265 research outputs found

    Sistem derivasi dan infleksi bahasa jawa dialek tengger Tahun 1990 180

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    Nilai Budaya Dalam Mantra Bercocok Tanam Padi Di Desa Ronggo, Kecamatan Jaken, Kabupaten Pati, Jawa Tengah: Kajian Fungsi Sastra

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    Fokus penelitin ini nilai budaya dalam mantra bercocok tanam padi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mantra bercocok tanam padi mengandung nilai budaya dilihat dari pola hubungan manusia, yakni nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan diri sendiri memiliki enam wujud, nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan memiliki enam wujud, nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan alam memiliki empat wujud, dan nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain memiliki satu wujud

    Struktur Bahasa Jawa Dialek Tengger

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    Analisis Pembangunan Ekonomi Daerah Dalam Perspektif Potensi Sumber Daya: Studi Kasus Kabupaten Lebong Sebagai Kabupaten Konservasi

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze economic development of Lebong Regency in potential resources perspective. Base on BPS secondary time series data (2017-2020), descriftive analysis was used to analyze economic development, include DLQ and SS analysis. Lebong did not depend on premier sector to growth. As a conservation region, potential resources can be explored to increase value added. Even, the labor force had low education. Leading sectors in employment absortion are sectors which unskill labor. The higher output productivity performs by secunder and tertier sectors. Lebong have carbon conservation programme, and develop tourism base on environment. Keywords:   Economic Development, Conservation Region

    Nilai Relasional Dalam Fitur Gramatika Wacana Akademik Di Perguruan Tinggi

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    The use of grammatical features in academic discourse in college contains a relational value for a particular purpose. To assess the value of relational use of grammatical features, required analytical model is based on a critical paradigm, namely critical discourse analysis. Model of critical discourse analysis that is used is model analysis Fairclough that combines text analysis, discourse practice and socio-cultural practices. Realm of discourse that researched is the academic discourse i.e the research proposal seminar in college. Relational value represent dimension of \u27social relations\u27 in academic discourse. The results showed that the relational value using by 5 features of grammar, namely (1) declarative sentence, (2) interrogative sentences, (3) imperative sentence, (4) modalities of relational, and (5) personal pronouns for the purpose of ideological and domination. The use of grammatical features of ideological and repressive conducted by moderator, keynote address, main comparators and general comparator.Penggunaan fitur gramatika dalam wacana akademik di perguruan tinggi mengandung nilai relasional untuk tujuan tertentu. Untuk mengkaji nilai relasional pada penggunaan fitur gramatika, diperlukan model analisis yang didasarkan pada paradigma kritis, yaitu analisis wacana kritis. Model analisis wacana kritis yang digunakan adalah model Fairclough yang menggabungkan analisis teks, praktik kewacanaan, dan praktik sosiokultural. Ranah wacana yang diteliti adalah wacana akademik, yakni seminar proposal penelitian di perguruan tinggi. Nilai relasional merepresentasi dimensi ‘hubungan sosial\u27 dalam wacana akademik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai relasional dilakukan dengan menggunakan 5 fitur gramatika, yakni (1) kalimat deklaratif, (2) kalimat interogatif, (3) kalimat imperatif, (4) modalitas relasional, dan (5) pronomina persona untuk tujuan secara ideologis dan dominasi. Penggunaan fitur gramatika secara ideologis dan represif tersebut dilakukan oleh moderator, pemrasaran, pembanding utama dan pembanding umum


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    Abstract: Lingga-Yoni artifact is found to be a part of various traces of Javanese civilization. The artifact was created and is still meaningful for Javanese society. Its meaning depends on the point of view taken. As a part of critical thought, there are several points of view selected to find the meaning of the lingga-yoni artifact, they are anthropological, formal-structural, mythological, philosophical, and positivistic. From the positivistic point of view, lingga-yoni artifact might be assessed as the basis of probability and causal laws viewed from the relevant construct of positivistic thoughts. Permalink/DOI: dx.doi.org/10.17977/um015v45i22017p155


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    Abstract: Lingga-Yoni artifact is found to be a part of various traces of Javanese civilization. The artifact was created and is still meaningful for Javanese society. Its meaning depends on the point of view taken. As a part of critical thought, there are several points of view selected to find the meaning of the lingga-yoni artifact, they are anthropological, formal-structural, mythological, philosophical, and positivistic. From the positivistic point of view, lingga-yoni artifact might be assessed as the basis of probability and causal laws viewed from the relevant construct of positivistic thoughts.   Permalink/DOI: dx.doi.org/10.17977/um015v45i22017p15


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    The purpose of this research was to evaluate the shifting of economic structure of  Bengkulu City. Base on BPS secondary time series data (2011-2019), descriftive analysis was used to evaluate the shifting economic structure. The result of this research was concluded that the economis structure was gradually shifting in secondary and tertier sector. The different variable and the amount of data usage in this analysis had different result in leading sectors. The first periods of 2014-2017, Bengkulu City has 10 leading sectors, and the second period of this research become 7 sectors. It was used PDRB data, and become 4 leading sectors when employment data used merely. When the data of PDRB and employment was combined to analyze the Bengkulu City leading sector, it’s just become 3 sectors. So the economy of Bengkulu City was dominated by the Providing Accommodation, Food and Drink sector, the Real Estate sector and the Education Sector

    Analisis Sektor Ekonomi Unggulan Kabupaten Rejang Lebong di Provinsi Bengkulu

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    The purpose of this research was to analyze the leading economic sectors of Rejang Lebong Regency. According to BPS secondary time series data (2014-2019), descriftive analysis was used for analyze the economic structure and leading economic sectors. Based on different approach, demand (PDRB) and supply (employment), this research was to determine the leading sectors. The result of this research can be concluded that Rejang Lebong Regency was an agriculture economy eventhough the leading economic sector was not that. It based on demand side approach differ by supply side. The first periods of 2014-2017, Rejang Lebong Regency has 9 leading sectors, and the second period of this research become 7 tercier sectors. It was used PDRB data, and become 4 leading sectors (primary and tercier sectors) when employment data used merely. When the data of PDRB and employment was combined to analyze the Rejang Lebong Regency economy, there were no same leading sectors. This condition indicated that the development of 7 sectors economy of Rejang Lebong Regency was driven by demand, not only local but also demand from other region demand