28 research outputs found

    Gambaran Strategi Coping Stress Siswa Kelas XII Sman 42 Jakarta dalam Menghadapi Ujian Nasional

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    This study intended to know the description of stress coping strategies of 12th grade students of Jakarta 42 State Senior High School in facing National Exam. This study stems from the interest of researchers towards the number of cases of high school students who do not pass the National Exam. Researchers seek to impart knowledge to students on how to cope with their stress effectively and to the school and parents for providing the proper approach for students to face the National Exam. This study is a quantitative study using questionnaires as a measurement to know the description of stress coping strategies of Jakarta 42 State Senior High School students. Research instruments are compiled based on the theory developed by Lahey. In this research, obtained results that the class XII students of SMAN 42 Jakarta have a more predominant use of effective coping to cope with their stress in facing the National Exam. The most widely used strategy is removing stress and managing stress reactio

    Model Hubungan antara Tinggi Muka Air-Debit Menggunakan Pendekatan Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) (Studi Kasus : Pos Duga AWLR Stasiun Pantai Cermin)

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    Rating Curve is a equation to describe correlation between of the stage-discharge in AWLR (Automatic Water Level Recorder). This equation (formula) is important for the planning of water resources and hidrology model. The equation in AWLR on the site Pantai Cermin Surb-Watershed Siak Hulu in years of 2002-2009 is not-available because it hasn't data of the rating curve equation based on it, This research was developed to predict the rating curve equation on the site Pantai Cermin.This Research using Matlab R2013a software as a tool with ANFIS Sugeno Model. The data in ANFIS Sugeno Model using combination between data of stage-discharge in years of 2002-2006. The output of that is the data discharge in year of 2008. Result of this research with using of these data that it consist of 70% of the training data, 30% of the testing data, and 100% of validation datais a very good of the correlation value. The correlation values of this research are 0.99999, 0.99998, and 0.99999. The equation of the rating curve in 2009 is the Q=22,279 x H1,3036 with the correlation value R=0,9999587

    Kesesuain Model Hidrograf Satuan Sintetik Studi Kasus Sub Daerah Aliran Sungai Siak Bagian Hulu

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    Synthetic Unit Hydrograph (SUH) is the most practical and simplest method in analyzing the flow rate in an ungauged watershed. It only needs the watershed characteristic data such as the area size of watershed and the length of the river. The flow rate data used in many water resource related planning activity such as drainage, water reservoir etc.. Some of the oftenly used SUH methodes are SCS (Soil Conservation Service), Nakaysu, Snyder's, GAMA-I etc. The concept of Unit Hydrograph with the volume control/ DRO (Direct Run Off) value closest to1mm, is used to determine a proper SUH method to be applied on watershed. In the case study of Tapung Kiri watershed, the proper SUH method to be applied is the Nakayasu's with the α = 2, and DRO = 0,992. Nakayasu's is also the proper SUH to be applied in the Tapung Kanan watershed, with the α = 2, and DRO = 0,992

    Semarang Charity Map, Penyajian Peta Donasi Sosial Kota Semarang Berbasis Blogger Javascript

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    Social workers often get stuck in confusion, limited information about social events, social house, social community and the data about social prosperity matter later named social donation in Semarang alittle bit more dragging them in conducting the donation management. Therefore, a number of questions come up such as how many social houses in semarang, which social house is closer to the housing, the path sign from a certain place to the events location, social houses, and certain social community, and also how much the time estimation and how many the distance estimation.In this final assignment research, the social donation data is presented in an online geographical information system by using the blogging platform in working out a site using the JavaScript and HTML programming system. In the process of making the main map, the social houses map, and the social community map, the researcher uses ArcGIS Desktop 10.sp1 software to manage the basis data to be a spatial vector data. The spatial vector data is processed by ArcGIS Developer to show it in the basic online map or Web Map in ArcGIS Online site.Some Web Map Application features is available in the ArcGIS Online site, one is the direction feature. A feature gives the path sign information in detail, the distance estimation and time estimation to the user by using the number of longitude-latitude coordinate as the parameter. After ensuring that the direction feature of the social donation basic online map works well, later it is showed in the site using the HTML programming system of frame function. Before the site is published, the site address of .blogspot.com extension is changed into pantisemarang.info

    Quality enhancement of cryopreserved spermatozoa of sutchi catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) with honey addition

