398 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa dengan Metode Critical Incidentp pada Mata Pelajaran Fikih di Sekolah Dasar

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    Critical incident strategy (Important Experience) is a strategy to activate students since the start of learning, namely a strategy in which students must remember and describe their past experiences in accordance with the topic of the material presented. The critical incident strategy (important experience) is a strategy in which students must remember and describe their past experiences that are interesting and related and related to the subject to be delivered, then the teacher conveys the material by connecting the experiences possessed by students. According to the Indonesian dictionary, the result is something that exists (happens) by a job, is successful. Meanwhile, according to R.Gagne, results are seen as internal abilities that belong to people and that people do something. While the understanding of learning is etymologically learning to learn from the word "ajar" which gets the prefix ber and is a verb which has the meaning of trying to gain intelligence

    Ketrampilan Membaca pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SD/MI

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    Language is a system, meaning that the language is formed by a component that is permanently patterned and can be explored. As a system, language is not only systematic but also systemic. By systemic, it means that the language is arranged according to a certain pattern, not arranged randomly or carelessly. Whereas systemic means, the language system is not a single system but consists of subsystems. The ability to read skills is a very important skill in life, not only important in educational life, but also very important in social life. By reading students will know more about everything, students will also have broader knowledge and insights. Reading skills are the main capital of students. With this ability, students can learn other sciences, can communicate their ideas and be able to express themselves

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Televisi dalam Pembelajaran untuk Memperbaiki Perilaku Siswa di Sekolah Dasar

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    Television is a well-known telecommunications medium that functions as a receiver for broadcasting moving images and sound, both monochrome (black and white) and color. ") From Latin, so that television can be interpreted as" a long-distance communication tool that uses visual or visual media ". Behavior is a group of behaviors that are owned by humans and are influenced by customs, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, power, persuasion, and genetics. In sociology, behavior is considered something that is not addressed to others, therefore behavior is something that is not shown to others and behavior is a very basic human social action


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil peningkatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) pada materi mengidentifikasi unsur cerita rakyat di SDN Jamberejo III Kecamatan Kedungadem Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik korelasi. Hasil dalam penerapan metode Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) pada materi mengidentifikasi unsur cerita rakyat di SDN Jamberejo III Kecamatan Kedungadem Kabupaten Bojonegoro efektif untuk digunakan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil ketuntasan siswa yang dinyatakan tuntas, dan aktifitas siswa yang dinyatakan aktif. Hasil ketutasan klasikal siswa sebesar 94,4%, sehingga termasuk dalam kategori tuntas  jika nilai siswa ≥ 85%. Sedangkan aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran Student Teams Achievement Division (STAD) pada materi pembelajaran mengidentifikasi unsur cerita rakyat memperoleh hasil persentase aktivitas sebesar 85,66%

    Pendidikan Anak dalam Persepektif Islam

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    Education comes from the Greek Paedagogie which consists of two words pais which means child, and again which means to guide. So Paedagogie means guidance given to children. John Dewey stated that "Education is a process of building fundamental skills intellectually and emotionally toward nature and fellow humans". There is also another opinion which says that "Education is all the efforts of adults in association with children to lead their physical and spiritual development towards maturity". Education in its implementation requires the support of parents at home, teachers at schools as well as leaders and community leaders in their environment

    Pendidikan Islam Inspiratif

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    Philosophical orientation of inspirational Islamic education should be universal-based education and multidimensional perspective (Good, human, and nature). It should enable to create the qualified future leaders who can play a role as rahmatan lil’alamin. Its objective is to reconstruct the experiences of human civilization and to fulfill human duties in developing the humanity. The model of inspirational Islamic education is directed to the quality of the educational processes and the teaching and learning, so that it could produce the human resources who has good competency that are needed in the society. The implementation of inspirational Islamic education involves all parties in the process of education, such as: teachers, teaching staffs, students and others who contribute the teaching and learning comprehensively. The teaching and learning of inspirational Islamic education involves three aspects, they are: experiences, reflection, and action. The experiences can be achieved not only from ourselves, but it also gained from the interaction with other people. The experiences are used to understand better, to find the meaning of humanity, to color the society, to encourage motivation, faith and belief. The output of inspirational Islamic education is the human who have good characters, beautiful attitude, skills, and the ones who always motivate themselves to be meaningful for his/her environment

    Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Sekoah Dasar

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    Indonesian language lessons in elementary schools are basically teaching children to communicate using Indonesian. Indonesian language lessons in elementary schools that are directed at improving students' ability to communicate in Indonesian both spoken and written. Elementary schools have the goal of creating or preparing students to have the ability to continue to a higher level of education. One of the efforts made to achieve this goal is to improve student achievement

    Keterampilan Mengajar Ipa Yang Humanis Di SD/MI

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    Keterampilan dasar mengajar (teaching skills) adalah kemampuan atau keterampilan yang bersifat khusus (most specific instructional behaviors) yang harus dimiliki oleh guru, dosen, instruktur agar dapat melaksanakan tugas mengajar secara efektif, efisien dan professional. Dengan demikian keterampilan dasar mengajar berkenaan dengan beberapa keterampilan atau kemampuan yang bersifat mendasar dan harus dikuasai oleh tenaga pengajar dalam melaksanakan tugas mengajarnya.Mengajar adalah menanamkan pengetahuan pada seseorang dengan cara paling singkat dan tepat. Definisi yang modern di Negara- negara yang sudah maju bahwa Ă¢â‚¬Å“teaching is the guidance of learningĂ¢â‚¬. Mengajar adalah bimbingan kepada siswa dalam proses belajar

    Al-gazali Dalam Pendidikan Islam

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    Al-Gazali merupakan salah satu tokoh yang sangat populer di kalangan islam, kepopuleranya itu bukan karena harta, atau dia merupakan anak kolomerat, akan tetapi kepopuleranya disebabkan oleh begitu luasnya ilmu yang dimilikinya. Dari tangan beliu lahir bermacam-macam buku yang sampai sekarang ini masih menjadi rujukan bagi dunia islam, adapun karyanya yang sangat populer yaitu kitab Ihya Ulumuddin yang sampai saat ini masih di pelajari di pondok-pondok pesantren. Dalam pendidikan islam Al Gazali banyak sekali kontribusinya seperti dalam filsapat, dalam dunia pendidikan, tasauf, dan lain-lain. Adapun kontribusi yang sudah dikebangkan dalam dunia pendidikan seperti: merumuskan apa tujuan dari pendidiakn tersebut, makna pendidikan, sehingga dengan dengan pemikiranya tersebut Al-Gazali di kenang sampai sekarang oleh dunia pendidikan
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