20 research outputs found


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    Iles-iles (Amorphophallus spp.) memiliki keanekaragaman yang tinggi, tercatat ada 200 spesies di dunia,  menyebar terutama di Asia, yakni di Tiongkok, Vietnam, Indonesia, dan Thailand masing-masing 15, 21, 24, dan 53 spesies. Namun, hingga saat ini baru tiga spesies yang sudah diusahakan di Indonesia, yaitu Amorphophallus companulatus (Roxb.), A. variabilis Blume, dan  A. oncophyllus Prain ex Hook.f.  synonym A. moelleri  Blume. Iles-iles mempunyai nilai ekonomi karena umbinya mengandung glukomanan, suatu senyawa polisakarida jenis hemiselulosa yang bersifat hidrokoloid, larut dalam air, jernih, rendah kalori, dan bebas dari gluten. Kandungan glukomanan pada iles-iles, A. konjac, A. oncophyllus, dan A. variabilis masing-masing 64, 55, dan 44%. Dalam industri pangan, glukomanan digunakan sebagai bahan pengental, pem-bentuk gel, pengemulsi, dan penstabil. Sebagai sumber pangan fungsional, glukomanan berperan antara lain dapat mengontrol kadar lipida dan gula darah pada penderita diabetes melitus tipe 2, mengurangi obesitas, mencegah dan menghambat kanker, serta menurunkan gejala klinis divertikulosis. Pada industri kosmetik, tepung konjak digunakan untuk membuat spon pembersih wajah dan kulit yang sangat halus dan bersifat agak alkali untuk membersihkan noda dan debu berminyak. Manfaat lain dari glukomanan ialah dalam pembuatan bioetanol. Kadar etanol tertinggi yang dapat dihasilkan dari umbi iles-iles adalah 79,94 g/l  pada suhu fermentasi 30° C dengan pemberian ragi 15 g. Hasil panen umbi iles-iles di wilayah subtropis berkisar 11-30 t/ha, sedangkan di Indonesia hanya 10-12 t/ha. Sebagai bahan baku industri pangan, kosmetik, dan bioetanol, tantangan dalam pengembangan iles-iles di Indonesia ialah bagaimana mendapatkan dan merakit varietas unggul dengan kadar glukomanan tinggi dan teknologi pengolahan sampai menjadi produk siap pakai

    Mikropropagasi Sukun (Artocarpus Communis Forst), Tanaman Sumber Karbohidrat Alternatif*[micropropagation of Bread Fruit (Artocarpus Communis Forst), an Alternatif Carbohydrate Source Plant)

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    Bread fruit (Artocarpus communis Forst) is one of tropical fruit, which has a high contain of carbohydrate.In certain area, it becomes an alternative staple food when the main staple foods are scarce.The amount of carbohydrate in breadfruit is almost the same with the one in sweet potato, but it is higher than in potato. The main constraint of the development of breadfruit is the limited of seedling availability.Tissue culture technique has been known for its excellent result for plant propagation, because this technique has ability in producing seedling in a large quantity, in uniform growth rate and in a relative short time.The experiment was conducted at Cell Tissue Culture Division, Indonesian Center Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resource Research and Development (1CAB1OGRAD) from February 2003 until December 2004.There were some steps experiments with series of combination medium as treatments. The first steps was shoot multiplication at Sk-2 medium with WPM + BA (0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 and 2,0 mg/1) + Thidiazuron (0; 0,4 mg/1);The second step was elongation shoot at Sk-3 with WPM + kinetin (1,2 and 3 mg/1) + GAa(0 and 5 mg/1), and the third was root initiation and proliferation, by comparing WPM + IBA (0, 2, 4 and 6 mg/1) + charcoal (0;0,5 %) and WPM (1; 0,5) + BA (0; 1,5 and 5 mg.l) or NAA (1,2 and 3 mg/1). For the step of acclimatization, soil and compost were used in comparison of (1;1 and 1:2).The result showed that the best media for shoot multiplication of breadfruit was WPM + BA 2 mg/1 + TDZ 0 4 with shoot number of 15,5., while the best media for shoot elongation was WPM + Kinetin 1 mg/1 + GA, 5 mg/1.WPM + IBA 3 mg/1 was the best formula for root proliferation with the highest root number about 6.5 and percentage of shoot producing root about 60%. For acclimatization, soil and compost in combination of 1:1 was the best media for planlet of breadfruit with the success rate about 70%. Charcoal is not necessary in root initiation and proliferation

    Penggunaan Paclobutrazoldan Aba Dal Am Perbanyakan X Nenas Simadu Melalui Kultur in Vitro [Using Paclobutrazol and Aba on Simadu Pineaplle Variety Through in Vitro Culture]

