145 research outputs found

    Siirtymätoimintoja: lasten projektit suomalaisessa esikoulussa

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    Online 2021, print 2022This chapter builds on three key theoretical premises of cultural-historical activity theory, namely that 1) human activities are object oriented (Leontiev, 1978; Engeström, 1999) and that 2) children’s learning and development are structured by the various opportunities offered and demands placed on them by different activities that constitute their everyday lives (Hedegaard & Fleer, 2012) and lastly that 3) the relative importance of various activities for children’s development between different historical periods and within ontogenesis changes (Beach, 1995). Within the broad frame of these premises, in this chapter we will explore the notion of children’s projects (Hilppö, 2017) and its theoretical and empirical relevance for the development of cultural-historical activity theory. More specifically, the focus in the chapter is on such projects as transitional activities and how they are related to more leading activities in children’s development like socio-dramatic play and school learning (Elkonin, 1972). Importantly, the chapter will explore how children’s projects emerge through children’s agency (Rainio, 2010; Rainio and Hilppö, 2017) and the opportunities these projects offer for supporting children’s learning and development. The theoretical arguments advanced in this chapter are illustrated with an example of a children’s project from a Finnish pre- primary education group. The chapter will conclude with a discussion about the role of Finnish early education and especially pre-primary education in the emergence of children’s projects.Peer reviewe

    Composite Fermion Wavefunctions Derived by Conformal Field Theory

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    The Jain theory of hierarchical Hall states is reconsidered in the light of recent analyses that have found exact relations between projected Jain wavefunctions and conformal field theory correlators. We show that the underlying conformal theory is precisely given by the W-infinity minimal models introduced earlier. This theory involves a reduction of the multicomponent Abelian theory that is similar to the projection to the lowest Landau level in the Jain approach. The projection yields quasihole excitations obeying non-Abelian fractional statistics. The analysis closely parallels the bosonic conformal theory description of the Pfaffian and Read-Rezayi states.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Using change trajectories to study the impacts of multi-annual habitat loss on fledgling production in an old forest specialist bird

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    The loss and subdivision of habitat into smaller and more spatially isolated units due to human actions has been shown to adversely affect species worldwide. We examined how changes in old forest cover during eight years were associated with the cumulative number of fledged offspring at the end of study period in Eurasian treecreepers (Certhia familiaris) in Central Finland. We were specifically interested in whether the initial level of old forest cover moderated this relation. We applied a flexible and powerful approach, latent growth curve modelling in a structural equation modeling (SEM) framework, to create trajectories describing changes in old forest cover through time, and studied how this change at both the territory core and landscape scales impacted fledging numbers. Our main finding was that at the territory core scale the negative impact of habitat loss on fledging numbers was lessened by the higher levels of initial forest cover, while no association was found at the landscape scale. Our study highlights a powerful, but currently under-utilised methodology among ecologists that can provide important information about biological responses to changes in the environment, providing a mechanistic way to study how land cover dynamics can affect species responses

    Logging Affects Fledgling Sex Ratios and Baseline Corticosterone in a Forest Songbird

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    Silviculture (logging) creates a disturbance to forested environments. The degree to which forests are modified depends on the logging prescription and forest stand characteristics. In this study we compared the effects of two methods of group-selection (“moderate” and “heavy”) silviculture (GSS) and undisturbed reference stands on stress and offspring sex ratios of a forest interior species, the Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla), in Algonquin Provincial Park, Canada. Blood samples were taken from nestlings for corticosterone and molecular sexing. We found that logging creates a disturbance that is stressful for nestling Ovenbirds, as illustrated by elevated baseline corticosterone in cut sites. Ovenbirds nesting in undisturbed reference forest produce fewer male offspring per brood (proportion male = 30%) while logging with progressively greater forest disturbance, shifted the offspring sex ratio towards males (proportion male: moderate = 50%, heavy = 70%). If Ovenbirds in undisturbed forests usually produce female-biased broods, then the production of males as a result of logging may disrupt population viability. We recommend a broad examination of nestling sex ratios in response to anthropogenic disturbance to determine the generality of our findings

    Dynamic thylakoid stacking and state transitions work synergistically to avoid acceptor-side limitation of photosystem I

