36 research outputs found

    Peer Review : Kecerdasan Seksual Dalam Al-Qur'an (Editor : Ahmadi)

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    Naskah Kecerdasan Seksual

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    Sistem Sebagai Filsafat (Tawaran Baru Jasser Auda Bagi Pengembangan Hukum Islam Kontemporer)

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    A bomb explosion in the City of London, England, not only shook Jasser Auda’s soul, but also increased the academic anxiety that encouraged him to start writing an important work in his academic career entitled Maqasid al-Shariah as Philosophy of Islamic Law. The peak of his anxiety is a fidgetiness accumulation that he experienced during the struggle with the academic world, especially Islamic law. The condition of Muslims at that time is increasingly culminating in the case of terrorism in London that took the name of Islamic law1 coupled with the low level of muslims human development index (HDI) indicated the inferioity as well as the low quality of Muslims both in terms of science, education, politics, economy, women's empowerment, and other capabilities that were still under of minimum standards2. Jasser Auda also felt an intellectual anxiety when finding the reality of Islamic law (fiqh) seemed to be lacking in solutions to the Islamic community in general. The anxieties here are not related to the material in Islamic law but to the understanding, thought, determination and implementation of Islamic law in the daily lives of Muslims in various countries.</pre

    Kecerdasan Seksual dalam Al-Qur'an

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    Integrating Qur’an and Science: Epistemology of Tafsir Ilmi in Indonesia

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    This paper describes four (4) types of epistemology on tafsir ‘ilmi (science exegesis) in Indonesia, which four experts have explained their own epistemology and its relation between Al-Qur’an and science, are Nazwar Syamsu, Achmad Baiquni, Muhammad Quraish Shihab and Agus Purwanto. These experts are selected as subject of research based on an opinion if they respectively have represent their own epistemology which differs each other. Based on the result of study and analysis, although all are working to integrate Al-Qur’an and science, these four experts have different epistemic reasoning to understand and explain a relation among Qur’anic verses on science. Nazwar Syamsu’s epistemology tends to an Islamization or Qur’anization of Qur’anic verses on science so its interpretation which is sourced from Al-Qur’an and scientific theory tends to look for Qur’anic justification through scientific theory. Type of epistemology which is initiated by Achmad Baiquni tends to dialogue between Al-Qur’an and modern scientific theory, so it will result unapologetical Islamic science but integrative-interconnective. The type of epistemology initiated by Achmad Baiquni has a similarity with Agus Purwanto’s, while Agus works to elaborate his own epistemology of Islamic science. He puts Al-Qur’an ashypothesis base, not Islamization nor Qur’anization of Qur’anic verses on science. Muhammad Quraish Shihab with his background as expert mufassir (Al-Qur’an interpreter) presents Al-Qur’an as Islamic miracle holy book through identification of modern Qur’anic verses on science. Even if on the one side it seems apologetic, but science exegesis of Quraish Shihab has different way of interpretation, he puts the scientific verses into function as medium to know God’s Greatness and take lessons from each phenomena which is relevant to modern science

    Makna Istikbār dalam Al-Qur’an: Perspektif Semantik Toshihiko Izutsu

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    Realitanya banyak orang yang salah memaknai kata istikbār. Ada yang beranggapan bahwa kata istikbār memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata takabbur. Dengan mempertimbangkan seringnya pemakaian kata istikbār dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dan juga dilihat di dalam Al-Qur’an bermacam bentuk dan ragam Allah mengungkapkan kata istikbār, maka diperlukan pemahaman yang lebih luas dan detail tentang kata istikbār ini. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apa makna istikbār dalam Al-Qur’an berdasarkan pendekatan semantik Toshihiko Izutsu? Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian library research (kepustakaan). Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode tematik. Berhubung term istikbār merupakan kajian yang berfokus kepada bahasa maka penulis menggunakan pendekatan semantik dengan teori Semantik Toshihiko Izutsu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa makna istikbār dalam Al-Qur’an berdasarkan teori Toshihiko Izutsu adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Makna dasar dari kata istikbār adalah besar, mulia, agung dan al-ta’azhum, 2) Makna relasional kata istikbār secara sintagmatik adalah enggan, mendustakan, kafir dan berpaling. Sedangkan secara paradigmatik dibagi dua lagi yakni sinonim dan antonim. sinonim dari kata istikbār adalah angkuh dan menyombongkan diri, dan antonim dari kata istikbār adalah rendah hati dan lemah lembut, 3) Makna Historis dari kata istikbār adalah menyombongkan diri, angkuh dan enggan, dan 4) Weltanschauung dari kata istikbār adalah menyombongkan diri

    College Student Motivation Uses The Cooperative Learning Model In Terms Of Gender And Motivational Autonomy That Affect

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    Motivation has a very important role for the achievement of college students in participating in the lecture process. Motivation has been found to have a positive influence on cooperative learning. Thus, it is important to see the motivation of college students after attending lectures using the cooperative learning model. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the cooperative learning model type Team Games Tournament (TGT) on the motivation of college students, in terms of gender and the autonomy of the motivation that influences it. The research method uses an experimental method with a one group pretest-posttest design. The participants in this study were 13 college students in the seventh semester at a university in the eastern part of the province of West Java. The research instrument used the Learning Self-Regulation Questionnaire. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics and paired samples t test. The results of the study concluded that there was an effect of the TGT learning model on the motivation of college students. There were no differences in motivation between men and women and it was more influenced by intrinsic autonomy in achieving college student motivation. In order to conduct further research related to the findings obtained with more participants. Thus, the findings can be more generalizable

    Kompilasi soal-jawab musabaqah fahmil qur'an (mfq) pada mtq nasional

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    Analisis Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 233: Studi Tafsir Ilmi dan Tafsir Tematik Kementerian Agama

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    Islam telah mengajarkan kepada setiap orangtua untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi bayinya dengan memberikan ASI (Air Susu Ibu). Dalam tafsir tematik waktu menyusui selama dua tahun penuh yakni sesuai dengan perintah dalam QS. Al-Baqarah ayat 233. Sementara dalam Tafsir Ilmi, disebutkan bahwa masa penyusuan sempurna adalah dua puluh satu bulan. Penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan epistemologi ini mencoba mengungkap sumber, metode dan validitas kedua tafsir yang akan diangkat. Simpulannya menunjukkan bahwa Tafsir tematik mengarahkan sumber penafsirannya pada Al-Qur’an dan hadis, teks, akal serta realitas empiris, yang difokuskan pad pandangan atas satu tema tertentu. Terkait penyusuan tafsir tematik menyebutkan waktu penyusuan selama dua tahun. Adapun dalam tafsir ilmi tafsir ilmi yang menghimpun ayat-ayat terkait dengan tema tertentu, dan ilmu pengetahuan, sumber tafsir ilmi Al-Qur’an dan hadist teks, akal dan realitas empiris, dll, menyebutkan bahwa masa penyusuan hanya selama 21 bulan