12 research outputs found

    Багатофакторний аналіз проходження вагоном рейкового транспорту стикової нерівності с урахуванням фаз руху

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    We have studied the influence of loading a four-axle railroad car, geometrical and mechanical characteristics of the rail, joint bars, sleepers, and a ballast layer on the parameters of static interaction between a railroad car and a rail track. The results obtained are universal and apply to railroad cars of any purpose: tram cars or passenger or freight cars for railroad transportation. The discrete-continuum model of the transport complex "railroad car − rail track" corresponds to the phase of car motion. The estimation schemes of static interaction relate to all four phases of the railroad car motion, as well as geometrical and structural parameters of the track dispatching and receiving rails and a four-axle railroad car. The structure of the research method and numerical algorithm implies determining the deflections of the track dispatching and receiving rails at the end, as well as the height of the joint that emerges in this case, depending on the car load.Research into the influence of operating and structural parameters of a railroad car and the upper structure of a track on the static interaction between a railroad car and a rail track in the zone of a butt joint was carried out based on a comprehensive approach and general correlations in mechanics. We have calculated, in the transport systemic discrete-continuum mechanical complex "railroad car − rail track", using the methods of modeling and numerical analysis, the height of a joint unevenness depending on the phase of motion and load of the car. We established a parabolic character of the impact of a car load on the static interaction when passing over a joint unevenness, which corresponds to a monotonous growth in the height of a joint when increasing the load of a railroad car at all phases of its motion.The obtained theoretical results allow practical implementation of the improvement of structural and operating parameters in the operation of a railroad car and the upper structure of a track through rational selection and optimization.Проведено исследование особенностей взаимодействия четырехосного вагона и рельсовой колеи с учетом четырех фаз движения через стыковую неровность пути и жесткости балластного слоя. Построены механические модели транспортного комплекса «вагон – рельсовая колея» для каждой фазы движения. Численным анализом методом начальных параметров для каждой фазы движения определены прогибы отдающего и принимающего рельсов на конце, а также установлена высота стыка между рельсами, в зависимости от фаз движения и загрузки вагонаПроведено дослідження особливостей взаємодії чотиривісного вагона та рейкової колії з урахуванням чотирьох фаз руху через стикову нерівність шляху і жорсткості баластового шару. Побудовано механічні моделі транспортного комплексу «вагон – рейкова колія» для кожної фази руху. Чисельним аналізом методом початкових параметрів для кожної фази руху визначено прогини віддаючої та приймаючої рейок шляху на кінці, а також встановлено висоту стику, що виникає між рейками, в залежності від фаз руху й завантаження вагон

    The use of artificial intelligence to diagnose the disease

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    This article explores the use of artificial intelligence in the medical field for diagnosing a disease, namely the identification of factors that affect the presence of a brain tumor. Modern medical technologies are developing rapidly, and artificial intelligence is becoming an increasingly important tool to help doctors in accurate and timely diagnosis of various diseases. The article focuses on the application of learning methods such as decision trees, Kohonen maps and neural networks. The development and application of artificial intelligence in medicine provides a huge potential for improving the diagnosis of diseases and increasing the effectiveness of treatment, which contributes to improving the quality of life of patients. However, do not consider the need for ongoing scientific support, testing and regulation to ensure the safety and reliability of the application of artificial intelligence in medicine

    Simulation of impact interaction of rail transport carriage in a butt roughness zone

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    Mechanical and mathematical models of mechanical multidimensional discrete-continuous systems “carriage – track” in terms of static and impact interaction in a butt roughness zone are proposed. Their interaction is investigated with the example of a four-axle car and a track for four motion phases in the place of isolated butt roughness. Parameters of static and impact interaction of the carriage with a track in a place of butt joint which takes into account operational and constructive factors are defined


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    Mechanical models of “railroad car-track” transport system for each phase of motion are developed. Particularities of dynamic interaction between the four-axle car and the track are studied by considering four phases of motion over joint irregularity. Methods for solving differential equations of the discretecontinuous system fluctuation are developed. Numerical analysis is used to determine deflections of the trailing rail under the first sleeper for each phase of motion depending on motion phases, and car load and speed

    Багатофакторний аналіз проходження вагоном рейкового транспорту стикової нерівності с урахуванням фаз руху

