30 research outputs found

    Hubungan Rinosinusitis Kronik Dengan Tingkat Kontrol Asma

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    Latar Belakang : Hubungan asma dan rinosinusitis telah banyak dinyatakan dalam literatur. Asma merupakan gangguan inflamasi kronik pada saluran napas bawah. Terdapat hipotesis bahwa perluasan inflamasi mukosa hidung pada rinosinusitis kronik berhubungan dengan inflamasi mukosa bronkhial pada penyakit asma. Keterlibatan penyakit sinus paranasal berkontribusi memperberat tingkat kontrol asma. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan rinosinusitis kronik dengan tingkat kontrol asma.Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan antara rinosinusitis kronik dengan tingkat kontrol asma.Metode : Desain penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional. Subyek penelitian yakni penderita asma didapat dari instalasi rekam medik RSUP Dr. Kariadi. Diperoleh 89 pasien asma yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi untuk dilakukan wawancara mengenai status rinosinusitis kronik, rinitis alergi, kepatuhan berobat, dan tingkat kontrol asma menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data diolah menggunakan program SPSS 15.0 for windows.Hasil : Dari 89 pasien asma yang menjadi sampel penelitian, ditemukan 42 orang (47,2%) pasien asma dengan rinosinusitis kronik positif dan 47 orang (52,8%) tanpa rinosinusitis kronik. Uji korelasi spearman antara rinosinusitis kronik dengan tingkat kontrol asma menunjukkan adanya hubungan signifikan (r = -0,356 p = 0,001) Kesimpulan : Rinosinusitis kronik berhubungan dengan tingkat kontrol asma

    Faktor Risiko Kejadian Kurang Pendengaran Tipe Sensorik pada Bayi Baru Lahir

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    The risk factors of sensory type of hearing loss in newborn babyBackground: The influence of risk factors (RF) of hearing loss (HL) varies from birth until many years of live. This study aimed to analyze whether the risk factors asphyxia, indirect bilirubin levels, prematurity, birth weight and sepsis in the newborn influenced to the incidence of HL.Method: The cohort prospective study in newborn baby with or without RF at Kariadi Hospital Juli 2010-Desember 2010. Basic data and RF were taken from medical records. Hearing examination with DPOAE and tympanometer were done when discharge from the hospital and 3-month-old baby. Sensory HL is refer DPOAE and type A of tympanogram. Data analysis was using the chisquare test and relative risk.Result: There were 112 babies with RF and 117 babies without RF. The incidence of HL after 3 month, were 9 babies (3.9%) at-risk group and 3 (1.3%) in the group without RF. The risk to sensory HL in the babies with many RF was 4 times greater than one RF. Prematurity and VLBW influenced the incidence of sensory HL. Multivariate logistic regression analysis found that VLBW independency influenced the incidence of sensory HL (RR=9.500 CI=1.091-82.725; p=0.041). Aspyxia, hiperbilirubinemia and sepsis not influenced the incidence of sensory HL.Conclusion: Prematurity and VLBW influenced the incidence of sensory HL. VLBW independently influenced the incidence of sensory HL

    Pengaruh Financing To Deposit Ratio (Fdr), Dana Pihak Ketiga (Dpk) dan Return On Asset (Roa) terhadap Pembiayaan Musyarakah

