9 research outputs found

    Metabolic profiling of fatty liver in young and middle-aged adults : Cross-sectional and prospective analyses of the Young Finns Study

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver is associated with obesity-related metabolic disturbances, but little is known about the metabolic perturbations preceding fatty liver disease. We performed comprehensive metabolic profiling to assess how circulating metabolites, such as lipoprotein lipids, fatty acids, amino acids, and glycolysis-related metabolites, reflect the presence of and future risk for fatty liver in young adults. Sixty-eight lipids and metabolites were quantified by nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomics in the population-based Young Finns Study from serum collected in 2001 (n = 1,575), 2007 (n = 1,509), and 2011 (n = 2,002). Fatty liver was diagnosed by ultrasound in 2011 when participants were aged 34-49 years (19% prevalence). Cross-sectional associations as well as 4-year and 10-year risks for fatty liver were assessed by logistic regression. Metabolites across multiple pathways were strongly associated with the presence of fatty liver (P <0.0007 for 60 measures in age-adjusted and sex-adjusted cross-sectional analyses). The strongest direct associations were observed for extremely large very-low-density lipoprotein triglycerides (odds ratio [OR] = 4.86 per 1 standard deviation, 95% confidence interval 3.48-6.78), other very-low-density lipoprotein measures, and branched-chain amino acids (e.g., leucine OR = 2.94, 2.51-3.44). Strong inverse associations were observed for high-density lipoprotein measures, e.g., high-density lipoprotein size (OR = 0.36, 0.30-0.42) and several fatty acids including omega-6 (OR = 0.37, 0.32-0.42). The metabolic associations were attenuated but remained significant after adjusting for waist, physical activity, alcohol consumption, and smoking (P <0.0007). Similar aberrations in the metabolic profile were observed already 10 years before fatty liver diagnosis. Conclusion: Circulating lipids, fatty acids, and amino acids reflect fatty liver independently of routine metabolic risk factors; these metabolic aberrations appear to precede the development of fatty liver in young adults. (Hepatology 2017;65:491-500).Peer reviewe

    Childhood predictors of adult fatty liver. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study

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    Background & Aims: Fatty liver is a potentially preventable cause of serious liver diseases. This longitudinal study aimed to identify childhood risk factors of fatty liver in adulthood in a population-based group of Finnish adults. Methods: Study cohort included 2,042 individuals from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study aged 3-18 years at baseline in 1980. During the latest follow-up in 2011, the liver was scanned by ultrasound. In addition to physical and environmental factors related to fatty liver, we examined whether the genetic risk posed by a single nucleotide polymorphism in the patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 gene (PNPLA3) (rs738409) strengthens prediction of adult fatty liver. Results: Independent childhood predictors of adult fatty liver were small for gestational age, (odds ratio = 1.71, 95% confidence interval = 1.07-2.72), variant in PNPLA3 (1.63, 1.29-2.07 per one risk allele), variant in the transmembrane 6 superfamily 2 gene (TM6SF2) (1.57, 1.08-2.30), BMI (1.30, 1.07-1.59 per standard deviation) and insulin (1.25, 1.05-1.49 per standard deviation). Childhood blood pressure, physical activity, C-reactive protein, smoking, serum lipid levels or parental lifestyle factors did not predict fatty liver. Risk assessment based on childhood age, sex, BMI, insulin levels, birth weight, TM6SF2 and PNPLA3 was superior in predicting fatty liver compared with the approach using only age, sex, BMI and insulin levels (C statistics, 0.725 vs. 0.749; p = 0.002). Conclusions: Childhood risk factors on the development of fatty liver were small for gestational age, high insulin and high BMI. Prediction of adult fatty liver was enhanced by taking into account genetic variants in PNPLA3 and TM6SF2 genes. Lay summary: The increase in pediatric obesity emphasizes the importance of identification of children and adolescents at high risk of fatty liver in adulthood. We used data from the longitudinal Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study to examine the associations of childhood (3-18 years) risk variables with fatty liver assessed in adulthood at the age of 34-49 years. The findings suggest that a multifactorial approach with both lifestyle and genetic factors included would improve early identification of children with a high risk of adult fatty liver. (C) 2016 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Seurantakäsikirja Suomen merenhoitosuunnitelman seurantaohjelmaan vuosille 2020–2026

