9 research outputs found

    Invigorasi Benih Tiga Varietas Padi (Oryza Sativa L) Dengan Larutan Tauge

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi antara varietas dan konsentrasi larutan ekstrak tauge terhadap vigor dan viabilitas benih padi, serta mengetahui konsentrasi larutan tauge terbaik terhadap viabilitas benih padi. Menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan faktorial. Faktor pertama varietas padi yaitu V1=Inpari 30, V2=Balimau, V3=Siam Epang dan faktor kedua konsentrasi larutan tauge yaitu K1=10%, K2=20%, K3=30% yang diulang sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali, sehingga diperoleh 27 satuan percobaan.  Invigorasi benih dalam larutan tauge dengan konsentrasi 10% pada varietas padi Siam Epang (K1V3) merupakan perlakuan terbaik dan mampu meningkatkan potensi tumbuh, daya berkecambah dan keserempakan tumbuh. Perendaman benih pada konsetrasi 10% larutan ektrak tauge dan varietas Siam Epang merupakan perlakukan faktor tunggal terbaik untuk kecepatan tumbuh


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    This research is aimed to know the effect of some kinds of matriconditioning against viability and vigor of Buyung variety rice seed. Arranged by randomised block design with single factor consisting of 8 treatments and four repeats. The Research result is obtained that treatment of some kinds of matriconditioning  have very real effected   against observation variable of viability and vigor of Buyung variety as local upland rice seed (Oryza sativa.L). The best kind of matriconditining is combining of husk charcoal, sawdust and rice straw. It can increase germination, growth synchronously, growth speed and maximum growth potentia

    Uji Efektivitas Pestisida Nabati Daun Mengkudu Terhadap Pengendalian Penyakit Antraknosa Pada Tanaman Cabai

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    Anthracnose is a disease that attacks and is very feared in chili cultivation. The low production and productivity of chili plants is caused by this disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness and concentration of noni leaf pesticides on the control of anthracnose. This research was arranged using a completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor, namely the treatment of giving concentrations of vegetable pesticides and noni. The treatment consisted of 6 levels of treatment, namely DM0 = Control (0 ml Noni leaf extract solution), DM1 = Noni leaf extract solution 5 g/100 ml water, DM2 = Noni leaf extract solution 10 g/100 ml water, DM3 = Leaf extract solution noni 15 g/100 ml water, DM4 = Noni leaf extract solution 20 g/100 ml water, FS = synthetic fungicide as positive control. The experiment was carried out 4 times, so that 24 experimental units were obtained. The results showed that noni leaf pesticides were effective in controlling anthracnose in cayenne pepper plants with an effective concentration found in DM4 treatment with 20 g/100 ml of water extract solution of noni leaf


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    Growing media is very important for optimal plant growth and production, especially for planting media that have just been transplanted, so that suitable growing media is needed. The planting medium that is commonly used is top soil, because it contains many nutrients derived from the decomposition process of leaves that have fallen and root. However, the availability of top soil is limited to only + 30 cm from the soil surface. Whereas Sub soil is horizon B layer which is available in greater quantities but needs to improve the physical properties of sub soil so that it approaches the top soil properties, among others by adding compost. This purpose to determine the growth of rubber plants with composotion different planting media on rubber seed after transplanting. This research was in the Production Laboratory of the Study Program of Cultivation of Agriculture Plant in The State Agricultural Polytechnic at Samarinda  for 4 (four) months. The treatment in this study was the comparison of the transplanting media of rubber seed, each repeated 5 (five) times, with 4 (four) treatment levels, are p0 = no treatment (control), p1 = comparison of planting media of rubber seed from top soil with sub soil of 1: 1, p2 = comparison of planting media of rubber seed from compost soil with sub soil of 1: 1, and p3 = comparison of planting media of rubber seedlings from compost soil with sub soil of 1: 2. The results of the study showed that the growth of rubber plant seedlings in the parameters of the number of leaves, stem deameter and plant height after transplanting using planting media from a mixture of sub soil with compost with a ratio of 1: 1 and 1: 2 is the same as the growth of rubber seedlings in the planting media of sub soil mixed with top soil

    Effect of The Type Impermeable Storage Container on The Quality of Rice Seeds

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    Rice as a food source that provides carbohydrates for the people of Indonesia, especially South Kalimantan, needs to be increased in production so that the community's needs can be met. The quality of seeds will determine the productivity and quality of seeds. Storage treatment is one way that can be done to maintain seeds until the seeds are planted, but storage treatment that is too long will cause seed deterioration or seed viability to decrease. The decline in seed quality caused by keeping in open spaces storage causes fluctuations in temperature and humidity due to direct interaction with the environment. Efforts to control factors that can affect the rate of seed deterioration can be executed, among others, by using an impermeable storage container. Impermeable storage containers do not support the exchange of air from the environment to the inside of the storage container. The purpose of this study was to determine which type of impermeable storage container is best for the quality of rice seeds. The research has been at the Laboratory of Center for Supervision and Certification of Food Crops and Horticulture Seeds, South Kalimantan Province, Banjarbaru City and used a one-factor CRD with w0 (+) (cans), w0 (-) (plastic sack), w1 (glass jars), w2 (plastic jars) and w3 (aluminum foil). The results of the study indicated that the use of impermeable storage containers had a significant effect on moisture content, germination, and maximum growth potential of rice seeds. The use of the best impermeable storage container for the moisture content of rice seeds in the storage period of 45 days after storage (das) was found in the w3 treatment (aluminum foil) of 11.63%, while the parameter of germination in the 15 das was 63.83%, the maximum growth potential in the storage period of 45 and 90 das was found in the w1 treatment (glass jar) of 73.50% and w0 (+) (cans) of 70.69%

    Edukasi Budidaya Edamame Organik di Kelurahan Cempaka, Kota Banjarbaru dalam Mendukung Sistem Pertanian Berkelanjutan: Education on Organic Edamame Cultivation in Cempaka Village, Banjarbaru City in Encouraging Sustainable Agriculture Systems

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    Edamame, as an essential food ingredient, has the potential to be developed with a high level of market demand every year. The ability of edamame cultivated on all types of soil has the opportunity to be introduced to the residents of Cempaka Village, Banjarbaru. The introduction of integrated pest control-based cultivation and land management using compost media from agricultural waste by considering environmental sustainability needs to be conveyed and later applied to build environmentally friendly sustainable agrarian concepts. The purpose of this Community Service Activity is to educate and train the skills of the people of Cempaka Village, Banjarbaru City, regarding organic edamame cultivation to improve the quality of edamame cultivation and production sustainably. The method used in this activity is a classical approach in the form of lectures and distributing knowledge questionnaires before and after the extension material. The results of the pre-activity questionnaire showed that 65% of participants only knew about edamame, compost, and organic fertilizers but not about integrated pest control techniques. After the activity, participants' knowledge increased by approximately 100%, hoping that the Cempaka Village community could apply it in the field