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Financing To Deposit Ratio (FDR), Third Party Funds (TPF) and Return on Assets (ROA) on musyarakah financing on Bank Syariah Mandiri from 2010-2017 both partially and simultaneously. This study uses quantitative data types. The data used uses secondary data obtained from quarterly financial reports. The method used in this study is to use the classic assumption test method where the Classic Assumption test consists of four tests namely Normality test, Multicollinearity test, Heterocedasticity test and Autocorrelation test in addition to using the Classical Assumption test, in this study also uses the test with data analysis from the analysis Multiple linear regression and using t test or partial test and F test or test simultaneously or together. The population in this study is Islamic banking, namely Bank Syariah Mandiri in 2010-2017 as many as 32 taken by purposive sampling. The results showed that the variables that affect Musyarakah financing are variables Financing To Deposit Ratio (FDR) with a P-value of 0,000 where this value is greater than 0.05 and the value of t count is -4.916 where this value is greater than the value of t table namely 2,0484 and Third Party Funds with a P-value of 0,000 where this value is greater than 0.05 and the value of t count is 4,559 is greater than the ttable value of 2,0484 while the variable that has no effect on musyarakah financing is the Return on Asset variable (ROA) with a P-value of 0.428 where this value is greater than 0.05 and tcount is smaller than t table where the value of t count is 0.805 and the value of t table is 2.0484. Simultaneously all variables namely FDR, DPK and ROA jointly influence Musyarakah financing on Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) in 2010-2017 with a significance value of 0,000 where the sig value is smaller than 0.05 while the Fcount value is greater than Ftable value where Fcount value is 25,160 while Ftable value is 2,95. Keywords: Financing To Deposit Ratio (FDR), Third Party Funds (DPK), Return on Assets (ROA), musyaraka

    Hubungan Rinitis Alergi Dengan Kejadian Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Atas Akut Episode Sering

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    Background : Acute upper respiratory tract onfection is a disease that is often encountered inchildren and adults. It attacks the respiratory tract infection and one or more of the upperairway from teh nose to the epiglottis consisting of rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis thatif there are three to five times a year called acue upper respiratory tract infection episodes often.This study aims to prove that allergic rhinitis is a risk factor for the occurrence of frequentepisodes ISPaA.Methods : This study uses cross-sectional and questionnaire methods in schools and SMAN 12SMAN 3 Semarang to look for upper respiratory tract infections and acute episodes often afactor – an influential factor.Results : The Chi Square test results obtained factor of allergic rhinitis, the presence ofcockroaches factors, family factors are smokers, active smokers factors, and factors sexrespectively – also have the results ( p=0,001 RP=2,228; 95% CI=1,431 to 3,958, p=0,044RP=1,593; 95% CI=1,012 to 2,505, p=0,218 RP=0,755; 95% CI=0,482 to 1,181, p=0,001RP=0,384; 95% CI=0,334 to 0,442, p=0,386 RP=0,817; 95% CI=0,517 to 1,290) after logisticregression test was conducted acquired factor allergic rhinitis (p=0,002 RP=2,290; 95%CI=1,351 to 3,879) and presence of cockroaches factor (p=0,028 RP=1,702; IK 95% =1,059 to2,737) is an independent factor to the occurence of frequent episodes ISPaA.Conclusion : People who have allergic rhinitis exposed to the risk of frequent episodes ISPaA by2,29 times than those without allergic rhinitis and the presence of cockroaches in the homepopulation has a risk of frequent episodes ISPaA by 1,7-fold compared to a population that hasno inside his home

    Pengaruh Asap Rokok Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Total Penderita Rinitis Alergi Persisten

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    Introduction: The effect of cigarette smoke on Persistent Allergic Rhinitis patients (RAP) prevalence is increasing in Indonesia. Although the number of people who smoke is increasing yet it has not received attention for examination. Objective: To analyze the relationship between cigarette smoking "side-stream" (SS) with the change in total quality of life (TQL) among patients with Persistent Allergic Rhinitis (PAR). Method: This study is a case-control design, in which 63 patients with moderate-severe RAP evidenced by allergy tests are divided into treatment groups (32) and control (31) randomly. RAP 32 patients were exposed to cigarette smoke (SS) from 5 cigarettes for 2 hours in a room. All respondents were asked to fill out questionnaires quality of life of Juniper's RQLQ. Results: KH total between treatment groups was not significantly different with control. KH total exposed to secondhand smoke every day significantly different. Discussion: Cigarette smoke described in patients with RAP does not lead to changes in the quality of life