234 research outputs found

    Antioxidant And Alpha Glucosidase Inhibitory Activities Of Extracts From Cucurbit Fruits And Identification Of Active And Major Constituents From Phenolic-Rich Extracts Of Lagenaria Siceraria And Sechium Edule

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    Eighteen fruit samples from Cucurbitaceae family that are commonly found in Malaysia, were selected in this study. All extracts were evaluated for their antioxidant activities and total phenolic contents. The primary antioxidant activities were evaluated using 1, 1 diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging and reducing power assays, and the secondary antioxidant activity was determined using metal chelating assay. For fruits that are edible in raw form, they were freshly extracted, whereas for the cooking vegetables, they were being boiled prior to extraction. Different percentages of ethanol in distilled water (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100%) were used as the extraction solvents and 80% (v/v) ethanol extract of Lagenaria siceraria showed the highest DPPH, reducing power and metal chelating activities with the EC50 values of 8.85 ± 0.09 mg/mL, 28.33 ± 1.67 mg/mL, and 6.51 ± 0.17 mg/mL, respectively. Furthermore, four solvents of ascending polarities (hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol) were being used to sequentially extract the dried fruit samples. The methanol and ethyl acetate extracts of L. siceraria respectively showed the highest DPPH (EC50 = 370.01 ± 12.51 and 469.00 ± 2.89 μg/mL) and metal chelating activities (EC50 = 249.78 ± 5.03 and 203.44 ± 4.01 μg/mL), while the ethyl acetate extract of Sechium edule showed the highest reducing power (EC50 = 409.35 ± 9.25 μg/mL)

    Analisis dan Rekonstruksi Desain Kegiatan Laboratorium Mitosis Akar Bawang Merah (Allium cepa) melalui Model ANCOR : (Analysis and Reconstruction of Laboratory Activity Design: Mitotic of Allium cepa using ANCOR model)

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze Biology LAD: Mitotic in shallot roots (Allium cepa) and reconstruct LAD with higher quality based on weakness and recommendations from analysis results. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative research with ANCOR model in 10 selected LAD. Research results show that LAD is generally poor-qualified and specifically unable to produce expected objects and phenomena. A designed LAD should describe the activity, guide students in finding objects and phenomena in a structured way, and include a record of the activity. Prerequiste skills of students such as using a microscope need to be emphasized as well as readiness of tools and material in practicum. The restructuring of the DKL was prepared based on the results of analysis from various aspects aimed at improving student learning outcomes. Key words: Laboratory Activity Design, Practical Work, Mitotic, Allium cepa   ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis DKL mitosis akar bawang merah (Allium cepa) dan mengonstruksi DKL yang lebih berkualitas berdasarkan kelemahan dan rekomendasi. Metode penelitian ini ialah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan model ANCOR pada 10 DKL terpilih yang dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan umumnya DKL belum berkualitas terutama tidak dapat memunculkan objek atau fenomena yang diharapkan. DKL yang disusun perlu menggambarkan kegiatan, secara terstruktur membimbing siswa menemukan objek atau fenomena serta memuat kegiatan pencatatan. Keterampilan prasyarat siswa dalam menggunakan mikroskop dan kesiapan alat bahan sebelum praktikum perlu lebih ditekankan. DKL rekonstruksi disusun berdasarkan hasil analisis berbagai aspek dengan harapan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa yang lebih baik.  Kata kunci: Desain Kegiatan Laboratorium, Praktikum, Mitosis Akar Bawan

    The relationship between salivary secretion and taste sensitivity level in the elderly

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    The increasing population of the elderly has an impact on health problems, including an increase of oral problems. One of the common oral problems is dry mouth that possibly disrupts gustatory function. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between salivary secretion and taste sensitivity level in the elderly. This study was a cross sectional study for the elderly population of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta/The Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Province, Indonesia. This study consisted of interview, clinical examination, measurement of salivary secretion (sialometry) and taste sensitivity level using chemical gustometry method. Salivary secretion data were described in ml/ min. The measurement of taste sensitivity level was performed using 4 different substances: sweet (sucrose), salty (NaCl), sour (citric acid) and bitter (quinidine sulphate) with 4 different concentrations for each flavor. Four score was given if the respondent recognized the lowest concentration of the substance and 0 score was provided when all concentrations were failed to be tasted. Total score for test sensitivity level was scaled from 0 to 16. Salivary secretion data and taste sensitivity level data were analyzed by Spearman correlation test to determine the correlation between both variables. There were 103 subjects (70 women and 33 men) with the age mean of 65.61 years old, participating in this study. The mean of the sweet taste level was 2.81, 3.32 for salty taste, 3.69 for sour taste and 2.98 for bitter taste. Total taste sensitivity level mean was 12.80 out of 16. The measurements of unstimulated whole saliva showed a mean value of 0.170 ml/min with the majority of subjects having normal salivary flow. The Spearman correlation test results showed r= -0.078 with p >0.05 that indicated no correlation. We concluded that there was no relationship between salivary secretion and taste sensitivity level in the elderly