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    We have studied the influence of loading a four-axle railroad car, geometrical and mechanical characteristics of the rail, joint bars, sleepers, and a ballast layer on the parameters of static interaction between a railroad car and a rail track. The results obtained are universal and apply to railroad cars of any purpose: tram cars or passenger or freight cars for railroad transportation. The discrete-continuum model of the transport complex "railroad car − rail track" corresponds to the phase of car motion. The estimation schemes of static interaction relate to all four phases of the railroad car motion, as well as geometrical and structural parameters of the track dispatching and receiving rails and a four-axle railroad car. The structure of the research method and numerical algorithm implies determining the deflections of the track dispatching and receiving rails at the end, as well as the height of the joint that emerges in this case, depending on the car load.Research into the influence of operating and structural parameters of a railroad car and the upper structure of a track on the static interaction between a railroad car and a rail track in the zone of a butt joint was carried out based on a comprehensive approach and general correlations in mechanics. We have calculated, in the transport systemic discrete-continuum mechanical complex "railroad car − rail track", using the methods of modeling and numerical analysis, the height of a joint unevenness depending on the phase of motion and load of the car. We established a parabolic character of the impact of a car load on the static interaction when passing over a joint unevenness, which corresponds to a monotonous growth in the height of a joint when increasing the load of a railroad car at all phases of its motion.The obtained theoretical results allow practical implementation of the improvement of structural and operating parameters in the operation of a railroad car and the upper structure of a track through rational selection and optimization.Проведено исследование особенностей взаимодействия четырехосного вагона и рельсовой колеи с учетом четырех фаз движения через стыковую неровность пути и жесткости балластного слоя. Построены механические модели транспортного комплекса «вагон – рельсовая колея» для каждой фазы движения. Численным анализом методом начальных параметров для каждой фазы движения определены прогибы отдающего и принимающего рельсов на конце, а также установлена высота стыка между рельсами, в зависимости от фаз движения и загрузки вагонаПроведено дослідження особливостей взаємодії чотиривісного вагона та рейкової колії з урахуванням чотирьох фаз руху через стикову нерівність шляху і жорсткості баластового шару. Побудовано механічні моделі транспортного комплексу «вагон – рейкова колія» для кожної фази руху. Чисельним аналізом методом початкових параметрів для кожної фази руху визначено прогини віддаючої та приймаючої рейок шляху на кінці, а також встановлено висоту стику, що виникає між рейками, в залежності від фаз руху й завантаження вагон

    Mechanical interaction of the rail transport car and joint irregularity

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    Mechanical models of a transport system “carriage - track” while crossing a joint irregularity are proposed. An investigation was conducted on the peculiarities of static, shock and dynamic interaction between the four-axle car and the track, considering tram wheelsets motion features over joint irregularity. A method to solve the equations of a mathematical model of static, shock and dynamic interaction is developed. Numerical analysis is used to determine deflections of the facing rail under the first sleeper for each phase of motion depending on motion phases, and car load and speed

    The use of artificial intelligence to diagnose the disease

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    This article explores the use of artificial intelligence in the medical field for diagnosing a disease, namely the identification of factors that affect the presence of a brain tumor. Modern medical technologies are developing rapidly, and artificial intelligence is becoming an increasingly important tool to help doctors in accurate and timely diagnosis of various diseases. The article focuses on the application of learning methods such as decision trees, Kohonen maps and neural networks. The development and application of artificial intelligence in medicine provides a huge potential for improving the diagnosis of diseases and increasing the effectiveness of treatment, which contributes to improving the quality of life of patients. However, do not consider the need for ongoing scientific support, testing and regulation to ensure the safety and reliability of the application of artificial intelligence in medicine

    Ulepszenie algorytmu wyznaczanie charakterystyki interpolacyjnej krzywej monotonicznej

