33 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Fitur Analisis Data Menggunakan K-Means Cluster Dalam Point of Sales (POS)

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    Pemanfaatan big data untuk meningkatkan performa usaha banyak menjadi pembahasan penelitian akhir-akhir ini. Ketersediaan data yang mampu diakses secara cepat untuk mereproduksi informasi baru yang penting dalam pengambilan keputusan menjadi salah satu faktor kunci yang menentukan keberhasilan organisasi. K-Means cluster sebagai salah satu algoritma data mining dengan kemampuan pengelompokan data merupakan salah satu tools yang penting untuk melakukan hal ini. Penelitian ini akan membahas implementasi algoritma K-Means untuk menghasilkan informasi baru berupa klasifikasi kelompok produk berdasarkan data transaksi penjualan di masa lalu. Algoritma ini selanjutnya akan menjadi fitur pada Sistem Informasi Point of Sales (POS) yang dikembangkan. Dengan adanya fitur baru pada sistem informasi POS, diharapkan pemilik usaha dapat merencanakan jumlah dan waktu pembelian produk dengan lebih baik, mengurangi jumlah persediaan barang di gudang, dan memberikan keleluasaan bagi pemilik usaha untuk menganalisis permintaan dengan mudah


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    Conditions of information technology and industrial progress that took place very quickly and tightly in the era of globalization requires every country to improve itself in the face of such competition. The development of the computer industry will give birth to "Edutainment", namely education that becomes entertainment and entertainment which is education. With "Edutainment" the education process will be more interesting and produce more qualified graduates. In the world of education, this progress will bring rapid progress, the emergence of various sources of learning and the spread of mass media, especially the Internet and electronic media as a source of knowledge and education center. Thus, the era of globalization is a major challenge for the education world, one of which is the imperative of providing qualified and competitive human resources with vision of excellence and professional expertise. The first step that can be done to improve the quality in the field of education is the improvement of educational personnel skill, which in this case is the teachers in the school to have the ability of the use of information technology in the learning process of students. The purpose of this activity is to improve the ability of the teachers in utilizing information technology tools, in supporting the role of the students to assist the mentoring activities to students by utilizing the computer and gadget devices by utilizing various free public license applications, namely Google apps suite (GDocs, GSheet, GSlide, GMail, Gdrive and GForm) and Edmodo. Keywords: Teachers, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology

    Implementasi Decision Tree C4.5 Untuk Menentukan Status Berat Badan dan Kebutuhan Energi Pada Anak Usia 7-12 Tahun

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    Decision Tree 4.5 merupakan salah satu algoritma klasifikasi yang banyak digunakan untuk memperoleh hasil klasifikasi non biner. Dibanding algoritma sejenis, Decision Tree 4.5 memiliki kelebihan pada kemampuan untuk mengelola data dalam berbagai format. Kelebihan inilah yang dicoba dimanfaatkan untuk memperoleh hasil klasifikasi kebutuhan nutrisi bagi anak usia sekolah dasar. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian menggunakan Decision Tree terhadap 360 siswa sekolah dasar berusia 7-12 tahun, diperoleh hasil bahwa 79,7% siswa memiliki berat badan normal, 12,5% siswa mengalami kekurangan berat badan, dan 7,8% siswa mengalami kelebihan berat badan. Dari kondisi tersebut, pengujian lebih lanjut menggunakan Decision Tree menunjukkan bahwa faktor usia, berat badan, tinggi badan, BMR, dan BMI memiliki kontribusi pada penentuan kebutuhan energi pada anak, dan jenis kelamin mempengaruhi pada proses penentuan kebutuhan konsumsi karbohidrat, protein, lemak, dan serat

    Investigation of static eccentricity fault frequencies using multiple sensors in induction motors and effects of loading

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    A significant number of studies have been reported in the literature on the detection of eccentricity faults in induction machines; however these have generally used one type of sensor such as current or vibration, and not studied in detail the effect of loading. This paper examines the use of fault frequency components in the current, flux and vibration sensor signals with the aim of both detecting and estimating the severity of static eccentricity faults in the presence of load variations. The research is based on an extensive series of sensor measurements taken using a specially modified 2.2kW induction machine under varying conditions of static eccentricity and loading.R. Supangat, J. Grieger, N. Ertugrul, W.L. Soong, D.A. Gray, C. Hanse

    Detection of broken rotor bar faults and effects of loading in induction motors during rundown