    Inventory of Orchid Species and Abiotic Factors in Singkil Swamp Wildlife Sanctuary

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    Rawa Singkil Wildlife Sanctuary currently has various threats such as conversion of forest functions to oil palm plantations, encroachment and other deforestation activities, so this has an impact on the loss of original habitat and ecosystems in it, according to Geographic Information System (GIS) data, encroachment on the Singkil Wildlife Reserve area. reached 4,273 ha. This study aims to inventory orchid species and environmental factors. The method used is a descriptive qualitative approach to identify the orchids found. The results of the inventory found 13 species of orchid species from 9 genera consisting of 5 genera of terrestrial orchids, namely Calanthe, Bromheadia, Arudina, Neuwedia and Eulophia. The 4 genera of epiphytic orchids are Dendrobium, Bulbopyhllum, Papilionanthe and Cymbidium. The species Papilionanthe hookeriana (Rchb.f) Schltr is the most dominant orchid with a relative frequency of 21.27% and is classified in the low category B class, while the relative frequency of other orchids ranges from 2.12-17.02% with a very low category. The results of the analysis of environmental conditions pH ranged from 6-6.8, air humidity 75-80%, soil moisture 27-32 and air temperature 27-31 °


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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a hamartomatous disease with defects in tuberin (TSC2) that can be autosomaldominant inheritance or spontaneous mutation. Mutation of the TSC-2 gene encoding tuberin on chromosome 16p13.3increases to the clinical disorder of tuberous sclerosis characterized by the development of hamartomas. In the presentstudy, the antitumor activity of pcDNA3.1-TSC2 sense in an oral tongue cancer Supri’s clone-1 (SP-C1) wasinvestigated. An expression vector containing sense-oriented rat TSC-2 pcDNA with pcDNA3.1 and transfected to cell(SP-C1) to regulate the expression of TSC-2 gene in each transfectant was constructed. MTT assay was performed toexamine the SP-C1 cell growth suppression transfected by pcDNA3.1-TSC2. Caspase-3 and -9 were conducted toobserve the induction of cell apoptosis. Western blotting analysis was carried out to determine the protein level of TSC-2,p27Kip1 and -tubulin. The results showed that, overexpression of TSC-2 exerted the growth inhibitory effect of SP-C1cell and markedly increased apoptosis via caspase-3 and -9 pathways (P=0.001). Sense-oriented SP-C1-cDNA3.1-TSC-2cancer cells have a high expression of p27Kip1. In conclusion, pcDNA3.1-TSC-2 sense increased the antitumor activity oforal tongue cancer SP-C1 cell through p27Kip1 induction

    Pengaruh Ritma Circadian Terhadap Produksi Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSC) Oral