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    Interpolation of a point series is a necessary step in solving such problems as building graphs de-scribing phenomena or processes, as wellas modelling based on a set of reference points of the line frames defining the surface. To obtain an adequate model, the following conditions are imposed upon the interpolating curve: a minimum number of singular points (kinking points, inflection points or points of extreme curvature) and a regular curvature change along the curve. The aim of the work is to develop the algorithm for assigning characteristics (position of normals and curvature value) to the interpolating curve at reference points, at which the curve complies with the specified conditions. The characteristics of the curve are assigned within the area of their possible location. The possibilities of the proposed algorithm are investigated by interpolating the point series assignedto the branches of the parabola. In solving the test example, deviations of the normals and curvature radii from the corresponding characteristicsof the original curve have been determined. The values obtained confirm the correctness of the solutions proposed in the paper.Interpolacja szeregu punktowego jest niezbędnym krokiem w rozwiązywaniu takich problemów, jak budowanie grafów opisujących zjawiska lub procesy, a także modelowanie w oparciu o zbiór punktów odniesienia układów liniowychdefiniujących powierzchnię. Aby uzyskać odpowiedni model, na interpolowaną krzywą stawia się następujące warunki: minimalną liczbę punktów osobliwych (punktów załamania, punktów przegięcia lub punktów skrajnej krzywizny) oraz regularną zmianę krzywizny wzdłuż krzywej. Celem pracy jest opracowanie algorytmu przypisania charakterystyk (położenia normalnych i wartości krzywizny) krzywej interpolacyjnej w punktach odniesienia, w których krzywa spełnia określone warunki. Charakterystyki krzywych nadawane są w obszarze ich możliwego położenia. Możliwości proponowanego algorytmu są badane poprzez interpolację szeregów punktów przypisanych do gałęzi paraboli. W rozwiązaniu przykładu testowego wyznaczono odchylenia normalnych i promieni krzywizny od odpowiednich charakterystyk pierwotnej krzywej. Otrzymane wartości potwierdzają poprawność zaproponowanych w pracy rozwiązań

    Theoretical research response time of the mechanism for compression ratio changing of the conrod-free engine

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    The mathematical model for calculating the response time of the compression ratio of the mechanism for compression ratio changing (MCRC) is presented in this article. This revealed the influence of various engine factors with the connecting rod and crank mechanism (CRCM) on the operation of the MCRC (for example, the rate of the compression ratio change). The results of the study of the operation of the MCRC indicate a strong influence of the values (relative area of flow passage of channels) and р (pressure) on the response time τ in the field of their small values. This indicates that with insignificant changes of the area of flow passage of channel of the hydraulic lock and the minute oil pressure in the cavities, a significant response rate of the MCRC is ensured. The results demonstrate the possibility of speedy compression ratio change in the engine with the MCRC. Calculation studies showed that the mechanism full operation occurs quickly (0.02 s per unit εx), which indicates the expediency of using such a high-pressure pump in a four-stroke gasoline engine with CRCM. The mechanism movable body complete movement (S = 4 mm) at the oil temperature in the hydraulic system of 45°C and pressure on the body of p = 60 bar are stated to occur for 0.2 s


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    Interpolation of a point series is a necessary step in solving such problems as building graphs de-scribing phenomena or processes, as well as modelling based on a set of reference points of the line frames defining the surface. To obtain an adequate model, the following conditions are imposed upon the interpolating curve: a minimum number of singular points (kinking points, inflection points or points of extreme curvature) and a regular curvature change along the curve. The aim of the work is to develop the algorithm for assigning characteristics (position of normals and curvature value) to the interpolating curve at reference points, at which the curve complies with the specified conditions. The characteristics of the curve are assigned within the area of their possible location. The possibilities of the proposed algorithm are investigated by interpolating the point series assigned to the branches of the parabola. In solving the test example, deviations of the normals and curvature radii from the corresponding characteristics of the original curve have been determined. The values obtained confirm the correctness of the solutions proposed in the paper.Interpolacja szeregu punktowego jest niezbędnym krokiem w rozwiązywaniu takich problemów, jak budowanie grafów opisujących zjawiska lub procesy, a także modelowanie w oparciu o zbiór punktów odniesienia układów liniowych definiujących powierzchnię. Aby uzyskać odpowiedni model, na interpolowaną krzywą stawia się następujące warunki: minimalną liczbę punktów osobliwych (punktów załamania, punktów przegięcia lub punktów skrajnej krzywizny) oraz regularną zmianę krzywizny wzdłuż krzywej. Celem pracy jest opracowanie algorytmu przypisania charakterystyk (położenia normalnych i wartości krzywizny) krzywej interpolacyjnej w punktach odniesienia, w których krzywa spełnia określone warunki. Charakterystyki krzywych nadawane są w obszarze ich możliwego położenia. Możliwości proponowanego algorytmu są badane poprzez interpolację szeregów punktów przypisanych do gałęzi paraboli. W rozwiązaniu przykładu testowego wyznaczono odchylenia normalnych i promieni krzywizny od odpowiednich charakterystyk pierwotnej krzywej. Otrzymane wartości potwierdzają poprawność zaproponowanych w pracy rozwiązań