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    TAP38/STN7-dependent (de)phosphorylation of light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) regulates the relative excitation rates of photosystems I and II (PSI, PSII) (state transitions) and the size of the thylakoid grana stacks (dynamic thylakoid stacking). Yet, it remains unclear how changing grana size benefits photosynthesis and whether these two regulatory mechanisms function independently. Here, by comparing Arabidopsis wild-type, stn7 and tap38 plants with the psal mutant, which undergoes dynamic thylakoid stacking but lacks state transitions, we explain their distinct roles. Under low light, smaller grana increase the rate of PSI reduction and photosynthesis by reducing the diffusion distance for plastoquinol; however, this beneficial effect is only apparent when PSI/PSII excitation balance is maintained by state transitions or far-red light. Under high light, the larger grana slow plastoquinol diffusion and lower the equilibrium constant between plastocyanin and PSI, maximizing photosynthesis by avoiding PSI photoinhibition. Loss of state transitions in low light or maintenance of smaller grana in high light also both bring about a decrease in cyclic electron transfer and over-reduction of the PSI acceptor side. These results demonstrate that state transitions and dynamic thylakoid stacking work synergistically to regulate photosynthesis in variable light

    The Evolution of Respiratory Chain Complex I from a Smaller Last Common Ancestor Consisting of 11 Protein Subunits

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    The NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (complex I) has evolved from a combination of smaller functional building blocks. Chloroplasts and cyanobacteria contain a complex I-like enzyme having only 11 subunits. This enzyme lacks the N-module which harbors the NADH binding site and the flavin and iron–sulfur cluster prosthetic groups. A complex I-homologous enzyme found in some archaea contains an F420 dehydrogenase subunit denoted as FpoF rather than the N-module. In the present study, all currently available whole genome sequences were used to survey the occurrence of the different types of complex I in the different kingdoms of life. Notably, the 11-subunit version of complex I was found to be widely distributed, both in the archaeal and in the eubacterial kingdoms, whereas the 14-subunit classical complex I was found only in certain eubacterial phyla. The FpoF-containing complex I was present in Euryarchaeota but not in Crenarchaeota, which contained the 11-subunit complex I. The 11-subunit enzymes showed a primary sequence variability as great or greater than the full-size 14-subunit complex I, but differed distinctly from the membrane-bound hydrogenases. We conclude that this type of compact 11-subunit complex I is ancestral to all present-day complex I enzymes. No designated partner protein, acting as an electron delivery device, could be found for the compact version of complex I. We propose that the primordial complex I, and many of the present-day 11-subunit versions of it, operate without a designated partner protein but are capable of interaction with several different electron donor or acceptor proteins

    A Chaperonin Subunit with Unique Structures Is Essential for Folding of a Specific Substrate

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    Type I chaperonins are large, double-ring complexes present in bacteria (GroEL), mitochondria (Hsp60), and chloroplasts (Cpn60), which are involved in mediating the folding of newly synthesized, translocated, or stress-denatured proteins. In Escherichia coli, GroEL comprises 14 identical subunits and has been exquisitely optimized to fold its broad range of substrates. However, multiple Cpn60 subunits with different expression profiles have evolved in chloroplasts. Here, we show that, in Arabidopsis thaliana, the minor subunit Cpn60β4 forms a heterooligomeric Cpn60 complex with Cpn60α1 and Cpn60β1–β3 and is specifically required for the folding of NdhH, a subunit of the chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase-like complex (NDH). Other Cpn60β subunits cannot complement the function of Cpn60β4. Furthermore, the unique C-terminus of Cpn60β4 is required for the full activity of the unique Cpn60 complex containing Cpn60β4 for folding of NdhH. Our findings suggest that this unusual kind of subunit enables the Cpn60 complex to assist the folding of some particular substrates, whereas other dominant Cpn60 subunits maintain a housekeeping chaperonin function by facilitating the folding of other obligate substrates

    Identification and Functional Analysis of Light-Responsive Unique Genes and Gene Family Members in Rice

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    Functional redundancy limits detailed analysis of genes in many organisms. Here, we report a method to efficiently overcome this obstacle by combining gene expression data with analysis of gene-indexed mutants. Using a rice NSF45K oligo-microarray to compare 2-week-old light- and dark-grown rice leaf tissue, we identified 365 genes that showed significant 8-fold or greater induction in the light relative to dark conditions. We then screened collections of rice T-DNA insertional mutants to identify rice lines with mutations in the strongly light-induced genes. From this analysis, we identified 74 different lines comprising two independent mutant lines for each of 37 light-induced genes. This list was further refined by mining gene expression data to exclude genes that had potential functional redundancy due to co-expressed family members (12 genes) and genes that had inconsistent light responses across other publicly available microarray datasets (five genes). We next characterized the phenotypes of rice lines carrying mutations in ten of the remaining candidate genes and then carried out co-expression analysis associated with these genes. This analysis effectively provided candidate functions for two genes of previously unknown function and for one gene not directly linked to the tested biochemical pathways. These data demonstrate the efficiency of combining gene family-based expression profiles with analyses of insertional mutants to identify novel genes and their functions, even among members of multi-gene families