalam persoalan tersebut sesungguhnya adalah hasil dari kreativitas, imajinasi dan interpretasi para pengrawit. Di samping itu, landasan pemikiran Mas Ngabehi Warsapradangga digunakan dalam kerja analisisnya. Dasar pemikirannya adalah bahwa, dasar penciptaan gending pada awalnya bersumber dari lagu vokal (tembang). Ditemukannya jawaban atas permasalahan tersebut tentu sangat bermanfaat bagi dunia karawitan, baik dari sudut pandang praktik maupun keilmuan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa, dengan membandingkan baris-baris dalam sekar macapat Durma terhadap kalimat lagu gendhing kemanak Anglirmendhung, serta memperhatikan alur melodi dan seleh-selehnya, adalah salah satu bukti yang membenarkan pemikiran Mas Ngabehi Warsapradangga

    Geographical Indications As An Alternative To Save The Potential Product Of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In Sragen Regency

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    This research was conducted as an effort to analyze the MSMEs’ products of Sragen Regency which have not been known and have the potential to be granted legal protection through geographical indications. This research is an empirical legal research with primary and secondary legal basic materials. The research location was carried out in Kalijambe Sub-district with data collection techniques through literature study and direct interviews with local governments and businessmen in Sangiran. The result of the research is that in Sragen Regency, there is a product which can be categorized as geographical indication and has good prospects for the long term and is able to maintain the reputation of the existing area in Sragen. The product is Sangiran’s fossil stone handicraft, which is a potential superior product to be registered through geographical indications, so that registration with geographical indications can be used as an effort to save potential MSMEs’ products in Sragen Regency by the fossil stone handicrafts in Kalijambe Sub-district. This effort is also a form of legal protection for superior regional products of Sragen Regency in accordance with the mandate of Sragen Regency Regional Regulation Number 3 Year 2013 concerning MSMEs

    Dinamika Profesi Guru: Citra, Harapan, dan Tantangan

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    Teacher is one of the major key holderin the success of education.process andstudy in school. Teachermust beresponsible professionally to parents, society, andnation. That is so strategic that the role of teacher for nation future, teacher shouldnot be asa· secondary profession, but as first profession that it\u27s just believed tothemwho can fulfill the needed requirement. In daily life, teacher is expected to beableto be the function as a model for society (digugu Zan ditiru). That expectation isa challenge for teacher. To be able to fulfill· that· expectation, teachermust haveteacher profession competence. Teachermust be expert on his major,understandingthe science of·education, having good characteristic, attitude, andbehavior, and also good in communicating with alldirections related with their job.Other requirement that is not less important is to believe,and God fearing, and alsobe· able to practice all thatare taught in daily life

    Formalisme Kehidupan Beragama (Studi Kasus Gereja Katolik Keuskupan Purwokerto)

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    Indonesia is a nation that seems religious. Place of worship was flooded with a lot ofpeople. Events and holy days of religius became a national event. In the other hand,some times the religious comprehention was halted at the places of worship that wasit. In the national and society life easily we can find people to do things that arecontrary to religious values. Human rights violations and corruption becomes difficultto eradicate. Moral degradation occurs from the level of family, community, societyand state officials. Within communities also repeatedly occurred certain group usereligion as an instrument of legitimacy to the acts of violence driven by a belief in theirown truth as the only truth, and the loss of a sense of respect for those who areconsidered different. Hence people are not so concerned with the behavior that iscontrary to what religion had been teaches, even assume it was not related to faith. Onthe other hand there are people who are aware of the true situation but are powerless,or do not have enough courage to reject it. This is the situation called formalism ofReligious Life. The cause of religious formalism that may arise from the internalreligious teachings, not only from the social structure of society but also of a culturethat is built in this community. The impact of these religious formalism can happen ona personal level, both the social structure and the culture of the society. Therefore, tocounter religious formalism is not enough left to religious leaders, but also thereshould be a joint motion to change the structure and culture of Indonesian society