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    Tämä merenhoidon seurantakäsikirja käsittää merenhoitosuunnitelman seurantaohjelman kuvauksen kokonaisuudessaan. Se päivittää vuoden 2014–2020 seurantaohjelman ja sitä sovelletaan vuoden 2020 heinäkuusta vuoden 2026 heinäkuuhun. Seurantaohjelma on osa merenhoidon suunnittelua, jota tehdään vesienhoidon ja merenhoidon järjestämisestä annetun lain (272/2011) ja merenhoidon järjestämisestä annetun valtioneuvoston asetuksen (980/2011) toteuttamiseksi. Tämä laki ja asetus on annettu meristrategiadirektiivin (Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston direktiivi 2008/56/EY yhteisön meriympäristöpolitiikan puitteista) kansallista toimeenpanoa varten. Suomessa meristrategiadirektiivin mukaista meristrategiaa kutsutaan merenhoitosuunnitelmaksi. Suomen seurantaohjelma koostuu 13:sta ohjelmasta, joiden alla on yhteensä 44 alaohjelmaa. Tähän päivitettyyn seurantaohjelmaan lisättiin kuusi uutta alaohjelmaa ja useita alaohjelmia muokattiin joko muuttuneiden vaatimusten, kehittyneempien menetelmien tai muuttuneen toimintaympäristön takia. Merenhoidon uusia vaatimuksia ovat meristrategiadirektiivin liitteen 3 päivitys (EU/2017/845), Euroopan komission päätös EU/2017/848 merivesien hyvän ekologisen tilan vertailuperusteista ja menetelmästandardeista sekä seurantaa ja arviointia varten tarkoitetut täsmennykset standardoiduista menetelmistä. Seurantakäsikirja koostuu kolmesta osasta: seurantaohjelman tausta, varsinainen seurantaohjelma, ja kolmas osa, joka käsittelee seurannan kehitystarpeita, kustannuksia ja riittävyyttä. Seurantaohjelma kattaa ekosysteemilähestymistavan mukaisesti erilaisia muuttujia, jotka kuvaavat toisaalta veden ominaisuuksia ja laatua ja toisaalta ekosysteemin osia ja niiden tilaa sekä niihin kohdistuvia ihmisestä johtuvia paineita. Seurannan alaohjelmissa on kuvattu mitattavat meriympäristön ominaisuudet tai paineet, niiden seurantatiheys, indikaattorit, joihin seurantatietoa käytetään, seurannalla kootun tiedon hallinta ja yhteydet meristrategiadirektiivin hyvän tilan laadullisiin kuvaajiin ja kriteereihin

    The Other Side : interplay of cultures Zanzibar Studio 2018, Master's level course in Architecture

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    How does the potential rise of the sea level affect a small island like Zanzibar? How can a city become more resilient against seasonal flooding through architectural solutions? What is the vital power of shade in an equator climate? How to sustainably prepare for future densifying urban areas and accelerating population growth through planning and regulating? These are some of the questions we hope to offer insight to between these covers. In February 2018, the multidisciplinary architecture design studio Interplay of Cultures took 13 Aalto students to Zanzibar. The main focus of the studio is architectural design in developing countries. The work of this year's team presented in this publication will guide the reader through ten individual projects covering scales from global to local and public to private. Moving from global environmental future to someone's home porch - a "baraza" - these ten projects create a deeply intertwined network of urban development proposals for Ng'ambo, the new city center of Zanzibar. Five months of research, fieldwork and project development has focused on the core themes of environmental resilience, community empowerment through public space and housing for future urbanisation. Research and project development was conducted in collaboration with the Department of Urban and Rural Planning of Zanzibar, Zanzibar City authorities as well as local university students and the residents of Zanzibar