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    Pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr.), represents an important crop in Subang. Somaclonal variation is one of the problem to develop pineapple, especially Simadu variety. Probability to conduct Simadu progeny from the mother plant is very low (5%).Its caused by chimeric of the somatic cells that form meristem.In vitro culture is the alternative method to solve the problem by using the meristem cells from Simadu fruit as explant. Unfortunately, genetic diversity has been observed in many spesies during tissue culture.This phenomenon is usually termed somaclonal variation. Many studies on pineapple demonstrsted that some in vitro propagated materials differ from the source materials from which they are derived.To minimize genetic variability, the use of growth inhibitor such as paclobutazol and absisic acid hopefully would gave the important role in genetic stability. The aim of the research is to multiply Simadu pineapple by using tissue culture technic. In vitro shoot induce from crown of the Simadu fruit until get the sterile shoots. Combination of kinetin (0-5 ppm) with paclobutrazol ( 0-0.1 ppm) or ABA (0-1 ppm) was used in the multiplication stage. Result showed that there are no interaction between kinetin and paclobutrazol or ABA, but there is influence of the single factor. Kinetin increase leave number but decrease plant height and root number. Paclobutrazol increase shoot and leave number, but decrease plant height and root number. There is no influence of ABA to plant height, shoot and root number but decreased leaves number


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    Bread fruit (Artocarpus communis Forst) is one of tropical fruit, which has a high contain of carbohydrate.In certain area, it becomes an alternative staple food when the main staple foods are scarce.The amount of carbohydrate in breadfruit is almost the same with the one in sweet potato, but it is higher than in potato. The main constraint of the development of breadfruit is the limited of seedling availability.Tissue culture technique has been known for its excellent result for plant propagation, because this technique has ability in producing seedling in a large quantity, in uniform growth rate and in a relative short time.The experiment was conducted at Cell Tissue Culture Division, Indonesian Center Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resource Research and Development (1CAB1OGRAD) from February 2003 until December 2004.There were some steps experiments with series of combination medium as treatments. The first steps was shoot multiplication at Sk-2 medium with WPM + BA (0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 and 2,0 mg/1) + Thidiazuron (0; 0,4 mg/1);The second step was elongation shoot at Sk-3 with WPM + kinetin (1,2 and 3 mg/1) + GAa(0 and 5 mg/1), and the third was root initiation and proliferation, by comparing WPM + IBA (0, 2, 4 and 6 mg/1) + charcoal (0;0,5 %) and WPM (1; 0,5) + BA (0; 1,5 and 5 mg.l) or NAA (1,2 and 3 mg/1). For the step of acclimatization, soil and compost were used in comparison of (1;1 and 1:2).The result showed that the best media for shoot multiplication of breadfruit was WPM + BA 2 mg/1 + TDZ 0 4 with shoot number of 15,5., while the best media for shoot elongation was WPM + Kinetin 1 mg/1 + GA, 5 mg/1.WPM + IBA 3 mg/1 was the best formula for root proliferation with the highest root number about 6.5 and percentage of shoot producing root about 60%. For acclimatization, soil and compost in combination of 1:1 was the best media for planlet of breadfruit with the success rate about 70%. Charcoal is not necessary in root initiation and proliferation


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    Pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr.), represents an important crop in Subang. Somaclonal variation is one of the problem to develop pineapple, especially Simadu variety. Probability to conduct Simadu progeny from the mother plant is very low (5%).Its caused by chimeric of the somatic cells that form meristem.In vitro culture is the alternative method to solve the problem by using the meristem cells from Simadu fruit as explant. Unfortunately, genetic diversity has been observed in many spesies during tissue culture.This phenomenon is usually termed somaclonal variation. Many studies on pineapple demonstrsted that some in vitro propagated materials differ from the source materials from which they are derived.To minimize genetic variability, the use of growth inhibitor such as paclobutazol and absisic acid hopefully would gave the important role in genetic stability. The aim of the research is to multiply Simadu pineapple by using tissue culture technic. In vitro shoot induce from crown of the Simadu fruit until get the sterile shoots. Combination of kinetin (0-5 ppm) with paclobutrazol ( 0-0.1 ppm) or ABA (0-1 ppm) was used in the multiplication stage. Result showed that there are no interaction between kinetin and paclobutrazol or ABA, but there is influence of the single factor. Kinetin increase leave number but decrease plant height and root number. Paclobutrazol increase shoot and leave number, but decrease plant height and root number. There is no influence of ABA to plant height, shoot and root number but decreased leaves number