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    © Copyright 2007 IEEEThe detection of broken rotor bar faults based on the common steady-state Fourier transform technique is known to be dependent on the loading condition and the quality of the supply. This paper attempts to minimise these issues by utilising the induced voltage in the stator windings after supply disconnection. When the supply is disconnected, the stator current rapidly drops to zero and the only source of the stator induced voltage an instant after the supply disconnection is due to currents in the rotor. The rotor currents are sensitive to broken rotor bar faults and directly affect the rundown induced voltage in the stator windings. The performance of two different broken rotor bar detection techniques, based on the Fourier transform and the wavelet transform, are investigated over a wide range of loading conditions

    Rekayasa Software Computer Aided Process Planning Berbasis Metode CBR Untuk Membantu Proses Pembuatan Batik

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    If we make batik manually, it will less effective and efficient.besides that can make worker uncomfortable. Because the new worker must learn all over again to be a reliable process planner as his predecessor. This is loss to the company. Fortunately there is a method called Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP). CAPP can use to make job more fast than before. Besides that it will make more effective and efficient plan process

    Laboratory evolution of Pyrococcus furiosus alcohol dehydrogenase to improve the production of (2S,5S)-hexanediol at moderate temperatures

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    There is considerable interest in the use of enantioselective alcohol dehydrogenases for the production of enantio- and diastereomerically pure diols, which are important building blocks for pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and fine chemicals. Due to the need for a stable alcohol dehydrogenase with activity at low-temperature process conditions (30°C) for the production of (2S,5S)-hexanediol, we have improved an alcohol dehydrogenase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus (AdhA). A stable S-selective alcohol dehydrogenase with increased activity at 30°C on the substrate 2,5-hexanedione was generated by laboratory evolution on the thermostable alcohol dehydrogenase AdhA. One round of error-prone PCR and screening of ∼1,500 mutants was performed. The maximum specific activity of the best performing mutant with 2,5-hexanedione at 30°C was tenfold higher compared to the activity of the wild-type enzyme. A 3D-model of AdhA revealed that this mutant has one mutation in the well-conserved NADP(H)-binding site (R11L), and a second mutation (A180V) near the catalytic and highly conserved threonine at position 183

    Pemanfaatan Fitur Analisis Data Menggunakan K-Means Cluster dalam Point Of Sales (POS)

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    Pemanfaatan big data untuk meningkatkan performa usaha banyak menjadi pembahasan penelitian akhir-akhir ini. Ketersediaan data yang mampu diakses secara cepat untuk mereproduksi informasi baru yang penting dalam pengambilan keputusan menjadi salah satu faktor kunci yang menentukan keberhasilan organisasi. K-Means cluster sebagai salah satu algoritma data mining dengan kemampuan pengelompokan data merupakan salah satu tools yang penting untuk melakukan hal ini. Penelitian ini akan membahas implementasi algoritma K-Means untuk menghasilkan informasi baru berupa klasifikasi kelompok produk berdasarkan data transaksi penjualan di masa lalu. Algoritma ini selanjutnya akan menjadi fitur pada Sistem Informasi Point of Sales (POS) yang dikembangkan. Dengan adanya fitur baru pada sistem informasi POS, diharapkan pemilik usaha dapat merencanakan jumlah dan waktu pembelian produk dengan lebih baik, mengurangi jumlah persediaan barang di gudang, dan memberikan keleluasaan bagi pemilik usaha untuk menganalisis permintaan dengan mudah

    Induction motor static eccentricity severity estimation using evidence theory

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    Copyright © 2007 IEEEOn-line condition monitoring of induction motors generally requires analysis of a range of signal features from multiple sensors to be able to accurately detect the presence of a fault and estimate its severity. Even so, variations in motor design or construction, operating conditions or other factors cause uncertainty in the relationship of the feature magnitudes to the presence and severity of a fault. This paper investigates a multisensor fusion algorithm based on evidence theory to estimate the severity of static eccentricity faults in a squirrel-cage induction motor. The paper reports a wide range of test results from a 2.2 kW 3-phase induction motor under varying degrees of eccentricity faults. In addition, the implementation details of the evidence theory based algorithm are given and the ability of the algorithm to accurately estimate the level of static eccentricity to within 12.5% is demonstrated. © 2007 IEEE

    A baseline study for on-line condition monitoring of induction machines

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    Condition monitoring of induction machines relies on being able to detect the difference between healthy and faulty induction machines. An accurate interpretation of a motor’s condition requires knowledge of the effects of different operating conditions. In addition, variability between machines and test repeatability has to be considered. This paper investigates the above effects on the characteristic induction motor fault frequencies using results from an extensive series of tests on a number of identical healthy machines, which accommodates non-invasive measurements of axial flux, vibration, current and voltage of the motors under test. This work represents the baseline comparison stage of a future investigation into on-line multiple sensor type condition monitoring of induction machines, which aims is to set threshold levels for fault detection including level of loading and nonideal supplies.I. Ahmed, R. Supangat, J. Grieger, N. Ertugrul and W. L. Soon