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    Volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) oral dihasilkan dari produk putrifikasi mikroba gas hidrogen sulfida (H2S), metil merkaptan (CH3SH) dan dimetil sulfida [(CH3)2S] yang merupakan gas utama penyebab halitosis. Ritma circadian mempunyai pengaruh terhadap fungsi beberapa organ tubuh termasuk sekresi saliva, produksi hormon, fungsi sistem tubuh, dan aktivitas mikroorganisma. Penelitian bertujuan menguji pengaruh ritma circadian terhadap produksi VSC oral yang diukur menggunakan OralChroma portable. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengukur gas VSC individu yang sama pada pagi, siang dan malam hari di laboratorium riset terpadu FKG UGM. Hasil pengukuran H2S, CH3SH dan (CH3)2S diuji menggunakan analisis statistik Anava dua jalur dilanjutkan uji LSD dan uji korelasi Pearson dengan derajat kemaknaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang sangat bermakna antara produksi gas H2S, CH3SH dan (CH3)2S dengan waktu pengukuran (efek circadian) (p=0,000). Perbedaan sangat bermakna diketahui pula pada pengukuran gas H2S dan (CH3)2S antara pagi, siang dan malam (p=0,01 dan p= 0,00), serta pengukuran gas CH3SH siang dan malam (p=0,006), tetapi tidak pada CH3SH pagi hari (p=0,061). Produksi gas H2S tertinggi diketahui pada pagi hari (mean 1,198 ng/10 ml, CH3SH pada malam hari (mean 0,099 ng/10 ml), dan (CH3)2S pada siang hari (mean 1,216 ng/10 ml). Kekuatan hubungan pengukuran antara ke tiga gas dengan efek circadian diketahui sebesar r=0,738. Disimpulkan bahwa ritma circadian berpengaruh terhadap produksi VSCs oral. Produksi gas H2S dan (CH3)2S berbeda antara pagi, siang dan malam hari, sedangkan produksi gas CH3SH berbeda hanya pengukuran siang dan malam hari. Produksi gas H2S tertinggi diketahui pada pagi hari, gas CH3SH pada malam hari, dan gas (CH3)2S pada siang hari. Maj Ked Gi. Juni 2013; 20(1): 14 - 20.The Effect Of Circadian Rhythm To Oral Volatile Sulfur Compounds Production. Oral volatile sulfur compound (VSC) is produced from microbial purification of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), methyl mercaptan (CH3SH) and dimethyl sulfide [(CH32S] gases. They are the main gases that cause halitosis. Circadian rhythm influenced the function of several organs of the human body including salivary secretion, hormone production, the body’s systems function, and activity of microorganisms. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of circadian rhythm to oral VSC production measured by using a portable Oral Chroma. The research was carried-out by measuring the individual VSC gases in the morning, afternoon and evening at the integrated research laboratory, Faculty of Dentistry, UGM. Gases of H2S, CH3SH and (CH3)2S were tested by two-way ANOVA followed by Post-hoc LSD and Pearson correlation test with 95% significance level. The results showed the positive significant differences among the production of H2S, CH3SH and (CH3)2S with circadian time (p=0.000). Highly significant difference was also detected in amount of H2S and (CH3)2S gases in the morning, afternoon and evening (p=0.01 and p=0.00), as well as the amount of CH3SH gas in the afternoon and night (p=0.006), but not in amount of CH3SH gas in the morning (p=0.061). The highest production of H2S gas was known in the morning (mean 1.198 ng/10 ml), CH3SH gas was detected in the night (mean 0.099 ng/10 ml), and (CH3)2S gas was observed in the afternoon (mean 1.216 ng/10 ml). The strength of relationship among amount of three gases with circadian effects was r = 0.738. It is concluded that circadian rhythm markedly influences the production of oral VSCs. H2S and (CH3)2S gases production were significantly different among in the morning, afternoon and evening. However, amount of CH3SH gas production was significantly different only in the afternoon and the night. The highest gas production of H2S, CH3SH, and (CH3)2S was observed in the morning, in the night, and in the afternoon, respectively

    Senyawa Daun Rasamala (Altingia excelsa Nornha) sebagai Penghambat Proliferasi Sel Kanker Lidah Manusia In Vitro

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    Tongue cancer is a common malignant in the oral cavity and to now medically succes its no good so often treated of life. The aims of study were to identify the secondary matabolities of Rasamala leaves, to examine the compound of Rasamala leaves toward SP-C1 cell growth inhibition. True experimental laboratories design using SP- C1 oral tongue cancer cell line was used. The ethyl acetate extract was separated their secondary metabolites by various chromatographic techniques guided by antiproliferasi activity to yield five compounds, as 3,4-dihydroxy benzoic acid (1), gallic acid (2), and apigenin (3). Compounds 1-3 were tested on their antiproliferative activity against cancer cells tongue SP-C1 and showed IC 50 values of  100,  100, and  100 μg/mL, respectively. Data analysis using ANACOVA assay, Tukey HSD with the level of significance α=0.05. In conclusion, compound from Rasamala leaves have a strong anticancer activity in human oral tongue cancer SP-C1 through inhibit cell prolieration.