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    This study takes a sample of independent auditors who work at the Public Accountant Firm in DKI Jakarta. The type of data used is primary data with data collection methods, namely indirect interviews by submitting a questionnaire. The analytical tool used is multiple regression This study aims to analyze the effect of the implementation of professional ethics and emotional intelligence on auditors in decision making. The results of this study are expected to show that professional ethics as measured by indentensi, integrity and objectivity; general standards and accounting principles; responsibility to clients responsibility to colleagues, responsibilities and practices have a significant effect on the auditor in decision making. Emotional intelligence as measured by self-recognition, self-control, motivation, empathy and social skills significantly influence auditors in decision making. Keywords:  professional ethics, emotional intelligence, decision making.Penelitian ini mengambil sampel auditor independen yang berkerja pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di DKI Jakarta. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan metode pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara tidak langsung dengan mengajukan kuesioner. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pelaksanaan etika profesi dan kecerdasan emosional terhadap auditor dalam pengambilan keputusan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan menunjukkan bahwa etika profesi yang diukur dari indenpensi, integritas dan objektivitas; standar umum dan prinsip akuntansi; tanggung jawab kepada klien tanggung jawab kepada rekan seprofesi, tanggung jawab dan praktik berpengaruh, signifikan terhadap auditor dalam pengambilan keputusan. Kecerdasan emosional yang diukur dari pengenalan diri, pengendalian diri, motivasi, empati dan keterampilan sosial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap auditor dalam pengambilan keputusan. Kata Kunci : etika profesi, kecerdasan emosional, pengambilan keputusan

    Propagation of plate acoustic waves in contact with fluid medium

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    The characteristics of acoustic waves propagating in thin piezoelectric plates in the presence of a fluid medium contacting one or both of the plate surfaces are investigated. If the velocity of plate wave in the substrate is greater than velocity of bulk wave in the fluid, then a plate acoustic wave (PAW) traveling in the substrate will radiate a bulk acoustic wave (BAW) in the fluid. It is found that, under proper conditions, efficient conversion of energy from plate acoustic waves to bulk acoustic waves and vice versa can be obtained. For example, using the fundamental anti symmetric plate wave mode (A0 mode) propagating in a lithium niobate substrate and water as the fluid, total mode conversion loss (PAW to BAW and back from BAW to PAW) of less than 3 dB has been obtained. This mode conversion principle can be used to realize miniature, high efficiency transducers for use in ultrasonic flow meters. Similar type of transducer based on conversion of energy from surface acoustic wave (SAW) to bulk acoustic wave (BAW) has been developed previously. The use of plate waves has several advantages. Since the energy of plate waves is present on both plate surfaces, the inter digital transducer (IDT) can be on the surface opposite from that which is in contact with the fluid. This protects the IDT from possible damage due to the fluid and also simplifies the job of making electrical connections to the IDT. Another advantage is that one has wider choice of substrate materials with plate waves than is the case with SAWs. Preliminary calculations indicate that the mode conversion principle can also be used to generate and detect ultrasonic waves in air. This has potential applications for realizing transducers for use in non -contact ultrasonic\u27s. The design of an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) chip containing an amplifier and frequency counter for use with ultrasonic transducers is also presented in this thesis


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    The purpose of this activity is that Business Ethics Education participants understand the importance of applying ethical principles in doing business, Business Ethics Education participants are willing to participate in the socialization of understanding the application of ethical principles in business and Business Ethics Education participants understand the application of ethical principles in business. The implementation method used is by way of lectures, discussions and tutorials on practical questions via Teleconference with the Online Meeting Application. The material provided includes a discussion of (1) the role of ethics in business for MSME actors, (2) Benefits in doing business for MSME actors and (3) Application of ethical principles in business for MSME actors.   Keywords: Business Ethics Education, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah Para peserta Edukasi Etika Bisnis memahami pentingnya menerapkan prinsip-prinsip etika dalam berbisnis, Para peserta Edukasi Etika Bisnis bersedia mengikuti sosialisasi pemahaman penerapan prinsip-prinsip etika dalam berbisnis dan Para peserta Edukasi Etika Bisnis memahami penerapan prinsip-prinsip etika dalam berbisnis. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan adalah dengan cara ceramah, diskusi dan tutorial soal praktis melalui Teleconference dengan Aplikasi Meeting Online. Materi yang diberikan meliputi pembahasan tentang (1) Peranan Etika dalam berbisnis untuk pelaku UMKM, (2) Manfaat dalam berbisnis untuk pelaku UMKM dan (3) Penerapan prinsip-prinsip etika dalam berbisnis untuk pelaku UMKM   Kata Kunci: Edukasi Etika Bisnis, Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM
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