    Embriogenesis Somatik Mangga Varietas Madu dengan Eksplan Nuselar

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    Perbanyakan bibit mangga umumnya dilakukan melalui teknik sambung pucuk agar laju pertumbuhan dan panen lebih cepat.  Varietas mangga madu sering digunakan sebagai batang bawah karena selain memiliki sifat perakaran yang kuat dalam menopang bagian atas, juga mempunyai daya gabung yang baik  dengan varietas mangga yang lain. Kendala yang dihadapi adalah rendahnya ketersediaan batang bawah mangga  Madu,  karena pohon induk yang ada  selain sudah tua, jumlahnya sangat terbatas.  Mikropropagasi tanaman melalui embriogenesis somatik diharapkan dapat membantu perbanyakan batang bawah Madu secara cepat, seragam dan dalam jumlah tak terbatas.  Penelitian berlangsung dari bulan januari sampai dengan November 2015, di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan BB Biogen. Tujuan penelitian ini  adalah untuk mendapatkan metode terbaik dalam memproduksi kalus dan tunas in vitro sebagai bahan pembentuk planlet.  Percobaan terdiri dari 2 kegiatan yaitu 1)  Penghambatan oksidasi fenol pada eksplan mangga Madu,  dan 2) Induksi pembentukan kalus embriogenik dari jaringan nuselar.  Percobaan disusun berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan enam ulangan. Parameter yang diamati untuk kegiatan pertama yaitu saat terjadi pencoklatan, intensitas pencoklatan,  dan persentase eksplan mati. Untuk kegiatan kedua, parameter yang diamati adalah waktu inisiasi kalus, persentase eksplan membentuk kalus, tipe kalus (embriogenik dan non embriogenik), bobot kalus, dan  jumlah embrio somatik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: a).  Dari empat perlakuan yang diuji, ternyata perendaman dengan Potasium nitrat 0.125% selama 1 menit, lalu ditanam pada media MS yang diberi Arang aktif 0.3% merupakan perlakuan yang terbaik untuk membantu pengurangi oksidasi phenol. Induksi kalus dengan menggunakan eksplan nuselar  menunjukkan persentase eksplan menjadi kalus mencapai 50% persen, pada media MS yang diberi Thidiazuron 0.4 mg/l.   Induksi kalus  mulai terjadi pada minggu ke 3-6 setelah tanam.  Formulasi yang terbaik untuk pertumbuhan kalus adalah    media 1/2MS yang ditambah  kombinasi  BAP 2mg/l dan 2,4D 1mg/ dan diberi AgNO3 3mg/l serta arang aktif 0.3%. Struktur kalus lebih banyak bersifat remah dan berwarna putih. Dari perkembangan kalus, terbentuk struktur embrio somatik globular, hati, torpedo sampai kecambah.


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    Menghadapi tuntutan dan tantangan dalam pemberian pelayanan prima kepada masyarakat maka pimpinan RSDJ menerapkan kebijakan dengan sistem pemberian promosi dan demosi bagi karyawan dengan harapan karyawan dapat lebih termotivasi dalam melakukan pekerjaannya dan dapat meninggalkan sikap kerja bersifat rutinitas agar bisa lebih aktif, kreatif dan inovatif dalam bekerja sehingga pelayanan yang diberikan terhadap pasien dapat lebih optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap kebijakan promosi dan demosi dengan motivasi kerja karyawan Rumah Sakit Dedy Jaya Brebes. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional survey. Uji statistik yang dipergunakan adalah spearman rank correlation. Hasil penelitian pada 100 orang karyawan. Pendidikan didominasi akademi sebanyak 54 orang (54%). Tingkat pengetahuan tentang konsep promosi 48% dalam tatanan baik 52% sedang serta sikap dalam rentang baik-sedang (51-49%. Hasil korelasi antara pengetahuan dengan motivasi diperoleh r hitung 0,161 dengan p value : 0,000. Hasil uji statistik korelasi antara sikap dengan motivasi diperoleh r hitung 0,567 dengan p value : 0,000. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap kebijakan promosi dan demosi dengan motivasi kerja karyawan RS Dedy Jaya Brebes yang ditunjukkan dengan p value 0,000. Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, sikap, promosi demosi, motivasi kerja CORRELATION BETWEEN THE LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE CONCERNING THE PROMOTION, DEMOTION AND THE MOTIVATION OF EMPLOYEES IN DEDY JAYA HOSPITAL BREBES To encouter the demands and chalenges in the provision of excellence service to the public, the management of RSDJ applied a policy of promotion and demotion for the emplyees. The policy is expected to increase the motivation and improve the working attitude in their routines so as to make them more active, creative and innovative that eventually leads to optimal services to the clients/patients. This research is aimed to find out the level of knowledge and attitude toward the policy of promotion and demotion and the motivation of employees in Dedy Jaya Hospital, Brebes. The research is a quantitative one with an approach of cross sectional survey. The statistical test being applied is Spearman Rank Correlation. The research was conducted on 100 employees, with the education bacground of academy 54 people (54%). The level of knowledge on the promotion concept is 48% having good knowledge and 52% having moderate knowledge, while the attitude with range of good to moderate was 51-49%. The correlation result (r) between the knowledge and the knowledge and the motivation was 0.161 with the p value of 0.000, while the correlation result between attitude and motivation was 0,567 with p value: 0,000 In conclution, the result ot the research showed that there was a correlation between the knowledge and the attitude toward the policy of promotion and demotion and the employees' motivation in Dedy Jaya Hospital, Brebes as proven with the p value 0,000. Keyword : knowledge, attitude, promotion, demotion, working motivatio