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    Sutchi Catfish is one of the important fish commodities in Indonesia. Unfortunately, its seasonal spawning pattern causes limited supply. Cryopreservation is a solution to solve limited supply since it can store the spermatozoa in low temperature so that physiological, biological and morphological functions still remain. Improving the quality of cryopreservation is important to increase the success of Sutchi Catfish aquaculture. Adding honey in cryopreservation process is expected to increase the quality of spermatozoa since it contains with sugars as a source of spermatozoa’s energy. This study tried to compare the effectivity of honey in cryopreservation process with no addition. The treatments used in this study were T1 (0% honey), T2 (0.2% of honey), T3 (0.4% of honey), T4 (0.6% of honey) and T5 (0.8% of honey). 30 days after stored, the spermatozoa were checked their motility, viability, abnormality, fertility and hatching rate. This study showed that honey addition could increase the motility significantly (P<0.01) to 23.14% better than control. The viability increased significantly (P<0.01) to 23.17% better than control. The abnormality test did not show significant difference between honey addition and control although the abnormality value in control was the highest (10.75%). The fertilization rate increased significantly (P<0.01) to 28.85% better than control. The hatching rate increased significantly (P<0.01) to 29.78% better than control. The success of all test indicated that the addition of honey in cryopreservation process of spermatozoa could be performed on Sutchi Catfish to increase its production even though the limited spawning pattern

    The impacts of charismatic leadership and transformational leadership on job performance of health workers during the covid-19 pandemic with commitment as mediator and generosity as moderator

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of charismatic leadership and transformational leadership on job performance for health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic with a commitment as a mediator and generosity as a moderator. The approach used for surveys and data analysis in was quantitative methods. There were 367 health workers, consisting of 60 men and 307 women from several cities in Indonesia that acted as participants of this study. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out by using the R program language as the main tool for analysis. The results of the data analysis are divided into two, namely descriptive analysis (demographics) of respondents and analysis of moderated mediation to find relationships between variables. Demographic analysis shows that the respondents consisted of 307 women and 60 men. The majority of survey respondents were 26 to 30 years old (103 people). The educational background profile of the respondents was dominated by holders of bachelor’s degree (172 people) and Diploma (169 people) graduates. 258 of the 367 respondents were reportedly married. 90 percent (359) more of the study respondents worked in private hospitals. The fit indices model test shows that the model fits with the data except for chi-square analysis and RMSEA. The results of path analysis modeling also show that there is an influence from exogenous to endogenous variables through a predetermined path

    The impacts of charismatic leadership and transformational leadership on job performance of health workers during the covid-19 pandemic with commitment as mediator and generosity as moderator

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of charismatic leadership and transformational leadership on job performance for health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic with a commitment as a mediator and generosity as a moderator. The approach used for surveys and data analysis in was quantitative methods. There were 367 health workers, consisting of 60 men and 307 women from several cities in Indonesia that acted as participants of this study. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out by using the R program language as the main tool for analysis. The results of the data analysis are divided into two, namely descriptive analysis (demographics) of respondents and analysis of moderated mediation to find relationships between variables. Demographic analysis shows that the respondents consisted of 307 women and 60 men. The majority of survey respondents were 26 to 30 years old (103 people). The educational background profile of the respondents was dominated by holders of bachelor’s degree (172 people) and Diploma (169 people) graduates. 258 of the 367 respondents were reportedly married. 90 percent (359) more of the study respondents worked in private hospitals. The fit indices model test shows that the model fits with the data except for chi-square analysis and RMSEA. The results of path analysis modeling also show that there is an influence from exogenous to endogenous variables through a predetermined path

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Pengungkapan Shariah Governance Pada Bank Umum Syariah Analisis Pada Laporan Tahunan Periode 2013-2017

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    This study aims to find out the simultaneous and partial influence of Firm Age, Firm Size, Third-Party Funds Growth And Predicate of GCG Self Assesment On The Level of Shariah Governance Disclosure. This study use quantitative approach. The analysis technique used is the panel data regression. The sampling technique is purposive sampling and obtain a sample of 11 shariah commercial banks in Indonesia. This result of this study indicated that firm age, firm size, and thirs-party funds growth variables partially have a positive and significant effect, while predicate of GCG self assesment have not significant effect. Nonetheless simultaneously Firm Age, Firm Size, third-party funds growth and predicate of GCG self assesment have a significant effect on the level of shariah governance disclosure on shariah commercial banks in Indonesia